Fluff Friday:
2- Bummis Training Pants
Question of the week:
At what age to you plan to start potty training your baby?
Leave your comment before Thursday, Dec.16th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, December 17th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
1 – 200 of 416 Newer› Newest»We are doing potty time now! Bought a potty at 13 months, and now for the last 10 weeks he's been going nightly before bath. I will start morning potty time, too, soon. But since my son isn't talking yet, its not realistic for me to start abandoning diapering just yet! But our goal is before age 2, so I know we'll make it!
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I want to give EC a try this time, so I guess potty training actually starts at birth since you're training baby where the waste goes from the beginning. = )
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In about 6 months, when my son hits 27 months. He's starting to show some signs, but daycare does a week-long potty training crash course when summer starts (to get all their 1K kids ready for the 2K room), so we're waiting to really do it then. We are spending more time talking about the potty and bodily functions now though (he just turned 21 months).
I'm a fan of TCDW on facebook: Amy Holland Harley :)
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My son just turned 2 this week. I am working on building a stash of training pants, for whenever he shows signs of being ready to graduated from cloth diapers, whether it's next week or next year.
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would love to try these!
I "plan" to start potty training my little one after the second birthday or before if I see signs of readiness. These would be great to have.
I hadn't planned to start potty training until closer to 2 years old but my 18 month old has developed a huge interest in the past two months so we're going to see where it goes.
my lil guy turns 2 today and brought the potty up from storage last nite, so I guess it's time!!
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We have started using the potty the past month, but plan on really starting potty training after the holidays.
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My daughter potty trained at 21-22 months, hopefully my son will be able to do the same!
i'm a facebook fan (becca niburg)
My first we starting potty-training at 18 months. With my second we planned to start at 18 months but he was interested and ready so it was closer to 15-16 months. With my youngest, I'm aiming for 18 months, but he's so tiny I don't know if I'll even find trainers that will fit - we'll have to see what happens in the next few months.
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jdeemarie @ gmail.com
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I tweeted (@jdeemarie):
This week's fluff friday giveaway from @diapershops is @Bummis training pants #clothdiapers Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
We haven't set a plan just yet. But, it will probably be when she is about 2 yrs. old, unless she shows interest earlier.
I am fan of TCDW on FB. Jamie Urbanawiz
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I would like to potty train before age 2.
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We started after naps at 6 months old, very casually. We took a break and are now doing it again starting about a month ago at 15 months. When it gets warm we will potty train. Hope to be done (at least daytime) by 2 years old.
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We do EC, so I guess we've already started!
I think I'll start around 1 1/2 years, but I'll be watching out for signs that he's ready!
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Jenny Hull
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I haven't even thought of potty training! My baby turns one on Sunday and so I kind of feel like I have at least another year, but who knows!
I'm an FB fan of TCDW. (Suki Lotti)
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Commented on "Why Did I Wait So Long?? Getting it Right With Baby #4"
@diapershops fluff friday @Bummis #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
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Jenny Hull
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Enter @diapershops fluff friday @Bummis #clothdiapers giveaway! On http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/.
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@diapershops has a new coupn for a free #clothdiaper when you spend $29!
Reviewed Fuzzibunz OS
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Jenny Hull
I'm going to start potty training him in a couple months I think. He already has a schedule for #2, so that would be helpful (i hope).
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We're trying to right now!! Some days my daughter is more excited than others. She's 29 months!
I'm already signed up for the Kelly's Closet email list.
DS is a year old now -- I would love to see him start learning around 18 months but I'm sure that's unrealistic! Besides -- I would miss the cloth diapers! Fortunately we have another on the way!
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I plan on starting when she is around 2ish. Earlier if she shows an interest, my first kid started trying out the potty around 16 months because she was interested.
I tweeted (@jdeemarie):
I'd love to win some trainers from @diapershops!! #clothdiapers
at around 3 years old depending on ''readiness''
I am a fan on facebook tasha lodge happygirl777@live.com
I've already started! We've been using elimination communication now for about five months! Almost no poopy diapers at ten months! pretty fab!
I've already started! We've been using elimination communication now for about five months! Almost no poopy diapers at ten months! pretty fab!
I follow on Facebook as well.
I read that starting potty training between 24-32 months is most successful so we'll do that when our little guy gets there!
I super wanted to do Elimination Communication and as soon as he can sit well on his own I may purchase a little potty. My 3 month old is already waking up dry a lot of the time so I know I can work with him before he's one even if he isn't fully potty trained for awhile.
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I don't know. Maybe sometime after she turns two. She's almost twenty months now and isn't really interested. She also does not care if she has a wet or dirty diaper.
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Tweet: @diapershops fluff friday @Bummis #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/.
Tweet: @diapershops I'm thinking of getting some new #clothdiapers fluff for my baby's stocking! Winning Fluff Friday would be perfect!
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I replied to "Cloth Diapers Anonymous" on the Diapershops.com Facebook discussion board.
Ohh, thanks for doing some training pants. Awesome! My daughter is 2 and we've been taking her potty regularly for about 7 months now. We plan on putting her in underwear (since we don't have any trainers) starting when my husband is off work for the holidays. That way, there will be 2 of us to catch her if she goes, and not just me! She just now is seeming to understand that she is wet or dirty and tells us when it is too late, which is unfortunate, but at least it's a step in the right direction!
I am a facebook fan Jill Andrews Shoemaker
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I posted a comment on 'why did I wait so long'
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Do you need some @Bummis trainers? I know I sure do! Enter to #win with @diapershops #clothdiapers shop. Any mom could use these, for sure!
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I want to start right a way I have two in clothes a 2 year old and a 4month old. That is a lot of diaper changing!
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I plan to start potty training around two years old or sooner depending on my daughters needs.
We already have her potty and she always attempts to go before her baths, and often sits on her potty during the day. We will be putting her in training pants in a couple months when she is two.
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I LOVE the blog!!! And read it daily!
My husband and I have decided to start potty training when our kids show the signs:
1)not wetting themselves during naps or over night
2)realizing that they are wet and want us to change them right away
3)when they show interest in "going potty"
among other signs. We think that every child is different and we want to wait for them to be ready.
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I plan to start introducing potty training at 12 months.
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
I follow the diapering whisperer on FB username RileyRoy AllieWiley
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
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lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
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lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
I have a potty out for my 2 year old to use if he chooses. With a new baby at 19 months and a dad still in school, we are not pushing major changes until next summer, around 30 months.
My son just turned 2 and he's using the potty some, but he's getting a little brother in less than a week so we're putting it off until after the baby is born! So.... 2 1/2!
gena1982 at yahoo.com
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Thinking of placing a #clothdiapers order today @diapershops!
I plan on starting potty training at 2, but if my son begins to show interest before then, I might give it a try earlier.
I follow on FB (jenn sanderson)
I plan to start potty training when he starts acting interested. I know that's probably not what you are looking for, and I am hoping its around 2 or so, but I think its something that is different for every child and mainly depends on their willingness. On top of it all, thanks to my cloth diapers, I don't have to be stressed about hurrying due to cost ;)
I am a fan of TCDW on fb. Catherine Harris Brown
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Catherine Harris Brown
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I just entered the fluff friday #giveaway of @Bummis training pants! #clothdiapers @diapershops
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Catherine harris Brown
I plan on potty training my daughter around age 2 unless she trains earlier due to wearing cloth diapers.
Potty training right now! He is my middle child and 30 months old. My oldest potty trained at 26 months. My youngest is a girl and I hear they potty train the fastest, so we'll probably start before she is 2!
I think 18 months would be a good time to start PT, unless the child shows signs of readiness at an earlier time.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
My FB is 1Mom4Life
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
I commented on the "Cloth Diapering Helped Save Our Finances" post on TCDW.
Not planning to start potty training until my son shows interest, maybe around 2 1/2. He is 21 months old now.
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We'll start potty training when she's ready, hopefully by her second bday.
Sarah Sawatzki
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Sarah Sawatzki
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Sarah Sawatzki
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Sarah Sawatzki
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Sarah Sawatzki
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Sarah Sawatzki
We're starting tomorrow!! She's 26 months and has been going in the toilet before her bath for a couple weeks. We've been talking about it and will be home for a couple weeks, so now's the time.
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we are potty training now, and will potty train baby at 2 unless here older sister decides to teach her.
We will probably start potty training at about 24-30 months based on how I think he will do.
My son it 13 months and we just started potty training! I was thinking about getting some of these cause it would be easier than taking off his diapers each time!
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I plan to start whenever they start walking!
My son is almost 18 months and we talk about the potty all the time. He recently learned sign language for "potty" and "poop". He's going to be a big brother in April, so I'm hoping I can move further along in the potty training during my maternity leave. I'd like to have two in diapers for the shortest time possible, but I'll have to see if he does well with all of the changes coming his way first!
Around 18 months.
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We started EC at 6 months, but we'll probably make potty training more of a priority at 18 months.
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My daughter started potty training before she was 2 years old, but we hit some rough spots when Daddy was deployed, home for a short R&R and then had to leave again. We've used Imse Vimse training pants and Nature Babycare pull-ups with great success. She is 3 now and potty training is going very well - she doesn't want to use a cloth diaper at night anymore!
We have started letting our 18 month old wear training pants in the evening and putting him on the potty.he has shown interest in it started taking his diaper off after he pees. so we are hoping to have him potty trained by two.
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