Kim from
Dirty Diaper Laundry has joined our team as a contributing videographer.
In this video Kim takes you thru her typical cloth diapering wash routine while using a top loader.
Kim occassionally uses Ecover fabric softener in her cloth diaper wash routine.

"I read a lot on Ecover before trying it, and after all of the people who tried it agreed that it didn't cause repelling issues I decided to use it. I had prefolds and fitteds that were less than soft. It has been working without causing any repelling. I don't use it for every single wash, just every few when I feel they need softening up. It even softens the microfiber. This is the only fabric softener I have ever heard of that is cloth diaper safe." Kim says.
Thank you Kim for taking us step by step thru your washing routine.
*Please note: Some manufacturers do not recommend the use of fabric softeners when washing diapers. We recommend researching the manufacturer's recommendations before starting any wash routine.
It's funny - I have a top loader and this is pretty much the exact system I use to wash my diapers. 6 minute cold wash with no detergent, then a hot wash with detergent and 2 cold rinses. I've never had any issues with build up or smell, so I guess I'm pretty lucky!
Kim didn't wanna talk? :)
My wash cycle is similar, rinse cold x2, soak with vinegar if necessary, wash HOT with detergent, then dry. I never ever use fabric softener tho'.
I was always doing a cold wash first and probably wasting a ton of money and water instead of just a rinse. Thanks for the tip!
I think it is so interesting and kinda amusing how everyone has such different wash routines and some are so extreme! I am new to cd'ing so I have been ok so far with just a normal wash cycle on warm and then a dry! I know I will eventually need to utilize doing a soak but so far I am keeping it as simple as possible haha! Thanks for showing us your routine!
hi. i'd love to see these vids but they say they're set on private. is there any way to get around that?
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