Friday, April 25, 2014
Fluff Friday 280
Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??
This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 GroVia Experience Package - 2 Hybrid Shells, 2 Packs (of 2) Soaker Pads
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 350 of 350i love grovia!
So versatile!
I would love to try these Grovias :)
I like the stretch to the diapers!
I like the stretch to the diapers!
I love the fit of Grovia great for my big babies!!
I love the grovia aio's!! The fit is awesome, they are soft and comfy, and they absorb soooo much!
I also have the grovia flushable liners and they are amazing!
I love Grovia because it's such a flexible and high-quality system!
would love to try these!
I just got my first Grovia diaper to try them out, but I can already tell they're going to be a favorite! I love how stretchy they are!
I have never tried a Grovia diaper before but I would love to try them!
I love the options that come with using Grovia!
I would love to win this!! I had bought grovia and fell in love with only two shells its not enough!
I would love to win this!! I had bought grovia and fell in love with only two shells its not enough!
I've heard nothing but great things about Grovia! They are on the top of my list of diapers to try!
I don't have Grovia yet because my stash is small but I'd love to try them!
Love grovia
LOVE GroVia! They are so versatile and my daycare's favorite of my stash :)
I haven't tried them yet. Our baby is due in Aug, and this will be our first babe to cloth diaper!
I've never tried Grovia, but I'd love to.
I haven't had a chance to try GroVia diapers yet since DS isn't born yet, but I definitely am looking forward to trying them out. Love the Drift print too!
Grovia Diapers fit both of my boys (10 pounds and 22 pounds). My older boy's favorite diaper is his Persimmon cover. My husband loves them because of how easy they are to travel with, it was his biggest concern when we switched to cloth diapering.
Grovia Diapers fit both of my boys (10 pounds and 22 pounds). My older boy's favorite diaper is his Persimmon cover. My husband loves them because of how easy they are to travel with, it was his biggest concern when we switched to cloth diapering.
I love how versatile they are! They can be used with regular cloth inserts or the disposable ones!
I'd love to try them, we're currently working on baby number 5 :)
I love using cloth on my little one. I haven't tried grovia yet though!
I haven't tried Grovia!
I love that GroVia diapers are hybrids. I look forward to using them with baby #3!!
I love the fit and that I can use the shell multiple times! Plus, my husband loves them and will actually change them. ;)
I like GroVia diapers because they fit well and don't leak. I like the one size feature.
I haven't tried this brand yet but I've been curious for a while now. I hear good things about them.
I have not yet tried Grovia actually...but have heard GREAT things :)
I have never used Grovia hybrid diapers, but I would love to try them! I think I would like them better than the pocket diapers.
I have never used Grovia cloth diapers, but I would love to try them. I think I would like them a lot better than pocket diapers.
GroVia is the only diaper that both fits my twins and is also easy for my husband to use. :) I loove the trim fit and the great colors, and he loves the snap-in soakers.
GroVia is the only diaper that fits my twins well and is so easy for my husband to use. :) Bonus - adorable patterns and colors!
I don't have any grovia yet!! I am dying to try! This would be great to win!!
I like them because my husband likes them- he thinks they're the easiest ones to use!
I have yet to try Grovia diapers but I would love to!
I have just started cloth diapering with my little girl and love it. Would love to add Grovia to my emerging "stash"!
I love Grovia. I love that they are easy to use, clean and I adore the one row snaps!
I've always wanted to try Grovia diapers on my daughter...this would be a great bundle to win! :-)
I've always wanted to try Grovia diapers on my daughter...this would be a great bundle to win! :-)
I am a new mom, and I have not used cloth diaper before. So I would love to win and try this prize for my baby!
Thank You for the chance
Fiona N
I am a new mom, and I have not used cloth diaper before. So I would love to win and try this prize for my baby!
Thank You for the chance
Fiona N
I like the reusable shell with snap in inserts.
I love Grovia's colors and patterns!
I love the designs and how great they fit the babies I've seen them on!
I haven't used these diapers yet, but I'd love to try them! They look great!!
I love GroVia's hook and loop and they have great colors and patterns!
I would love to win a grovia diaper! I have heard so many good things about them and I will be expecting my fifth baby this winter. Can't wait to see who does win though.
I would love to win a grovia diaper! I have heard so many good things about them and I will be expecting my fifth baby this winter. Can't wait to see who does win though.
I have not use GroVia yet, but I love their cute designs and matching leggings.
I need these...trying to cloth diaper on a budget is tough when you have expensive taste!
I need these! Cloth diapering on a budget means I'm desperate. And I've been desperate to try these!
They fit so well!
I love their trim fit and cute prints
the trimness of them :) the adorable prints.
I haven't tried GroVia yet, but would love to. The reviews are great.
I love Grovia diapers because of how trim they are!
I love how versatile they are!
Love love love Grovia!What a great give away!
I love the hybrid set up and the cute prints!
I like the fit.
Love how trim my grovias are!
Love how trim my grovias are!
I actually haven't tried the GroVia system. I have a diaper from way back when they were "GroBaby". I'm told that they're great for skinny babies so I'm very interested in trying them again because my little guy's diapers keep falling off his bum!
I love the durability of the shells!
I have not had the oportunity to try grovia yet, but I would be so greatful and excited to give these a try on my little one!
We love our GroVia diapers! The hybrids make cloth diapering so easy and exciting! We love the snap closures because they adjust to any size! Definitely a diaper I recommend to everyone.
I actually haven't tried Grovia yet, but I'd like to.
They're so cute! I think my partner would be more open to them!
I love the trim fit they have on my child and the adorable prints.
Love the colors and styles
I like the trimness of grovia diapers.
High quality diapers!
I love the quality of these diapers!
I haven't tried GroVia diapers yet (little one isn't due until August,) but I'm excited to do so!
I like the AI2 system
I've never tried Grovia, but I've heard they are really reliable.
I love how trim my grovia aio's are! I also love the way they fit my skinny-leg fat-belly little one year old! They have just the right amount of stretch & give. Needing to try the shells though!
I haven't tried them yet... but I love the snap-in insert and the ability to pack 'fewer' diapers!
I love the Grovia prints, I hope I get to try a diaper some day :) They look very well made too!.
I <3 GroVia. I've used them almost exclusively for almost three and a half years. I have three different permutations of them and am still so happy to pull them off the shelf.
I love how cute they are!
I love the colors!
I love the colors!
I love that they are hybrids. The option of using disposable inserts is nice for vacations.
Haven't tried grovia yet. Would be awesome to win!
The patterns!
The patterns
I've never tried Grovia, but I really want to. Would love to win some freebies!
I've never tried Grovia, but I would love to! Freebies would be great to get us started.
I like the fit I get with Grovia. They also have the best hook and loop I've tried.
I have never tried Grovia diapers actually I am just starting to look at cloth diapers
I haven't tried any kind of diapers I am just starting my journey
I haven't tried GroVia yet, but would sure like to!
I haven't tried GroVia yet, but I would sure like to!
I've not tried this brand, but I love that they are ai2 so that provides options.
I love GroVia because they are so easy to use and their prints are adorable!
im a first timer cd mom n only have pocket diaper but decided to give ai2 diapers and think grovia is a best choice to start with
I love GroVia because the insert snaps in and doesn't move around.
Love the AIOs!
I love the cute patterns, like pudge.
I have not tried Grovia yet, but have been wanting to! I love that they have AI2's :)
GroVias are so cute!
Those look great I would like to have some!
I haven't used a Grovia diaper yet but would love to try them.
I love the fit of Grovia. The tabs are a good length and they are nice and trim. I also love that you have organic insert options. Plus can't complain about the colors/prints!
This would be great for Baby #2 coming in September!
i LOVE the fit, and the velcro is the best!
i love my Grovia AIOs because they dry so nicely in the dryer!
I have yet to try Grovia, but I am expecting in June and look forward to joining the cloth diaper community! I am trying to build my stash before our sweet little girls makes her arrival.
We love GroVia because they work well and they are so easy to use!
I haven't yet tried Grovia diapers, but I've heard so many good things that I'm sure I'd love them! I really like their prints, their AI2 style, and their different insert options.
I haven't tried Govia yet. But, I love the prints and would love a few to try!! Thanks for the chance!
I've never tried them, bu I have tried gDiapers & Grovia seems like they are easier versions of gDiapers. So I want to try them!
I haven't tried them but my friend Loves them for her small down syndrome son. They work for her!
I would love to win this give away, I am currently looking to start cloth diapering because I now have two babies in diapers. I am overwhelmed by all the options, winning a few freebies would definitely help out!!!
I like the fit
Wow! love GroVia and would love to win this package!
We've always loved the fit of our grovia diapers. We only have three in our stash, but especially for younger babies, they just fit better.
I've never tried Grovia diapers but I've been wanting to :)
i love all the color options!
I love Grovia because they fit my son perfectly!
I love the GroVia prints I've seen. Still haven't tried one, but fingers crossed.
Expecting our first baby in November & building our stash!
I'd like to try these diapers, we don't have any of them.
I love their magic stick (or booty stick, as it's called in our house), but have never tried their diapers. I love that they're eco-friendly!
I like the trim fit.
I really like how trim they are
I have yet to try these diapers, (I'm pregnant with my first), but I've heard great things and can't wait to try them myself.
I love GroVia. They are our go to travel system.
I love GroVia. They are our go to travel diaper.
I love GroVia. They are our go to travel system.
We haven't tried GroVia yet but have heard so many good things! This would be the perfect opportunity!
GorVia are one of my favorite diaper i never get a leak fits great not blukie just a super nice diaper
I love Grovia diapers for the high quality. They are so trim between the thighs, and they fit my skinny baby well.
I love cloth diapers. Havn't heard of this brand till now.
I have an AIO and I love the side snaps and organic soakers.
I love Grovia diapers for the versatility. I can use them like ten different ways! They make great swim diapers too!
Love them because they are cute and easy to use!
I love that the shells are so versatile and reusable.
Extremely trim
I have not used a GroVia diaper yet, but I do have one waiting for my little one to show up next month. I love the quality of them so far and I am pretty confident that the function will be just as awesome.
I've never used grovia diapers before, but would love to try them out.
I've never used grovia diapers, but would love to try them out.
cute and versital
Love the AI2 system!
I like that they cut down on diaper laundry time!
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