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Thursday, August 15, 2013

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The Cardinal Sin of Cloth Diapering

Ok everyone, prepare yourselves! I’m about to say that awful, horrible, word that is despised in the cloth diapering community! DISPOSABLES!!! ****GASP****. Oh yes, I did just say the ‘D’ word on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer. If we are all being honest, we would admit that we have all used disposables on our little ones tushies every once in a while. And if you can proudly proclaim that you, in fact, have NEVER used a disposable diaper, then I am here to deem you to be Super Mom!

So, what about the rest of us? The ones who get too busy to do the diaper laundry and suddenly realize that you have run out of cloth diapers? Well, it happens to the best of us, whether caused by stress, busyness, or just plain laziness, we all reach for that papery nappy every once in a while. The problem is that once we get in the flow of using disposables, it gets harder and harder to get back into using cloth again. Well, at least it is for me! So, let’s talk about some practical ways to get back into using those cloth diapers again!

The most obvious way to kick the disposables once and for all is the Stop buying them! I know, I know, easier said than done. In my own kids closets sits the ‘just in case’ pile of disposables that, all too often get used. But if you are really serious and ready to go 100% cloth, just don’t buy any more disposables! For our family, we use disposables at church on Sunday, so I guess you can say that we use cloth 95% of the time!

Another great way to get back into the swing of cloth diapering is the Set up a diaper washing schedule. I am totally a schedule person. If it isn’t Wednesday, I’m NOT scrubbing the toilet! But every Wednesday, I roll up my sleeves and get that porcelain throne so sparkling clean that you could eat off of it! Diaper laundry is one of those things that you have to keep up with. I wash our cloth diapers Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, pull out a pen and paper and plan your schedule around your family’s needs and get yourself organized!

Keep yourself motivated! Do you find yourself feeling discouraged and burned out from cloth diapering? Well, keeping yourself motivated will help deter that feeling. The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is a GREAT way to keep motivated! You can read hundreds – maybe even thousands? – of stories about successfully using cloth diapers, and if that doesn’t make you feel motivated to pull out the cloth again, than I don’t know what will! If you really are in need of some motivation, then grab a dry erase marker and start writing yourself little love notes on your mirror. Your hubby may think you are crazy, but there is nothing like waking up to seeing “Cloth Diapering Goddess” written above your head on the mirror!

One more thought for you busy moms and dads out there: Give yourself a break! If you really think about it, it isn’t the end of the world that you used a disposable diaper, or ten! It happens to the best of us, and if you beat yourself up over it, you will be more likely to not even go back to cloth. So, cut yourself some slack, get motivated, set a schedule, and get back in the game!

Bio: Tara is married to the love of her life, and is a Stay-at-home Mom to two little ones. She blogs about her family at

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Violianka said...

I sometimes use disposables, but it is very rare. We use cloth for the most of time, 99%. And I am proud of me! I am a real cloth-goddess! ;)

Unknown said...

We use disposables if we are traveling, or on the couple of occasions where she got such a bad rash we needed to slather on the desitin. Otherwise it is all cloth!

Stacy S said...

I'm about to have little one number two and have an AWESOME cloth stash and am very excited to get going. I have not a single disposable in the house, which is a little nerve wracking but I figure that's a great way to get going with this. I figure the hospital disposables will be fine, I have newborn cloth options and we're ready to rock and roll. I didn't start cloth with my first until she was a couple months old and then was not able to continue very long due to work and a small stash but I used my little stash every day for as long as I could.

Hobbit Mom said...

I don't understand why it's "easier" to run to the store for disposables than it is to wash a load. If I ever ran out of cloth diapers, my diaper pail would be overflowing. I washed when the pail got full (or nearly full) and just never had that problem. When my boys were babies, I had the opposite problem - I'd run out of disposables and not have the time (or the money) to get more, and I'd end up putting them in cloth to fill that gap. When my daughter was born, I went, "screw that, I don't want to deal with it again, and if I'm going to use cloth, I need a system" and I never looked back. Yes, there have been a few extenuating circumstances where she's used disposables, but they really are VERY FEW. She wore cloth at night, to church, to the mall, and even on vacation to Hawaii, where I *really* didn't want to get stuck trying to find a brand that wouldn't give her a rash or be stuck battling a blistered sposie-butt.

Stephanie said...

I've researched all sorts of ways for us to travel with cloth or hybrids when my little one starts solids this fall, but without a diaper sprayer and with family who are a little "meh" about having poopy diapers in their washing machines (even when it's just EBF poo!), I'm thinking we'll give ourselves grace and use disposables for a week. Plus, then I'll be SOOOOO glad to come home to cloth! And if I pack the disposables, I'll have room to bring home presents when all the diapers are gone. :D Not perfect, but there's only so much a mom can do, right?

Becca said...

I LOVE my cloth baby bums but we have taken to using disposables on trips that involve overnight stays. There are 7 of us so every bit of space in the car counts and it saves me needing to ask relatives if I can borrow their washing machine.

Angela Dawn said...

Hi! I think cloth is great--if it works for you and baby! I have a little guy that we dealt with perpetual rash (both eczema and fungal) despite cloth diapering, different detergents, etc. The rash has finally cleared with Honest Company diapers (other disposables had irritants for him).

Well I would have willingly loved to exclusively use cloth, I'm so thankful to have the option of disposables that have given my baby relief. We currently use a hybrid system of cloth during the day and 'sposies at night, with creams.

Just a wanted to chime in and encourage anyone else in a similar situation that it is not a sin to use disposable if that is what is best for your little one!

Hannah Avery said...

We use cloth by far most of the time, but I do carry a couple of disposables in my diaper bag for church, going into the city, etc. I find that if I'm carrying a poopy diaper out and about, it gets very yucky, and then I am not very motivated to wash it out! Also, we usually buy a big pack of them when going on vacation, and then just use the rest as we need them. They are nice to have on hand when I am sick or someone needs to watch the kids. But for me, the money is a huge motivating factor of getting back in cloth quickly!
