Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, October 29, 2010

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Fluff Friday 103

Fluff Friday
1-FuzziBunz One-Size Cloth Diaper in Choco Truffle
1-FuzziBunz One-Size Cloth Diaper in Kumquat

Question of the week:
Do you ever coordinate the cloth diaper baby is wearing to a specific outfit so it matches? (If yes please state an example of what you have done in the past or what you plan to do in the future.) Leave your comment before Thursday, Nov.4th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)

Other ways to enter:
  1. Head on over to our NEW The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
  2. Follow @fuzzibunz on Twitter. Come back and post a comment that you are a follower of FuzziBunz.
  3. Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
  4. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
  5. Fluff Friday Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
  6. Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
  7. Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
  8. Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
  9. One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
  10. Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @fuzzibunz #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
  11. Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
  12. Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
  13. Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 10/29-11/4. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
  14. Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
  15. Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (,, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
  16. Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.

Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, November 5th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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Leslie Richman said...

I'm just learning about cloth diapers...but I definitely like the idea of color-coordinating!!

lesliedoll at hotmail dot com

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

My 3rd (on her way in December) baby will be the first in my family to wear cloth - I am sure I will coordinate the diapers with her outfits whenever I can - it just sounds fun!!

Becky LaSalle said...

We are new to cloth diapering but I can not WAIT to do a halloween costume next year using the babies (yes there will be TWO) FuzziBunz!!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I am a fan of the NEW CDW fan page on FB

Julia said...

I try to coordinate the diaper whenever I can. I wish there were more clothing companies that made baby t-shirts that show off the diaper!! I'm having a hard time finding them!! Right now my favorite is a Mommy's Touch Red Bandana cover paired with a red gingham dress with ladybugs on it. Looking for Christmas stuff anf Thanksgiving outfits now.

Becky LaSalle said...

I'm a FAN of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I follow FuzziBunz on Twitter

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I follow/subscribe to the blog

Mama Bee said...

I try to coordinate whenever I can. She has a ladybug outfit that I love and I put her red FB on with it. I'm coordinating for her Halloween costume (bumblebee w/ yellow FB).

Becky LaSalle said...

I follow FuzziBunz on Twitter!


Becky LaSalle said...

I follow you blog!

Bld424 said...

Question - Yes! Last year I bought a red thirsties cover just for Christmas and Valentine photos. I also made sure he wore a very cute diaper for his 1 year photos - it was BG in Moonbeam, and it matched his birthday boy shirt!

Mama Bee said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on FB

Andrea Crisp Bowles

Bld424 said...

I am a CDW facebook fan!

Becky LaSalle said...

I get the Kelley's Closet newsletter too!

Mama Bee said...

I follow @fuzzibunz on twitter @montejas

Bld424 said...

I follow your blog through google reader!

Mama Bee said...

I subscribe to your newsletter

Bld424 said...

I get the email newsletter!

Mama Bee said...

I follow the blog via GFC

Zara said...

I'm generally pretty easy going, so I don't think I will usually coordinate diaper & outfits, but at the same time, I'm sure I will sometimes!

Zara said...

Facebook fan!

Zara said...

Newsletter getter!

Bld424 said...

I am an affiliate. My id is 288 (I think? Have a hard time finding this on my account!)

Bld424 said...

I commented here in this discussion...

Mama Bee said...

I posted on the bump

AriPerezOchoa said...

I'm still PG but I have already warned my husband that our little girl will be wearing a matching diaper with all her outfits. I have already pictured myself matching her cute dress with a diaper and shoes. jaja. That means we will need lots of diapers. He looks at me like im crazy but he knows what im saying is true.

Faceboook sc - Arianna Perez

Bld424 said...

I commented on this discussion

Mama Bee said...

Your button is on my blog

erica(dot)rae(dot)smith1984(at)gmail(dot)com said...

Sure have! Daughter has a cute blue/green/yellow plaid dress that looks great with her Green Little Beetle wool cover, her Blueberry covers (yellow, and blue/green/yellow circles), or her simple wool clover diaper.

Mama Bee said...

I'm a DS fan on FB

Andrea Crisp Bowles

erica(dot)rae(dot)smith1984(at)gmail(dot)com said...

Fan of Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook (Erica Smith)

Bld424 said...

I commented here: (Sorry it is not a very positive comment)

Jennifer said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on facebook.

fb id: jennharwell

Mama Bee said...

I follow DS on twitter @montejas

Sarah Benedict said...

I'm a fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page

Sarah Benedict

Ashley said...

twitter follower: aemala

erica(dot)rae(dot)smith1984(at)gmail(dot)com said...

Following @Fuzzibunz on twitter (@ericaraesmith)

erica(dot)rae(dot)smith1984(at)gmail(dot)com said...

Follower and subscriber to the Cloth Diaper Whisperer blog!

Sarah Benedict said...

I'm a follower of FuzziBunz on twitter.


Mama Bee said...

I tweeted @montejas:
"Love @fuzzibunz #clothdiapers? Check out @diapershops fluff friday give away!Enter at"

erica(dot)rae(dot)smith1984(at)gmail(dot)com said...

Fan of Diaper Shops on Facebook (Erica Smith)

Sarah Benedict said...

I'm using your button on my blog

Ashley said...

follower of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook
id: Ashley Emala

erica(dot)rae(dot)smith1984(at)gmail(dot)com said...

Receive the newsletter!

Jennifer said...

I follow @fuzzibunz on twitter!

id: jennh617

Sarah Benedict said...

I'm a fan of your Facebook group

Sarah Benedict

Sarah Benedict said...

I'm a follower on Twitter


Jennifer said...

I am a follower to your blog!

Sarah Benedict said...

I have signed up for your newsletter at Kelly's Closet.

DeVore Family said...

Yes, I try to coordinate my son's outfits with his diapers even if you can't see his diapers! I would love to get a brown diaper and a gray diaper though because he has a lot of outfits in those colors!

erica(dot)rae(dot)smith1984(at)gmail(dot)com said...

Follow Diapershops on Twitter (@ericaraesmith)

AriPerezOchoa said...

I will be matching most if not all my little girls diapers with her outfits. Im still PG but I know that there is not point in buying cute CD's if not gonna match them and show them off. A dress, diaper and shoes is all she will be wearing in the summer.

Twitter id. ariperezochoa

Jennifer said...

I am a fan of Diaper shops on facebook.

id: jennharwell

Unknown said...

I coordinate the cloth diaper DS wears to the clothes he's wearing almost every day. We use mostly bg elementals, and we have almost every color so that we can match his clothes. He has a really cute tiger outfit that's yellow and brown (with an orange tiger), and we usually put on an orange bg to match the tiger!

DeVore Family said...

I plan to put my son in his orange Fuzzibunz for trick or treating tomorrow night, even though you won't see his diaper! I am a fan on Facebook!

Becca N said...

Not only have I coordinate diapers with outfits, I admit that I bought a diaper to specifically coordinate with a dress of my daughters - it is orange with pink and yellow flowers in a funky kind of print. I ordered both a yellow diaper and a white diaper (in case the yellow wasn't the right shade).

DeVore Family said...

I am a follower of the blog!

Sarah Benedict said...

I commented on
Cloth Diapering a Newborn

Becca N said...

Am a TCDW fan on Facebook (Becca Niburg)

DeVore Family said...

I receive the newsletter!

aklgirl said...

I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.

Chrissy DePauli

Becca N said...

am a diapershops fan on facebook (Becca Niburg)

aklgirl said...

I follow @fuzzibunz on Twitter.


Unknown said...

I follow @diapershops on twitter. @junelily99

aklgirl said...

I subscribe to the blog.

Jennifer said...

I follow you on twitter!

id: jennh617

Bld424 said...

I reviewed Rockin Green Pail Freshener! I have received a verification email, but its not on the site yet!

aklgirl said...

I follow you DiaperShops on facebook.

Chrissy DePauli

Jennifer said...

I am signed up for Kelly's Closet newsletter!

aklgirl said...

I follow @diapershops on Twitter.


Sincerely, Sara said...

I'm a follower!

angeleyes_012 said...

I'm a fan on facebook and I follow the blog. Elizabeth Gaudette

When my little boy comes I don't know if I will match his diapers to his outfits, if it was a girl then I would!

Sarah Benedict said...

I always matched, especially when we were out and about. Sundays were a must since there was always a dress involved. I have a cute jean ruffly jumper with a pink ruffle shirt that matches and it is always paired with the Rumparooz Lux! So cute and we always get a TON of comments on it.

aklgirl said...

I follow @diapershops on Twitter.


aklgirl said...

I subscribe the Kelly's Closet newsletter.

Stephanie U said...

Most of our diapers are white (Econobums) or vanilla (GroBaby). Occasionally during the summer Iw ould make sure my son's shirt had white in it if I wasn't going to put shorts on him.

aklgirl said...

I tweeted!!/cdep1/status/29108391173

Unknown said...

Very rarely, but mostly because as a little boy he doesn't have a lot of outfits that show off his diapers; if I had a little girl, I could see doing it with skirts and stuff.

That said, I will always pack the cutest diapers I have when I go out to out to see people who don't cloth diaper. I hope to entice them. :D

Colleen said...

Every Sunday afternoon my little boy has to wear an orange diaper cover for his Daddy's Cincinnati Bengals!

Unknown said...

I am a fan as The Cloth Diaper Whisper on Facebook (Ashley Poland).

Colleen said...

I am a facebook fan.

Unknown said...

I follow the blog. :D

Anne said...

Just today I put my LO in his orange gDiaper to match his Halloween pumpkin shirt and pants...

Meg said...

I am a FB fan of Diaper Shops!/profile.php?id=1487000452

Colleen said...

I follow @fuzzibunz (@colleenphelps).

Unknown said...

I follow @diapershops on Twitter (@ashleympoland).

Brandi H. said...

Well, I'm pregnant with our first, so we don't do coordinating, yet. I'm sure there will be days I match her diaper to her outfit. Probably more likely on days we need to be dressed up than as a day to day thing.

Anne said...

I follow fuzzibunz on twitter!

Aviva said...

i'd love to, but haven't yet.

Sarah said...

Nope, we let her choose which dipe she wants {;0)

happyyellowball at hotmail dot com

Colleen said...

I follow you on twitter (@colleenphelps)

Sarah said...

I follow your blog via GFC!

padronalisa said...

i am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook! 517871564

Aviva said...

i'm a facebook fan

Chrissy said...

Fan on facebook! Chrissy Knorr

Anne said...

I follow on Twitter! @IllinoisHawkeye

Brandi H. said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on Facebook. Username Brandi Houtz

Sarah said...

I am a facebook fan!

jessw said...

Facebook ID: Jessica Wiant

I liked the Cloth Whisperer page on Facebook :)

Wondertwins211 said...

I like TCDW on FB!

Id: Leighfickling

Wondertwins211 said...

I follow FB on Twitter!

Leigh Fickling

Mary said...

Sometimes I do, but usually just if she isn't wearing pants, or wearing a dress. Then when people ask questions I can show them off!

Wondertwins211 said...

I read your blog!


Colleen said...

I subscribed to your newsletter.

Chrissy said...

I specifically bought shirts this summer to match my son's diapers so it would look cute! And I often match his diapers with his clothes, wouldn't want the fluff to clash if it shows!!

Anna said...

I do match up diapers on diaper with a pink striped dress, or all red/white/blue diapers on 4th of July. :) A lot of times I just go with the color my daughter requests now that she knows her colors! (24 months old)

Brandi H. said...

I follow your blog.

Anna said...

I follow this blog

Anna said...

FB fan of TCDW

Dayna W said...

I have never coordinated my son's diapers yat. We've only been using cloth for a couple months so it's a little had to in North Dakota when It's so cold this time of year.

aklgirl said...

I tweeted a unique tweet!!/cdep1/status/29108686215

Anna said...

FB fan of

Anna said...

button on my blog

Anna said...

I subscribe to the newsletter

Anna said...

affiliate #312

jessw said...

I don't coordinate diapers with outfits - mainly because I have a boy I think! So his diaper is always covered up by pants or shorts!

HereWeGoAJen said...

All the time! However, now that she's bigger, her diaper doesn't show that often. I still sometimes do it anyway. I had her orange diaper on under her pumpkin costume today even though no one could see it.

velve188 said...

I do sometimes coordinate diapers with my baby's clothes. He wore his pumpkin butt Halloween outfit and had to wear an orange diaper!
FB ID- saultshubbard

usmcfamily said...

my daughters are being fairys for halloween and they are wearing color coorinated cloth diapers under there tutus ones being tinkerbell so shes wearing ribbit under hers... and the other is being the pink one so shes wearing zinna under her tutu.. i always try to color coordinate their diapers light pink shirts with blossom BG and baby legs

Julia said...

Fan on FB
James-Julia Spears

velve188 said...

TCDW FB fan FB ID saultshubbard

Julia said...

I follow @Fuzzibunz


Rita said...

Several of my daughter's dresses have bloomers that I don't use. I'd rather coordinate the diaper with the dress than cover it up! :)

The Domestic Princess said...

No I do not coordinate but maybe I should?!?! ;)

missy said...

today I had him wear an orange diaper to match his halloween outfit :)

Rita said...

I am a fan of TCDW on facebook. (Rita Polk)

Rita said...

I follow Fuzzibunz on twitter (@ritasdiapers)

Kayleigh said...

I'm a fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook. (ID = Kayleigh Stabler)

missy said...

I'm a fan of TCDW facebook page

The Domestic Princess said...

I'm a member of the FB page

Id: cepichler

usmcfamily said...

I always try and dress my girls up with the color of their diapers. My youngest usually wears light pink shirts with her blossom diapers or a light pink dress with it and whit tights. they are being tinkerbell and the pink fairy for halloween and they are wearing green ribbit bg for tinkerbell and zinna for the pink fairy under their tutus

Rita said...

I'm subscribed to your blog through Google Reader.

Julia said...

I follow the blog via RSS and GFC
Julia Spears

spearsgirls at hotmail dot com

missy said...

I follow your blog


Kayleigh said...

I'm following fuzzibunz on Twitter.

velve188 said...

Following fuzzibunz on twitter. @velve188

The Domestic Princess said...

I follow @fuzzibunz on Twitter


Kayleigh said...

I follow your blog

The Domestic Princess said...

I follow your blog through my blog:

velve188 said...

blog follower bbhub at hotmail dot com

missy said...

I'm a fan of facebook site

Melissa Seaberg Huntington

Katie S said...

Yes! I do like to coordinate outfits so that the diaper matches!. My son has an orange shirt that I love and I pair it with his Orange Fuzzibunz. In the future I will be buying a DryBees lacy diaper to pair under dresses! I'd also love to get the GoGreen "Superstar" diaper for the Fourth of July. On Halloween my son will wear his red Trimsies because they will match his boxing gloves perfectly. Thanks!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

missy said...

I follow on twitter


Whitney said...

I'm a follower of your blog! Love it :)

MBS said...

I coordinate to my Son's jammies, since we are using cloth only at night (he is nearly completed potty learning!), when he was younger I'd coordinate to match his shirt and/or babylegs and plan on doing the same with the next one. :)

The Domestic Princess said...

I participated in 30 mins of fluff for the Fuzzibunz. I REALLY want to try them out before buying them.

Jaimee said...

I just started cloth diapering yesterday! I plan to match his diapers to his shirts as I build my stash! If I win the orange diaper I want to dress my son to look like a pumpkin!

Kayleigh said...

I have a button on my blog.

velve188 said...

I follow diapershops on twitter @velve188

Kayleigh said...

I'm following you on Twitter (@kayleigh_hearts)

The Domestic Princess said...

Extra entry for twitter follower


Kristin & Jeff said...

Liked The Cloth Diaper Wisperer on FB. :)

Kristin Stumpf Harmon

Kayleigh said...

I tweeted: @diapershops fluff friday @fuzzibunz #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at (@kayleigh_hearts)

Anonymous said...

i am a fan of cloth diaper whisperer on facebook: Stephanie Voigt Perry

Whitney R said...

I have sang ur praises on my facebook page about the fluff friday 103 Fuzzibunz give away!

Kayleigh said...

I'm a fan of your facebook group (ID = Kayleigh Stabler)

Kristin & Jeff said...

I always try to cordinate my diaper with the outfit. Pinks with pink outfits, purples with purples etc. She is 2 months so we are constantly change diapers, so sometiems we dont match :)

Whitney said...

I'm a facebook fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer.

Facebook Id: whitneywillis

Kristin & Jeff said...

I am a follower of this blog. :)


Brooke Anderson said...

On 10/21/10 I coordinated Bella in a purple [grape] fuzzibunz with her purple gingham BabyLegs with a white polo for acceptance day. We also did a Kumquat FuzziBunz with a halloween outfit for a Harvest festival we visited a couple weeks ago!

Unknown said...

Fan of TCDW
FB ID: 712432433

~Carri Rowan :-)

Unknown said...

I definitely try to coordinate with my kids' diapers, especially during the summer. In the warmer months, I usually would just dress my boys in just a diaper with a coordinating tee. Since my youngest is crawling, he usually is in just a diaper, tee, and babylegs... All matching, of course! I am hoping to one day have a daughter that I can coordinated diapers with dresses. Even during the cold months, all you need is a cute dress, adorable fluffy heiny, and a matching pair of babylegs. :)

MMoriarty said...

I am a fan on facebook of (Meredith Moriarty)

Timmi said...

i follow your blog

Timmi said...

im a fb fan of tcdw

melsae said...

I don't know as I have ever specifically matched diapers to an outfit, but I certainly match the diaper to the holiday. Red, White and Blue for the 4th of July; Red and Green for Christmas, Orange, Yellow and Red for Thanksgiving etc.

Unknown said...

I Follow your Blog!

Jenny O said...

Totally! I haven't done anything as in-depth as matching patterns or fabrics, but I do try to buy covers in a variety of colors (we have green, yellow, pink, brown, pink patterns, blue patterns) so that they'll coordinate with at least one of her outfits (she mostly wears dresses so the covers tend to be visible except in the winter).

Unknown said...

Nope. About the only "coordinating" I do is sometimes I make my son wear his white diaper cover because it's a little trimmer than the others and I want him to wear jeans.

Timmi said...

im a fb fan of the diaper shops
timmi dobesh

Jenny O said...

I'm a Facebook fan (Jenny O)

Jenny O said...

I'm subscribed in google reader

Amy said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on facebook! (Amy Holland Harley)

Unknown said...

I like TCDW on FB. Stephanie Newton

Unknown said...

I like DiaperShops on FB. Stephanie Newton

Unknown said...

I am signed up for the Kelly’s Closet newsletter.

Laura & Justin said...

I follow your blog. My screen name is laura.adcock. I also Like you on FB. Laura Clark Adcock. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm a fan on FB
FB ID: 712432433

Timmi said...

posted a comment of diaper shops fb discussion board Anyone NOT like the flip? timmi dobesh

Amy said...

I'm a follower of TCDW blog

Amy said...

I get the Kelly's Closet newsletter

Unknown said...


Kim Day said...

I do try to coordinate my son's diapers with his outfits &/or holidays. An easy example would be 4th of july. I used only our red fuzzibunz, blue knickernappies & bumGenius & vanilla GroBaby (cuz I don't own any white!)

Unknown said...

Commented on Diapershops discussion re: Fluff Friday 103 just posted on TCDW Blog: Enter to win FuzziBunz Cloth Diapers in Halloween colors! (ON BLOG ONLY)

Timmi said...

oh yea answer the ? too! Yes I do coordinate! I did all the time in the summer when my babe wore dresses, no need for those tight bloomers I was showing off my diapers!

Kim Day said...

TCDW facebook fan

Kim Day

Kelly said...

I commented on babycenter

Kim Day said...

I follow fuzzibunz on Twitter


Kim Day said...

I follow the blog

Anonymous said...

I am a follower on fb. ID is mindy mccoy

Karen Wendt said...

I matched outfits a lot this summer - often it was a t-shirt, diaper, and leggings all in lavendar. =) I think my favorite was for her baptism- white diaper under her white gown - because part of the service was done with her in just her diaper. Those are cute pictures!

Kim Day said...

diapershops facebook fan

Kim Day

Anonymous said...

I am a follower on Twitter. id is mskipoff

Kim Day said...

I follow diapershops on twitter


Cali said...

Yes, I do plan outfits around the dipes I have available for today. I am most excited for baby's first Thanksgiving when she will be wearing a cute brown corduroy dress with a diaper with turkeys on cute.

Karen Wendt said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on fb.

Karen Wendt

Cali said...

I'm a fan on FB

Cassie M

Cali said...

I follow your blog.

Anonymous said...

I follow fuzzibunz on twitter. id mskipoff

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