3- Smarti Pants One Size Diapers with inserts
(Given by the manufacturer)

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1 – 200 of 1273 Newer› Newest»I would probably buy some different diapers if I had $250. I love fuzzibunz and blueberry but I would also want to try something new like a kiwipie fitted
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hard to choose! I think I would have to still buy a mixture of things with $250, I am dying to try smarti pants and the KL fitteds, but also really want to get my hands on some BG ribbits w/ snaps!
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I would buy a few different types - fuzzi bunz (I've always wanted to try them), maybe these new smarti pants diapers, and some thirsties covers. $250 to spend on whatever diapers I wanted would be bliss!
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I would probably go with some gro baby, bum genious and I'd give the smarty pants a try! I think I';d also try some hemp or bamboo inserts to try in my bumgenious, and maybe a traning pant or 2!
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I would buy some Blueberry minkies!
ravenjasmine81 at yahoo dot com.
Wow! I've been looking at SmartiPants lately and would LOVE to try them! With $250, I would definitely spend part of it on some SmartiPants, and maybe some on some other one size diapers since most of mine are fitted.
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I would probably buy GroBaby, SmartiPants, BumGenius AIO. I have one SmartiPants and it's a FABULOUS diaper, I really hope to add more in the near future.
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I think I would buy the next size up of prefolds, 4-6 covers and a travel wetbag. Those are all I need to really complete my stash! I may even splurge on a BSRB if I had the extra leftovers :)
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Haha... what a hardship ;) I'd buy FuzziBunz mediums in assorted colors!
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If I had 250 to spend on diapers, I think I'd try to buy some of my favorites, like softbums, bumgenius, and thirsties. Then I'd try a few custom order fitteds with great prints...maybe sun seedlings? and then I'd buy some new ones I haven't tried yet, maybe smarty pants! Am I out of my 250 yet?
If I had 250$ I would buy more Diapers in different sizes I only have Large Diapers right now and we are TTC for baby #3 I would love to try smarties pants as I have heard good things about them. There are a few other brands I would love to try out too. Like BG3.0, Blueberry, Kissaluvs oh and GAD
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I want to try dome fuzzi bunz and WOOL!
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Blueberry minkys!
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I would try monkey doodlez and baby kanga and I'd buy more rocky mountain, bum wear, and thirsties AIO. I'd also like to try kiwi pie fitteds and covers.
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Ok this is going to sound like an advertisement, but I got to be a tester for the Smarti Pants and I LOVE them. They never leak and the inserts really do just come right out in the wash. A very good value. If I got to spend $250 dollers on diapers I think a good chunk would go to Smarti Pants.
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Just left a link to this giveaway and comment on smartipants blogpost, "Babycenter.com REview and contest."
http://blog.smartipants.com/babycenter-com-review-and-contest/comment-page-1/#comment-56. My comment is waiting moderation.
I would buy $200 worth of BG Organic Snaps in brights! And then $50 worth of detergent and wetbags!
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I would probably spend most of the $250 on Fuzzi Bunz perfect size diapers, but I would also try a couple of Bum Genius diapers with snaps.
Well, this is easy. :) I would buy a three pack of BG organics with snaps, a trial GroBaby system, an aristocrats wool cover, an econappi diaper, a swaddlebees OS organic fitted, one of the new Kissaluv diapers, and, if I had any money left over, I'd try other popular brands, maybe a sized, to see how I like them. : ) Virtual shopping sprees are fun.
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I would try the diapers I haven't gotten a chance to try yet. Grobaby, Applecheeks, Rumparooz, Fuzzibuns just to name a few.
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With $250? I would buy a little bit of everything! Rumparooz, Smartipants, Thirsties Fab Fitteds, Covers, Prefolds, Fuzzi Bunz, GADs, Bum Genius & some specialty diapers with prints like esbaby or monkeysnuggles.. I know I'm forgetting some... ha!
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If I had $250 for diapers I'd probably buy some clearance priced BumGenius pockets or AIOs if I could find them anywhere and donate them to Miracle Diapers.
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Hmmmm....$250 to spend on diapers? That would be Suhweet. I'd buy some BG pockets which I love but only have one, I'd try some Happy Heinies and Fuzzibunz, Thirsties pockets, and Applebottoms. If there were any left over, I'd look for some cute covers. Oh, what a nice dream....
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Wow, $250 would be a lot to spend! I would totally splurge & try new types of diapers that I haven't used yet -- some prefolds, OS fitteds, covers, trainers for the future, Blueberry OS, Rumparooz OS, BG OS Organics, a new wet bag & small wet bag, etc. I would also use it to buy a gift for one of my friends due with her 2nd baby in Nov. She's using cloth diapers but most of hers are used.
Now, if only someone offered $250 to me to spend!!
If I had $250 to spend on cloth diapers I would get a bunch of fitteds to try out! Some Kiwi Pies and some sized fitteds. I'd also probably throw in a couple of different AIOs like a Rocky Mtn OS, Fuzzi Bunz perfect sized and a Thirsties Pocket.
I'd start my supply, probably buy a bunch of different kinds to see what I like best. But for sure a bunch of bumgenius in lots of colors.
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I would buy lots of different brands since I am still new to CD. I would buy a few fuzzibunz, smartipants, blueberrys, thirsties AIO, etc. It would be very nice to have $250 to spend!
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With $250 for cloth diapers I would be some more Bum Genius one-size, some extra Bum Genius inserts, and then would be some Smarti Pants, Rocky Mountain, and any other one-size pockets I haven't tried.
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I would probably split the amount between BG OS 3.0 and Whamies. Then I would sell all of my happy heiny's. I LOVE my BGs but get tired of all solid colors. Plus the insides of the Whamies are awesome!!
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I am not sure if I'd spend the whole $250 on either GroBaby or Sustainablebabyish. Maybe half & half?
That would be nice : D
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I would try some BG organics, happy heiney's and a few other brands of AIO or Pockets that I have never tried. I would get all of them in cute prints. I think I might try out some fitteds too. I have never used those.
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I like my BumGenius 3.0 one size, but with some extra spending money I would probably try the organic AIOs, hemp and/or bamboo inserts, and Blueberry minkies.
I think I would try some BumGenius one-size, or Thirsties fitteds. Maybe try a variety of covers that I haven't tried yet.
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I love Blueberry and Bum-Ware, so I would get some of them and also find a few kinds that I haven't tried yet.
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I would Purchase Some Bum Genius, Some GoodMamas (I just want to try them) Some More covers... Maybe a BSRB. And a LOT of WAHM made ones!! Thanks
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If I had $250 to spend on cloth diapers I would go to town! I would buy a bunch of bumgenius 3.0 one size diapers and some bumgenius 3.0 AIO sized diapers. I would also buy some kissaluvs and thirsties. It would be hard choosing.
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I think I would do some more experimenting. I would love to try some Goodmammas, but am too cheap. I'd also like to try some bamboo fitted diapers.
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Wow! If I had 250 dollars to buy diapers, I would buy some Bum Genius one size and definitely the Gro Baby. I'd love to try thsoe out. I'd also buy Thirsties covers as they are great and I would buy a couple woolen covers to try those. I wouldn't mind trying a swaddlebees one size as well.
juliecerdas at gmail dot com
If I had $250... I'd buy a few different types of diapers. I'm about to begin the journey of cloth diapering. I'm still learning and trying to start getting ready now.
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I would buy teh One size Bum Genius 3.0 12pk clothes. I've heard that they are amazing and I want to go for it! I would love to try any cloth diaper, though. I'm so excited I would your blog today!! yeah!! you can't see me but I'm jumping around the room ;)
I would buy 8 more bumGenius one-size pocket diapers because that is what I need for our dd. I would still have about $110 to spend on sized bumGenius pockets for our newborn due soon. (BG and fuzzibunz are the two brands I've tried so far- like both but BG are so much more trim!) Or maybe I would try a new brand I've never used before... something with organic material? But I'd definitely buy pockets b/c they are our favorites but are expensive & I'd love to have more!
Gosh $250 is a lot, well I would get at least one starbunz..because they're cute and then I would stock up on Fuzzibuns, blueberry, maybe a couple of organic BGs with snaps, grow babies...ahh the list could go on and on
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I'd love to try Smartipants and buy many more Organic Bum Genius AIO - One size if I had $250! (so far I only have one cloth diaper - we're getting A LOT of use out of it - lol)
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I would try a variety of diapers. GroBabys for one.
I would buy GroBaby and Econappi with $250!! I am also a follower on Twitter!
I would buy cloth diapers!!! Maybe some extra liners, and Diaper pail bags.
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I would buy lots of Grobaby and Econappi diapers!! I am also a follower on Twitter!
I think I'd go with a mixture of things.
We own one BG OS pocket which works really well on DS overnight, but only having a few pockets means they get reserved for out and about. So, I'd start with a couple more of those, plus some other pocket types to try out.
Maybe I'd add some fitteds - our covers work great, so that might solve our overnight issues while still being almost as easy to wash as our typical prefolds and Imse Vimse contours.
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Oh boy - that is a tall order. But right now I have a little over $100 worth of grobaby, softbums and apple cheeks that I want for our upcoming trip. Then I think I would like a few more Rumparooz and I really want to try out the Kiwi Pie fitted so some of those too :)
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ohhhhhh....if I had $250 for only diapers i would be in HEAVEN!!! I really want to try the kiwipie fitteds because they have such adorable prints--it's a shame to have to cover them up! ;)
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commented on "Product Focus: Kiwi Pie One Size Fitted Diaper" :)
I would buy BumGenius in the new colors. I would also like to try the new one-size FuzziBunz, also!
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looks like those smarti pants would be fun to try. I just got a whole bunch of bum genius for my bebe who should be born in the next month or so. Maybe more of those? I love the velcro... hopefully it won't wear out!
I would definitely purchase some of the new Gro Baby Diapers for my newborn on the way!
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