Name: Trisha
Hometown: Lewiston, Maine
Mom to: Grace (2 years old)
Occupation: Stay at home mom
Loves: Impromptu beach visits; weekend hiking trips
Favourite Cloth Diaper: Blueberry
What is one cloth diapering tip you wish you had gotten at the very start?
Your stash and diapering/washing system doesn't have to be perfect at first. It will take a little while to figure out what you like/don't like and how you do things.
What is the one cloth diapering tip you would tell a new mom?
Don't assume you will or won't like a certain type of diaper without trying it. I was sure I'd hate fitteds and prefolds with covers, but they are my favorites.
What is one thing you wish you could do more of?
Cook without interruption or “help” from a two-year old.
I would be in big trouble if I lost my baby's...
Bottle. It's the only “thing” she's attached to.
One thing you can't leave home without?
My GPS – I'm hopeless with directions. If Grace falls asleep while we're out, I usually drive around until she's sound asleep. I'd never find my way back without it.
What's something unique about you?
I love making food from scratch – it has become an obsession. A few years ago my husband asked me jokingly if I could make mayonnaise. Three trips to the store and a huge mess later, we had a jar of homemade mayonnaise. I was determined to prove I could do it. I love the challenge of figuring out how to make something I've never made before. My current favorite homemade item is yogurt. I want to try to make cheese next.
We have made homemade mayonnaise and yogurt before. :)
I love blueberry diapers too!
I just got my first blueberry. I love it! and I started my stash w/ PFs...I still like them. I love experimenting with new folds.
I thought that I'd hate prefolds and fitted too, but they are also some of my favorites!!! ;-)
I too would LOVE to do things with the "help" of my 2 year old! lol! I make nearly everything we eat homemade! It's not as hard as they make it out to be is it?! And it is SOOOOOOOOOOO much better!!!
What a cute little girl!
I wish I had the desire to cook from scratch... Everything tastes so much better that way. :)
I love blueberry diapers! I just discovered them. And I totally agree with you about not assuming you will like or not like something before you try it. I wish I had just bought one of each kind of diaper! And you've inspired me to start making things from scratch! I love homemade mayonnaise.
Thanks for the prefold encouragement. That's what I'm starting out with. I sure hope I love it! Aren't the blueberries the cutest diapers EVER? Oh my. I had to get a pink dot cover. I hope I love it! Kudos to you on the mayonaise and cheese. I've really enjoyed going down that road too, especially when you can make them wish so many good ingredients.
I think it's good advice to say you can't decide ahead of time what diaper you will love. I loved using Bumgenius diapers on the little boy I nannied, but I have no idea if they'll work as well on my baby. He might be chunkier or skinnier and the fit might not be as good.
Way to go making food from scratch... it's a money saver too!
I just got the prefolds I ordered and am excited to try them out! I hope I love them too!
I like your comment about trying new diapers before you decide. I thought I would hate prefolds and covers as well and decided to give them a try and I do like them.
Wow! You all make me what to try out Blueberries!
I also love Blueberry Diapers!!
You advice is great! I thought I would hate fitters and prefolds. Thankfully I did a trial and got to try them, I fell in love!
cooking without interruption- oh how i miss that!
Hi Trisha! It is always encouraging to see other moms excited about cloth. :-)
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