2-Rumparooz One Size Cloth Diapers with inserts
Question of the week:
How do you currently dry your cloth diapers (line dry, drier, other)? Leave your comment before Thursday, July 22nd at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 2075 Newer› Newest»I mostly use the dryer for my diapers but I love to hang them outside on nice sunny days.
I sun them when I wash on the weekends and use the dryer when I wash during the week (while I'm at work).
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I line dry and then fluff a bit in the dryer
rniburg at yahoo dot com
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I use a dryer, but I'm getting a new line this weekend for line drying. Yay!
I use a drying rack for anything with aplix and for sunning, then fluff prefolds in the dryer for about 5 minutes when done on the line.
rniburg at yahoo dot com
I line dry :)
Use the drying rack in the sun and then fluff prefolds in the dryer briefly when dry.
rniburg at yahoo dot com
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If it's nice outside, everything gets hung outside on the clothesline. Then gets air fluffed in the dryer for 5 min. so they aren't too stiff.
If weather isn't nice, I always hang the shells and anything with PUL; then inserts, doublers, etc go in the dryer.
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i use the dryer
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I line dry mine, unless it's raining and then I use a rack.
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now that is is hot, hot, hot, outside i line dry... or rather lay the inserts out on my hammock-turned-clothes line and hang my covers & AIOs by skirt hangars from the sides of the hammock lol! the rest of the year i use the dryer for inserts & hang my covers in the laundry room
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I plan on using a combo of the dryer and the line.
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I usually hang them in my laundry, on a clothes hanger with about 6 clothes pins on each hanger....works great seeing I don't have a clothes line...yet. If I'm in a rush I'll use the dryer.
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I try to dry outside on the clothesline as much as possible. The weather and time aren't always on my side,though. If I can't dry outside, I also have a clothes rack in the kitchen. But sometime I just need to use the dryer to get them done quickly!
I've only washed/dried one time so far, prepping my new diapers. I dried them for 20 minutes in the dryer, then hung them up. It took over 12 hours for them to finish drying, but they were hanging in the bathroom so I'm not too surprised.
I love to sun dry in the good weather but will line dry inside my covers and throw inserts, pfs, wipes in dryer on wet & cold days.
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i line dry PUL covers or shells, use the drier for thicker fitted diapers and sun diapers with staining.
I commented on the BabyKicks Webinar post.
I line dry when the weather is nice. If I can't, I put prefolds & inserts in the dryer, and hang the covers and pockets in my living room.
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I line dry when I can everything. But I always line dry covers so that they last longer.
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I dry on a drying rack inside the house because it rains everyday here. On days when it's dry, I put them outside.
jinger830 at yahoo dot com
I do both, line dry and dryer.
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I'm new to cloth diapering but I think I will be using the dryer.
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notharshteacher tweeted: @diapershops fluff friday @rumparooz #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
Both the dryer and line drying (in the house - our HOA doesn't allow clotheslines outside, and it rains all the time).
Some of both... When stash is bigger it will be easier to line dry all the time:-)
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I use the line to dry unless it is overcast or night. Then I use the dryer.
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I line dry, outside in the summer and on a drying rack in winter. I've tried the dryer a few times, but then seem to have repelling issues. Maybe leftover residue from dryer sheets?
I dry my diapers on low in the dryer, but I do want to get a line to put out back
I am new to cloth, but so far we air dry (inside, no line up yet) the outers and put the inserts in the dryer. I would like to put a line up and take advantage of the sun, while it is out!
I'm a fan on Facebook - Beth Scoggin
I line dry, outside and inside!
In the dryer. Because can't have a clothes line.
We line dry whenever the weather permits. I usually fluff in the dryer though! tracyhgb at hotmail dot com
I use the line most days!
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I line dry as often as I can and then fluff for a couple minutes in the dryer. If the weather doesn't cooperate I just do the dryer.
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Amber Hoel Bruner
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reviewed the bummis swimmi swim diaper
Dryer for the inserts, but usually put the pockets on the line.
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We primarily use the dryer. Everything is half way dried, then hung- that way nothing is crunchy and AIOs don't take forever to dry.
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I line dry my diapers. Although, the last time I put them on fluff air in the dryer for 5 minutes after drying them and it really helped make them soft and, I think, more absorbant.
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I line dry inside. HOA doesn't allow outdoor drying :(
mk_mitchell90 at hotmail.com
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When it's nice and sunny outside I use the clothesline, if not I use the dryer. Hoping to get an indoor line for the cold weather months to use instead of the dryer though- they really beat up my dipes that have velcro/aplix!
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I sun My diapers when the weather is nice, esp. now in the summer. I do use the dryer for certain things, but prefer sunning when I can. I will also throw them in the dryer for a few minutes if they get crunchy outside.
Commented in the RaR disscussion on Diaper Shops. tracyhgb at hotmail dot com
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I dry my diapers on a drying rack either in the living room or outside in the sun.
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I lay them flat to dry. So I guess line dry, without the line. :)
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I use the dryer or hang them on the shelving unit above my washer and dryer.
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Tweeted: @diapershops fluff friday @rumparooz #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
I use the dryer to dry my flip stay dry inserts!
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Ambria D
I dry both ways, mostly dryer though.
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I dry in the dryer on low for 30 minutes and then hang to dry outside. I fluff them up with no heat after they are done drying. For my AIO that take FOREVER to dry I bring them in when everything else is done drying and dry on low for 30 minutes and then take them back outside. And fluff them when they are done.
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I hang dry outside when I can and in the dryer when I can't
I haven't tried to wash or dry my diapers yet! I am new at this CD thing and we are preparing for our future children!
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I blogged about Fluffy Friday 88! It's my first blog ever :)
I plan on hangin' em out to dry.
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I dry my inserts and prefolds in the dryer. My covers and pockets hang dry. Sometimes, I do sun them every now and then.
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I dry my inserts and prefolds in the dryer. My pockets and covers, I hang dry. Every now and then, I do sun dry my dipes.
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I use both depending on the weather! I mainly use pockets and prefer to line dry the shells, but use the dryer for the inserts w/ Buddha Bunz wool dryer balls! They come out extra fluffy!
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I line dry my dipes on a clothes line indoors.
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