1-Flip Stay-Dry Diaper Individual
1-Flip Organic Diaper Individual
1-Flip Disposable Inserts 18 pk
Question of the week:
What type of diapering system do you use when you travel (cloth, hybrid, disposable)?Leave your comment before Thursday, Dec.30th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
- Follow @flipdiapers on Twitter. Come back and post a comment that you are a follower of Flip Diapers.
- Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
- Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
- Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
- Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
- Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
- Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @flipdiapers #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/. Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
- Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
- Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 12/24-12/30. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
- Become a fan of the founder of DiaperShops.com on her new Facebook page. Come back to this post and leave a comment that you are a fan of the founder's Facebook page.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, December 31st. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 785 Newer› Newest»anna pry is fb diapershops fan
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annatiffany at yahoo.com gets the newsletter
anna pry is a kelly wels fb fan
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Catherine Harris Brown
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catherine harris brown
When we travel we use cloth but we don't travel very far.
I am a fan of TCDW on FB - Heather Aguilar
I follow Flip Diapers on twitter - @HRA3Mom
I am a fan of DS on FB - Heather Aguilar
I follow DS on twitter - @HRA3Mom
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I am a fan of Kelly Wels on FB - Heather Aguilar
We have been taking our cloth diapers with us and washing then there. But the only place we have been is the grandparents house. If we had to stay at a hotel, I would probably use disposable.
kcrfoster at yahoo dot come
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kcrfoster at yahoo dot come
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I use disposable
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Commented on Breastfeeding Twins Part 2 post
Commented on What Would I Buy More Of? post.
We use BG 3.0's when we travel.
I am just starting out cloth diapering, so I'm still using disposables while out. I'm hoping to get started using hybrids. It seems a lot easier to just take out the insert rather than having a bunch of dirty pocket diapers to lug around!
I just placed an order today!
# KC- 66673
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Twitter name is @becco
Following DS on twitter
It depends on how much room I have in luggage and whether or not we have a washer/dryer to use. If space is low and/or no washer then we use hybrids with a disposable insert
If luggage space is tight and/or we don't have access to a washer then we use hybrids or covers with disposable inserts.
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Luann Wells
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Luann Wells
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Luann Wells
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Luann Wells
I am due with my first in May, so no system used when traveling yet. I hope to be able to use cloth diapers without any issue if we do travel. I have also thought about using disposable liners for the times that we are planning on traveling
kristinandkelly09 at gmail dot com
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kristinandkelly09 at gmail dot com
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kristinandkelly09 at gmail dot com
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(Kristin K. M.)
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kristinandkelly09 at gmail dot com
I placed an order at Kelly's Closet on 12/27. #66760.
I only use cloth when we travel. I don't own any hybrids but wouldn't mind trying :)
TCDW Facebook fan (Shakeeta Williams)
Following @flipdiapers on Twitter (@clemson09)
Following via GFC (newmama2010)
DiaperShops Facebook fan (Shakeeta Williams)
Following @diapershops on Twitter (@clemson09)
KellyWels Facebook fan (Shakeeta Williams)
I have consistently traveled with pockets and grovia with snap in shells
Megan coker downam
I am a fan of cloth diaper whisper on fb
Megan coker downam
I'm a diapershops fan on fb
Megan coker downam
I am a fan of Kelly wels on fb
Megan coker downam
The last time I used Thirsties covers with prefolds & some Gro Via bio soakers. Also a few pockets, next time I think I will go with covers & birds eye flats less room fast drying time. Ya know simplify it :)
I just used my regular diapers when I traveled over thanksgiving. i used a grovia flushable linerin every diaper and changed him at every stop if he was wet.
Depends on the trip. We've used our cloth diapers for many trips, but sometimes just use disposables.
I am a facebook fan of TCDW (Elizabeth Clousing)
I am a facebook fan of DS (Elizabeth Lunt Clousing)
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Placed an order 12/27 (KC-66875)
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ID: HMJensen
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ID: HMJensen
Signed up for Kelly's Closet Newsletter!
Heather Jensen
I'm a facebook fan of diapershops.com, the cloth diaper whisperer, and have responded to "SNOWTREE" discussion on diapershops fb page.
I've tried AIOs and disposable inserts (gro-via) while traveling. Both work fine for us!
I am following this blog also. And my facebook id (fan of this blog and diapershops.com) is Vita Haake.
Currently we're all cloth all the time, but I'd love to try hybrid as we're coming up on a trip where we'll be away from a washing machine for 5 days. I've purchased some flats... but I'm nervous!
I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on Facebook.
I have not yet used cloth, so I dont know but I'm hoping to with my next little one, due in August.
We haven't brought our little one far enough away to need to worry about using anything but the prefolds we have, so when we do travel, to family's houses, we only use cloth.
paperboy311 at hotmail dot com
I'm a fan on Facebook
I have yet to use cloth while travelling as we travel internationally. We'd love to have extra baggage allowance so we could take our cloth with us.
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cloth diaper whisperer on FB-Lorraine Sandoval Yracheta
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We use cloth when we travel as long as it is for fewer than four days or will have access to laundry facilities (and the time to use them).
keri dot bedke at gmail dot com
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Facebook ID keri bedke
fan of TCDW on FB Megan Wylie
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Facebook ID keri bedke
Follower of TCDW blog! Megan Wylie
Disposable and hybrids. We have one flip so if that oine gets too dirty we switch to disposies.
Linda Cina on FB.
mammabearpa at gmail dot com
I'm a blog a follower via GFC.
keri dot bedke at gmail dot com
I use both Hybrid and disposables when traveling.
I am a fan of Flip on Facebook.
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.
Facebook ID keri bedke
I get TCDW newsletter! Megan Wylie
Kelly Wels fan on FB! Megan Wylie
depends where we are traveling. if it's somewhere i have access to wash the diapers then we go with cloth but if not then disposables it is
fan of Diapershops.com on FB Megan Wylie
facebook fan. name on facebook is lama fawaz
AOTW: When I travel I generally use disposable. I usually don't have good access to laundry facilities and don't want to pack stinky diapers all over the place! Megan Wylie
When we travel we use either a hybrid system or disposables.
When we travel I use my grobaby system. I bring several grobaby covers, grobaby inserts and then I stage 3 back ups...gdiaper sposie inserts, grovia complete sposie inserts and finally tushies sposies. :D All bases covered!
Lyndsey Davidson is a FB fan
i'm a fan of your facebook group diapershops.com
Guggie daly is a facebook fan
Guggie daly follows your blog
Fan of TCDW on FB Jenny Engelbrecht Meineka
We haven't traveled since CDing.
Disposable, but I was just thinking I'd like to try some Flips.
We are very new to CDing, and I have very few cloth diapers. So when we go out for an extended period of time we use disposables.
fan of DS on FB
I'm a fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB as Heather Ambos.
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penny nosbig
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Elise Stephens
I use disposables most of the time but do have some cloth that we use when there is a rash or someething, I would like to go to completely cloth
I follow your blog.
QOTW: We still use our regular cloth when traveling.
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB as RileyRoy AllieWiley
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
I follow Flip diapers on twitter @alliejean125
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
We're using a combination of Flip covers and inserts and plain old prefolds from Target.
I follow the blog
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
We use Flips with the Flips disposable inserts when we travel. They are great!
Both my 3 year old and 1 year old are potty trained, but we used gDiapers with gCloth inserts. Wanting to switch to BumGenius or Fuzzibunz (or whatever else I can get my hands on) for our baby due in April.
Oops! On my last comment I forgot to include my name, Iris Guadian. My username on Blogger is "IAM"
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB!
FB ID= 1131630038
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We have used cloth while way for the weekend. We're thinking of camping this summer and I'd like to try hybrids for that.
I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on FB!
FB ID= 1131630038
We use cloth while travelling but I'd loke to try hybrids when we go camping next summer.
I receive the newsletter from Kelly's Closet!
I tweeted this giveaway!
@diapershops #flufffriday @flipdiapers #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
For a weekend away we use sposies but for longer trips we bring prefolds and flip covers.
I tweeted again:
Going to keep tweeting this #clothdiapers giveaway from @diapershops with super hopes that I win!
We just started using Pullups when we go out. I hate using them but it's much easier for training DD and trying to get her to go on the potty when we are out.
Kaylyn.buckner at gmail dot com
I am a fan on facebook. Kaylyn Buckner
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Kaylyn.buckner at gmail dot com
bamboozles and goodmamas but i want to try flips
If going to a public place, disposables. If going to a person's house, hybrids.
Just signed up for the KC mailing!
Love the Flip system for travel - can't beat a half dozen disposable inserts and 1 or 2 extra covers in your diaper bag. They hardly take up any room at all and no leaks ever!
-Winnie Leung, FB fan
I'm a FB fan of TCDW and Diaper Shops.
We use cloth (Flips with prefolds) or sometimes disposables if we have to. I've been wanting to try the Flip disposable inserts.
Currently don't use cloth but would love to start on the next one. We used disposables
i use pockets when im out. usually BG 4.0, blueberry deluxe or FB
i am a fan of kelly wels on FB
i follow TCDW on facebook id=517871564
i am a follower
I used prefolds and covers this past weekend when I traveled!
elizabethknost AT gmail DOT com
I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB.
elizabethknost AT gmail DOT com
Following your blog via GFC and Networked Blogs.
elizabethknost AT gmail DOT com
I commented on "It's Not You, It's Me (Leaky diapers)"
I commented on It's Not You, It's Me (Leaky diapers).
I like DiaperShops.com on FB as Heather Ambos.
I follow @diapershops on Twitter as @mojoraven.
I signed up for your newsletter.
I liked Kelly Wels on FB as Heather Ambos.
I posted "diaper rash cream for CD" on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB.
We use cloth on two day trips. Anything longer we use disposables because my stash isn't big enough and we end up with washing issues away from home....
Not sure what we will use when we travel yet since the baby isn't here yet and neither are the diapers. I have some hybrids I plan on buying though and they seem like they would be great and easy for travel.
I'm a fan of the TCDW FB page: Brandi Houtz
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brandi dot houtz at hotmail dot com
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brandi dot houtz at hotmail dot com
I find it easiest to use disposable when we are traveling and staying somewhere where we do not have access to do laundry. Cloth is preferred if we are staying at a relative's house.
I am a fan on Facebook - Rachel Rejona Stevens
I follow on Twitter - @rachelrejona
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When traveling I use either pockets (quick change) or a hybrid system with either Flip or GroVia ;-)
I'm a fan of TCDW FB page!
I follow @flipdiapers on twitter - twitter id is @meason98
I am a FB fan.
we use cloth or disposables depending on who we are visiting!
not sure yet because we are still baking our LO (due in March) but we are looking into Grovia or Flips!
I 'like' Kelly Wels on Facebook!
ID - HMJensen
We don't use cloth diapers quite yet but I am SO excited to start using GroVia AI2 Hybrids!!
I subscribe to the blog! amanda.koier@gmail.com
I am a follower on Twitter...@amandacarrie
I'm a follower of the blog!!!! Google account - meason98
I'm a twitter follower of TCDW - @meason98
I am a Facebook fan...Amanda Sayles
I tweeted ;-)
When we travel, we have generally used disposable or pockets...but I am branching out into hybrids!
Fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB!
Laura Lightcap Dunne
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Laura Lightcap Dunne
Follow Diaper Shops on Twitter!
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I am an affiliate!
I think my id is 392, that is the number in the hyperlink.
I am a fan of Kelly Wels on FB!
Laura Lightcap Dunne
I am a facebook fan of DiaperShops.com and the founder page also.
I am a Facebook fan of DiaperShops.com, The Cloth Whisperer, Flips, and the founder.
I use disposables while traveling but I am planning to order some hybrids to try out. I would use cloth when I visit my relatives but they have an HE washing machine and I don't, so I'm leery of trying it.
I am a fan of Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook. Jodi McKay DeVore
I am a follower of the blog.
I receive the newsletter.
I am a fan of Kelly Wels on Facebook. Jodi McKay DeVore
I am currently expecting my first and have family out in CA that I will visit. I plan on using prefolds and covers and washing every other day. Just bring a little soap, hotels that we stay at always have washers and dryers.
Travel with hybrids, and bio-liners. Sposies for night time just to KIS. Just became a fan of Kelly's blog on FB.
Hybrids. Trying Flips with disposable inserts today. Hoping they work out.
Christine S
We use disposables when traveling. I am always hesitant to ask people to let me wash my dipes in their washer. not sure how they would react.
Tyring out Flip with disposables today. Hoping it works, so I guess for now hybrid. Last time we tried disposable we had a mess up the back...twice.
I am following @flipdiapers on Twitter.
I posted this to Twitter:
Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @flipdiapers #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
Check out @iheartmaths tweet #40
Check out this tweet @iheartmaths #41:
I heart @diapershops. They give great ideas for using #clothdiapers.
We use all cloth when I do go out. When I did take a trip this summer we had to use disposables because she would break out after an hour in her diaper in cloth.
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