This week's giveaway is for:
4-Thirsties Covers
4-Swaddlebees Prefolds 6pks
4-Snappis 1pk (given by the manufacturer)
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us what was the first type of diaper you used (pocket, aio,fitted,prefolds, etc). If you have never used cloth diapers what would you like to try first?
When? You should leave your comment before Thursday, July 2nd at 8pm EDT.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it:
1 - Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
2 - Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
3 - Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
4 - Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
5 - Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
6 - Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a fan.
7 - Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
8 - NEW! Receive 1 entry per day for voting for our blog on the Blog Luxe: Blogs I've Learned the Most From. Vote once per day to receive another entry.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 3rd. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1054 Newer› Newest»I'm a follower on Twitter.
I haven't tried cloth diapers yet (my baby is due in November). I want to try prefolds first, because I've heard that they're great for newborns and easy to wash.
Our first cloth diaper was a BumGenius AIO and we were hooked from that moment on!
I commented on the Snappi Diaper Fastener post!
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commented on Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers.
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My user name is meganbhulsey
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commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
The first diapers I used were chinese prefolds with bummis covers. I still use them on occasion!
I subscribe
Our very first cloth diaper was actually a set, and it was 2 dozen Gerber DSQ prefolds, 4 Dappi Wraps (the BRU brand) and 3 Gerber wraps. I got it all at BRU back when they actually carried some cloth diapers that would work.
I blogged about it!
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commented on flush, compost, or toss? experiences with gdiapers
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product focus: snappi diaper fastener
commented on mary poppins...a peek into my diaper bag
daily comment to say i really hated the wet bucket we used when we just had prefolds 10yrs ago.
i just prefold first. with pins and rubber pants...that was 4 1/2 years ago. now, they where all in ones with snaps.
I'm going to try flats and Proraps first.
I commented on the g-diaper post
Commented on "Mary Poppins...peek into my diaper bag" post
comment of the da!
I voted today at Blog Luxe
commented again in the gDiapers post, flush, compost or toss? with a link to the city of vancouver's study on gDiapers.
I commented on today's post about gDiapers.
My first experience was with Bumgenius 3.0 one size, and absolutely love them! Since them I've tried the Bumgenius organic one size aio. I've been wanting to branch out to go baby one size and pre folds/fitteds with covers! I'm a cd loving momma!
Since the first diapers I bought were second hand my first brand new diaper purchase was Happy Heiney OS that I got on a great sale at
Commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
Amanda G.
Commented on Thank you to Anelys post
I left a comment on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
kmgourley at gmail dot com
commented on Mary Poppins a peek inside my diaper bag
Our first diaper was a pocket (Wahmies)
kmgourley at gmail dot com
commented on Product focus: snappi diaper fastner
I voted for your blog!
kmgourley at gmail dot com
commented on experience with gDiapers
My comment for the day! :)
Commented on: Weekend Super Saver Coupon - June 27th & 28th.
Commented on: "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
My daughters very first cloth diaper was a Thirsties fab fitted and a Thirsties cover..they work awesomely!!
I'm a twitter follower!
I voted for you today!
Jayson's first diapers were made by mama!
I first used a Fuzzi Bunz pocket diaper.
I follow on Twitter.
I commented on "Flush, Compost or Toss? Experiences With gDiapers"
I voted @ blogluxe on 9/30.
Hey! I follow you on twitter. Looking for large-ish pocket diapers. Thanks!
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I voted!!
I commented on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
I commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
I commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
First, and still using: BumGenius 3.0. I'm a fan, although I think I could easily convert to GroBaby...
I first/still use prefolds and covers... They are the most budget friendly, so we stick to them!
jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com
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jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com
i follow on twitter (jessiekaitlin)
jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com
Our very first *cloth* experience was the bumGenius one-size pocket diaper. Was I ever relieved to find that the washing was not as intensive as I had first thought!! :)
I follow your blog :)
I'm a facebook fan "camille anne"
I commented on gDiapers.
I commented on the post about the hybrid gdiapers.
I plan on trying PFs, GroBaby's and BG's when this baby comes!
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Just commented on "Double duty bagger"
just commented on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers."
Just commented on "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener"
just commented on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
My first was a Pocket Change pocket diaper. :)
I follow! thanks!
I subscribe! thanks!
I commented on "Thank You!", the post for Anelys.
I have your button here, also:
I'm a FB fan! (terra L. jones)
I follow on twitter (TerraLJ)
The first cloth diaper I used was a prefold and bummis cover.
I voted for you!!
I voted for your blog!
commented on double duty bagging
23 years ago I bought prefolds and converted them to fitteds by sewing elastic at the legs and velcro tabs for closures. They worked great! My daughter is due next month and I've been sewing up the cutest flannel fitted diapers ever!
23 years ago I bought prefolds and converted them to fitteds by sewing elastic at the legs and velcro tabs for closures. They worked great! My daughter is due next month and I've been sewing up the cutest flannel fitted diapers ever!
My first cloth diaper was a BG 3.0
I also subscribe to your blog
And I'm a facebook fan
Our first cloth diapers were BG onesize and Medium Fuzzi Bunz.
Our first was a BG 3.0.
first diaper was a bummis wrap and prefold.
follow your blog
and on twitter. @amandap22
fan on facebook
I used a FuzziBunz pocket - small.
The very first diaper I ever used was a thirsties fab fitted and thirsties cover on my son.
The very first diaper I used on my daughter was a BG AIO organic.
The very first diaper I ever used was a thirsties fab fitted and thirsties cover.
our first diaper with our eldest daughter was a prefold and snappi at 12 days old.
With our second daughter, it was... hmm... I think it was a preemie prefold with a doubler, or maybe a newborn prefold. I can't remember, I was so tired!
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I voted today!
I voted yesterday!
If I had to do it all over again, I would have got a cloth diaper sampler rather than buying all one kind. It would have been fun to try out a bunch of different kinds of diapers.
My first (and only) diapers are Prorap covers with basic Chinese prefolds. Love them.
I'm a follower, too!
I commented on "Double Duty Bagging"
I commented on "Experiences with gDiapers"
Our first diapers were FuzziBunz one size pocket diapers.
I commented "Double Duty Bagging"
I voted @ blog luxe on 7/1
Commented on "Double Duty Bagging."
I first used a pocket diaper that I purchased off of eBay. I still use them, too! I love them. It has snaps. I have replaced the insert for a higher quality one, but it still works great!
I just commented on Double Bagging duty
I am little behind the 8 ball to say the least. It's already Wed. and this is my 1st chance to comment.
Our 1st cloth diapers were prefolds and WW wraps. That was five years ago and still used them on each of my children at least at first.
Left a comment on the "Double Duty Bagging" post.
My Baby isn't born so I haven't tried any yet. I did purchase a few different brands to try, I think my favorite will be Gro Baby.
I voted
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Left a comment on "Flush, Compost, or Toss? Experiences with gDiapers." post.
I am a subscriber via .Mac Reader (just behind a bit)
I left a comment on the "Product Focus: Snappi Diaper Fastener" post.
I have the Fluff Friday giveaway button on my blog.
I voted!!
I am a twitter follower as well (@kmonce)
Our bum genius 3.0's are the best thing that's happened to my daughter...and to us - but I am really interested in trying some other dipes.
My first cloth diaper was a Fuzzi bunz!
I follow your blog
cpmonarch 82 at aol dot com
no spaces!
I voted today at the Blog Luxe: Blogs I've Learned the Most From.
Haven't been on in a while and great to see that you are so close to taking the lead in votes!
I left a comment on the "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag" post.
I also left a comment on the Thank you! post earlier this week.
Commented on: "Double Duty Bagging"
Voted for you again on luxe today!
Left a comment on the "The Day We Wash" post.
I left a comment on the "2 or more on diapers: Tips by Nancy H." post.
Post for the day. I really want to try prefolds! I think they would work very well for us!
Comment of the day.
I commented on the gdiapers post. I'm a gmum :)
The first diaper I used was a Bum Genius diaper. I heard of it online and wanted to see if it was better than the plastic disposables.
I have never tried a prefold or a snappi so I would love to win and give them a shot!
I follow this blog.
I am a follower on twitter - queenoftheclick
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Commented on "Double Duty Bagging"
I follow on Twitter
I voted for you today at Blog Luxe
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We used bumGenius 3.0's
I voted today :)
The first diaper I tried was a GMD prefold with a thirsties cover!
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I follow you on twitter @lis4692
I voted for you on blogluxe!
My first cloth diaper I used was a pocket made by a WAHM then I found Bumgenius and fell in love!
My first cloth was an aio. My fav with #2 in cloth are prefolds & covers!
I haven't used cloth diapers yet - my child is on her way! But, the 1st diapers I've purchased are Fuzzi Bunz. I'm very open to trying different brands to find the one that will work best for us.
I added you to my reader
I follow.
I'm following on twitter as onemotherslove
We started off with happy Heiny pockets, but I would love to try Thirsties covers with swaddlebees prefolds! I've been wanting to try snappis, too...
voted for your on blogluxe (thriftycraftmama at gmail dot com)
commented on "Double Duty Bagging"
Got you to 608 votes! Thanks
My first diaper was a BG pocket...I would REALLy love to try PF's though with my newborn due in 8 days!!
I also follow on Twitter...
Yay, my baby will be here tomorrow (I have to be induced :( ). So THIS WEEKEND I will try the flat diapers and Proraps covers!
First CD was a pocket, bumgenius 3.0 one size.
I just voted on BlogLuxe.
This is a very helpful give-a-way. It is always good to have these in your stash.
Wed: First to really get used was a BG 3.0
I used prefolds from the start. We graduated to other varieties once the "poop per feed" stopped.
we started with prefolds and bummis sww... worked great!
winterwrens (at) gmail (dot) com
We started a little over a year ago and our first diaper was the Bum Genius Organic one size all in one with aplix closure, and they are still the majority of our stash today! Except now I have them mostly in snaps which make them the PERFECT and my FAV diaper! :) (although I love thirsties covers too! :) )
Our first were Bg's and they are still my favorite for fit...I just wish they would come out with the regular with snaps...not just the organic!
Posted a comment on "Double Duty Bagging".
Voted for the blog!
We used fitteds at the beginning too.
threekstrio at yahoo dot com
Commented on "Double Duty Bagging"
I commented "Why didnt I think of this sooner?"
Commented on: Why Didn’t I Think of This Sooner?
I woud love to win! Here's my comment for the day...I'm still learning so much! Thanks for the great blog!
I will comment on your post today. SO HELPFUL I passed it on to a friend...
Your button is on my blog
I commented on Why Didn’t I Think of This Sooner?
I votec
I think one size makes so much sense. As I am getting used to the lingo (not confusing AIO for Pockets or one size), I am realizing which ones will provide the greatest savings. However, I'm still committed to two things: 1) trying several different diapering styles (prefolds w/covers, one size w/covers, all in ones, pockets, etc.) 2) trying as much as possible to keep the cloth next to the baby's skin natural.
Commented on "Why didn't I think of this sooner."
commented on why didn't I think of this sooner
Commented on Why Didn’t I Think of This Sooner? Post
I started using infant prefolds and newborn Wonder Whisper wraps on my 1st son five years ago when he came home from the hospital and haven't looked back. I still live my prefolds and wraps and especially for my little newborns ( on #3 as of May)
I posted on Why Didn’t I Think of This Sooner?
The first cloth diaper I used on my son was a prefold, snappi, and bummis cover. The first cloth diaper I used on my daughter was a newborn VB AIO.
Our first cloth diapers were Happy Heiny pockets. We've tried other pocket diapers since, but I would love the opportunity to try out prefolds and covers!
commented on "Why Didn’t I Think of This Sooner?"
Responded to comments on "Mary Poppins...A peek into my diaper bag"
Amanda G.
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