This week's giveaway is for :
2 boxes of Tiny Bubbles Cloth Diaper Detergent (given by manufacturer)
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us what detergent(s) have you used (or planning to use) to wash cloth diapers. You should leave your comment before Thursday, August 13th at 8pm EDT.
NOTE: Aplix is a brand of hook and loop, essentially identical to Velcro.
What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it: Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
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- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
- Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
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- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, August 14th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
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When I first started out cloth diapering I used Allens naturally. Just recently I had to switch because my diapers were stinking from detergent build up. So I switched to Charlies Soap. My stink went away the first wash! Charlies is my favorite!
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I am currently using All Free and Clear but am in search of something that will do a better job in my front loader.
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Commented on: "WOW! Buy 6, Get 1 FREE bumGenius One Size Cloth Diapers."
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I use All Free and Clear. I used to use Kirkland (Costco) Enviro Friendly until I read mixed reviews.
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I use Crunchy Clean detergent.
im using your button on my myspace blog
i use tide he
I plan to use Tiny Bubbles or Charlies Soap when my baby is born
I'm a follower of your blog. I also forgot to include my url in my last comment for the button
Commented on Tiny Bubbles post.
I've used generic brands, like Giant Eagle detergent.
I have no idea what detergent we will use. We have an HE washer so that adds to the frustration of figuring things out!
twitter follower - glassfishie
We use Kirkland Signature and have never had a problem with it!
i'm advertising the giveaway on my tumblr blog
I use Xtra.
I first used Purex Free & Clear then found out that wasn't the best. Now I use Charlie's soap.
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I use Allens, but have ordered the tiny bubbles and can't wait to try it.
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We use Allen's Naturally and have also used Charlie's Soap-no problems thus far.
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I use my own detergent that I make myself w/ washing soda, borax and oxyclean free.
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We use Allens Naturally
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I currently use Planet detergent. :)
I use Planet and Allen's Naturally detergent.
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I use Allen's Naturally and absolutely LOVE it. I haven't had any problems with stink every since I switched from All Free and Clear to that. And a little goes such a long way. I recommend it to all of you out there!
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I have made my own from borax, pure baking soda, and soap flakes, but recently discovered Tiny Bubbles. I LOVE it!
I use Charlies Soap!
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commented on Smooth Transitioning: Washing Diapers At Someone Else's Home post
commented on Grandma's Influence post.
I use Amway's SA8 detergent and have never had problems.
commented on the Fluff Friday 40 PLUS Twitter Winners post.
Commented on "Product Focus: Tiny Bubbles" post.
Just left a comment on "Tiny Bubbles Product Focus"
I use Crunchy Clean and really like it. I've used a sample of tiny bubbles and liked it but it costs too much to ship to me!
I commented on Smooth Transition-Doing diaper laundry away from home.
I commented on Tiny Bubbles
I commented on Grandma's Influence.
I have a box of Tiny Bubbles that I am planning to use soon!
I use Country Save. I have definitely had to scale back the amount of detergent I was using to avoid smell issues.
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I have only used Charlie's Soap. I have loved it since day 1. It has been wonderful! I was all of our clothes in it because it does NOT irritate our sensitive skin at all-I love that it doesn't use fragrances to mask odors.
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I use TideHE
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I commented on the Smooth Transitioning post.
I commented on the Grandma's Influence post.
I commented on "Smooth Transitioning: Washing Diapers At Someone Else's Home"
commented on "Product Focus: Tiny Bubbles"
I use purex free and clear, and planned on using Allens Naturally on the diapers when baby arrives.
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I commented on "Smooth Transitioning: Washing Diapers At Someone Else's Home"
I am using Charlie's Soap. It came highly recommended. So far, so good!
I blogged about the giveaway on my new blog!
I use Charlies! I love it!
chocolategirl81 at rocketmail dot com
I am currently using Charlie's Soap. I began using cloth diapers in May and bought some Charlie's at that time. When I finish that, I will most likely try Tiny Bubbles as I have a box already.
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I am suing All Free and Clear right now but am looking for something that works better with our hard water and FL machine.
Commented on: "Smooth Transitioning: Washing Diapers At Someone Else's Home"
I commented on Smooth Transitioning: Washing Diapers At Someone Else's Home
we currently use country save and like it pretty well.
winterwrens (at) gmail (dot) com
I commented on "You want to put WHAT in my laundry?"
i use all free and clear small and mighty and need something to stop the ammonia stink so i am looking to switch!
Today's Comment- I use Crunchy Clean but I'm open to trying new detergents!
kci use tidehe
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I use Kirkland Signature and it works great!
Currently I use Country Save detergent. I am looking for something else, though, because I seem to often have stinkies and my son has a fairly bad rash/eczema & I am wondering if it has to do with the detergent. I do so many rinses and it doesn't help too much.
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Right now I use TideHE, looking forward to trying tinybubbles!
Commented on: Tiny Bubbles, Product Focus
I commented on: "WOW! Buy 6, Get 1 FREE bumGenius One Size Cloth Diapers."
I left a comment on: "Grandma's Influence"
commented on "You Want To Put WHAT In My Laundry?!"
commented on Smooth Transitioning: Washing Diapers At Someone Else's Home
I have used Oxy Prime, and Bio-Kleen, loved the Bio-kleen, just hard to get around here!
In a pinch I use Sun, or Purex Naturals.
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I commented on "You Want To Put WHAT In My Laundry?!"
I advertise your giveaway on my blog: www.markandlydia.blogspot.com
I commented on You Want To Put WHAT In My Laundry?!
I commented on the post "WOW! Buy 6, Get 1 FREE bumGenius One Size Cloth Diapers."
I commented on "Product Focus: Tiny Bubbles"
I am using All Free & Clear HE but am less than happy with it so I am in search of a keeper! I tried a sample of Tiny Bubbles and really liked that!
Commented on "You Want To Put WHAT In My Laundry?!"
I use any free/clear detergent that is on sale or cheapest to wash my cloth diapers.
I follow you on twitter: @jbakley
I commented on "You Want To Put WHAT In My Laundry?!".
Commented on: "You Want To Put WHAT In My Laundry?!"
commented on "You Want To Put WHAT In My Laundry?!" post.
I use SA8 detergent by Amway. I have used others while visiting parents & in-laws. It usually seems to be a Tide product and I haven't had problems.
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I subscribe to your weekly newsletter and LOVE it.
I follow on twitter under both @kmonce and @MomofBJandE
I left a follow up comment on the "Smooth Transitioning: Washing Diapers At Someone Else's Home" post.
I'm used all free and clear as well as tiny bubbles
jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com
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Our baby isn't here yet, but in preparation for his/her arrival, I bought my first bottle of dye-free, fragrance-free detergent (Seventh Generation, because it was on sale). Normally I use Method and was planning on using the baby version, but I have a hard time finding it in western NY.
I commented on "Newbie goes on vacation"
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
I use country save
k.hofferberth at gmail dot com
I use TideHE it is the only one available in my town that I could afford. VERY small town here.
I use purex fee and clear
Comment on "you want to put WHAT in my laundry?"
commented on "Newbie goes on vacation"
I use All Free and Free but am on the search for something that does a better job with our front loader/ hard water combination.
I use Kirkland Signature
Today's Comment- I use Crunchy Clean and it works great but I'd love to try Tiny Bubbles
i use seventh generation, but would like to try something else.
I use Planet powder & have tried Allens. I wish there were sample sizes of all the detergents that I could buy cheaply to test.
mjones_82 AT Yahoo.com
commented on "Newbie Goes on Vacation"
I use planet detergent right now but i am not real happy with it.
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I use Tide HE in my top loading HE washer. I have never had to strip or bleach my diapers and they all smell great after three months of cloth diapering.
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I use Country Save, but am really hoping to try this detergent very soon! It sounds great!
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