We are so excited to reach 2000 followers on Twitter. As promised, we "tweeted" that we would give away 12- bumGenius One Size Diapers once we hit the 2000 milestone.
The winner was randomly selected:

We are very pleased that kmonce has decided to donate the 12-bumGenius One Size Diapers to Miracle Diapers! As we were getting close to reaching 2000 followers many of you tweeted that you would donate to Miracle Diapers if you won. I have to tell this warmed our hearts and we thank all of you who tweeted that you would donate and also a thank you to everyone who helped us reach 2000 followers.
Yay! Congrats to her! I started tweeting that I was donating to Miracle Diapers if I won, and asked if anybody else would do the same! I'm so glad that some others got on board. I know that is a great donation for them, though I'm just a tiny bit bummed it wasn't me who gets to donate! Congrats to you guys, Congrats to Kmonce, and congrats to Miracle diapers!!
Well yay and congrats!! I am thrilled this awesome charity is getting these diapers. I was hoping to win so I could donate them to my daughter's orphanage. But it is so great that kids who need them will be wearing them.
Congratulations on winning. I am so pleased to hear of her donation. Those diapers will help someone who truly needs them. Thank you so much for that! You just made someone very lucky to receive those diapers.
What a great idea! That's awesome that Kmonce donated to Miracle Diapers :)
Congrats and that is awesome she donated the diapers! WTG!
Congrats all around! To yall for getting 2,000 twitter followers, to kmonce for winning and donating them ALL and to miracle diapers for getting a wonderful donation to help families who cant buy their own cloth fluffy goodness.
congrats to her and how awesome of her to donate!!
Congratulations and that's awesome!
What a generous donation!!! So proud of her!!
What a great donation!
That is SO awesome!!!!
You go girl.
Good for her! What a wonderfully generous idea!!!
congrats to her and how awesome of her !! woot !
Awe, such a sweet thing she decided to do. I'm sure whoever receives them with be so thankful!
Aww! Thank you so much. We are so thankful for all of the support we have received from you all.
We really appreciate Kelly for offering such a wonderful prize, and we're thankful to the winner for donating all of these wonderful diapers to our organization.
Thank you so much for all of your support!!
Lisa - Miracle Diapers
Great Win
Wow, that's really awesome! It is heartwarming to read that she donated the diapers and that there are other moms in this community who wanted to do the same!
Congrats and what a nice thing to do with the winnings!
Amazing donation! It warms my heart that people are so generous!
That is awesome! What a great donation!
That's so awesome of her, congrats!
Yay! I won, I won, I won. I have been a long time follower of this blog along with getting on the Twitter frenzie about the same time Kelly did so have followed her twitter feeds from the beginning. Even though I had always wanted to win in the past and for a while actually held my breath every Friday morning while I waited for the web page to open to see if I won (and then be disappointed not to see my name), I think this is truely a blessing to win this particular giveaway since I had responded to Megan R's tweet saying I would donate them all to Miracle Diapers if I won. I have a pretty nice stash of Fluff myself and just enter the giveaways to try new fluff that I don't already own. (And I already have a few BGs)
Lisa J - Thank you for starting Miracle Diapers and I hope you are able to help many more families in the future with your great support of cloth diapers.
I just love the cloth diapering community- it is so much than using cloth diapers on our children. I have come across the nicest most generous people in the past few years. Kelly, thanks again for your wonderful donation and thanks to others that also offered to donate. I have seen some wonderful acts of kindness in the cloth diaper community and this is certainly one of them. A highlight of my month for sure!
PS- Kelly if you can email us that would be terrific.
I think it's fantastic that she is donating to Miracle Diapers!
That's just awesome, and so entirely better than what I'd have done with them, lol.
Hats off to Kmonce for the donation. That's awesome!
How sweet to donate to miracle diapers! Congrats to you and your blessed heart
That's awesome. What a selfless thing to do!
Amanda G.
What a great idea, KMONCE! Congratulations for winning!
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