Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, November 20, 2009

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bum {flip'n} genius SUPER Fluff Friday 56 - Extended until Dec.3rd!

To kick off the holiday shopping and with Black Friday just around the corner we decided to have an extra special Fluff Friday to offer!
Don't forget the way to get the most entries is to tweet about us! (See #8 and #9 below.)

This week's giveaway includes (a $260.00 + retail value!):
1-Flip Video Camcorder! (model to be posted soon)

At little information on the Flip Video:
The Flip Video is all the rage! I received one for Christmas last year and honestly I use it all the time. It is super compact and I usually keep it in my purse. All I need to do is whip it out and take the video. There are no chargers,no discs to enter- simple and easy. All that it takes is 2-AA batteries and to view the videos you plug it into your usb port.

What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us: What is the one diapering brand you can't live without and why? If you haven't cloth diapered what would be the one brand that you would like to try first? You should leave your comment before Thursday, December 3rd at 7pm EDT.

Here's how can you enter:
  1. Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
  2. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
  3. Fluff FridayAdvertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
  4. Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
  5. Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a Facebook fan.
  6. Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
  7. One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
  8. Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @bumgenius,@flipdiapers #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at . Then come back and comment that you tweeted.
  9. Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY tweet!
  10. Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
  11. Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 11/20-12/3. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
  12. Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.

Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, December 4th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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12566 said...

I reviewed the bumGenius 3.0 one size diaper!

Unknown said...

I couldn't live without my bum genius!

Unknown said...

Sorry, my twitter id - growingfam

12566 said...

I reviewed -FuzziBunz(R) Perfect Size Cloth Diaper with Insert-Discontinued Sizes (petite toddler size)

Unknown said...

I tweeted this giveaway!


diapershops Still time 2 enter 2 win 1-@flipdiapers pk,1-@bumgenius

12566 said...

I reviewed: Smartipants Smart Start 3-Pack by Smartipants

Envirogirl said...

I love the Gro Baby system. They are great and fit my son perfectly! I also still love the good old fashion prefolds. I use them probably about 70% of the time and use all my one size pocket diapers as covers! Works great!!!!

Allyson Wendt said...

I'm expecting a child and January, and went with the Econobum starter packages. I also got a few Flip diapers. I'm just going to see how it goes. Depending on the results, I may end up with pocket diapers or all-in-ones for daycare. We'll see!

Unknown said...

saywah_j at yahoo dot com

teriannek said...

Right now all I have are fuzzibunz, but I am so interested in trying others!

trob4 at hotmail dot com

Kristin said...

I love my Thirsties covers!!

k.hofferberth at gmail dot com

Heidi J said...

I can't live without my green mountain diaper prefolds. They are the backbone of my stash. Combined with a thirsties cover they are bulletproof.

Heidi J said...


Heidi J said...

I follow you on twitter as chalcedonia.

Unknown said...

commented on "Spotlight on Karley"
saywah_j at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

commented on "Smartipants: I love this diaper!"
saywah_j at yahoo dot com

Heidi J said...

I tweeted - I'd love to buy more #clothdiapers from @diapershops, but alas the budget does not allow it.

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

commented on "Spotlight on Karley"

Unknown said...

commented on "Black Friday Buzzzzz Free Gift Day Winners! *UPDATED*"
saywah_j at yahoo dot com

Hannah said...

Thirsties covers are leak-proof on my baby. I love them.

Jill said...

I commented on spotlight on Karley! jill dot shoemaker at gmail dot com

12566 said...

I (re)tweeted: Still time 2 enter 2 win 1-@flipdiapers pk,1-@bumgenius pk,1-flip video at our Fluff Friday #clothdiaper giveaway

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

I follow your blog

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

Placed your button on the same blog

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

Advertised on my blog space

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

signed up to receive a newsletter

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

Twitter Follower

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

Facebook Fan

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

tweeted the giveaway ID: mummatutu

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

Left a review for the Econobum package!! LOVE THEM!!! Hopefully I get the chance to try the Flip!

Bailey said...

i'm a follower!

The Titmi said...

I just bought my 1st cloth diapers and they arrived yesterday so I still need to prewash them. I have started with Flip day pack and Bumgenious AIO

Kayla said...

I couldn't live without my BumGenius OS because my husband will use them!

Heidi said...

left a review for kissaluvs fitted :)

Rebecca said...

I love my hemparoos baby kicks inserts! We can't go through a night without them!

Kelly Ryans Mom said...

I love thirsties AIO v2, They work great with my 7month old son. Best part is they are daddy friendly! Dad love them!

Kelly Ryans Mom said...

I love thirsties AIO V2, they work great on my chunky 7 month old. They are daddy friendly too! he says they are his faves too!

Unknown said...

I decided to use cloth diapers with my third child. A friend recommended using Bum Genius and she also told me all about Kelly's Closet. I love my diapers and would like to start trying out some other brands!

Unknown said...

I signed up for the newsletter!

Unknown said...

I am a facebook fan!!

Lisi B said...

I tweeted Eagerly awaiting the @diapershops #clothdiapers giveaway ending Dec 3rd!

MelodyShobe said...

I subscribed to your newsletter

MelodyShobe said...

I'm a facebook fan.

MelodyShobe said...

I'm new to cloth diapering. I'm about to try out the bum genius and the g diapers with g cloth.

gnatalie said...

Commented on "Spotlight on Karley"

The Smith Family said...

I commented on "Spotlight on Karley"

TM_Jen said...

Twitter follower TM_Jen

Can't live without Fuzzi Bunz because they get us through naps everytime.

Sarah Franklin said...

follow on Twitter @sarahfranklin

Sarah Franklin said...

newsletter subscriber

Sarah Franklin said...

blog subscriber

Sarah Franklin said...

facebook fan

KaraD said...

I LOVE my bullet-proof Fuzzi Bunz

Sarahjenne said...

Commented on "Buzzz Day giveaway winners."

Sarahjenne said...

Commented on "Smartipants: I love this diaper!"

Sarahjenne said...

Commented on "Spotlight on Karley."

Sarahjenne said...

Tweet! madameraz @diapershops #clothdiapers I got lots of diapers and diaper accessories at Kelly's Closet from Buzz Day! Can't wait for the fluffy mail.

Kaycee said...

I subscribe under my personal email iloveyouhecried at gmail dot com

Kaycee said...

Wooo!!!!! I can't wait to start cloth diapering our new baby and I am most excited to use Bum Genius and Fuzzi Bunz. I have heard great things about them.

iloveyouhecried at gmail dot com

jdeemarie said...

I love my bumGenius pocket diapers!

ann metts said...

I currently use motherease. Tried a couple BumGenius and now I would like to try a few others. My baby is a heavy wetter. Trying to find something that works for night time.

ann metts said...

I'm a follower on twitter @graciousangel

fancygrlnancy said...

tweet about fluff friday

fancygrlnancy said...

tweet about kelly's closet

the monkeys' mama said...

i commented on the "Spotlight on Karley" post!

fancygrlnancy said...

commented on fluff up your cyber monday deals

fancygrlnancy said...

commented on Spotlight on Karley

the monkeys' mama said...

commented on "Fluff Up Your Cyber Monday Sale"

Tamara said...

I could not live without my BG 3.0 one-size dipes. They are definitley the all around, multipurpose workhorse of my stash. I always reach for a BG for night time!

Tamara said...

I'm a blog subscriber

Tamara said...

I commented on: Smartipants, I love this diaper.

Tamara said...

I get the kellys closet newsletter.

Attila & Tamara said...

Right now I couldn't live without my Knickernappies--especially the SuperDo and LoopyDo inserts. Love them!

12566 said...

I (re)tweeted! @

" diapershops

RT @saywah: Still time to enter @diapershops Flipin' Fantastic Super Fluff Friday #clothdiapers giveaway ends 12/3"

Envirogirl said...

I love gro baby diapers. They are buy far the best fitting and trimmest of all I have tried.

12566 said...

Cannot live without our bumGenius3.0's

Rebecca said...

I commented on "Cloth: Not just for babies!"

Rebecca said...

We can't go through a night without Rumparoos Hemp inserts!

Pix said...

KL0s are a must have for newborns.

Jmom said...

I reviewed Planet Wise Diaper Pail Liners at Kelly's Closet.

Jenny Jenny said...

I am a facebook fan

Megan said...

Daily Post: I like Smartipants the best.

Megan said...

I commented on "Cloth:No just for babies"

Jenny Jenny said...

I have fallen in love with my sustainablebabyish hemp fitteds. Oh so soft - oh so absorbent - oh so CUTE!

KaraD said...

Love those Fuzzi Bunz, but won a Gro Baby on Black Friday, so might like those too, once I try them.

Unknown said...

I could not live without my bumGenius 3.0's--they make up the vast majority of our stash and are the only babysitter- and grandparent-friendly diapers we have!

Unknown said...

I am a blog follower.

Unknown said...

I am a facebook fan.

Unknown said...

I use your button on my blog:

Unknown said...


@diapershops Awesome FluffFriday giveaway!! Ends 12/3 #clothdiapers

Unknown said...

I am a twitter follower -- @amandacash

The Smith Family said...

i commented on "Cloth: Not Just for Babies!"

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Cloth: Not Just for Babies!"

jdeemarie said...

We would have a hard time cloth diapering full-time without our BumGenius pocket diapers for the nursery.

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Spotlight on Karley"

JenT said...

I don't know anything about cloth diapers, but I've been wanting to make the switch. The Kissaluvs look interesting to try.

12566 said...

Tweeted again @

" Still time to enter @diapershops Flipin' Fantastic Super Fluff Friday #clothdiapers giveaway ends 12/3"

Molly said...


Molly said...


12566 said...

I commented on: "How I Converted a Friend to Cloth"

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said...


12566 said...

I commented on: "More ways to organize!!"

EarthMama said...

I'm a blog follower

EarthMama said...

I've never actually tried the regular bum genius, just the organics which I love, and have only tried the flip organics so far.

EarthMama said...

I'm a facebook fan

EarthMama said...

I'm a twitter follower @mammabearsden

Molly said...

I posted this on Facebook

Molly said...

We use BumGenius one-size pocket diapers and we love them! They're grandparent-friendly and I like that I can adjust the absorbency for night time, etc. Our entire stash is made up of BGs, aside from two cute fitteds that are our backups.

Molly said...

Commented on "Fluff Up Your Cyber Monday Sale"

Molly said...

Commented on "Cloth: Not Just for Babies!"

Molly said...

Commented on "Smartipants: I Love This diaper!"

Molly said...

Commented on "Smartipants: I Love This diaper!"

Molly said...

I subscribed to your RSS feed. It's not listed for the contest but I thought you'd like to know anyway :)

Tanya said...

FB fan of course!

Tanya said...

Blog subscriber!

Tanya said...

Tweeted! (tanya_alytta)

Tanya said...

Our go to diaper is Bum Genius one size pockets. I really need to get some of their AIOs with snaps. They seriously are the only diaper we have had zero problems with. I want more!

Tanya said...

Reviewed the Happy Heiney One Size Aplix diaper.

Tanya said...


the monkeys' mama said...

I commented on the post, "Cloth: Not Just for Babies!"

R said...

I am a blog subscriber.

R said...

I receive the newsletter.

R said...

I am a twitter follower (lapeca)

DontSayHurry said...

I am a follower

DontSayHurry said...

I commented on "Cloth: Not Just for Babies!"

DontSayHurry said...

Button on my blog:

DontSayHurry said...

Posted on CafeMom forum about the giveaway:

DontSayHurry said...

Following via Twitter: @vetsmom_rgv

DontSayHurry said...


DontSayHurry said...

Tweeted: vetsmom_rgv

I use #clothdiapers but I haven't bought from @diapershops

Anonymous said...

I love Cooshie Tooshies! WAHM made diapers and covers;)

Danielle R. said...

FB fan!

Danielle R. said...

New to CD (due in April), but so far I have Indian prefolds for when she's first born with Prowraps, then BG 3.0 when they fit. From talking to other moms I know that CD, these seem to be the most popular, so I hope they work out for us!

R said...

I am following you on Twitter (KitchenNut)

gatis23 said...

I am a fan on facebook

gatis23 said...

I have two BG OS pockets that when I first started using was not to fond of, but now they are two of my favorite diapers. Wish I could get a few more, but the two that I have will have to do for now..

R said...

I tweeted (kitchennut)

R said...

I tweeted (lapeca)

R said...

I tweeted (lapeca)

Danielle R. said...

Blog subscriber!

gatis23 said...

I follow your blog

R said...

My tweet (lapeca): @diapershops #clothdiapers Hooray for cloth diapers!

gatis23 said...

I subscribe to your newsletter

Christy said...

I'm a facebook fan!

Christy said...

Twitter follower cmandin

Christy said...

Tweeted: "really needs to win some free diapers in the @diapershops #clothdiapers giveaway...."

Christy said...

I follow the blog

Christy said...

Commented: I will start using BumGenius in March 2010 on baby #2.

Emily said...

I can't live without my BumGenius the workhorse of our stash.
emily_p_99 at

Emily said...

I am a subscriber of your blog
emily_p_99 at

Emily said...

I'm also a fan on facebook
emily_p_99 at

Emily said...

I'm a follower on twitter
emily_p_99 at

Emily said...

I also placed an order at kelly's Closet on black friday, order:30550
emily_p_99 at

"I am my Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine" said...

I reviewed the BG diaper sprayer

"I am my Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine" said...

Im a facebook fan!

"I am my Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine" said...

I placed an order on monday nov 30 and i cant wait to try out my new flip and Fuzzibunz OS!

"I am my Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine" said...

I get the CDW newsletter now!

"I am my Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine" said...

nov 30, Kc 31146- cant wait for this to get here!

Crissy said...

Commented on "Cloth: Not just for Babies"

Crissy said...

Commented on "Spotlight on Karley"

Crissy said...

Commented on "Fluff up Your Cyber Monday Sale"

fancygrlnancy said...

kelly's closet tweet

fancygrlnancy said...

tweet ff
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Stephanie said...

I commented on "Cloth: Not Just for Babies!"

Stephanie said...

I commented on "Kelly's Closet Featured in Raising Maine's "Mom Q&A" Feature"

Lisa B. said...

we can't live without BG's, starting to fall in love with the snap organic version as well!

12566 said...

I commented on: "Kelly's Closet Featured in Raising Maine's "Mom Q&A" Feature"

12566 said...

Absolutely could not live without our bg's. But also looking forward to getting my flips in the mail today from buzzzzzz day! :)

12566 said...

I tweeted again!

Pix said...

KL0s for newborns! Hold it all in :)

Megan said...

Daily Post: I like Smartipants the best for my toddler. I don't know anyone who like them for smaller babies though.

Megan said...

I commented on "Kelly's Closet Featured...."

Kelly said...

In order to cloth diaper my newborns from day 1 I couldn't live without my infant prefolds and newborn wraps.

Kelly said...

A tweet out to you all.

Last Day 2 enter!  @diapershops Flipin' Fantastic Super Fluff Friday #clothdiapers giveaway


Lyn said...

I am just starting the whole cloth diapering thing. I have started out with the gdiaper. I am loving the snap in liner that is so easy to clean. Right now, to be cloth mommy, I can't live without the Gdiaper. But I really want to try some others to see what I like best.

Lyn said...

Total fan on facebook, too.

Lyn said...

I subscribed to your enewsletter at Kelly's closet! Woohoo!

Rebecca said...

We cannot make it through a night without our babykicks hemp inserts!

Kristin said...

love our BG pockets!!

k.hofferberth at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said...

These would be the greatest to win because they really are great for overnight. No worries, no leaks, no problem! I try others, but keep going back to my bumGenius diapers.

The Smith Family said...

I commented on "Kelly's Closet Featured in Raising Maine's "Mom Q&A" Feature"

Envirogirl said...

I love gro baby diapers and happy heinies with aplix. The snaps are not my favorite!

Ginger said...

Right now, I love prefolds and covers, but we're about to grow out of those, and bumGenius are looking really promising!

Ginger said...

I'm a follower

Ginger said...

I'm a Twitter follower @rambleginger

Tiffany said...

facebook fan

Tiffany said...

newsletter subscriber

Tiffany said...

i could live without bumgenius. i love the organic aios!

Anonymous said...

I'm a facebook fan, newsletter subscriber, Twitter follower (TNTMOMMA08), and I reviewed the Econobums we just got for a birthday present. I absolutely LOVE BumGenius. We have tried a few other brands but nothing has worked the best as much as BumGenius has! We own Econobums and four 3.0's. LOVE THEM!

jennbergerbrown said...

Facebook fan!

jennbergerbrown said...

I get the newsletter!

Unknown said...

BumGenius work best on my daughter.

jennbergerbrown said...

I'm really liking my new Happy Heiney - the velcro is nice, it's easy to stuff and I love the color choices.

Unknown said...

Newsletter subscriber

Anonymous said...

I am a facebook fan!

Unknown said...

Facebook Fan

Anonymous said...

I can't live without Thirsties covers. All of my great fitteds would be useless without them. I also am really excited about their new diaper!

Leah said...

I'm a facebook fan!

Lanicia S - from TX said...

I'm a Facebook Fan

Leah said...

I'm a blog subscriber!

Lanicia S - from TX said...

Okay I want to win this - would be a super present for Mommy!

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