2- Best Bottom One-Size Diaper Covers
2- Best Bottom Stay Dry Inserts
Question of the week:
What diapering system would you like to try but haven't purchased yet? Leave your comment before Thursday, January 13th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
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- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 1/7-1/13. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
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How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 14th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
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missy seaberg huntington
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I would like to try these best bottoms! Love the colors, too!
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I am your facebook groupie. bethany.haid
follow the best bottom diapers on twitter @eeyoresgr8
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fan of the founders facebook page (missy seaberg huntington)
i am also a friend on facebook! i would love to try the best bottoms, or a pock style diaper system....i have flips and some fitteds.
I would like to try wool but I am too afraid to!
I am a facebook fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer- Ashley Brixey
I haven't tried any AIOs but I would like to.
I would love to try the Flip system!
I follow Kelly Wels on Facebook.
ID: HMJensen
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ID: HMJensen13
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ID: HMJensen
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I have been wanting to try best bottoms! I hope that they are those colors you have in the pictures. Love them!
I'm a fb fan of the cloth whisperer- amber whites
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Omg. I can't believe I just did all of this in the wrong post! XD
I'd love to try the grovias, + FBs. :p
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Your button is onu blog- thewhitesfamily.blogspot.com
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We haven't tried any yet because our baby won't be here for a few months, but we've already started buying the Blueberry diapers. The others I'd like to try are FuzziBunz and the hybrid cloth diaper system that you all have mentioned.
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I also "Like" your facebook page. My facebook user id is Katy Charlotte.
And we follow the blog :)
Best bottoms, best bottoms!!! Would love to try them! Please pick me!
My baby's not due for another few weeks, but we're planning to use prefolds and covers. Once we get used to that though I'd like to try the pocket diapers just to see what they're like.
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The system I'd most like to try IS the best bosttom system - it looks fabulous! Also - I'd love the try a Blueberry dipe.
I'm a fan of the new CDW page on FB (Nisha Marks Sardella)
I subscribe to your blog via google reader!
I'm a fan of diaper shops on FB (Nisha Marks Sardella)
I tweeted @diapershops fluff friday @best_bottom #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/ (@CD Follower)
I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on FB (ID 6202588)
And we have your button on our blog!
FB ID alwaysfare Fan of TCDW
Follow @best_bottom on Twitter @alwaysfare
I'm a follower of TCDW :)
I an eager to try Antsy Pants because my 21 month old son likes diapers that can be pulled on.
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FB fan of DiaperShops FB ID alwaysfare
I'd love to try a Happy Heinys
Follow DiaperShops on Twitter @alwaysfare
I'm a fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer. Shanon T
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I would love to try either these or the Apple Cheeks system!
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
I tweeted "@diapershops fluff friday @best_bottom #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/." @alwaysfare
Fan of TCDW on facebook - heatherscholten
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
I follow Best_Bottom diapers on Twitter. @imthatmommy
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heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
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heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
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heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
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Fan of Kelly Wels on facebook - heatherscholten
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
I'd really like to try hybrid!! I haven't tried those and would be interested in seeing if the disposable inserts really work.
I reviewed the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Cloth diaper on Kelly's closet
I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook. Lara Mattingly
I am a follower of this blog!!
Lara Mattingly
I follow Diaper SHops on facebook. Shanon T
I want to try the G-diaper system at some point.
Facebook fan on CDW http://www.facebook.com/#!/Hisbutterfly81
I wrote about Fluff Friday on my blog.
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I follow on Twitter. @ShanonT
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Use button on my blog
I have the Fluff Friday button on my blog. thatmommy.blogspot.com
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I've always wanted to try the Blueberry diapers, or Hemp Baby... there are a lot of diapers I'd love to try! :)
I'd like to try one of the bamboo-diaper systems, like Bumboo(?)!
FB fan - zgennert
Founder fb fan
I'd really like to try Fuzzi Bunz one size. I like the fact that they look like a sized diaper. I'd also like to try some fitteds. When my son got to the super wiggly-rolly stage diaper changes with prefolds became really tough.
facebook fan
id: Ruth Jinno
We haven't had a chance to try Soft Bums.
I would love to try Best Bottoms! I've read about them but haven't had the extra cash to buy new diapers!
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I have not tried rumparoos but I really want to!
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I receive the Kelly's Closet Newsletter.
Best Bottom is actually on my want to try list. Our daughter isn't born yet and I'm not sure how they'd fit a newborn, but it's definitely one I'd like to try when she's a bit bigger.
brandi dot houtz at hotmail dot com
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Brandi Houtz
brandi dot houtz at hotmail dot com
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brandi dot houtz at hotmail dot com
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Brandi Houtz
brandi dot houtz at hotmail dot com
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Amanda Pitts
I am always (pretty much daily) finding new diapers I want to try. This week it is grovia (i think are cute and have great reviews!!) and gogreen (sooo cost friendly!!)
I've always wanted to try the GroVia AI2 system.
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com
The diapering system I would like to try but haven't bought yet are fitted w/ covers. I have covers, but I do not have fitteds.
cassondra law
I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page
I am a follower of Best Bottom Diapers on twitter.
I'd really like to try a fitted diaper. I've pretty much tried everything, but fitteds and contours.
I am a follower of your blog through GFC with the name Cassondra Law.
I am subscribed via email with the email babyshotty1769@hotmail.com
I am a fan of DiaperShops.com on facebook.
cassondra law
I follow @diapershops.
Signed up for your newsletter at Kelly's Closet.
I want to try grovia or g diapers.
I reviewed the snappi.
I replied to a discussion in The Cloth Diaper Whisperer & it was titled "How often should covers be washed?".
I am a fan of Kelly Wels on FB.
I would love to try softbums or happy Heineys.
I like diaper shops on FB.
I get the Kellys closet newsletter.
I like Kelly Wells on FB.
I would love to try the Grovia system or Knickernappies.
jessica.croshaw AT gmail.com
i follow you on fb!
Jessica Jackson Croshaw
jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com
I want to try the Grovia system but haven't bought it yet!
i follow your blog!
jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com
love diapershops on fb!
Jessica Jackson Croshaw
jessica.croshaw AT gmail DOT com
Best Bottom IS the system I would like to try. Simple and economical like prefolds and covers, but when snapped together beforehand, anyone can put it on without the learning curve of making sure no prefold is sticking out of the cover, etc.
Hannah VW
RagaBabe is the system we are dying to try but haven't yet.
I follow @best_bottom on Twitter (@HaRae)
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Like TCDW on facebook (Kari Williams).
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I'd love to try the thirsties duo diapers!
Diapershops FB fan!
@diapershops twitter follower! (@harae)
We've done prefolds, fitteds, and AIOs so I don't really feel like there is another system I'd like to try - however, I would like to do prefolds again (we only did them in the newborn stage).
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I'm a facebook fan of TCDW (Jenny O)
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FB fan of Kelly Wels!
I commented on Disposables versus Hybrids.
I would like to try Knickernappies, and Best Bottom ;)but have not purchased one yet.
I follow @best_bottom on twitter.
i would like to try these, Best Bottoms! i am pretty sure they are the cutest covers i have ever seen! i love the colors! and i have never tried a system like this, only pockets, fitteds, and AIOs so far!
i am a FB fan
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I follow The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Twitter. (@cheapnchoosy)
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook. (Amy Hawkins Walker)
I receive emails from Kelly's Closet.
cheapnchoosy at gmail
i am a follower of Best Bottom Diapers on twitter
I follow The Cloth Diaper Whisperer GFC.
i follow you guys on twitter
I liked Kelly Wells on Facebook! (Amy Hawkins Walker)
We're still waiting on our first little one to arrive, so we haven't tried any of them! But I'm really leaning towards the FuzziBunz. I love how soft they are!
I am new to cd'ing! Just bought some pockets but want to get some prefolds and covers too!
I haven't tried Grovia yet, but I'd like to because I keep seeing great deals and sales for them.
FB Fan Joy Uyetake Abad
Twitter follower @EditorJoy
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I want to try some Rumparooz but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
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Nikki Moore
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Nikki Moore
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I like Kelly Wels on FB.
Nikki Moore
Just came across your blog & store sites today - thanks so much for the chances to win!!
I am now a follower of the blog :)
Honestly best bottom. I really have wanted to try them!
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Christina Przystup mcmahon
I am now a facebook fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer - Brandy LaBeau Runt
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I also am a facebook fan of DiaperShops - Brandy LaBeau Runt
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Jameela Rahbar
I would love to try Rumparooz and Applecheeks, but both are very pricey :(
Want to try prefolds!
I'd like to try the flip system, or something not a pocket diaper. I'm so pleased with the pockets though... I guess I'd have to be really impressed to fall in love with a different system.
I follow the blog!
I would love to try the new BG 4.0s.
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affiliate #312
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Like on FB! Megan Wylie
Commented on DiaperShops thread: Fluffy Advice of the Day: To help prevent stinky diapers or diaper pail odors, spray off all diapers as they come off your baby- even the ones that are only wet. This can help ammonia smells from building up and knocking you out! :)
I've actually really wanted to try Best Bottoms. I have some old Grobaby and like them all right, but I like the idea of a sized inserts.
I've tried a lot of different systems...I don't know that there is anything in particular that I'm dying to try right now. That being said, I always like trying out different brands!
i'm super interested in some fitteds and wool...there are some huge wool fanatics and i'd love to find out what all the hype is about. :)
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