1st giveaway (giveaway eligible for blog posts only- see #12 below for details):
3-Kissaluvs Marvels One Size Fitted Diapers
1-Kissaluvs Cloth-N-Go Bag
2nd and 3rd giveaways:
2-Kissaluvs Marvels One Size Fitted Diapers
4th and 5th giveways:
1-Kissaluvs Marvels One Size Fitted Diapers
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us how often you wash cloth diapers weekly (how many loads). If you haven't used cloth diapers yet tell us how often you think you will wash your diapers.
When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, July 9th at 8pm EDT.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:
- Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
- Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
- Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
- Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
- Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a fan.
- Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
- NEW! Receive 1 entry per day for voting for our blog on the Blog Luxe: Blogs I've Learned the Most From. Vote once per day to receive another entry.
- One entry for becoming a fan of Kissaluvs facebook.
Post when you become a fan. - One entry for letting us know what your favorite print of the new Kissaluvs One Size Fitted Diaper. Post your favorite print.
- One entry for signing up for Kissaluvs newsletter at www.kissaluvs.com. Post a comment when you sign up.
- Two entries for writing about the 2 new Kissaluvs products on a personal or business blog.
Post blog entry url. - One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet Link: http://www.kellyscloset.com/Newsletter_ep_49-1.html. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 10th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!
1 – 200 of 1637 Newer› Newest»I wash every monday and thursday, one load each day!
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I wash diapers 2-3 times per week.
:) Carisa
my favorite print is mocha swirl!
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I wash one load every three days - which equals to about twice a week. We have three nighttime diapers, so they dictate when laundry gets done.
I do an extra wash once a month for the whole stash (which fits in one load) with RLR laundry treatment.
eidolons AT gmail DOT com
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eidolons AT gmail DOT com
eidolons AT gmail DOT com
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eidolons AT gmail DOT com
When I just had a toddler in diapers I washed every day or two. With a newborn I find myself washing just about every day - he is prolific!
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
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k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
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k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
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We wash cloth diapers once a day. We only have a big enough stash to last us 1 day.
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I'm a follower on Twitter- heathermcdougle
I wash every 2-3 days, usually 3 times a week.
I am a subscriber through bloglines.
I do 3 loads of diapers per week with two in cloth.
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I'm also a facebook fan!
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I just became a kissaluvs facebook fan.
I absolutely love the "Two-hoots" print!
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I like the Two Hoots print
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k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
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I am signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter
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I am a follower on Twitter - tmrobinson9
I plan to wash every 3 days (if I can win that many diapers!!!).
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I follow on twitter. http://twitter.com/jdavis_harte
Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity!
I was diapers 4 times a week, every day and a half or so. I have two in diapers though. :)
i'm a follower - tzurriz
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Voted for your blog
I am getting ready to start CDing. I think I will plan to clean diapers, especially initially with my small stash, every other day, but maybe stretch three between monday and thursday or wendesday and saturday so that Sunday, our long day away, we will be "covered".
I tweeted!
My favorite is the zoo/animal print one.
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I do 2 to 3 loads per week, depending on how quickly we happened to use up the diapers that week.
I follow on Twitter (PriscaMae)
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I wash at least 2 times per week. Sometimes 3.
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I haven't used cloth diapers yet but obviously want to. I think I'd guess that I'd wash every three days or so?
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I follow you on twitter: mommablogsalot
I just became a fan of Kissaluvs on facebook.
i like the two hoots prints, however, i am unsure where to check out the others.
I wash one load every other day
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I wash one load twice per week- no big deal!
voted for your blog
i wash everyday :)
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i have a button on my blog
I wash a load of diapers every 2-3 days!
I wash my diapers every other day
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I wash every other day, or every third day, depending on how many sposies we used for church and the gym over a few days. :o)
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I'm also a kissaluvs facebook fan!
My favorite print is the mocha swirl!
I wash my cloth every 2 or 3 days. I use Kissaluvs fitteds and Gro Baby diapers. I love how the Kissaluvs keep everything contained! My 10 month old is still using the small size that she started using when she was a few months old.
my fave print is the two-hoots
I wash every other day, normally. When my son was little I could go every three days. And sometimes poo necessitates washing every day. I'm a twitter follower- @gidgettm
I wash every other day, one load.
I wash every other day! One load.
I usually wash every 3 days or so; one load each time.
I'm a facebook fan!!
I wash 2-3 times a week (usually depends on how many stinky ones we have)
I wash my dipes one load, about 2 or 3 times a week! There for a while I was washing every day until I discovered covers and prefolds and doubled my stash!
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I was diaper on every 3rd day. We have 15 diapers and one crazy toddler witha baby on the way....
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I'm a twitter follower (kimhigueria)
I wash twice a week, one load each day. :-)
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I wash everyday or ever other day...a lot I know but I don't really have a very large stash and I love using my cloth diapers. I feel it's worth it not to have to use sposies!
My favorite print is "Zoo-Blue" :-)
I follow your blog!
I just joined the newsletter!
I like the "two-hoots" print the best!!
I wash every other day, due to the fact that I do not have a lot of diapers. I do one load each day!
I subscribe to ur feed!
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I am a fan on facebook!
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I am a fan of Kissaluvs on facebook!
I became a fan of Kissaluvs Facebook. :-)
I'm hoping for every other day, so 3-4 times a week.
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I am kissaluv's friend on facebook.
I signed up for Kelley's Closet emails.
I really love the two hoots print. It's adorable!
I wash every other day, 1 load, so 3-4 loads a week.
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I signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter! bjdaniel07(at)yahoo(dot)com
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i wash every other day, just one load.
I am a part time cloth diaperer and I wash 1 time a week.
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I am a follower too ;)
I wash diapers 3 times a week. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday with only one load a day.
I'm a Facebook follower!
I follow you on Twitter!
I wash my diapers at least every 3rd day!
I voted in blogs I've learned the most from
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I wash about 3 times a week. My ODD is potty training, so she's just in diapers for nap and bedtime, and my 5 month old is finally slowing down on dirtying diapers.
I follow :)
... and I subscribe :)
I'm advertising the CDW giveaway on my blog: www.mama2mak.blogspot.com
and I'm a FB fan :)
I added the button to my blog.
I added the button to my blog.
I receive Kissaluvs newsletter
I also subscribe to your blog.
My favorite print is Mocca-Swirl
I follow you on twitter too! nugglemama
I wash about three times a week. I have diapers that would last that long, but I try to keep the loads small.
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I'm now a kissaluvs FB fan!
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I am a facebook fan
Oops. My twitter ID is JosieAK. Thank you. (I would delete the previous comment if I could see it!
I follow on twitter- angelasyhre
I signed up for Kelly's Closet's newsletter
I signed up for Kelly's Closet's newsletter
Voted for CDW on Blog Luxe!
I will be washing daily until I get enough diapers than probably every 2-3 days.
And.....I'm subscribed to the kelly's closet newsletter!
I subscribe!
I wash one load every third day!
I am a follower
i wash approximately every 36 hours, so it's two days skip a day one day, skip a day, two days, so depending on the week, it's four or five times a week, elsewise we run out of fluffies and snapdragon pees the bed while i do laundry.
I subscribe
My favorite print actually happens to be the one with the zoo animals in bright colors! I LOVE IT!
I'm a facebook fan
Hello :)
I use Allen's Naturally and wash my cloth diapers every 2-3 days unless they are really messy, then I wash daily. I line dry every load, with the exception of the once a week tumble in the dryer.
Jamie H
i follow your blog
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Jamie H.
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i am a fb fan
I became a fan of kissaluvs facebook!
@fentonslee follows on twitter
i am a fb fan of kissaluvs
I love the "Two-hoots" print!
I wash my diapers every other day. That way I can run a full load since I have two in diapers.
I plan on washing every 2-3 days.
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I follow you on twitter globe_trotter
I advertised on the forum ClothDiaperNation!
voted in blogluxe
i think its called mocha swirl< the one pictured on your blog, is my favorite, and zoo blue is a near second
i wash every 3rd day.
i'm a follower.
I wash a load every other day for my newborn.
signed up for kissaluv's newsletter
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I will wash as soon as I have my baby in October!
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