2-GroVia One-Size All in One Diapers
Question of the week:
What type of diapering system do you use when someone else watches baby? Leave your comment before Thursday, January 6th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
- Follow @groviadiaper on Twitter. Come back and post a comment that you are a follower of GroVia Diapers.
- Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
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- Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
- Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @groviadiaper #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/. Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
- Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
- Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 12/31-1/6. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
- Become a fan of the founder of DiaperShops.com on her new Facebook page. Come back to this post and leave a comment that you are a fan of the founder's Facebook page.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 7th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
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I haven't left Baby D for long periods of time yet, so those who have watched him for an hour or so just used my regular stash of gDiapers with prefolds for inserts. Poor souls! :-P I'd love to get a few AIOs for just such occasions-- so here's hoping I win!
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com
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maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com
i send already stuffed pockets, a travel wipe container with pre moistened cloth wipes and a small wetbag for dirties. I always get compliments on my LO's cloth!
No one ever has, but I would leave them my pockets. saragayeratmsndotcom
cd whisperer fan id:SaraTerkaly saragayeratmsndotcom
diaper shops fan id:SaraTerkaly saragayeratmsndotcom
Kelly Wels fan id: SaraTerkaly saragayeratmsndotcom
Disposables if it is easier for the person watching the baby. It depends on who it is and if they are open minded.
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left comment on kelly's closet. bumGenius! DELUXE All-In-One Cloth Diapers. SaraMama. saragayeratmsndotcom
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great giveaway...@diapershops fluff friday @groviadiaper #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
BG's pocket one-size with hook and loop closure. I've found they're the easiest to explain. The Grandmas are still afraid of snaps . . .one day they'll learn.
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Never thought i'd say this, but Im loving the world of cloth diapers. Check out some info on them @diapershops #clothdiapers
We have always given our watchers (most often family members) a choice of using best bottom cloth diapers with a disposable liner for poop or disposable diapers. Surprisingly, all watchers have wanted to continue using our choice...best bottom cloth diapers. They have all said the diapers are very easy to use and would rather continue using them rather than risk disposables bothering my baby's bum. I think my sis treated watching as a dry run for cloth diapers. She likes it :) !
I am a blog follower :) !
She'll be starting daycare on monday-plan to send mostly bumgenius all in ones and one sized (prestuffed)
I just place Kelly's Closet Order! LOVE THEM! SO EXCITED!
When I am not the diaper changer I use GROVIA BIOSOAKERS inside a GroVia shell or an Econobum, Flip, Thirsties, etc. THose are so easy for on the go and when others need to change diapers.
(I tweeted the message !!! @SPlants)
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megan smith salm
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I "liked" everything humanly possible (lol, ok, overstatement) but all you said to, on FB...
(Sarah Wineroth Plants) and I commented on it on FB!!!
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Megan smith salm
I plan on having others use pre stuffed pockets and AIOs
I follow grovia on twitter @mkgottman
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We currently use disposables.
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Facebook ID Emily Dulin
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We have only left once (last night!) and we let my dad with the BumGenius diapers... but we weren't gone long enough for a diaper change (rats). I was curious to see if he could manage!
I follow you on FB... Linda S. Cina
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Yay!!! Just signed up at Kelly's closet!
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ID:Heather Stout-Reilly
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ID:Heather Stout-Reilly
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ID: Heather Stout-Reilly
Baby's not here yet, but I've purchased a few pocket diapers for others to use while watching to baby, while I'll be using prefolds and covers at home.
I like you on Facebook: lilbabyvenus (Samantha Cuhel)
I follow GroVia diapers on Twitter: lilbabyvenus
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I'm part of your facebook group: lilbabyvenus (Samantha Cuhel)
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I've already signed up for your newsletter: gothickornchic at gmail dot com
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I'm a fan of Kelly Wels: lilbabyvenus (Samantha Cuhel)
My baby hasn't arrived yet, but we plan on using AIOs or AI2s for others who are babysitting.
Love your giveaway. Im intrigued. I use Fuzzibunz right now mostly with the exception of bumgenius occasionally. My Kelly's Closet Affiliate id is 413 - I did a fuzzibunz diaper review. I tweeted your giveaway. I became a FB fan of your blog, Kelly's clost, and the the cloth diaper whisperer. I posted a button of the clothdiaper whisperer and kelly's closet on my blog: www.princesspipersmama.wordpress.org, my blogger profile is accessible. I follow groviadiaper on twitter...wow! oh, and I signed up for kelly's closet newsletter.
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My mom is the only one who watches my baby, we are so lucky...AND she is open to hybrids, fitteds, prefolds, pocket, snaps, aplix, anything! Haven't purchased any all in ones yet - wink wink -
I am a fan of tcdw facebook page katiericks2
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Krystyne Wilson
I replied to "Stinky Diapers?" Discussion on TCDW FB Page
our nanny uses everything -- pockets, AIOs, AI2s. It's great that she was onboard with trying it out!
We usually do cloth, but sometimes sposies if I know it's someone who thinks cloth is crazy!
Showlove40 at hotmail dot com
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Jena S
Showlove40 at hotmail dot com
We still use cloth when someone is babysitting. So far we have had no complaints :) I do let everyone know that there is an emergency pack of dispossables in the nursery just in case.
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
We use Bumgenius AIO with a hemp insert stuffed in the pocket. It is the closest thing to a disposable which makes it very babysitter friendly.
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Showlove40 at hotmail dot com
I like diaper shopps on fb as RileyRoy AllieWiley
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
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Jena S
Showlove40 at hotmail dot com
We use just our regular BG's prestuffed and ready to go. Aplix only for sitters.
I follow growvia on twitter @alliejean125
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
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Showlove40 at hotmail dot com
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Showlove40 at hotmail dot com
We use Fuzzi Bunz all the time, when we're watching the munchkin or when someone else is. We've got the grandparents FB trained! :)
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The next baby Pry is yet to be born but I don't plan on using anything different than what we'd normally use. annatiffany at yahoo.com
Nobody else watches them =/
Anna Pry is a facebook fan. annatiffany at yahoo.com
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@freeindeedblog follows @groviadiaper annatiffany at yahoo.com
I'm a blog follower. annatiffany at yahoo.com
Anna Pry is a facebook fan. annatiffany at yahoo.com
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I follow cloth diaper shops on Facebook. FB name Tonya (Elaine Wilson)Hankins
I follow Gro Via on FB Tonya (Elaine Wilson) Hankins
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We are just making the switch to cloth diapers so to this point its been disposables.
my girl will actually be visiting a babysitter tomorrow and I'm sending her over with a few already stuffed pocket BGs 4.0. It would be nice to have the disposable inserts for my gro via shell for occasions like that though.
FB follower: Jolene Leonard Yankosky
Since majority of our stash is pockets, that's what they get. :)
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Sarah Johnson
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Sarah Johnson
I just use my regular pockets (already stuffed) and assume there will be leaks. ;)
I like TCDW on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I follow GroVia on Twitter (@MadelineMiller).
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Advertised on my blog: http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/2010/12/grovia-all-in-one-cloth-diaper-giveaway.html
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
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Tweeted: @diapershops fluff friday @groviadiaper #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
I like Kelly on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
We leave the kiddos with pocket diapers. Grandma likes them better than sposies!
Right now (2nd baby but first one in cloth) we use gDiapers w tbe disposable liners when out and about and when he's with a sitter. Really want to try the grovias too!!!!!
I follow diapershops on facebook too!
Jessica Carter
I liked you on facebook! ID: 1508284
We haven't let anyone watch the babies yet but when we do, probably Bum Genius or Fuzzi Bunz.
I follow GroVia Diapers on twitter now!
I use disposables when someone else has my baby.
This Monday will be the first time I leave my son with anyone. We use OS FB, so I really hope that goes well. Would really like some variety... Some GroVias would be lovely.
Haven't yet, but would prob leave my bg elements out and just show them what snap setting they need to be on. :)
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I am a fan of TCDW on FB. (Tabitha Lopez)
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FB pockets and AIO ragababes when my MIL is watching LO. My mom wont use cloth but she brings her own disposables to use!
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For now, while someone else watches baby (including my husband!) I use disposables. My husband isn't a fan of cloth (yet!). I'm hoping to convert him. I think aplix and AIOs are definitely the most friendly for those not familiar with cloth or those that are nervous about it!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
I follow you on Facebook. My id is JoDe Watson
I ordered from Kelly's Closet. KC-67469.
I follow @groviadiaper on twitter!!
WHen someone else watches the baby we have a stash of AIOs for them to use.
prd2beblonde22 AT aol DOT com
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prd2beblonde22 AT aol DOT com
For daycare we are using BGs. When grandma watches him she gets to choose form our stash
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When someone is watching the baby I leave our BG AIOs. :)
I'm a diapershops fan on FB (Kelli Tucker Campbell).
I'm signed up on the Kelly's closet list.
I placed a big order just last night! KC-67453
I'm a fan of Kellywels.com on FB. (Kelli Tucker Campbell)
Unfortunately, even though my parents and in-laws both used cloth diapers, for some reason Snappis are their kryptonite and they can't seen to wrap their heads around them (we use flat folds) so they buy disposables whenever they have to watch my son. We are hoping to increase our stash of "easy" cloth diapers in hopes that they won't feel so daunted.
I follow this blog via GFC.
We plan to use pockets when others watch her.
FB id "alwaysfare" TCDW FB fan.
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alwaysfare tweeted "@diapershops fluff friday @groviadiaper #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/. "
alwaysfare tweeted "I hope to win GroVia diapers thanks to the giveaway from @diapershops #clothdiapers."
alwaysfare is a fan of Kelly Wells on FB
We have a stash of Bumgenius AIOs (OS, organic) for when Granny watches our daughter (or if any other generous family members offer to change a diaper while they're visiting!)
I'm a facebook fan of TCDW (Jenny O)
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The one time she had a babysitter we used our cloth. They are easy enough for anyone to use with a quick review!
I'm following Grovia on twitter. @YaraC108
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Laura B Cochran
Not there yet, but will definitely have them continue w/ our Flips & Econobums.
I'm following Grovia diapers on Twitter! I use pocket one size diapers when someone else watches the babe - I pre-stuff them at the right size and they are ready to go.
I use AIOs or pockets when someone is watching my little one.
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fb fan - zgennert
founder's fb fan
I am a fan of Kelly Wels on Facebook (Drea Lamson)
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We've only let people watch the boys a couple of times, but we do give the choice between disposables and velcro AIO's. Usually we're only gone for maybe one diaper change, so it's not too big of a deal for us what type they choose.
confessionsofatwinmom at gmail dot com
Already a fan! KellyBratt
Either fuzzibunz PS or BG Aplix
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I placed on order on KC this morning:#KC-67537
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Shannon Green id=528342835
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so far i've only left her w/ my CD-familiar sister, but I just stuff pockets and have AIOs ready for her.
I leave them with bumgenius with velcro. Or disposables.
No one else has changed my son since I started cloth diapering a couple months ago, but if I was to leave him with someone I would leave prestuffed bumgenius pocket diapers with aplix :)
kelly aldrich
We use Grovias!
racheldwade at gmail dot com
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Contest entry!
I placed an order to Kelly's Closet this afternoon.
# KC- 67552
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