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Friday, January 1, 2010

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Fluff Friday 61

Fluff Friday:
1-Little-to-Big Beetle Organic Wool Diaper Cover Aplix Willow Green
1-Little-to-Big Beetle Organic Velour Diaper

What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us: What other organic baby products (brand/type) have you tried and do you think it was worth the extra money to invest in organic? You should leave your comment before Thursday, January 7th at 7pm EST. (You can only comment answering this question ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)

Other ways to enter:
  1. Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
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  11. Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 1/1-1/7. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
  12. Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
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How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 8th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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Mama Goose said...

I have not tried organic diapers, but would love to hear of others' experiences and if it is worth it.

Audrey Zohner said...

If I have documentation of the organic status of a product, then I am all for it. I make my own soap, shampoo, lip balm and lotion. I also make my own bread and cook pretty much everything from scratch. I like knowing exactly what is in my food/beauty products. There's no reason to buy something in the store when you can make it yourself.

Audrey Zohner said...

I am also a Facebook fan.

Drew said...

I often buy organic cotton clothes (various brands) because cotton is so heavily sprayed with pesticides. I don't think it makes a huge difference on our bodies, but it does make a huge difference to the environment, so I will continue to purchase organic cotton when possible.

Megan said...

I have some Imse Vimse organic covers, and they are super soft. I don't know if it's because they are organic or not, but I really like them.

Megan said...

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Danielle said...

I have not tried any of the organic diapers yet, but I will always try anything once! I'd love to win them!

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romans mom said...

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romans mom said...

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romans mom said...

I have bought many organic bumgenius all in ones, and they were not worth they extra money in my opinion.

romans mom said...

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Christina said...

I haven't tried any organic diapers yet, because we currently have what we need and are a bit short on cash. However, the next time I purchase pre-folds I would love to invest in organic cotton or hemp to see if there is any difference.

Christina said...

Also, I'm a fan on Facebook!

Christina said...

And I have an ad for Fluff Fridays on my blog, Way Past Deadline.

Christina said...

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Carly said...

I have tried the earths Best Organic baby food,and when I do not make my own that is what I buy! I also think the price differance is worth it.

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said...

I have a few outfits for my girls that are organic (one is Walmart brand so I'm not sure if it is really organic). The way I feel is that if in some way the product makes my girls safer then I have no problem paying a little extra.

wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said...

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wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said...

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wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said...

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wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Andrea Kruse said...

I have one bumGenuis organic one size diaper. I like it. I would love the chance to try other organic diapering options tool.

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said...

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wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

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wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Andrea Kruse said...

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Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said...


wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

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Emily's Family said...

I have not tried any organic diapers either!

Clifford Jeffery said...

I haven't tried many organic baby products...they were not that "big" when we had our oldest two, but I am interested in using some with this baby.

Andrea Kruse said...

Unique tweet:

My babies love their fluffy tushies... and I do too! @diapershops #clothdiapers huge selection at

fancygrlnancy said...

I have 1 organicly hatched fitted and I loved it until the elastic streched out. I am sad that happend. I will have to see if my mom can fix it. SHe is much better at sewing. I won it on a blog.. don't think I would have been able to spend $30 on 1 diaper. Not sure how worth it that it is, but it is real nice. I have never tried the Little to big beetle, but would love to try them.

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Kayla said...

I haven't tried any organic products yet because I'm not sure if the extra cost is worth it. I look forward to reading other posts to see what people have to say about this!

Kayla said...

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eidolons said...

I want to say that I've used organic. But now that I've looked, I can't say for certain that they are. I do try to use as much hemp and bamboo as possible, but that doesn't always mean organic. So, possibly Babykicks, Monkey Snuggles, Imse Vimse, and Tiny Tush.

eidolons said...

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skgaff said...

I've tried BG Organic AIOs and I definitely think it is worth the money--they are my fave dipe!

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Jennifer said...

I don't have any organic diapers, but I usually buy organic baby food. I think that especially while they are developing, it is best to have as few chemical contaminants as possible. I also use organic baby wash/shampoo.

Jennifer said...

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Anonymous said...

i have the gro baby system, i like to buy organic whenever i can, for my child and for the enviornment

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erin, maker of chimes said...

my little one will not be here until July, so I'm only in the researching phase of organic things for baby. i'm loving what i'm learning about the diapers and slings so far though

erin, maker of chimes said...

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Katherine said...

I have several fitteds made from OBV. I'm not sure whether they are better because they are organic, but I do love how they feel and fit. We also buy organic baby food and fruits and veggies when available and affordable.

Katherine said...

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Anonymous said...

I look forward to using organic diapers and covers, but I haven't used any yet.

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Madeline said...

I've only tried organic foods and some organic soap samples. I think the food is definitely worth it. I'm still on the fence about the soaps.

stirredheart313 said...

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stirredheart313 said...

I've used Indian prefolds, Chinese prefolds, some circa 1980 prefolds I got from my MIL, and Mother-ease fitted all were given to me used. None of them have been organic so I'll be interested to see what others have to say.

Wade&Sarah said...

I have not tried any cloth diapers yet as I am 8 months preg. I am interested in organics and have tried other products would be interested in trying these diapers!

Wade&Sarah said...

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Milo's Creations said...

I have never tried any organic diapers. However I am sure they are worth the money.

Milo's Creations said...

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DiscoverHope7 said...

I have never tried an organic diaper.. unless goodmama's are organic...

I would love to try them though!

Milo's Creations said...

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nault's nook said...

I have the Imse Vimse organic contours, and I also use Earths Best organic baby food. I try to buy organic as much as possible. And yes, it is worth the extra money!

nault's nook said...

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Brie said...

I've tried grobaby, but it gave my baby a rash for some reason. But I love other organic products.

Four on the Shore said...

Love organics! I particularly love Earth's Best Body Wash for babies and bumGenius organic pocket diapers. I was given a stash of diapers for my baby shower!

Michelle said...

I use Ecobaby Organics fitted diapers. I was fortunate enough to be given like 2 dozen of them with doublers (second hand, but lucky nonetheless!) I love them! I'm not sure I could have justified spending that kind of money on something that my son would be pooing in, but since they were free, it was wonderful! For other organic baby things, my son's entire crib set is orgaic. It is the Bunny Meadow collection from Babies R Us. I ran a rabbit rescue and it was just a bonus that the nursery was rabbit themed, AND organic! It was also very wallet friendly :) I will continue to try and buy organic when I can, unfortunately, it is often much more expensive, but it is best for the environment!

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Katrina P. said...

I have one Little Beetle fitted (LOVE it!!!) and I have one organic Gro Baby AI2. Love the feel of both and feel great about using fewer chemicals on the earth and on baby's skin!

Four on the Shore said...

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patty-leigh said...

i bought a swaddlebees econappi... it was pricy but i liked it because it was very absorbent and the fit was great. the only problem was that the PUL wore out quickly.

Sarahjenne said...

I like to feed my baby organic food, both fresh and jarred.

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Sarahjenne said...

Unique tweet @diapershops #clothdiapers I love my new wool cover. Hoping to win some wool and fluff this week! (madameraz)

Sarahjenne said...

I reviewed the Aristocrats Wool Soaker.

Sarahjenne said...

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Commented on "Overnight Success - Finally!"

Arizona Girl said...

We've done a lot of different bamboo inserts. I don't do fluffy because of the environment, so to pay a lot more so items that are "better" for the environment doesn't appeal to me.

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Secret Mommy said...

I just adore Earth Mama Angel Baby products for my sons and I. I think they are definitely worth the extra money. I also buy almost all organic produce and use Biokleen household cleaners to reduce the toxicity of our household cleaners.

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Anonymous said...

I have used some organic prefolds. They seem to be more absorbant and they are definitely softer. I love using them and always go through them first.

Unknown said...

Due in Feb, so haven't tried any organic baby products yet. Any recommendations would be great!

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Anonymous said...

The organic diapers I have are motherease, swaddlebees, clovers, dream eze, grobaby, bumgenius organic. I totally think it's worth it to spend more for organic, I feel like I'm doing one more extra little thing to help the earth.

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Jannette Malone said...

I have not tried any organic diapers. They seam expensive but I'd be willing to use orgnaic if I could aford to.

Jannette Malone said...

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Joy said...

I used Imse Vimse organic covers, but didn't like them as well as my Bummis covers. BUT I LOVE my organic Swaddlebee pocket diaper, and I love
love love my organic Bumgenius AIO. If the construction of the diaper is solid, paying the extra money for organic is completely worth it. Especially the peace of mind knowing that there are no pesticides rubbing against my baby's skin (cotton is known to be loaded with pesticides if it's not organic.)

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The Queen of Cheap said...

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FordeFam said...

I've never tried organic, but would love to know the difference!!! :)

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Gena @ Life With Captain Fussybuckets said...

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Gena @ Life With Captain Fussybuckets said...

The only thing organic that we have used and noticed a difference is carrot baby food! My son broke out with regular carrot baby food, but not the organics!

Megan said...

I only have one organic cover and I really like it. Not sure if I would pay extra just for organic though.

Jut and Chris said...

I have a couple of bamboo diapers and a hemp diaper. I have some organic covers (wool and cotton) also. I think minimizing our kids exposure to chemicals is important, but I also just love the diapers! ;-)

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Heather said...

I haven't tried any other organics.

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Mindy said...

I have a few organic cloth diapers that I really like. I am interested in knowing more about organic baby products because I've been reading a lot recently about the harmful affects of other ingredients in baby products.

Mindy said...

facebook fan

Kim Day said...

Part of my stash is the Gro Baby system, so those soakers are organic. I like them, but they definitely leave more moisture on my son's skin than my pocket diapers that aren't organic materials.

Jen said...

I have not used any organic cloth diapers but I would love to try some! :)

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Delanea said...

I have several different brands of organic diapers - GroBaby, DreamEze fitteds, Swaddlebees organic velour fitteds and Econappi, to name a few. I only buy organic beauty and cleaning products. Bubble and Bee have a wonderful line of lotion sticks, lip balm, and organic deodorant. Real Purity and Lauren Brooke have natural/organic makeup options. We love Dr Bronners castile soaps, too. We use soap nuts, which are not organic, but that's about as close as you're going to get. We get enough chemicals in our everyday lives, so I find that it is worth paying the extra money for organic. Oftentimes I am also supporting small and local businesses as well (and organic farms), which is good for everyone.

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JCF said...

We use lots of organic cosmetics-soap, lotion, etc. and I notice a big difference in everyone's skin (we are all very prone to eczema).

Patty (Mummatutu) said...

mumma905708 at gmail dot com

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mumma905708 at gmail dot com

Kim Day said...

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jdeemarie said...

I have only purchased two organic diapering items, a GroBaby with an organic cotton soaker and organic cotton fleece that I made prefolds from. The prefolds are so incredibly absorbant that I've stopped using them as prefolds and instead use them as inserts in our nighttime diapers. The GroBaby inserts, on the other hand, don't have enough absorbancy to last even half of the night. If I knew that the organic status of a product made it perform better than I would buy it, otherwise it probably wouldn't be worth the extra money.

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said...

I commented on the Count Your Cloth Blessings post.

wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug) said...

I commented on the Fluff Friday 60 plus Twitter winner post. I was a winner!!

wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

Andrea Kruse said...

Unique tweet!

Carissa said...

I posted link on my blog.


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Unknown said...

I have purchased organic prefolds and I definitely think they were worth the extra money because they are so much softer!

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Kelly Spence said...

I feel like organic food is worth the cost sometimes.

Megan Beckham said...

i love love love organic diapers. that is the majority of what i use on my twins. one of my major problems with sposies is the chemicals, so why would i want to use materials that were grown with chemicals? plus, they're so absorbent - naturally!

Megan Beckham said...

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oh, and my twitter id is @fewcallmemommy

Megan Beckham said...

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Megan Beckham said...

commented on count your cloth blessings, which i do everyday with a smile on my face!

Jessica said...

Mother-ease fitteds and bumGenius organic AIOs are the only organic I've tried so far. I'm not sure about the M-E fitteds, but the bumGenius seem to be worth the money.

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Unknown said...

My baby is due in Feb so I have not yet tried any organic diapers. I would love to find out if they are worth the extra money.


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Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

I have not tried any organic baby products with my kids, but plan to with our next baby.
garyandalesha at cox dot net

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Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...


Hippie4ever said...

I have an organic aio that its organic...but its not very absorbent! Would love to try some different organic diapers. I do think its worth the extra $ but you would have to wash them in appropriate detergent to keep chemicals at bay :) silenttributary(at)yahoo(dot)com

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Erin said...

I use GroBaby organic soakers, and love that it is organic cotton next to my baby's sensitive skin. I definitely think it is worth it.

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