This week's giveaway is for:
4-Thirsties Covers
4-Swaddlebees Prefolds 6pks
4-Snappis 1pk (given by the manufacturer)
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us what was the first type of diaper you used (pocket, aio,fitted,prefolds, etc). If you have never used cloth diapers what would you like to try first?
When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, July 2nd at 8pm EDT.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:
1 - Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
2 - Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
3 - Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
4 - Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
5 - Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
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7 - Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
8 - NEW! Receive 1 entry per day for voting for our blog on the Blog Luxe: Blogs I've Learned the Most From. Vote once per day to receive another entry.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 3rd. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1054 Newer› Newest»my first cloth diaper was a KCK one size pocket. love it!
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My first cloth diaper was Gro-baby diapers, I guess a combination of pocket, and aio. Yes I am very new to cloth diapering.
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I used BumGenius 2.0's. I am really interested in trying prefolds with our next baby due in Oct.
Our first diapers were Thirsties Fab Fitteds with Thirsties covers. We still love their covers!
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The very first cloth diaper that we tried was a BG 3.0 OS that we bought a a Whole Foods. We loved it and have been CDing ever since with both BG 3.0 OS and BG organic cotton AIO's.
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My first diaper was 9 1/2 years ago and it was a homeade flat diaper made out of my grandmother's old flannel sheets. We cut them into squares, and serged the edges. I pinned them and used rubber pants as a cover! And no wet bag! I used bread bags in my diaper bag! Things have changed so much since my first baby was born!
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Our first diaper was a Gerber Prefold. Oh if I knew 4 years ago what I know now.
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I have never tried cloth diapers but I would love to try the kissaluvs fitted size 0 diaper for my son who is due July 4th. Eeeeek!
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my 1st diaper was bum genius 3.0 given to me by my girlfriend . loved it . now addicted to cloth diapering my 4 month old would love to win
thank you carly
My first cloth diaper I used was a drybee natural fitted diaper.
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I want to try pocket diapers. I've never cloth diapered before.
I follow you on Twitter (bkresge).
I started with a sampler pack. I can't remember what I first put on my lo's was probably a pocket, but it could have been a prefold (very doubtful!), a Kissuluv fitted, a happy heiny, a bumgenious AIO, a bumgenious one-size or a fuzzi bun.
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My very first experience with cloth diapering was Sweet Dolly Baby pockets from ebay.
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Our first diaper was a Bumgenius 3.0
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Prefolds and fitteds were the first cloth diapers that I used. And they are still my favorite. I prefer them over anything else.
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Our first cloth diapers, after discovering modern diapering online, were 2 dozen chinese prefolds and 4 diaperraps and 4 prowraps (split between 2 sizes for my ds and dd) purchased from a diaper service. That was 9 years ago.
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Commented on "The Diaper Cycle."
Our first 2 cloth diapers were a Thirsties Fab Fitted and a Swaddlebees pocket diaper.
juliecerdas at gmail dot com
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juliecerdas at gmail dot com
I used prefolds and bummis super whisper wraps first.
winterwrens (at) gmail (dot) com
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winterwrens (at) gmail (dot) com
I started CD last week and we used PF with a Gdiaper cover. I am a FB fan and a twitter follower!
My very first was a Bum Genius pocket diaper
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I just started cloth diapering. My first diaper was an AppleCheeks pocket diaper.
We first used prefolds & covers! And we still primarily use prefolds & covers! =D
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I am advertising the giveaway here...
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I am a fan on facebook! Julie Culpepper Schmidt.
Im a twitter follower. @julieschmidt09
I don't have any cloth diapers yet but am wanting to get some of the one size pocket style ones. I like the idea of not having to reinvest for each size.
The first, and only diapers I have had the opportunity to try so far, are the bumgenius 3.0.
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very first dipe I used or tried to use was a pocket dipe.
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Commented on A Very Messy Adventure!
The first cloth diapers I bought and used for my son were XS Thirsties covers and prefolds. I actually really enjoyed their simplicity and have been wanting to use them again. I currently do not have any that fit my son.
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I just voted for this blog on blogluxe awards.
We started with a dozen Bum Genius 3.0. Still love 'em!
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KL0's were our first in the hospital.
follow on twitter @thedailybee
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The first diaper I came home with was the Bum Genius All In One. I was hooked, of course. I also had some Kissaluvs and a Happy Heiny in my bag of fluff. i only wish the person who had sold them to me, had told me that you need to wash diapers a few times before they reach maximum absorbency! I had so many leaks. If the dipes hadn't been so darn cute, I would've given up!!! Luckily I didn't. My daughters eczema completely cleared on her thighs and that made me a true beleiver in cloth.
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My first cloth diapers were pockets...BG one size
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I am planning on using prefolds and Thirsty covers to start off with. And maybe some Prowrap covers too.
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My very 1st cloth diaper was a prefold & prorap cover. I bought them from a doula that was selling her supplies from her cloth diaper business to go into being a doula FT. I drove an hour to her house, which was ironically in the same city we had moved from a year prior. ;0)
Prefolds and an assortment of covers -- Bummis, Prowraps and Imse Vimse. Plus Snappis, of course!
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Voted for CDW on the BlogLuxe Awards :0)!!
The first diapers I used on my son were prefolds.
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We first (and still) use prefolds.
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left a comment on Thank you
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the first kind i ever used was a prefold
Comment of the day. And yet again, I forgot to mention my Twitter ID in a previous comment: mogharris.
our first diaper was a Wahmies one-size pocket.
kmgourley at gmail dot com
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Christina Cherkas
Haven't used any cloth diapers yet, but the first I bought were prefolds. However, I'm most looking forward to trying the adorable twilight XS Bumgenius I bought!
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It's been a while, but I think the very first diaper I put on my baby was a pocket. I was a little intimidated by the stack of prefolds that I had since I wasn't sure how to fold them. Now it's the prefolds that I reach for most of the time.
Our first diapers were prefolds and hand-knitted wool covers.
the first diaper i used actually the gdiaper. But i used a prefold in them instead of the actual flushable insert.
Following on Twitter (ccherkas)
commented in "Thank you"
I will be using cloth diapers for the first time as soon as DD is born and I'm going to use prefolds first.
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I'm on twitter KatrinaMarie85
Commented on "Thank You"
Your button is now on my blog!
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Our first diaper was a BumGenius
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Sat: Our first diaper that I puchased was a BG 3.0
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
My first diapering system was prefolds and fleece covers. That was 3 1/2 years ago. We are now cloth diapering our second little boy!
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I advertised the contest on my blog.
we've used Mother-ease one size diapers
threekstrio at yahoo dot com
Our first cloth diapers were hand-me down Kissaluvs, with Thirsties covers.
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Fuzzi Bunz
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We used prefolds and bummies sww to start off with and in many ways they are still my favorites!
winterwrens (at) gmail (dot) com
The first diaper I used was a BumGenius 3.0 pocket.
facebook fan!
Our very first cloth diapers were kissaluvs fitteds.
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Our first cloth diaper was a Bum Genius
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My first were prefolds - and I still love them!
I commented on "Thank You".
My baby was due yesterday! I plan to use Proraps and flats first. Maybe some of the homemade fitteds if they are not too big.
My first cloth diaper experience was with prefolds, a swaddlebees cover, and a pink snappi!
I commented on the "Thank You" for Anelys.
The first cloth diaper I used were BG one size and BG AIO on my new born. I wasn't sure which insert to use and I started using the large insert with snaps and I'm glad I did.
The first diapers we used was bumGenius 3.0's.
I first tried OS pockets diapers. I haven't used prefolds yet!
I voted for your blog :)
The first cloth diaper I ever tried was a Bum Genius!
What a wonderful giveaway!!
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I commented the 27th's Super Saver coupon entry.
Commented on Thanks post:)
My youngest brother is young enough to have been my child. We used the same prefolds and flats on him that I wore when I was that size.
For my little boy, the first was prefolds - we bought tie-dyed ones from a mom online :)
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Very first diaper was a prefold with a Thirstie!
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I've never used cloth diapers, but I am preparing for our baby who will be here in November. I am really excited about All-In-One diapers. I guess they are the ones that I understand the best currently ;) but I do have a cousin that is going to give me a diaper tutorial soon :D I'm very thrilled about the baby and choosing an economic and ecology friendly option for diapering our baby.
I used one size pockets first. THey were big on my guy, but he was a super night soaker and had to stuff those babies good.
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