Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Fluff Friday 118

Fluff Friday
1-Rumparooz G2 One-Size Cloth Diaper
1-Kanga Care by Rumparooz Wet Bag

Question of the week:
How do you currently store dirty diapers in between washing day?  Leave your comment before Thursday, February 24th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)

Other ways to enter:
  1. Head on over to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page and become a fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
  2. Follow @Rumparooz on Twitter. Come back and post a comment that you are a follower of Rumparooz.
  3. Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
  4. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
  5. Fluff Friday Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
  6. Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
  7. Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
  8. Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
  9. One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
  10. Tweet @Rumparooz fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
  11. Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
  12. Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
  13. Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 2/18-2/24. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
  14. Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
  15. Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (,, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
  16. Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
  17. Become a fan of the founder of on her new Facebook page.  Come back to this post and leave a comment that you are a fan of the founder's Facebook page.

Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, February 25th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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Rebecca Orr said...

I use a wet bag. It's not big enough though. Thanks for the chance.

Rebecca Orr said...

Following Rumparooz on Twitter: @bekki1820cb

Rebecca Orr said...

Follower of the blog. Rebecca O

Rebecca Orr said...

Facebook fan: Bekki Orr

Rebecca Orr said...

Fan of the FB group: Bekki Orr

Rebecca Orr said...


Rebecca Orr said...

Twitter follower: @bekki1820cb

Rebecca Orr said...

I get the newsletter.

Rebecca Orr said...

Facebook fan of the founder: Bekki Orr

Miranda said...

I use an ALbertson's reusable shopping bad that does not do the job it holds no smell or wetness in but I'm too broke (read cheap) to buy a wetbag! Also I KNOW I don't wash often enough (every 3 or 4 days is too long right?) BUt I HATE the hassle!

Miranda said...

Fan of CDW on FB:
Miranda MattasHubbard

Miranda said...

I follow your blog!

Jenney said...

I store them in a trashcan with a lid. Nothing earth shattering. Very easy!

Victoria said...

I subscribe to the newsletter.

Victoria said...

I follow the blog (the cloth diaper whisperer)

Miranda said...

I posted on "Overwhelmed by Newborn Cloth Diapers" I am too! Yay :P

Miranda said...

I commented on "My 10 basic truths about cloth diapering". Loved it- As a newby I am just learning my basic truths!

Miranda said...

I subscribe to the newsletter!

missdenise said...

since our little one hasn't arrived yet we are not storing dirty diapers yet. We do plan on keeping them in a closed pail until laundry day!

Chany said...

We store our dirty diapers in a trash can lined with a pail liner.

Chany said...

TCDW FB fan.
Chantelle Garrett Jackson

Chany said...

I follow @Rumparooz on Twitter.

Chany said...

I follow via GFC with user name cgarrett15738500.

Chany said...

DiaperShops FB fan.
Chantelle Garrett Jackson

Chany said...

I follow on Twitter.

Chany said...

@Rumparooz fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at

Chany said...

Kelly Wels FB fan.
Chantelle Garrett Jackson

Alison said...

I currently store my dirty diapers in one of two Planetwise wetbag, but would love to try another especially since mine are showing a bit of wear (they are well loved.)
alison.logan at yahoo dot com

Alison said...

I am also a TCDW fan on FB
alison.logan at yahoo dot com

Alison said...

I am also a fan of Kelly Wells on FB
alison.logan at yahoo dot com

KarilynAley said...

Have you entered this weeks #FluffFriday clothdiapers giveaway yet?

Katie S said...

I'm signed up for your newsletter!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said...

I Tweeted:
Visit this week's Fluff Friday giveaway to win a @Rumparooz #clothdiapers & wet bag! Enter at


katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Shannon said...

I store all of my dirty diapers in a wet bag, within a dry diaper pail. I put a small amount of tea tree oil on a cloth wipe and place that in the wet bag as well. It helps with the smell! :)

juliet's mommy said...

I use a 13 gallon garbage pail with lid with a kissaluvs bag inside!

juliet's mommy said...

Subscribe to the newsletter

katiepalladino said...

i have a small flip top trash can w/liner that i put the diapers in until i'm ready to wash, then i dump the whole thing in the wash w/the liner.

katiepalladino said...

i "like" the cloth diaper whisperer on fb!

katiepalladino said...

i follow your blog via gfc!

katiepalladino said...

i "like" on fb! katie palladino

katiepalladino said...

i "like" kelly wels on fb! katie palladino

Unknown said...

I store my diapers in a garbage can with a step pedal lid. I have two liners and wash one while using the other.

Liane said...

We use a pail liner in a trash can with a lid for his diapers in his room.

Liane said...

I am also a follower on facebook
Liane Smith

Unknown said...

I bought a trash can with a lid that flips up when touched. I bought it at Target, and it's a little smaller than our kitchen trash can. I bought three diaper pail liners, and just rotate through them. I used to only have one, and it drove me crazy trying to find somewhere to put the dirty diapers that accumulated while the liner was washing. I wash my diapers every third day, which I realize is less often than most, but works for me.

Petra said...

I have a Planet wise hanging wet bag and a Rockin' Green Pail freshener.

Becky Day said...

I'm a FB fan! ID: beckymday

Becky Day said...

I have a diaper pail with a Mommy's Touch pail liner inside.

Becky Day said...

I'm signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter

Becky Day said...

I'm a fan of (ID beckymday)

Unknown said...

I use a Planetwise wetbag, and love it.

Janel said...

I use a planetwise hanging wet bag and love it.

Janel said...

I'm a facebook fan of TCDW - facebook ID Janel Jones

Amanda said...

I follow Rumparooz on twitter!

Janel said...

I'm a facebook fan of diaper shops - facebook ID Janel Jones

Janel said...

I receive your newsletter.

Kayla P. said...

fan of CDW on FB

Kayla P. said...

follow via GFC

Kayla P. said...

fan of

Kayla P. said...

Follow CDW on fb as Kayla Joy Priest

Kayla P. said...

follow on fb as Kayla Joy Priest

Amy and Jeff said...

I'm a fan on FB! AmyO'Brien

Amy and Jeff said...

I am off to follow @Rumparooz right now. :)

Amy and Jeff said...

I subscribe to this wonderful blog as well!

Amy and Jeff said...

I follow on Twitter too (Number46)

Amy and Jeff said...

And I just signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter this week when I placed my first order! :)

Kristina said...

I just added the Fluff Fridays icon to my blog.

LOVE LOVE LOVE Cloth Diapers!! I'll promote this blog, even if I don't win. :) Love you ladies!

Melissa said...

We put all of our diapers into a dry pail (an old trash can) with a lid. We have a Planet Wise pail liner in it.

Melissa said...

I am a fan of TCDW on Facebook. Melissa Koning.

Melissa said...

I follow this blog.

Melissa said...

I'm a fan of the facebook group.
Melissa Koning

Melissa said...

I am already signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter.

Melissa said...

I am an affiliate of Kelly's Closet, ID# 439

Melissa said...

I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on Facebook. Melissa Koning.

Amy said...

I plan on storing my diapers in a lined plastic pail until wash day. We don't have the planet wise liners from our registry yet though.

Amy said...

I'm a fan on FB

Amy said...

I get the newsletter

Pam said...

In a diaper pail with a rumparoos liner in it. This sounds all well and good now, but there was a long time before that when I had NO idea how to store them! There was a basket her room(bad idea), a plastic bin in the bathroom (also not a good plan), and even just a pile on the floor while we were moving. Sidenote: I really love the RaR diaper pail liner! Also the RaR diapers!

Nay-lo said...

I store my CDs in a large wet bag inside a plastic diaper pail.

Pam said...

Fan of TCDW on FB! Pam Nystrom

Nay-lo said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on FB.

Nay-lo said...

I'm a follower of your blog.

Nay-lo said...

I'm a fan of the FB group.

Nay-lo said...

I receive the nersletter.

Pam said...

Signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter.

Nay-lo said...

I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on FB.

Pam said...

I subscribe to the blog!

Nay-lo said...

Commented on the following thread on DiaperShops FB page:
What is your trimmest diapering option? Do you try to keep your baby's diapers as trim as possible, or do you embrace the fluffy bum? :)

Pam said...

FB fan of Kelly!

Nay-lo said...

Started a new thread on DiaperShops FB page:
Getting my new washing machine next weekend!! Its a Kenmore Frontloader Model 4027 (it has 8 washing cycle choices - we decided NOT to go for the next model up which has the "kids wear" cycle). We use Tiny Bubbles detergent. Any suggestions for a washing routine??

Nay-lo said...

COmmented on the following thread on DS's FB page:
Did you see the new Rump•a•rooz® Doll Diapers? Oh so cute and only $4.00!

Nay-lo said...

Commented on the following thread on TCDW FB page:
What was your favorite book about pregnancy or childbirth that you would recommend to new moms?

Nay-lo said...

Commented on the following thread on TCDW FB page:
Friend of the blog, The Eco Chic, found a neat meal planning option. I hate making meal plans so I was intrigued! Anyone use this or similar?

Nay-lo said...

Shared the following thread on my FB page from the TCDW FB page.
5 Toddler Breastfeeding Myths That Drive Me Insane!
Any interesting myths you have heard about nursing toddlers?

Lisa said...

Plastic garbage can with a red Planet Wise liner!

Bri said...

Our diapers are stored in an open plastic trash can with a WAHMies pail liner, though we have several wetbags for the daily daycare temp storage.

Bri said...

I follow the blog

Bri said...

Fan of TCDW on facebook - Brianne Ball

Ruth said...

We won't be diapering until this summer, but I want to get a wetbag. Does anyone have a preference of putting it in a garbage pail or just hanging it on a door?
rutheadler at

Andie Jahnz-Davis said...

We store our diapers is a dry pail. W just use foot pedal garbage can with a planet wise we bag. Baby is still EBF so no smell yet!

Ruth said...

I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB. Ruth J.
rutheadler at

Ruth said...

I like on FB. Ruth J.
rutheadler at

Ruth said...

I like on FB. Ruth J.
rutheadler at

Ruth said...

I already subscribe to your newsletter.
rutheadler at

Linda Souza said...

I store ours in a Planet wise wet bag that hangs on the door. Just ordered a liner though so I'll be using a diaper pail soon!

I follow your blog and on Facebook.

Ruth said...

I'm already a fan of Kelly Wels on FB. Ruth J.
rutheadler at

Andie Jahnz-Davis said...

I placed an order on kellys closet :KC-72807

jessw said...

Most of my diapers go in my hanging Planet Wise bag, but when I change a diaper upstairs it sometimes just ends up on the edge of the tub after I rinse it out until I go gathering everything up for a wash. It'd probably be good if I had a bad in each bathroom since I try to always rinse out the inserts as I go now.


jessw said...

I'm a Cloth Diaper Whisperer Fan on facebook: jessica.wiant

jessw said...

I follow the Cloth Diaper Whisperer blog.


jessw said...

I commented on the post (My) 10 Basic Truths about Cloth Diapering.


jessw said...

I subscribe to the Kelly's Closet newsletter.


-Gina- said...

i'm a facebook fan (gina campbell)

jessw said...

I'm a fan of Kelly Wels on facebook:jessica.wiant

-Gina- said...

placed an order 2/18 kc-72724

-Gina- said...

placed an order 2/18 kc-72761

-Gina- said...

placed a THIRD order (adddiiiccctttt!!) 2/22 kc-73015 and scored insane double points! woohoo!

-Gina- said...

posted a comment on "overwhelmed by newborn cloth diaper" article

jessw said...

I commented on the post "The scoop on poop."


-Gina- said...

became a fan of facebook page (gina campbell)

-Gina- said...

signed up to receive the newsletter via email!

Kate said...

I store my dirty diapers in two small wetbags which can be hung on the door knob and wash them together with the diapers.

Kate said...

I am a fb fan!
Kate Wolfe Collins

Kate said...

I am a follower of your blog!

gina w. said...

I have a blueberry and fb large wetbag I put in a small kitchen trashcan with a lid... and keep in the laundry room.

SorSam said...

I store all dirty dipes in a large PW wet bag. We only have one and need another one for in between washing. I have been keeping in a med wetbag and then I have to hand wash it for next cleaning day use.

gina w. said...

Like TCDW on FB. Gina Walker

gina w. said...

follow @Rumparooz on twitter.

Andrea Santa Cruz said...

I use a small wire trashcan that holds about 2 days worth of diapers and for my really stinky overnight diapers, I use a small wetbag. I haven't ever gotten around to getting a pailliner or large wetbag because when ever I have extra $ I usually but more diapers :)

gina w. said...

Follow your blog.

gina w. said...

FB Fan. Gina Walker

Chany said...

Have you seen the @diapershops @Rumparooz fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway? Enter at

gina w. said...

Follower. @ginamwalker

gina w. said...

KC affiliate. #222

gina w. said...

Kelly Wels FB Fan!

Tamara said...

I store all my DDs dirty diapers in a wet bag that hangs on our door knob. I wash every 2-3 days.

Tamara said...

Follow Diapershops on Facebook
Tamara Shipstad Mayer

Tamara said...

Follower on twitter

Tamara said...

Kelly Wels facebook fan
Tamara Shipstad Mayer

Tamara said...

signed up for the KC newsletter

Lacy said...

Commented on "The Scoop on Poop! What Happens When Your Baby Starts Solids."

Joyful Chaos Mama said...

I use a small garbage pail with a clip on lid - I wash between uses and sprinkle the bottom with baking soda and a few drops of lavender oil.

Laura Maisano said...

I'm still pregnant with #1 so I don't do it yet, but plan to store in a dry pail with a liner. :-)

molly2525 said...

I have a flip-top garbage can lined with a planetwise pail liner. It works great!

molly2525 said...

I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer facebook page (as Molly Archer)

molly2525 said...

I am a follower of the blog

molly2525 said...

I am a fan of diaper shops on facebook (as Molly Archer)

molly2525 said...

I receive the newsletter from Kelly's Closet

molly2525 said...

I am a fan of Kelly Wels on facebook (as Molly Archer)

Rebekah said...

I store them in a trash can lined with a large wetbag!

Rebekah said...

I am a follower of the blog!

Rebekah said...

I am a fan of Kelly's page on facebook

Rebekah said...

follow the diapershop on fb Rebekah Gallo

Colleen Kuerth : Truly Noted said...

I have a small trash can with a lid next to my changing table. I line it with a Bum Genius hanging wet bag. I have two so that when one is in the wash the other can line the can!

Colleen Kuerth : Truly Noted said...

I just started folliwing @Rumparooz on Twitter! (I am @TrulyNoted)

Mallory said...

I store dirty diapers in a wet bag next to the changing table and freshly sprayed diapers in a wet bag in the bathroom.
I am a KC fan on facebook too.

drranem at yahoo dot com.

Anchor's Aweigh! said...

i am a new mom and i will be storing my used diapers in a lidded can with a wetbag liner in it :)

Simone said...

I store my diapers in a old diaper genie from my 'sposie days with my 1st. I have to wash it out all the time because I don't have an pail liner yet.

Simone said...

Already a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook. (ID: Simone Marchand)

Simone said...

I follow your blog via GFC. (simone919)

KarilynAley said...

@Rumparooz fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at
via web Favorite Reply Delete

Rosana said...

I rinse them off and store them in my diaper pail with the wet ones.

Rosana said...

I am a fan on Facebook. (Id: Rosana Lebrón Thompson)

Rosana said...

I get the newsletter.

Elisha said...

We store our diapers in a regular plastic kitchen trash can with a Planet Wise pail liner.

Elisha said...

Fan of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan Page. (Elisha Rothschild Frumkin)

Elisha said...

I follow Rumparooz on Twitter.

Elisha said...

I subscribe to your blog.

Elisha said...

I'm a fan of the Facebook group for (Elisha Rothschild Frumkin)

Elisha said...

I follow on Twitter (@elishafrumkin)

Elisha said...

I signed up for the newsletter at Kelly's Closet.

Melanie said...

I store my diapers in a Planet Wise diaper liner in a trash can.

melduke26 at gmail dot com

Elisha said...

I tweeted about the giveaway: Don't forget to enter! Fluff Friday giveaway is @Rumparooz! Love these #clothdiapers. Enter at

Elisha said...

I'm a fan of Kelly Wels' Facebook page.

megstarwsu said...

I'm a fan on facebook! Megan Pagano Hildesheim

Karen said...

I use Planetwise Pail liner upstairs and a Planetwise hanging bag downstairs. I also watch another child and I use their Weehuggers wet/dry bag for him.

Unknown said...

I store all my diapers in a plastic, medium-sized trash can with a lid. I have a Thirsties liner that I line the inside of the trash can with. It works great! :o)

karen said...

I use a planet-wise wet bag and have to wash every day since I only have 9 cloth diapers!

Sara said...

I store my dirty diapers in my Planet Wise hanging wet bag, which I wash with my diapers about every 1 1/2 days. saragayer at msn dot com

Sara said...

i follow your blog via google reader. saragayer at msn dot com

Sara said...

i like diapershops on fb. id:saraterkaly. saragayer at msn dot com

Sara said...

i like cloth diaper whisperer on fb. id:saraterkaly. saragayer at msn dot com

Sara said...

I like Kelly Wels on fb. id:saraterkaly. saragayer at msn dot com

Sara said...

I get the Kelly's Closet newsletter. saragayer at msn dot com

karissa soetens said...

i would love to try rumarooz
my diapers go in a hanging diaper pail made by fuzzibunz and i carry a wet bag in my diaper bag =)
i like you on fb and my id
is karissa godfrey soetens

Sarah_Granata said...

I subscribe to your blog and your newsletter :)

Katie S said...

I Tweeted:
Love @Rumparooz? Visit this week's fluff friday & win #clothdiapers & a wet bag in giveaway Enter at


katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie said...

I store them in a wetbag on the doorknob. mkerfamily at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

I am signed up for the kc newsletter. mkerfamily at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

I am a KC facebook fan. mkerfamily at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

like Kelly Wels new facebook page. mkerfamily at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

I ama diapershops fan on facebook. mkerfamily at yahoo dot com

Catherine said...

I currently store my dirties in a reusable shopping bag (2 actually) that are hung up in our laundry room.

Catherine said...

FB fan of TCDW!
Catherine Harris Brown

Catherine said...

I follow rumparooz on twitter!

Catherine said...

I follow the blog!

Catherine said...

I am a fb fan of DS!
Catherine Harris Brown

Catherine said...

I follow diaper shops on twitter.

Catherine said...

I get the newsletter!

Catherine said...

fb fan of DS!
Catherine Harris Brown

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