Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Monday, October 13, 2014

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My Favorite Cloth Diaper

It’s hard to choose a favorite, it really is. When I started cloth diapering four years ago, I was overwhelmed by all the choices. Like a massive Caesar’s Palace buffet, I didn’t know where to begin. All in one’s? Covers and inserts? What kind of inserts? What kind of cover? One size, or sized? What brand was best? I relied heavily on customer reviews and finally, after months of researching while I was pregnant, decided on Flip one size covers with their Stay Dry inserts. I loved the vivid colors and how easy they were to use. We used them for our daughter Ella’s first year, until she went into daycare and they pretended not to know how to use them. Cloth diapers require more frequent changes or they leak! That’s it, people! I caved, trying not to seem too demanding, and put her in disposables. We were then abruptly thrust into the world of frequent diaper rashes alternating with yeast infections, requiring a constant supply of Desitin.

When two years later I found myself pregnant with our second daughter, Maggie, I knew I wanted to go back to cloth diapers. Once again, I spent half of my pregnancy researching my options, often at three a.m., when my dreaded pregnancy-induced insomnia kicked in. I eventually decided on Thirsties xs in celery and Bummis super whisper wraps in flower and bloom for when she was first born (we also had a huge stash of newborn disposables that were gifted to us.) When she outgrew those, I decided to try the Thirsties duo wraps in size one, in both snap and hook and loop. I loved those. They were trim, she almost never leaked, and the colors and prints were just so cute! We tried the polka dance print, the hoot print, and baby bird lavender. I desperately wanted a print no longer in production, the Alice Brights print, and almost ordered it from a specialty warehouse for one and a half times the normal price, but decided against it at the last minute. Still kicking myself. From the solid colors, I ordered storm cloud, celery and meadow. I debated using those over some kind of insert again, but decided to go with birdseye flats, after reading so many positive comments about them. Things like; “Best thing to happen to cloth diapers since sliced bread!” And “wash up and dry in no time!” Okay, I made that first comment up. That sums up how I feel about flats, however. Inserts are wonderfully convenient, and a great introduction to cloth diapering, but you have to take special care when laundering them to keep that good ‘ol diaper stink from building up and let’s just say that I did not get into cloth diapering because I’m one of those “has it all together” types of moms.

When Maggie outgrew her Thirsties Duo Wraps in size one, I almost re-ordered them in size two, but I was itching to try something else. So many varieties, so little time! I wanted to try them all, but my credit card limit intervened and I ended up ordering a few Imagine one size diaper covers and two one size Econobum covers. Both work very well, but the Econobums are my favorite of the two. Econobums have extra wide wings, so despite not having a second line of snaps, they somehow wrap very securely all the way around my nearly twenty pound fifteen month old, and we never have “wing droop.” Imagine diaper covers offer a very trim fit, but they are so narrow through the crotch area that I can’t easily double stuff, which limits the times I can use them. Unfortunately, Econobums don’t come in cute prints, which, for me, accounts for eighty percent of my cloth diaper obsession. Anyone know where I can get a Thirsties Duo size two in Alice Brights?

Bio: Anna Jones lives with her husband and two adorable daughters in Columbus, Ohio.

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