Congratulations to Dreaming Mama. Dreaming Mama- please contact us here to claim your giveaway. In the subject line write "30 Minutes of Fluff 10/27 Winner". You have until 8pm est on 10/30 to claim your prize.
We are so excited to reach 10,000+ fans on our DiaperShops.com Facebook! To celebrate please join us for "30 minutes of Fluff" for the next few days.
Make sure you follow DiaperShops and The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.
We will keep the giveaway open for 30 minutes for people to get their entries in.
Today's giveaway: 1-Katydid One-Size Cloth Diaper
Their are 4 ways to enter (Entries are only taken on the blog as comments to this specific post):
1) "Like us" as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
2) "Like us" as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
3) Leave a review on any product at Kelly's Closet. Once you leave the review come back to this post and leave a comment and tell us what product you reviewed.
4) Post a thread (or respond to an existing thread)on any parenting or cloth diapering forum telling others about our new "30 minutes of Fluff". (It is the participant's responsibility to honor forum posting rules.) Post a comment with the exact url and the name of the forum.
We do moderate comments so your comment will not post right away. You MUST have a blogger profile. Entries submitted by "anonymous" cannot be approved. Also, due to security reasons we cannot approve comments with full email addresses. We kindly ask you not to place double entries because you don't see your original entry showing up. This GREATLY slows down the approval process and delays the posting of the winner.
After 30 minutes we will randomly draw a winner from eligible entries- the winner will be posted after all comments are moderated and can take up to 24 hours to post. We will post the winner's name as an update to this post and then mark the giveaway as CLOSED. Once the winner's name is posted the winner has 48 hours to contact us to claim their prize. If the winner doesn't claim their prize we will re-post the giveaway.
1 – 200 of 602 Newer› Newest»I like Diaper Shops on FB. Mollie Johnson Fickas
I like you on facebook and follow your blog!
Elizabeth Gaudette Payne
I like TCDW on facebook (Drew Joseph)
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB. Mollie Johnson Fickas
I like DiaperShops on Facebook! My ID is Katy Ullman Kim
I "like" Diaper Shops on FB
I "like" Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB too!
I like TCDW on Facebook! My ID is Katy Ullman Kim
Like Diapershops on FB
Elise Hightower
twinky2287 at yahoo dot com
Like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB
Elise Hightower
twinky2287 at yahoo dot com
I;m a fan on Diaper shops on facebook
I am a fan of TCDW on FB
Stephanie Umpleby
I'm a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook.
I like Diaper Shops on FB!
i like diapershops on fb
I am a fan of DS.com on FB
Stephanie Umpleby
I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB!
i like tcdw on fb
I'm a fan of CDW on FB
Ericad2906 (ericadavis)
Diaper shops facebook fan
justine mcdilda
I "like you" on Facebook! Sarah Schultz
i'm a fan of Diapershops
I am a DiaperShops Facebook Fan (Sarah Hull)
SHull2319 at gmail dot com
cloth diaper whisperer facebook fan
justine mcdilda
I like DiaperShops on facebook. (rachaelvwerf)
I am a DS FB fan! Bonnie Yates
yates at otelco dot net
Like DS on FB!! allyson kiesel long
Facebook fan of Diapershops
Facebook Name: Katie Adams
Like CDW on FB allyson kiesel long
I like you all on facebook! kara wolff
Diapershops Facebook fan!
jessica juracich
I like TCDW on facebook as Jessica Peterson Blackburn.
I like DiaperShops on facebook
Jennifer Ziock-Price
I "Like" diaper shops on facebook :)
I'm a fan of the Cloth Diaper whisperer on facebook
id: Danelle French
I'm a facebook fan!
TCDW Facebook fan!
jessica juracich
fan of diapershops: http://www.facebook.com/diapershops/posts/165022630189744#!/profile.php?id=44104278
I am a Facebook fan of Diaper Shops. (Colleen Maurina)
colljerr at comcast dot net
I like Diapershops on Facebook as Jessica Peterson Blackburn.
I also like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook. (rachaelvwerf)
I am a diaper shops facebook fan
husskl at comcast dot net
I'm a DiaperShops fan on FB!
I follow diapershops on facebook.
facebook Cindy Dickson
I'm a DiaperShops Facebook Fan. Emily Bickell
ebickell at hotmail.com
I am a CDW FB fan
yates at otelco dot net
I like DiaperShops!
I like the DiaperShops on facebook. (Tammy Roby)
I'm a TCDW fan on FB!
I also follow the CDW on facebook! Kara wolff
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook
Jennifer Ziock-Price
I LIKE DiaperShops on Facebook!
I am a cloth diaper whisperer fan on FB
husskl at comcast dot net
I like TCDW on fb.
Pamela Macirowski
Facebook fan of DiaperShops
id: facebook.com/theresa.clark1
Reviewed Thirsties Duo Wrap diaper covers at Kelly's Closet!!! (under "dodging acorns"
I "Like" The Cloth Diaper whisperer on facebook too :)
fan of cloth diaper whisperer: http://www.facebook.com/diapershops/posts/165022630189744#!/profile.php?id=44104278
I follow the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook.
facebook Cindy Dickson
DS fan on FB
(Paula Bradford Neilson)
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook. (Tammy Roby)
liked Diaper Shops on FB - aubrey Freeman
I'm a DiaperShops Facebook fan. Claire Sanders
I like Diapershops on FB
Emmy Duenas Mathis
I like DiaperShops on FB.
Pamela Macirowski
I follow DiaperShops Facebook Fan.
Ashley Thompson
I like Diapershops on facebook.
Rebecca Lord Mann
I liked the CDW on FB!
Michelle Hudson
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer! :)
I'm a Cloth Diaper Whisperer Fan on facebook!
am a TCDW facebook fan (Becca Niburg)
I follow TCDW on FB. Erica Erskins
I follow the Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan.
Ashley Thompson
I like diapershops on FB! Amanda Daigle
i like the cloth diaper whisperer on FB
fb: jennybunny82
I am a Facebook fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer. (Colleen Maurina)
colljerr at comcast dot net
I am a fan of diapershops on facebook Erin Kutyla Pellot
Wasn't aware of email rule! Resubmitting
Facebook fan of Diapershops on Facebook
Facebook Name: Katie Adams
I'm a DiaperShop FB Fan (Jill Ewoldt Morris)
Liked Cloth Diaper Whisperer - Aubrey Freeman
I follow Diapershops on FB. Erica Erskins
I like DiaperShops on FB!
Michelle Hudson
i like diaper shops on FB
I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook!
I'm a TCDW FB Fan (Jill Ewoldt Morris)
I am terrible and slowing down the process... preggo brain, I completely forgot to post my facebook ID!! Its "Anna Kauzlarich" and I like you as the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook.
I like TCDW on facebook.
Rebecca Lord Mann
DiaperShops Facebook Fan
I am a fan of cloth diaper whisperer ion facebook Erin Kutyla Pellot
I am a facebook fan of TCDW!
"Like" you as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan.
katie daniels burnett
kburnett82 at gmail dot com
I like diapershops.com on FB
FB ID kfig143
FB Name Kara Figueroa
I am terrible and slowing down the process... preggo brain, I completely forgot to post my facebook ID!! Its "Anna Kauzlarich" and I like you as Diaper Shops.
I'm a Facebook fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer. Claire Sanders
I like the cloth diaper whisperer on FB! Amanda Daigle
I am a fan of the Diapershops FB fan page!
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com
I like TCDW on facebook. Id Jennyhull
Facebook Fan of TCDW
id: facebook.com/theresa.clark1
I follow The CD Whisperer on Facebook
FB name = Lego
legoisking at gmail dot com
Babycenter cloth diapering board
I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer FB fan page!
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com
The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan.
Follow Cloth Diaperer Whisperer as Tree Huggin-Momma on FB
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
I like TCDW on FB
FB ID kfig143
Facebook Name Kara Figueroa
I am a fan on your diaper shops facebook page
facebook ID jill shumaker soldatke
I like Diapershops on facebook. Id Jennyhull
Follow Diaper Shops as Tree Huggin-Momma on FB
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
"Like" as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan.
katie daniels burnett
kburnett82 at gmail dot com
am a diaper shops facebook fan (Becca Niburg)
I am a facebook fan of DiaperShops!
I am a facebook fan of TCDW under Shay Rotunda Potter
I am a fan of your "The cloth diaper whisperer" page on facebook
facebook ID Jill shumaker soldatke
cdw facebook fan lauren nixon/momnixon
I follow Diaper Shops on Facebook
FB name = Lego
legoisking at gmail dot com
I "Like" DiaperShops on Facebook
Left a review for Bummis Organic Prefolds at Kelly's Closet!
ds facebook fan lauren nixon/momnixon
I am a facebook fan of diapershops under Shay Rotunda Potter
Diaershops facebook fan
I am a fan of the Diaper Shops. FB user is Dianna Chevalier Wormsley.
I "like" DiaperShops on facebook! (shanon.ottaway)
I'm a diapershops fan!
-Shannon Marie H.
fb id amber hill
CDW facebook fan
i like diapershops!
marianna gonzales
I am a FB fan of TCDW. Dianna Chevalier Wormsley.
I'm a TCDW fan on fb!
-Shannon Marie H.
Facebook ID: Nicole Hernandez Meyer
I reviewed a Fuzzi Bunz one size and a Fuzzi Bunz perfect size diaper at Kelly's closet! Also, a BG 4.0 one size cloth diaper (just posted today)!
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com
I "like" The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook! (shanon.ottaway)
i like the cloth diaper whisperer!
marianna gonzales
I like diapershops on facebook as Katey Sayre-jakcsy
my fb name is Kelly N Jerry Shoup and I like the cloth diaper whisperer :)
FB ID: Amy Cox-Klug, likes diapershops
I like diapershops on facebook as Katey Sayre-Jakcsy
Posted on Swap Mamas Cloth Diaper forum as Heather M
kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com
like diapershops on fb
erin burton powell
I reviewed the GroVia shell and soaker kit.
Michelle Hudson
like the diaper shops on fb
timmi dobesh
i like diaper shops on facebook
julie haynes kratzer
like tcdw on fb
erin burton powell
30 minutes of fluff. Woohoo!
i'm a fb fan!
billie ennes
Kelly N Jerry Shoup (FB name) and we like diapershops.com on FB woohoo :)
I posted a thread about 30 Minutes of Fluff on the Bump!
I've been wanting to try a Katydid so bad! :)
TCDW fan on FB
(Paula Bradford Neilson)
I'm a diapershops facebook fan, Katherine s.
I "love" The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook!
I like the cloth diaper whisperer on FB (dayna Winge
I like the cloth diaper whipsper on facebook as Katey Sayre-Jakcsy
Like Diaper Shops! Holly 'Helminiak' Johnson
I'm a cloth diaper whisperer facebook fan, katherine s.
30 minutes of fluff. woohoo!
I reviewed the Thirsties Fab Wipes.
i like cloth diaper whisperer on facebook
julie haynes kratzer
juju5799 at yahoo dot com
I like DiaperSops.com on FB.
Nikki Moore
Like CDW Holly 'Helminiak' Johnson
Like DiaperShops on Facebook
Shannon Canfield
I am a fan of diapershops on FB
Alyssa Davis Nelson
I am a diapershops FB fan
Carolyn Boeding Berger
Fan of cdw on facebook
Facebook fan of DiaperShops
Melissa Bauler Morrison
I am a fan of TCDW on Facebook.
Alyssa Davis Nelson
I "love" DiaperShops.com on Facebook!
Liked you via FB ID 156801028
born2bamama - I am a fan of Diapershops.com on FB!
Like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook
Shannon Canfield
Diapershops fan on facebook
I am a facebook fan of diapershops id DANIELA PUCHER
I am a fan on facebook: idnumber is 779042948
I like DiaperShops on FB (dayna Winge)
Facebook fan of TCDW
Melissa Bauler Morrison
I posted about it on Chatter Scene in the CD forum
I'm a dIapershops FB fan-Laura Wilson
swapmamas.com cloth swappers
born2bamama - I am a fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB!
I am a Diaper Shops facebook fan -- Kristin Word.
I am a fan on facebook...id number is 779042948
I'm a CDW FB fan-Laura Wilson
I "like" cloth diaper whisper on facebook, id = anarqkiki.
writegretel at gmail
Diapershops fb fan: facebook.com/palomercado
I posted about this giveaway at Cafe mom
Title: 30 Minutes of Fluff - Win a Katydid One-Size Cloth Diaper
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com
I'm a fan on fb of diapershops
fb id: rainchase
raineychase [at} cox [dot] net
I like Diaper Shops on Facebook!
I am a fan on facebook ID: Nancy Phillips Pizana! 3rd time mom...first time CD'r!!
I am a TCDW facebook fan -- Kristin Word.
i like the cloth diaper whisperer on fb
deusprovidebit hats
I like TCDW on Facebook!
Replied to a thread on thebump.com
I "like" diapershops on facebook, id = anarqkiki.
writegretel at gmail
I like DiaperShops on Facebook!!
MLSTHS2008 at yahoo dot com
I am a fan on facebook and my id number is 779042948
I'm a fan/follower of theclothdiaperwhisperer on fb
fb id: rainchase
raineychase [at] cox [dot] net
I like Diapershops on FB. ID sulauren.e.wilson
I reviewed Happy Heiney's one-size snap diapers.
Like Diapershops on FB (Candy Harvey)
I like diapershops on FB!
wendy c k
wendykate99 @ yahoo dot com
I am a Diaper shops facebook fan. Tawnee Swartz
I like TCDW on facebook!!!
MLSTHS2008 at yahoo dot com
Cloth Diaper Whisperer FB fan: facebook.com/palomercado
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