I use two different systems for diaper bags.
The first one is my purse that I got big enough to also put everything I need in it for diapering my daughter. If I am just out for the morning or out running quick errands this is what I use.
Inside you will find:
The first one is my purse that I got big enough to also put everything I need in it for diapering my daughter. If I am just out for the morning or out running quick errands this is what I use.
Inside you will find:

-Wet bag
-Change of clothes for baby
-Couple Diapers
-Pacifier case w/pacifiers
-Changing pad
-Wipes Case w/cloth wipes
-Reusable bags for shopping
-My stuff (wallet, checkbook, keys, gum, chap stick, jump drive, phone)
If I plan on spending the day out and about, then I back a separate diaper bag and baby stuff is transferred over to that bag.
Inside this bag you will find:

-Wet Bag
-Changing pad
-4-6 diapers
-baby change of clothes
-Wipes case w/cloth wipes
-Pacifier holder w/pacifiers
-Change of bottoms for 3 year old
-Change of bottoms for 5 year old
I keep my stuff in my purse and just have two bags those days. In my purse I am able to put things next to each other so I can see everything. In my other bag I have to stack everything and that make digging for everything inevitable. I do try to stack it though with the least like to use on the bottom and the things that will have to be use on top. On the bottom of the bag you would find the bigger kids change of bottoms, as that is more cautionary then anything. The baby’s change of clothes and blanket would be next and the diaper changing stuff and soothing things on top. Sometimes you will also find a baby wrap in there too.
- By Angela S.
great post! I think it will be hard for me to keep switching everything, so I plan on using a BIG diaper bag + purse for when the baby is really little, and then later using a small diaper bag + purse later... :) But who knows what will happen!
I have a giant purse that I also use as a diaper bag. It holds all of my stuff plus my sling, nursing cover, change of clothes for baby, and diapers/wipes/wetbag for baby and toddler.
I love seeing into other diaper bags. I feel like mine always needs tweaked... but every time I tweak it, it's pretty much the same as I started with! I do kind of wish my zipped closed at the top: it's just an open bag type. Things fall out if it tips over, which is not helpful...
I love peeking into diaper bags, LOL!!
Thanks for sharing. I'm new to CD'ing so I'm still trying to find the ideal way to pack a diaper bag. I'm a notorious over-packer, so reading about what other people pack is helpful. =)
I use a big purse and a diaper bag too.
I never thought of having two different bag systems. But I like it. I just might have to implement something like that.
Thats a good idea- keeping spare bottoms for the older kiddo's! I should start doing that!
I don't know how you do it. I can barely take care of the one bag that I have. But I really like the idea of using my purse. I'll have to do that for short trips out!
You're so organized! I really need to get a big diaper bag and start doing this, especially with baby #3 on the way!
I really wish I could fit everything into a big purse for quick outings...but I don't think that would work for us....oh well!
Most times, I don't even bring our diaper bag anymore. I'm lazy, and if it's a short trip, there's no need with cloth!
I went from diaperbag and purse to just purse and now I do Planet Wise dry/wet bag and purse. Kristin is very oraganized. My purse looks a mess but I know where everything is. I wouldnt have it any other way I suppose. lol!
Ooops sorry Angela I had just read the post written by Kristin before this one and typed her name instead of yours :)
Love your swirly PW Wet bag. :) I have the DotTastic & LOVE it.
I also use my purse for quick little outings.
Amanda G.
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