This week's giveaway is for:
4-Thirsties Covers
4-Swaddlebees Prefolds 6pks
4-Snappis 1pk (given by the manufacturer)
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us what was the first type of diaper you used (pocket, aio,fitted,prefolds, etc). If you have never used cloth diapers what would you like to try first?
When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, July 2nd at 8pm EDT.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:
1 - Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
2 - Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
3 - Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
4 - Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
5 - Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
6 - Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a fan.
7 - Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
8 - NEW! Receive 1 entry per day for voting for our blog on the Blog Luxe: Blogs I've Learned the Most From. Vote once per day to receive another entry.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 3rd. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1054 Newer› Newest»Posted a comment on "Weekend Super Saver Coupon - June 27th & 28th".
My first cloth diaper was a bummis whisper wrap size newborn with a unbleached Indian prefold.
Posted a comment on "Thank you!".
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I commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
I voted for you today!
I commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
Comment of the day: Prefolds were my first diapers and some kissaluv fitted diapers. Seems like most people on here used a pocket or AIO first.
Commented on Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener
Voted for your blog! ;-)
I started out with pockets, but I've heard great things about thirsties covers and would love to try them out!
voted for you on blogluxe (thriftycraftmama at gmail dot com)
commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
Commented on "Product Focus: Snappis..."
We used bumGenius 3.0's
I voted!
We used bumGenius diapers, but are only starting to like them now that Kidoodle is six months old.
Our first diapers were fuzzi bunz one size pocket diapers.
I voted today
I blogged your giveaway.
i commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener" post
and i voted today (monday)! thanks!
We started out with a diaper service that used prefolds, and we had to supply covers (we chose bummis) and snappis.
Our first diaper was a Gerber prefold given by my Sister as my baby shower over 4 years ago. We have used prefolds and AIO's. We're hoping to try One Size Pockets soon.
I voted again today!
Posted on Mary poppins post.
Posted on Snappi post.
I commented on the post- Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener
comment of the day!
Our first ever cloth diaper was a WAHM diaper that I bought from diaper swappers from the fsot.
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have your button on my blog
Im a facebook fan Shanaka B
Follow on twitter @ThriftyMamaB and tweeted:
I left a comment on the snappi product focus post
I made a comment on a peek into my diaper bag
I commented the Snappi entry. :)
Voted for your blog @ blog luxe on 6/29
I just voted!
I commented on Anesly's goodbye post--sad to see her leave :(
Our first cloth diaper was a Kushies OS...they were a good starting point! :)
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I intended to use a prefold first but I actually never used them and used one size pockets. Which I love!
FB fan
I had some prefolds and covers along with a few kissaluvs size 0's.
i'm a follower on Twitter
we first used a pocket...Bum Genius 3.0. Now we have Fuzzi Bunz and gDiapers with cloth inserts are on their way!
I'm a follower.
I have a button on my blog
I commented on the Snappi Product focus.
With my upcoming newborn we are going to use fitted diapers and Thirstie covers for a while first.
We tried pockets first....I didnt want to scare my husband away from Cloth Diapering! He has taken to it, which is great (as long as he doesn't have to do the washing!), but some quality prefolds to increase the stash rotation would come in handy;-)
Im a follower @mylittleaussie
Im a facebook follower
I voted!
We also love prefolds!
Voted for the blog!
Commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
i'm hoping to switch to cloth soon and have heard great things about thirsties and bum genius!
i am a twitter follower
Our first diaper was an indian prefold with pins.
My first diapers were BG onesize and Fuzzi Bunz Medium pocket diapers.
I haven't used cloth diapers yet. I am going to start when i finish the disposables that i have now. I am going to start with prefolds, since i have a modest budget now. i am excited to cloth diaper!
Commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
I used prefolds first and now I use pocket diapers. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cloth diapers.
I subscribed to your blog.
I follow you on Twitter @growingfam
My first was BG one-size.
Started CD 2 weeks ago with prefolds and a gdiaper cover. I love it and would love to try other diapers!
The first diaper I used was a prefold with a Thirsties cover. We love prefolds and Thirsties and would love this prize!!!
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I am a follower on twitter! leahandshai
Okay, I've never tried cloth, but I ordered some SmartiPants and I have a bundle of prefolds and a few covers (from a used store) that I am getting brave enough to try very soon. I am on a mission to learn as much as I can and try to find a system that will work for us long term. My baby is 4 months and I'd love to never buy another pack of disposables. Thanks.
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The first diaper we used was the bumgenius 3.0. A great diaper and we love it!!
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I am using the fluff friday button at
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I am a follower - zeesmommie
We started out with prefolds and bummis sww. It would be so great to have a few thirsties to add to the stash too!
winterwrens (at) gmail (dot) com
We used Bum Genius first.
I'm a Facebook fan
i'm a subscriber, as well
I tried a pocket diaper first!
I voted!!!
First cloth diapers were prefolds. With my siblings teh covers were gerber pants and with my sons they are bummis, Whisper wraps, thirsties, and a blueberry snap cover!
Facebook friend!~
Button on my blog!
Our first diapers were Indian cotton prefolds and Bummies Super Whisper wraps. I still love them with prefolds, but I'd love to try thristies!
I have your button on my blog.
I am a follower.
I am a subscriber (did I already say that?)
I commented on Mary Poppins about bags.
I commented on Thank you and good bye.
I commented on the Product Focus Snappies
My first attempt at CD was with Kushies Deluxe AIO.
blog about the giveaway
follow on twitter (momof3dolls)
voted for your blog
My first CD was a pocket!
kmgourley at gmail dot com
I posted a comment on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
kmgourley at gmail dot com
I voted for you!
kmgourley at gmail dot com
Our very first cloth diaper was a prefold with a whisper cover.
I'm a follower
i'm a facebook fan
I first tried Bum Genius due to a friend's suggestion!
I"m a follower, but don't know how to add the button to my blog...:(
I'm a fan!
commented on Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener
I'm a subscriber!
I voted for the blog on blog luxe!
I posted alink to my blog!
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I'd really like to try prefolds first!
Comment for the day: I SOOO want to try out prefolds but there is just not enough in the budget for anymore dipes :( Hope I WIN!! :)
Commented on: Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener.
Voted on luxe today!
i'm looking forward to trying out fuzzibunz when my first cloth diaper order arrives this week.
I had only used pockets and aio's until recently. I have now found the fitted love too!
I follow on twitter
Your botton is on my blog!
Left a comment on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
I forgot to enter for being a follower.
I'm a follower!
The first diaper I tried was a Bum Genius All in One.
I'm a follower
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first diapers was a fuzzi bunz
I commented the gdiapers entry. :)
left a comment on the gdiaper post!
My first diapers were BG one size and Fuzzi Bunz pockets, size medium which my daughter is still wearing, closed on the same snaps, over a year later!
The first cloth dipes I used were prefolds.
I voted for your blog.
I commented on the gDiapers post.
Commented on "Thank you!" (SO SAD!)
Amanda G.
Our first was a prefold and then Happy Heiny pocket.
I am a follower
I have your botton on my blog
Commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
*I'm dying to try pre-folds!!!!*
Amanda G.
Our first cloth Diaper was bumgenius 3.0 OS pocket.
follow on twitter @chloe214
Facebook fan. Elizabeth Burns
I started out with pocket diapers, but I've really been wanting to try thirsties covers with prefolds so I would love to win this!
the first diaper i ever used was a prefold and snappi. this would be perfect for us!
My first was bumGenius one-size.
commented on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
the first diaper i used was a prefold and snappi. this would be perfect for us!
princessvagnag at yahoo dot com
voted for you on blogluxe (thriftycraftmama at gmail dot com)
i follow you on twitter
princessvagnag at yahoo dot com
i follow your blog
princessvagnag at yahoo dot com
(sorry, my twitter ID is MemeFTW)
princessvagnag at yahoo dot com
I got a OS pocket trial pack that had HH, bG, Wahmies hooks, and TT. I loved all of the colors HH offered, so that was the one I tried a silly monkeys print.
We liked how trim newborn prefolds were, but didn't like how they couldn't contain messes.
I commented on your post about gDiapers.
I first tried a pocket. However, I would still love to try prefolds sometime :)
I commented about the gDiapers.
I just commented on Flush, Toss or Compost??
Hoping to switch to cloth now that we're moving to a place with laundry- leaning towards pocket diapers, but still not sure!
I subscribed to your blog with google reader.
The first cloth diapers I purchased & used were kissaluv contours.
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(Denise Crockett)
I follow you on twitter (fullnest)
I voted for you on blog luxe
Our first cloth diapers were Fuzzi Bunz one size pocket diapers.
I commented on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
I commented on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers.
We used bumGenius 3.0's.
I voted today!
Commented on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
commented on flush, compost or toss
commented on product focus: snappis
commented on mary poppins...a peek inside my diaper bag
we've used Fuzzi bunz in all sizes!
threekstrio at yahoo dot com
We use Thirsties covers and them!
We use Thirsties covers and them!
Left a comment on the "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers." Great post--I use gDiapers but NOT their liners--we use the bumgenius inserts instead! now we may have to buy the "made-for-gDiaper" inserts....giveaway...???
Voted for you today! (tuesday)
I used Bg's and still do!
Commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
Amanda G.
I follow on Twitter.
Amanda G.
Commented on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
Amanda G.
Commented on: Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers.
Voted on blogluxe today.
I commented on Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers.
We also ended up trying fitteds, and I love how much cuter they are!
Commented on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
Voted for the blog!
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