When we’re on the go, I have a Planet Wise wet bag tucked into my diaper bag. The print is adorable, and the zipper keeps the smells contained. The wet bag washes and dries easily and has plenty of room for a day’s worth of diapers. I wish my whole diaper bag had this print. Heck, I wish my purse was covered in this print!
My son goes to daycare part-time and the center has been really supportive of our cloth diaper decision. He goes through five diapers a day while in their care, but I don’t have a big enough stash to leave clean diapers there.
When I drop him off, I bring five bumGenius 3.0 pocket diapers in a clean pail liner. My diaper pail is tucked into the corner where they change diapers and the teachers insist that the cloth diapers are just as easy as disposables. I’m a big fan of the flushable liners, so I tuck one into each diaper I provide. This makes cleanup easy for the teachers and helps keep the diapers clean. When I get home with the dirty daycare diapers, I just drop the bag into the nursery diaper pail.
My pail liners are washed several times a week and they’re holding up really well. When it comes to laundering, I can’t say enough about Charlie’s Soap. I bought it specifically for the diapers, but we use it for all of our laundry. Everything comes clean and smells great, and a small bag of the powdered soap lasts a long time.
When we used disposable diapers, I changed the plastic bags in the diaper pail several times a week. I also used a small plastic bag for every dirty diaper when we were on the go. I feel so much better using bags that can be washed and used over and over. I like to think Mother Earth is breathing a bit easier thanks to these simple changes.
- By Kristin
I am so happy that your daycare is so supportive!! That's pretty amazing that the teachers think cd'ing is just as easy as using disposables!
I think I am going to have to invest in 2 Planet Wise pail liners! I only have one cheap homemade one I got of ebay and I do not wash it every time just because I know its not going to last very long.
Oh my goodness you sound just like me. With the exception of the daycare your routine is exactly the same as mine - right down to the Charlie's Soap.
I absolutely the love the Planet Wise Bags. I am now using the Hanging Wet/Dry Bag for storing dirty diapers (we have a small laundry area and can't use a pail). It keeps all odors in and has never leaked once.
Thanks for the good info!
I love my planet wise bag for my diaper bag! It is so cute and contains the wetness and smell perfectly. I hope they hear us and make some diaper bags (designed with cloth diaper moms in mind) in the same prints! I would be the first in line to buy one!!!
We use a Knickernappies hanging wet bag, and I love it! It holds all of the diapers we use in the time between washes, and so far, I haven't had any stink issues!
Everything about cloth diapers is so much better for the environment. It's great.
I love the planet wise wet bags. I have 2 and they are so beautiful and they are really well made. I want the hanging bag because I think it would be so easy, but I don't really need it so I can't justify buying it.
I have the exact same Planet Wise wet bag and I love it also. And I agree, Charlie's Soap is amazing!
I think its awesome that your daycare is so supportive!
I SO WISH that my daycare was that supportive--they are most UNsupportive of cloth diapers--won't even LISTEN to me about it. Think it's time to change daycares?! You are very lucky to have found a daycare like that! And you've convinced me to try Charlies for my diaper stash!
Gee I wonder what I would have thought about CDs awhile ago when I was working in childcare facilities. Now I use them all the time and love them!
That's great that your daycare is willing to/supportive of you using cloth. It's sad how uninformed some of them are about cloth diapers.
Isn't easy peasy to use cloth diapers? It's just as easy as tossing a sposie in the trash, only we get to was and reuse or bags that are much prettier than trash sacks! LOL
I use a wetbag/pail liner in a simple lidded trashcan at home. When we go out, I usually just pack a plastic bag from the grocery store. We are slowly getting rid of all of the bags we've collected for so long. So, they get to hold poopy diapers and dog poop now! I would like to have a wet bag for outings, though...so much more stylish and sustainable!
I love using wet bags and pail liners! I also love that the wet bags are great for things besides diapers and they can just get thrown in the wash.
I'm currently using a dry pail and a wet pail to see which I like better, and I am thinking I may need to get another pail liner or two to convert the downstairs wet pail to dry. The only problem is, it really does seem like my diapers come cleaner in the wash from the wet pail... it's just such a pain though!
We love the Planet Wise bags. They hold out the smell and wetness so well. I use the diaper pail liners as well as the zip bags. Since it is summer I take along my large zipper bag to hold wet towels and swimsuits. Love these bags!
Thats great your daycare is supportive. Cloth Diapers are so wonderful!
I love my Planet Wise wet bags too. And that is great that your daycare uses cloth for you!
Glad to hear that there are daycares who supporth cloth diapers! I have heard of tons of daycares who would not deal with them at all!
I want to find an excuse to buy a Planet Wise Wet bag. I have been CDing for over 5 yrs so really don't need anything more but can always wish.
Isn't it great how easy cloth diapers have become! I use to be anti-cloth and said I would never use them...now I have been using them for over a year on my new son and I love it! It will save me SO much money in the long run and it is great to know I am not producing a bunch more waste in the landfills.
I love wetbags, especially showing off the cute patterns. I use wetbags from Sarah's Stitches and SMJAE on HyenaCart.
I need to try planet wise bags! I almost bought one, now I must! Thanks!
Hi - does anybody have creative solutions for storing soiled cloth diapers at daycare? In my son's room there are 6 children and 4 of them wear cloth. The daycare insists that hanging wet bags do not meet daycare standards, and they say they don't have room for 4 trash cans for the 4 babies plus a regular trash can.
In my head I picture a trash can divided into sections (like a pie chart), one section for each child. Anyone seen something like this? Have any other ideas? Because we don't have a solution, the daycare is requiring everyone to wear disposables...
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