This week's giveaway is for:
4-Thirsties Covers
4-Swaddlebees Prefolds 6pks
4-Snappis 1pk (given by the manufacturer)
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us what was the first type of diaper you used (pocket, aio,fitted,prefolds, etc). If you have never used cloth diapers what would you like to try first?
When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, July 2nd at 8pm EDT.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:
1 - Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
2 - Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
3 - Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
4 - Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
5 - Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
6 - Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a fan.
7 - Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
8 - NEW! Receive 1 entry per day for voting for our blog on the Blog Luxe: Blogs I've Learned the Most From. Vote once per day to receive another entry.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 3rd. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1054 Newer› Newest»I am a follower
Our first diapers were bum genius pockets!
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I havent tried any cloth diapers yet. I am just doing research to find what type would be a good fit for us. I would really love to try any kind of pocket diaper.
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I follow on twitter as simplestorm.
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our first cd was a thirsties fab fitted.
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We started with flat diapers and two kinds of covers: Thirsties and prowraps. We also have some version 2 Rumparooz and I love that they fit my teeny newborn at 6 pounds! She's a month old and still too small for her bumGenius...
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Second diaper was bumGenius 3.0 One Size. We're a pocket family. :)
The first cloth diaper I used on my DS was a gDiaper - an AI2 with the flushable inserts.
My first ALL cloth diaper was a pocket stuffed with a prefold.
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Commented on "Weekend Super Saver Coupon - June 27th & 28th"
My first CD was a Fuzzibunz Perfect Size. I loved it but it's a little big on my DD, it also showed my Dh just how easy Cding is!!
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Kaylyn Buckner
I would like one of the gdiapers with their new cloth inserts to be the first cloth diaper I use on baby #2 when she arrives!
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I tweet with you: mommyandpedsrn
I started out with bum genius 3.0 and fuzzi bunz pockets. I haven't really strayed from those too much, as they have worked out great. But I would like to try some pre-folds and covers.
fuzzi bunz! Still loving them too!
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I comment on Thank You
I commented on this weekends super saver post for free shipping!
B's first diaper was a M zoo print FB, at 4 months old.
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The first type of cloth diaper I used was Sweet Dolly Baby (off of ebay) and I have about 12 of them. They work very well for us because both my 8 month old and 27 month old are in dipes. The price was what sold me LOL!
The first diaper I had was a Blueberry pocket, but it was so pretty I was afraid to use it! So the first diaper I actually used was a plain old prefold and a cover.
And I subscribe to your blog.
The first diaper we tried were the fuzzi bunz one size pocket diapers
I use gdiapers with cloth inserts that we made from gerber prefolds and love them. We first tried bum genius and still use them at night.
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I haven't tried any yet I think I'm going to try cloth diapers.
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Our first cloth diaper was a Fuzzibunz pocket.
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I'm also a subscriber. ;)
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I'm a follower on Twitter! (suebeelee)
I voted for you on the Blog Luxe!
Commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
The first cloth I used on my son was a prefold and cover.
I voted for your blog! :)
the first diaper I actually USED was a KCK One Pocket--but the first one I OWNED was a gDiaper
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Daily comment: I'm looking forward to learning what prefold folding method will work for my baby (due in August)!
i voted for you today (Sunday)!
I voted on BlogLuxe as khakisack at gmail
left a comment on the Free Shipping post! (thanks for doing that again!)
Left a comment on the "Thank you" post! What are you going to do now? I'll miss those new custom headers!
Left a comment on the Mary Poppins post--impressive and i love the title--so fitting!
Our very first diaper was a prefold and a Bummi's Super Whisper Wrap.
The first type of diaper I used was a prefold. Of course it was 17 years ago on my younger brother and sister. :)
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I've got the button :)
I follow on twitter - Upstatemomof3
I just commented on the weekend coupon post.
I just commented on Mary Poppins, I peek into my diaper bag.
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I subscribe!
Comment of the day, I love reading what everyone's first diaper was. And I just want to say that I would have never made it through the first weeks of CD-ing if it hadn't been for my husband! We had a stack of newborn prefolds and some prowraps and he took on the diapering responsibilities from the beginning until I was feeling well enough to take over.
I commented on "Mary Poppins....a peek into my diaper bag"
Commented on "Weekend Super Saver Coupon"
I voted for you guys today!
I voted today
Our first cloth diapers were Fuzzi bunz one size pocket diapers.
I commented on the post "Mary Poppins bag"
My Sunday comment.
I voted on Blog Luxe today!
First cloth diaper is a prefold with bummis cover.
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My very first cloth diapering experience was at 16 with a diaper service while caring for my goddaughter for the summer. As a new mom, my initial investment was on gently used diapers including a Swaddlebee's Pocket, 3 Under the Nile fitteds, a Prowrap cover and some prefolds.
I am trying Bum Genius first..although I've heard good things about SmartiPants so I may try those as well.
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Subscribed through Yahoo Reader : )
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Commented on "Mary Poppins...A Peek Into My Diaper Bag."
My first diaper (that I have yet to will be here in October!) was a Bagshot Row Bamboo fitted. It's so soft and cute! I also "inherited" several covers and fitteds from my cousin. This is a lovely giveaway!
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Oh, and I subscribe, too!
I posted a comment on "Mary Poppins...a peek into my diaper bag."
The first diapers were used were BG one size and Fuzzi Bunz Mediums. Still love them both today, for different reasons. I have never tried prefolds and covers, but I would really like to.
I left a comment on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
kmgourley at gmail dot com
My first cloth diaper was a pocket :) Funny how that's the last thing I reach for now!
kmgourley at gmail dot com
I voted for you!
kmgourley at gmail dot com
The first diapers we used was bumGenius 3.0's.
we bought an AIO before I found BG 3.0:)
zealandsmom follows you on twitter
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danielle wann
My first was a Kissaluvs Fitted 0. Loved it!!
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The first diaper type that I used (18 years ago) was pinned prefolds with plastic bubble-pants. They are still the staple of our stash.
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Blog Subscriber.
I forgot to add that my Twitter ID is Silverdragonhrt. Sorry
I have always done the one-size pocket inserts, and have loved them. Bum Genius and Rocky Mountains are in my current stash, but I am always looking to add others!
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I commented on Anelys' departure!!
Our first cloth diaper was a prefold with a Prorap cover . . . still my favorite!
My first diapers were premium prefolds using Prowraps and Dappi nylon pants with a snappi.
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I follow you on Twitter. PriscaMae
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My first was KL0.
I follow on twitter @dinafr
Well, we haven't used any yet as our son is due any day... but the first diapers we ordered were SmartiPants.
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I commented on the Mary Poppins diaper bag article.
Proraps and flats. Then maybe x-small Thirsties and prefolds.
I commented on the "Mary Poppins" post
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
Sun: First diapers to really get used BG 3.0s
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
commented on mary poppins ... a peek into my diaper bag.
We started with pocket one-size diapers- bum genius 3.0
I use your button on my blog:
prefolds (with Thirsties covers)!
facebook friend
have your button on my blog
commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
Our first cloth diaper was a one size pocket, bumgenius
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my first cloth diapers came from my friend they were bumGenius pocket.
I first tried a BG 3.0.
our first diapers were indian prefolds w/ bummi's covers.
i voted today : )
I've never used cloth diapers, but I am preparing for our baby who will be here in November. I am really excited about All-In-One diapers. I guess they are the ones that I understand the best currently ;) but I do have a cousin that is going to give me a diaper tutorial soon :D I'm very thrilled about the baby and choosing an economic and ecology friendly option for diapering our baby.
i left a comment on the mary poppins...a peak into my diaper bag post.
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Started with gdiapers and prefolds 2 weeks ago
Voted for your blog!
I first tried a prefold in a gdiaper cover then a AIO.
twitter follower...perkypisces
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I voted for the blog on blog luxe!
My first diaper was a prefold with a Thirsties cover.
I voted for your blog!
I used bumGenius one size 3.0's! :)
I commented on "Mary Poppins A Peek Into My Diaper Bag"
I voted at blog luxe again.
I blogged about it! (
My very first cloth diapers are on order...Thirsties Duo Wraps/prefolds & WAHM aio's. I can't wait for them to get here!
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comment of the day!
voted for you as "blog i've learned the most from"
we used prefolds and bummis sww first
winterwrens (at) gmail (dot) com
I used prefolds first.
I voted for your blog!
I commented on the snappi post. :)
I commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag".
I also commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener".
Can't wait to try out my cloth diapers- the baby should be here any day now! Probably flats and Proraps first.
I voted for your blog again today...
I am a new follower on Twitter
Oops, I follow on Twitter w/ID daddyn4wisechix...
left a comment on the snappi post!
My very first diaper was a Gently used BG from Kelly's Closet.
I subscribe via igoogle.
I have your button on the left lower side of my blog.
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I follow on twitter under name: instantfamof4
I voted for you today on blog luxe.
Commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener".
Posted a comment on: Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag
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