Question of the week:
How to you dry your cloth diapers (dryer, liner, other)? Please respond by Thursday, June 2nd, at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to the bumGenius facebook page. Leave a comment on their wall that The Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent you.
- Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
- Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
- Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
- Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
- Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
- Tweet @bumgenius fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
- Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
- Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 5/27-6/2. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (,, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, June 3rd. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, June 3rd. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 884 Newer› Newest»I dry them in a dryer.
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I'm waiting patiently for nice weather to line dry, its either raining or windy! In the winter, I use the dryer for inserts but covers never go in the dryer!
I follow your blog on GFC
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Drying: preferred method is on the line outside...we also have a drying rack in our laundry room and put flats/prefolds/inserts in the dryer on low heat.
Liked BumGenius on FB
Tweeted about my latest purchase at Kelly's Closet:
mandylynn428 Mandy Lynn
@diapershops #clothdiapers I just got my FREE GrowVia AIO from Kelly's Closet - can't wait to use it!!
Tweeted about this week's giveaway:
mandylynn428 Mandy Lynn
@bumgenius fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway - Enter at
Blogged about this weeks giveaway:
I usually dry on medium for 50 minutes and then hang to dry. If I want to get stains out I line dry outside and then fluff in the dryer.
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Melissa Kittle
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Melissa Kittle
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I line dry everything, and will fluff inserts and prefolds in the dryer
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Facebook fan Teresa Darr
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I commented on "It Started With One"
I commented on "A Cloth Diapering Addict's Rule"
I commented on Foster: Cloth
I hang dry everything!
I am a Facebook Fan (Stephanie Salois)!
I am now a follower too!
I dry using both the dryer and an inside gentle line dryer (the weather here is unpredictable, so I can't dry them outside).
I live in an apartment and use pocket diapers, so I dry the inserts in the dryer and hang the shell up with pants hangers in my laundry room.
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I am a follower.
I dry all my fluff in the dryer.
When its nice I hang everything on the clothes line. Otherwise I air dry covers and shells and toss everything else into the dryer.
I'm a FB fan! 504738975
Everything but covers/shells goes into the dryer unless it's a particularly good day for line drying.
I'm a Twitter follower! gingermomma
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I do a combo of all options. Depends on the day and the weather!
I tweeted!! gingermomma Lauren Waters
@bumgenius fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at
now Favorite Reply Delete
commented on BG!
I put the inserts in the dryer and then hang dry my covers!
I made an order! Order number: KC-82894
Order Date: 5/30/2011
I made a unique tweet! gingermomma Lauren Waters
I just ordered for the first time from @diapershops #clothdiapers and cannot wait for my 5 new fuzzibunz to get here!!!
53 seconds ago Favorite Reply Delete
i am a follower!
I'm a CD newbie, but so far I have only line dried my fuzzi bunz and bumGenius.
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I dry everything on my drying rack...I'm looking forward to the Pacific NW warming up, so I can dry it all in the sun this summer! :)
I dry everything on my drying rack. I'm looking forward to the Pacific NW warming up, so I can dry it all in the sun one of these days... :)
During the summer I air dry everything outside. In the winter I air dry covers and put the inserts in the dryer.
I am a FB follower, blog follower and Bumgenius follower.
I hang my diapers ( both inserts and shells) out to dry on a drying rack in my backyard. When the weather is bad they hang in my laundry room. I LOVE my "nautral" dryer!
I follow this blog.
I put my inserts and prefolds in the dryer. Pocket diapers, covers, and AIOs I hang to dry in my laundry room. When the weather is good anything with stains goes outside on my drying rack.
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I'm a Facebook fan of bumGenius and commented. (Jodi J)
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I'm a Facebook fan of yours (Jodi J)
I follow you on Twitter (@jdeemarie)
I follow on twitter @greenmomNY
I receive the Kelly's Closet newsletter.
I tweeted (@jdeemarie):
You could win @bumgenius #clothdiapers on this week's Fluff Friday giveaway! Enter at
I put all inserts in the dryer on medium with some wool dryer balls. Anything with PUL gets hung up on a rack near my machines (in the basement). Sometimes I'll just hang everything up on a rack outside on the weekends.
I commented on the bumGenius facebook page.
I am a follower of this blog!
I am a facebook fan (Joy Bradway).
I am a follower on Twitter (JoyBradway).
I put my liners in dryer and I air dry the covers all over my kitchen. :) I would love to be able to sun dry all of my cloth, but living where I do, our backyard is in full of trees and I would have dirty diapers all over again.
I just reviewed the Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag.
I stick the inserts in the dryer, and line dry the shells either inside or out depending on weather :)
I line dry whenever possible and dry if it is rainy weather.
I am a FB fan...Leslee Wilson Graves
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my ID is hand.stephanie
i hang them out to dry in my backyard :)
i hang them out on a line to dry both the inserts and the covers :) they have a nice smelll to them
I always line dry my covers and diaper pail liner, but most of my inserts, prefolds, flats, wipes, etc. are machine-dried...unless they have stains, then they hit the line, too. :)
I am a blog follower!
I subscribe to the Kelly's Closet newsletter!
I am a facebook fan - Julie Dameron
I'm a follower and I plan to line dry my diapers, weather permitting! I am new to cloth diapering, baby due Sept.; my stack of cloth diapers is growing higher!!! I am excited to get started!!
Hope this isn't a duplicate, but my internet is being wonky today:
I put everything (inserts, aio's, pockets... everything) in the dryer on the damp dry setting (about 15 minutes or so) to shake off the wet, then hang 'em up to dry completely.
cyoung2110 at gmail dot com
I am a fan on FB as well... ID Candice Young
I dry prefolds in the dryer and hang dry my Bumgenius, Fuzzibunz, and covers. Hoping to put a line outside once the weather warms up!
I'm also a fan on facebook!
I live in Phoenix, so I plan to line dry as much as possible.
I most often dry in the dryer, but just got my clothesline up. Everything is white again! Thank you sun!
So far I put the prefolds and wipes in the dryer, until my husband moves my clothes line to a sunnier spot! But I am new to cloth diapering, 2nd day, only! I am a follower on FB as well!
Both... depends on the type of diaper.
in the dryer!
Left a comment on bumGenius facebook page. wall that The Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent me
Elizabeth Birckett.
Advertised on Austin Area Fluff Fanatics Facebook page. Elizabeth Birckett
for some reason mine didn't show up.... I either throw everything in the dryer on low heat, or I line dry everything and then put the inserts in the dryer afterwards to finish up!
I use a dryer, but always throw in a few dry towels to help cut down on dry time.
I put them in the dryer. But now that it's getting nicer out I'll dry them on the porch sometimes too.
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line dry all!
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Fan on FB - Ana Liza Luis
I plan on drying most of my cloth diapers and line drying when possible
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We line dry in the summer, machine dry in the winter. We don't have much of a fall or spring here. ;)
I'm a facebook fan, also. :)
emilie taylor
Dryer, I'm hoping to get a clothes line up this summer.
I air dry the covers over my banister and put everything else in the dryer on medium heat. I also put anything stained out on the deck on a towel.
I just subscribed to your blog.
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I know follow you on Twitter
I machine dry my inserts, and line dry my pockets on my laundry rack
im a fan on Facebook!
i subscribe to the newsletter
I tweeted:
@bumgenius fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at
left a comment on bumgenius' FB page
Im a follower
Im a fan on FB
I use a drying rack out in the sun if i can or prefolds in the dryer and hang the covers.
tweeted: busy entering a giveaway at @diapershops #clothdiapers
I dry my dipes in the dryer!! I am too impatient!
Order some Fuzzibunz on 5/29/2011 KC-82606
follower on facebook
I get the Kelly's closet newsletter
I live in the rainy northwest, so I usually have to dry in the dryer. But on those glorious sunny days I line dry everything outside.
I dry all my inserts in the dryer and line dry covers or pockets anywhere in my home my toddler can't reach. ;)
Planning on having a line in our backyard as long as the HOA doesn't yell at us! If not, I am line drying in the garage!
I subscribe to the Kelly's Closet newsletter!
I'm a fan on facebook! Would love these for my little girl!
I commented on BumGenius's facebook page!
I put all my inserts in the dryer and then line dry all covers/pockets where ever my toddler can't reach. ;)!/LayneStalvey/status/75720583127642112
Tweeting bout ya!!/LayneStalvey/status/75722006577950720
Tweeting about the giveaway!
Commented on BG's facebook page! Told them you sent me!!
I Tweeted (@jdeemarie):
Did you know that @diapershops has weekly #clothdiapers giveaways?? Check their blog!
Displaying the Fluffy Friday button on my blog! Spreading the word!
I follow your blog!!!
I'm a FB fan (Jenni Lemerand)
I commented on bumgenius' FB!
I'm a follower.
I hang them on a drying rack in the winter and then out in the sun for summer! Love it :) The sun is a great natural bleaching agent.
I dry our diapers on a drying rack in the winter and on a line outside in the summer! I love the sun as a natural bleaching agent :)
I am a follower
I hang the cd on the clothes line on good days, but I use the also use the drier
I get kellys closet newsletter/and I signed up for yours
I haven't started cloth diapering yet, as I'm still baking my LO, but I plan on drying all my fluff in the dryer unless it has pul, then I'll dry it on a drying rack.
I live in a land of humidity (and these days hit-or-miss sunshine) so I do a combo. I put everything (except covers) in the dryer for 20-40 mins low heat. Then I dry them on the drying rack in front of a cool fan for the rest of the afternoon...speaking of which, i should go get mine out of the dryer!
I'm a fan on facebook (gail lantz)
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I dry mine in the dryer.
I am a facebook fan.
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I recieve the kelly's closet newsletter.
I placed an order at kelly's closet on May 30. Order #KC-82934
I tumble dry everything except my gdiaper liners and any covers - unless it's summer and then I dry everything on the line! I love to think of the $ I save : )
I did a review of super bummis whisper wrap on kellys closet.
I use the dryer in the colder months and outdoor air in the warmer months!
I'm a follower of your blog!
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I signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter!
In the dryer with wool dryer balls.
I dry my diapers on the line outside or in the dryer during the winter.
I left a message on the BG wall.
I am subscribing to your e-newsletter. is a FB fan. is a twitter follower.
I dry for a little bit in the dryer and then hang on the line. If it is sunny, I put the line outside to bleach out the stains
I advertised on to the group of Cloth Diapering Fans. Here is the link:
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Jean EEC wars tweeted @bumgenius fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at
I follow on id is @leahhoman
I receive the newsletter
I use both the dryer and the line!
tvpg at aol dot com
Commented on BG's FB page - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
Like you on FB - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
Am signed up for Kelly's Closet newsletter.
tvpg at aol dot com
Tweeted: @bumgenius fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at
tvpg at aol dot com
Tweeted: Check out the selection of #clothdiapers at @diapershops!
tvpg at aol dot com
I put the inserts in the dryer and line dry the covers.
I'm a facebook fan - Megan Desko
I get the newsletter
commented on bumgenius facebook page - Megan Desko
everything in the dryer.
fanned the BG FB page and commented that TCDW sent me.
I'm a line dryer in the summer, spring and fall for sure!
I get the newsletter.
Facebook fan (Paula Bradford Neilson)
Twitter follower @PollyWantsItAll
Commented on the BG FB page. (Paula Bradford Neilson)
I tweeted (@Jdeemarie):
Head on over to the @diapershops blog and enter to win #clothdiapers!!
HUrry & put in your last entries for this awesome giveaway! @diapershops #clothdiapers
twitter id: Live_For_Him
r dot grymonprez at gmail dot com
I line dry followed by a quick 10 minute fluff in the dryer.
I follow the blog.
I subscribe to the newsletter.
I dry covers and inserts outside on the line.
melduke26 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower!
I'm a Facebook fan (Dottie Bryan Cole)
I *plan* to line dry as much as possible, but still use the dryer when necessary for bulkier diapers.
I put the inserts in the dryer and line dry the pockets.
4philys at gmail dot com
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