My son was born weighing 5lbs 8.8 oz and was 19 inches long. He was a tiny little thing when we brought him home from the hospital and has been affectionately referred to as our Little String Bean ever since. At 6 1/2 months he is still just over 14 pounds. This has made cloth diapering a bit of a challenge from the beginning. Before he was born I did my research and bought a few newborn diapers and prefolds but mostly focused on one-size pocket diapers thinking we would be able to start using them after the first month. Holding most of our one-size diapers up to my little guy with his tiny waist and little tiny legs was comical even at four months. Some of the pocket diapers seemed as big as he was! Thank goodness I had my prefolds!!! They were the only thing that saved us for the first few months and they are still a major part of our rotation.
Rumparooz Little Joey’s and my Blueberry Simplex were the best fitting AIO diapers by far at the beginning. I called my Simplex his “bulletproof diaper” and absolutely adored it. I treasured it and would only use it when we had to leave the house for any amount of time. For our everyday routine, Rumparooz newborn covers with Osocozy size one prefolds were the answer to our problems. They fit perfectly with a tweak to the Angel Fold and a Snappi. And they never leaked! As soon as our little guy got to the 7-8 pound mark he fit into Rumparooz pockets with aplix. The aplix has been the key to getting a perfect fit with a small waist and the double inner gussets as well as the trimness of the diaper fit his little legs better than any other pocket diaper.
I am consistently reminded how easy prefolds are. Once you find your favorite fold, they can be put on almost as fast as a pocket. They are so easy to wash and dry and have been perfect on trips. We can fit so many more into a suitcase than pocket diapers and they take up less space in the wet bag too! Prefolds are one of the trimmest options we have found when diapering our little one. I was expecting my husband to fall in love with the ease of a pocket or AIO. To my surprise he reaches for a prefold and cover every single time.
As our cloth diapering adventure continues, we are finally able to use most of our pocket stash with no problem and being able to try out different styles and brands has been so much fun. We always return to our Rumparooz covers and a prefold though. He is still fitting into his newborn covers at almost 7 months which amazes me. I never saw myself going the prefold route. I had assumed I would be a pocket girl. Never say never! Prefolds and covers have never failed me and still are one of the best answers for our Little String Bean.
Bio: Katie Bigoney is a Registered Dental Hygienist who lives in Seattle and is enjoying her time with her little one while waiting for summer to arrive. She is passionate about cloth diapers and loves sharing her experiences with them.
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