Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Sunday, July 17, 2011

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Meet July's Spotlight MOM: Sarah N.

Name: Sarah N.

City: Ontario, WI

Mom to: Matthias (1 yo)

Here's what she has to say about diapering, motherhood and everything in between:

What is the #1 reason you cloth diaper your baby?
Cost savings. I also appreciate the environmental friendliness.

Who has been your biggest cloth diapering supporter/ cheerleader? Who/Why/Etc.
First and foremost, my husband. From the start I told him we were going to cloth diaper, before I even knew about the "modern" cloth diaper. He was on board even when he thought it meant pins and prefolds (though he is much happier now using pockets). My mom is my other big supporter. She CDed us (with pins) and is amazed by how cloth has changed.

What is one product you absolutely can't live without!
OxiClean. Gotta love those TV products, but honestly, I have gotten out so many poop stains and now pureed food stains! Amazing stuff.

If you had one superhero power, what would it be and why?
I would want to be able to protect all kids from ever being picked on, teased or bullied. I watch my daughters and see how sweet and gentle they are. I want to put a protective shield around them so they are never hurt by anyone.

If you had one superhero power, what would it be and why?
I would love to be able to stop and start time. I have watched my baby grow so quickly this past year. I want to keep him little for a bit longer!

Describe your parenting style using three words.
God-fearing, affectionate and "no" means "no".

What is your favorite diaper and why?
The BG 4.0. It represents most of my stash. I like the snaps, although we have a lot of Velcro.

How do you think being a mother has changed you?
We prayed for children for a long time, lost one, and then had a preemie. Through this I have learned to really appreciate God's gift of life, which he grants in His own time. I also am trying harder not to worry about all the small chores around the house that take so much time. I take in every minute I have with my peanut because I know that before I'm ready for it he'll be grown.

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