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Monday, October 20, 2014

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Once and Done Cloth Diapering

Sometimes I worry that there is too much information about cloth diapers on the internet, too many choices, and too much enthusiasm. This might sound strange coming from a blogger who writes about, reviews, and advocates for cloth diapers. But, the more I introduce cloth diapers to friends and acquaintances, the more I realize that “more” isn’t always what people are seeking.

I think back to my initial plunge into the cloth diapering world and remember spending hours researching my options – and having a love/hate relationship with the process. I made charts to compare prices, styles, and brands and purchased a cloth diaper trial. A good friend, on the other hand, looked into cloth for the simplicity it provided and the way it complemented her lifestyle choices. She preferred contacting the nearest retailer, receiving some solid advice, and buying everything at once.

I plunged into the cloth diapering community; making friends, reading blogs, entering contests, and weighing the pros and cons of different detergents. This was over 4 years ago and I still love participating. My friend and I would get together and, while we had a connection through cloth, all of the information about cloth and enthusiasm over brands overwhelmed her. We approached cloth diapering differently, but both ways worked.

If you are interested in cloth diapering, but not in engaging in forums, debating detergents, or eagerly anticipating new prints, that’s okay. Cloth diapering enthusiasts come in many forms, including knowledgeable parents who use a “once and done” approach, finding a style, brand, and system that works and never looking back.

The Cloth Diapering 101 resources on Kelly’s Closet are one of the main reasons I recommend the website to families interested in cloth. A quick visit to Kelly’s Closet will help families understand the reasons for switching to cloth, navigate cloth diapering terminology, and understand the basics of cloth diapers. The Cloth Diapering 101 section will also help families narrow down cloth diapering essentials versus useful accessories.

Once you’ve done a bit of research all on one site, your family should be able to narrow down your budget and the style of diapers you are interested in. From there, you can search by diaper style or brand, read customer reviews, and see recommendations for similar products. Families can also confidently purchase popular, tried and true brands, of diapers using the 30 Day Money Back Wee Guarantee.

Perhaps the experience of discovering all your cloth diapering options, including adorable prints and new, innovative features, will wet your whistle for more. Maybe what seemed like cloth diaper craziness might make more sense. Perhaps you’ll read some blog reviews, join the Kelly’s Closet Facebook group to ask questions, and enter a contest or two.

But if the idea of “more” doesn’t interest you, that’s okay too. Perhaps you will discover a brand and style that works for your family, use a Kelly’s Closet coupon, purchase a budget-friendly cloth diaper package, and never look back. Maybe you’ll purchase once and be done.

Whatever your style, there isn’t one right way to be a cloth diaper enthusiast.

Bio: About Mindy Farmer, The Inquisitive Mom: I'm a gal from the Pacific Northwest, living in the Midwest, mom of 3 (soon to be 4), writer, optimist, striving to be eco-conscious and hoping to defy stereotypes. Visit me on my blog The Inquisitive Mom and you'll find musings on motherhood and life, mixed with enthusiastic cloth diaper posts, eco-friendly living ideas, as well as reviews and giveaways.

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