Introduction to Snappi®:

The Snappi® fastener was invented by a father, Hennie Visser, in South Africa over 25 years ago. Hennie was actively involved in raising his daughter, which included his fair share of cloth diaper changes. Hennie commented:"I simply became frustrated whenever I had to change my baby's diaper because I most often ended up pricking my finger with the diaper pin, and left with a diaper that didn't fit securely!" He knew there had to be a better, safer and easier way to fasten diapers instead of using the old fashioned pin method. This was when he thought of a diaper fastener with rubber bands and tin grips, which marked the birth of the Snappi® fastener. After many prototypes and adaptations, the Snappi® was commercially available in 1987. It was launched at a large trade show in South Africa, proving an immediate hit with retailers and pharmacies. In 1990 the international market took notice of this product with exports to Australia, the United Kingdom and Brazil proving a consistent seller.
In 2001, Kate Braithwaite, co-owner and marketing director for Snappi® Baby, was approached by a friend, one of the patent attorneys of the Snappi® diaper fastener, to become their official distributor for North America. Having used and become reliant on the Snappi® when she cloth diapered her daughter Jordan (now 17), she knew the value of this incredible invention that could improve the lives of many.At first, selling the Snappi Cloth Diaper Fastener in a disposable diaper dominated market was a daunting challenge, but as the market became more health and environmentally conscious, the demand for cloth diapers increased and Snappi sales started taking off. Kate recalls: "I remember the first few months we could hardly give the Snappis away! Now, 8 years later, Snappi has become a cloth diapering essential with sales growing exponentially.

Snappis have revolutionized cloth diapering worldwide, and they have become one of the most important cloth diapering accessories. Over 65 million Snappis have sold internationally to date. Hennie is still involved in Snappi® Holdings in South Africa serving as managing director. Through his invention he changed not only the course of his own family's life, but also millions of other families around the world.
Why Choose Snappi®:
The benefits of this fastener include:- Reliable - a snug fitting diaper to prevent those dreaded leaks
- Economical - affordable fastener that works well with the less expensive flat, prefold or contour cloth diapers
- Safer than pins - no more pinpricks for baby or parent!!
- Easy to use - allows first time parents, grandparents and people with arthritic problems to cloth diaper with ease. It is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3
I love my snappis!
It's neat to read the Snappi history... especially that it was invented by a dad ;0)!!!
coolest invention ever! I had so much fun explaining these to my friends at the cloth diaper workshop yesterday!
I hope that this is my lucky week so that I can try out a snappi!
I love Snappis. I would have never used pre-folds had it not been for this wonderful little things. I'm too afraid to try pinning, but snappis are wonderful.
I was given some prefolds by a friend. Originally I was just laying them in a cover and we were going through a lot of covers with my son's rather explosive bf poo. When I bought a Snappi I found that the prefold contained messes much better! Love it!
Love snappi's...wouldn't use my prefolds without them!!
I need to try these out, I keep hearing that they are great!
Snappis are great! These have made using prefolds so much easier.
When we first started out with our prefolds we used snappis but now I prefer to use pins.
Its not that unsafe once you learn and practice using them.
wow! i loved this history! one of my fave product focus' you've done because you see the long history and the 17 year old girl who wore snappis--my fave part!
The snappi is what got my husband on board for cloth. He didn't want to have to fuss with pins.
Snappis rock! They make it so I can use otherwise hard to use dappi diaper covers without having pooh blow-outs.
We love our snappis! I would be too afraid to use a diaper pin, so I'm glad these were invented before Bean was born!
I love that it was invented by a daddy!! I use covers & prefolds more than anything else and I hated using pins. I love my snappis!!
I couldn't live without snappis! Every time my dad changes my son's diaper he laments that he didn't have them for my diapers!!
65 million sold! That is truly AMAZING!
I LOVE my Snappis!
I love hearing about how someone invented something. Great idea.
Love Snappis! Though I have to say I prefer to pin my flats, though. DH, of course, prefers the Snappi ;)
Wow! I haven't had the pleasure of using one yet ... but I plan to use PF's on my next baby, and will definitely be using them then! Interesing and informative post!
So cool that they were invented by a dad! Hope I win so I can show dear MIL how much cloth diapering has changed! Apparently she gave up on it with DH because she stabbed hi with pins too many times!
WOW! I haven't seen these before. Looks like a great product.
I love my snappis
I would love to try a Snappi out as well as some prefolds!
Amanda G.
I recently bought my first Snappi - and I love it!
Great to hear about the history. I love snappis! I'm sure I would have pricked my finger many times without it!
i have been so interested in snappis for months now. i wish that there was a local retailer of them by my home so i could convince my spouse after seeing them in person that they'd really be just that awesome. hence, i really hope to win fluff friday this week because they'd make my prefolds all the friendlier!
Snappis eased my fear of cloth diapering my baby by removing pins from the equation. Not that pins are wrong I just dont trust myself enough not to poke him.
Thanks for the history lesson :)
I have always hated diaper pins. They are so big and clunky. It's good to know there is an alternative.
I had NO idea that snappi's were so old! Cool that they were invented by a dad!!
I love my snappies! And love that this cloth diaper invention was developed by a dad!
I never tried snappis with our firstborn (who started her cloth journey at 5-6 mos old), we just trifolded the prefold inside a cover, until we switched to pockets and AIO/AI2s. But I decided to try prefolds and covers with our second newborn - again initially trifolding ("thought" that would get the best absorbency from the prefold), but just this week I started using snappis. WOW, what a difference it makes in containing messes AND it increases the amount of space that the prefold really absorbs. They are super quick and easy to put in place.
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