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Friday, October 2, 2009

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"Super" Fluff Friday 49 - 3 Giveaways!

This week's we have 3 giveaway's!
Each winner will receive:
1-Baby Beehinds One Size Hemp Diaper
1-Baby Beehinds One Size Bamboo Diaper
1-Baby Beehinds Wool Cover (all given by distributor)

What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us: If you could create the "perfect" diaper what features would it have (fabric,style,closures,etc)? You should leave your comment before Thursday, October 8th at 8pm EDT.

What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it: Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.

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Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, October 9th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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Heather said...

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jdeemarie said...

The perfect diaper for me would be one-size with adjustable elastic, stay dry inner, snap closure, and a pocket that would allow the insert to come out in the wash (I hate sticking my hand in dirty and wet diapers).

lace said...

I don't have that much experience to know what the best feature for diapers would be.

I guess it would be an all in one with some funky cover made with organic materials.

lil misses' mama said...

my perfect diaper would be a one-size pocket. it would have snaps and be a fun, neutral color of pul.

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Jackie said...

mine would be a pocket diaper - made with bamboo velour :) I would prefer snaps and I would want it in sizes - I prefer that over one-size.

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Anonymous said...

my diaper would be aplix, but never snat the other diapers in the laundry. it would be super soft fleece pocket open on both ends so i dont have to touch the liner

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Melissa said...

I would want a low cost, OS AIO or OS pocket that was very easy to wash, very absorbant, had bright prints/colors, and with snapping closure.

mjones_82 AT

rebecca said...

I think I would be pretty happy if I could have bumGenius diapers that had always-like-new aplix! I'd settle for snaps, though, I suppose! :)

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Christina's Cookies said...

Hmmm... My perfect dipe would probably be a super absorbent yet trim fitted but it would have some sort of lining to the inside to keep my baby feeling dry. It would have snaps. All organic materials! I would top it with the most adorable fleece soakers I could find/ make!

Ammieloris said...

My perfect diaper would have snap in inserts (for an optional no-stuff insert) and be trim like the Thirsties fitted AIOs, but with snap closures. The more colors or prints for the cover, the merrier!

Christina's Cookies said...


Anonymous said...

My perfect diaper would be a combo of a one size pocket diaper or AI2s - you can easily take the inserts out without putting your hand inside the pockets. The inserts would be hemp, PUL cover, side snaps, either microsuede lining but fleece on the sides.

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{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

My perfect diaper would be a one-size pocket AIOs. I like the features of both diaper and would be great if combined. The inside would be soft velour bamboo/hemp and organic cotton and a colorful PUL cover on the outside with snaps!

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

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The Werfs said...

The perfect cloth diaper would be a one-sized AIO with velcro, priced low so that I could afford them, and sold in more local stores.

The Werfs said...

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Courtney B said...

my diaper would be a pretty much like the fuzzi bunz perfect size diapers as far as the pocket, the size, fit, and snaps... and then come in organic fabric... and have the colors that bumgenius offers.

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Jessica said...

If you could create the "perfect" diaper what features would it have (fabric,style,closures,etc)?

Fabric: Anything MODERN...I love the diapers that are just RAD!
Style: pocket. LOVE them
Closures: hm....I guess snaps. I like velcro better but ALL my friends like snaps better
It would come with enough inserts to be good for day or night time diapering, too...and a good insert, not some crappy one that you have to replace.

Attila & Tamara said...

My diaper would be a pocket or hybrid...with cute colors and patterns, and very absorbent inner layers.

Attila & Tamara said...

commented on: "Washing at MIL's converts SIL"

Attila & Tamara said...


Learning so much about cloth diapering @diapershops!

Unknown said...

My favorite diaper would be something that is easy to get on a wiggly boy and that can at least be worn a couple hours without soaking though.

V said...

For me the prefect diaper would be a one size pocket diaper with snaps. The inside lining would be really soft with a fleece or flannel lining. Also it would come with inserts 2 or 3 to customize for day and night time use with a baby or toddler.

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Allison said...

My perfect diaper would be just like the OS BG 3.0 except with snap closure...or velcro that does NOT wear out and pill. The diaper would come in nice bold colors and cute prints. The inserts would be a mixture of hemp and microfiber!

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Kelly said...

Snaps or very strong velcro.
Pocket with bamboo or hemp insert. One size. Bright colors! Pul outer, fleece inner.

Theresa A. said...

Just left a comment on Washing at MIL's Converts SIL!

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

My perfect diaper is a trim AIO with organic cotton with a stay dry liner on top!

Lewru said...

Wow, I'm not sure since my little one won't be here for a few more days! So far, I'd guess a natural fiber pocket with a soft interior and several slim hemp inserts. It would have the buttonhole elastic fit of the new fuzzibuns and would come in awesome colors!

Lewru said...

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Jackie said...

I blogged giveaway (1)

Megan said...

Soft pocket diaper with an insert that comes out in the wash. Definitely snap closure. One-size.

cathy said...

My ideal diaper would be a nice lightweight fabric, some of the ones I have get heavy!

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fancygrlnancy said...

My diaper would be super soft and somehow be put on easily even with a baby standing and trying to run from you. Don't know how that would work, but I would love something like that. It would have lots of cute prints availiable and it would be one size that converts to another size easily with out looking and being bulky on a 2 month old.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said...

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Anonymous said...

My perfect diaper would be a combo of a one size pocket diaper or AI2s - you can easily take the inserts out without putting your hand inside the pockets. The inserts would be hemp, PUL cover, side snaps, either microsuede lining but fleece on the sides.

Brassy said...

My perfect diaper would be a sized pocket diaper with OBV, velcro, two inserts, and the Spice Ooga Booga print on the outside.

Oh, and if it magically washed itself and put itself away, that'd be pretty fab too. ;)

Brassy said...

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Ritmeyer said...

A pocket diaper. Velour & waterproof pul with with a hemp insert and snaps.

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Rebecca said...

My diaper would have PUL on the outside, snaps for closure. It would be a pockets style, because of drying time. And bamboo insert for absorbency. Plus it would be really cute on a little behind :-)

jdeemarie said...

A one-size diaper that will actually fit skinny newborn legs. Snap closure and a pocket that doesn't require inserts be removed before washing.

rebecca said...

I would love to make a pocket diaper out of wool. I don't know how practical this is, but it would be fun to try!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Stacy Whalen said...

My perfect diaper would be 100% cotton, side snapping, one size (using Softbums size adjustment system in the legs) and it would be teal.

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Kate said...

Definitely an AIO.. I love any kind of those!

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Evelyn said...

My perfect diaper would have a velcro closure that would never curl. It would be like a pocket diaper, but the inside could detach from the PUL cover so that you could use the cover with a fitted if you wanted, or you could put a fitted inside the pocket along with a doubler for nighttime. Sort of a cross between a fitted and a pocket. And it would be a one-size, perhaps with the adjustable elastic.

Evelyn said...

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Jmom said...

My diaper would be a pocket with velcro that doesn't wear out, and with hemp inserts that snap in.

Jmom said...

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Kristin said...

My perfect diaper would be a pocket with super-soft fleece lining. I would like it to be a one-size diaper, that fits like a BG, and have snaps...if I could meld my FB and BG one size I would be totally content.

k.hofferberth at gmail dot com

dotcomkari said...

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Christina's Cookies said...


Christina's Cookies said...

Hmmm... My perfect dipe would probably be a super absorbent yet trim fitted but it would have some sort of lining to the inside to keep my baby feeling dry. It would have snaps. All organic materials! I would top it with the most adorable fleece soakers I could find/ make!

Gigi said...


Anonymous said...

My perfect diaper would be made of wool (high absorption, keeps cool in hot weather & warm in cold weather)... leg gussets for extra leakage protection... velcro closures (w/those fold over laundry tabs so the velcro doesn't catch onto other cloth)... and adjustable size so that it can grow w/baby.

JoKay said...

Perfect diaper fundamentals - very absorbent, washes easily, stays soft, breathable, contains poops, adjustable. Nice extras: fun colors, stays looking new after many washes.

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J said...

My perfect diaper would be a one size, all in one but the absorbent layers would be layered next to the skin rather than inside the diaper. It would be bamboo or some other natural fabric. It would have snaps.

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Honey said...

If I could create the "perfect" diaper it would definitely have snaps, be T&T, a two size system. It would have no snaps touching baby, a removable soaker, it would be a fitted diaper. Nice and soft, made of natural fibers, very absorbant. Lots of snaps in the row across for great adjustability. It would come with a fleece liner that you could use that is the perfect size for covering most of the inside of the diaper.

Honey Moser said...

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Unknown said...

I'm still learning about the different materials, but I'd love something organic/natural fiber, one-size, absorbent enough for night time, velcro closures for the hubby, and in a green solid or print.

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KaraD said...

I'd like a pocket with PUL and snaps. Preferably a one-size with leg gussets.

KaraD said...

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HOney said...

I commented on "washing at MIL's converts SIL"

Unknown said...

The perfect diaper for us would be an AIO with an attached soaker similar to the BG Organic but made with Oraganic Bamboo Velour, with the outer material being a print PUL with gussetted legs similar to a Thirsite Cover.
eclaireham at yahoo dot com

austinmomtr said...

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austinmomtr said...

My perfect dipe would be a breathable pocket - with stretchy velcro tabs that don't get gnarled. Certainly one with a cute print - pandas or sock monkeys! It would be one size and have a high rise.

Attila & Tamara said...

My diaper would be a pocket or hybrid, with natural absorbent fibers (such as hemp--I learned that today) for the inner layers. A soft fleece on the outside and a stain resistant inner lining.

Attila & Tamara said...

commented on:
Fabric Focus: Hemp and Cloth Diapers

Attila & Tamara said...


Info about hemp and #clothdiapers @diapershops

Unknown said...

Although I have never tried one, my favorite diaper might be a fitted prefold with touch tape for quick changes. I love prefolds because they are so afordable.

sam said...

I think the Smartipants diapers come pretty close to being the perfect diaper for us right now. They work great on my daughter.

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Rebecca said...

My diaper would have PUL on the outside, snaps for closure. It would be a pockets style, because of drying time. And bamboo insert for absorbency. Plus it would be really cute on a little behind :-)

Rebecca said...

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Rebecca said...

Made a comment on fabric focus: hemp and cloth diapers.

Melissa said...

It would be a OS luxury pocket diaper with Snaps closure in cute bright colors & several adorable prints. It would also be very affordable (about $10-12) and include several different insert options.

Kelly said...

Cobalt blue, PUL outer, fleece inner, pocket - hemp or bamboo insert. Snaps or super strong velcro. And if the poop magically comes off without any spraying or dunking, then that is an added bonus!

Jut and Chris said...

Posted on Fabric Focus: Hemp and Cloth Diapers

Jmom said...

My diaper would be a pocket with aplix that didn't wear out or create diaper trains in the laundry. It would come in cute prints and have hemp inserts with soft flannel liners.

Megan said...

I commented on "Fabric Focus"

Tandy and Jeff said...

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Tandy and Jeff said...

The perfect diaper... That's a tough one!
For outings, I prefer AIOs or AI2s. After being in the wetbag all day, it is much easier to just throw them into the diaper pail rather than trying to get the inserts out of the pockets first.
The perfect 'outing' diaper would be an AI2 (drys faster), very trim, snaps, cotton.

We do love pockets and wool for at home & night though...

The perfect diaper would be: Wool AIO, machine washable, affordable, trim, fast drying, snap closures... Alas, I know it's not realistic! =)

cowgirlup said...

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cowgirlup said...

My idea of a perfect cloth diaper is a soft velour pocket diaper with a hemp insert (they are just so trim and absorbent) with snap closures and PUL shell with a fun print!

Rebecca1217 said...

I would want a pocket diaper with a lining inside the pocket so it's easier to stuff. Some time I feel like I'm fighting the PUL. I'd love hemp inserts and snaps. I'm a big fan of one size diapers. Makes it more economical to cloth diaper baby. And print and patterns on the fabric, most likely animals. My little one loves making animal sounds.

Anonymous said...

I would make a pocket diaper with hemp insert, snap closure, in bright mod prints.

Laura C


Attila & Tamara said...

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"My girls and her dolls"

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"Unexpected Beginnings"

Anonymous said...

My perfect diaper would be a combo of a one size pocket diaper or AI2s - you can easily take the inserts out without putting your hand inside the pockets. The inserts would be hemp, PUL cover, side snaps, either microsuede lining but fleece on the sides.

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

My perfect diaper would be just like a bumgenius organic AIO except with an added stay-dry liner

Crissy said...

A very absorbent sized pocket diaper with a trim fit, PUL outer, velcro that never shows wear, replaceable elastic, amazing and bright colors that never fade, leaves no red marks, and has a soft organic bamboo velour inner. That's all

Madeline said...

It would be a one size pocket diaper made of all natural materials. It would have snap closures and come in loads of cute colors and patterns.

Crissy said...


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dina said...

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Christina's Cookies said...

Hmmm... My perfect dipe would probably be a super absorbent yet trim fitted but it would have some sort of lining to the inside to keep my baby feeling dry. It would have snaps. All organic materials! I would top it with the most adorable fleece soakers I could find/ make!

Christina's Cookies said...


dina said...

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dina said...

My ideal diaper would be an OS bamboo fitted, snap closure, no snaps on the inside that leave marks on baby, snap in soakers, no 3 step rise snaps, turned leg elastic, back elastic, trim.

fancygrlnancy said...

bwneyes100 AT hotmail dot com

anj said...

i'd love a good bamboo with snaps...

KaraD said...

A pocket with a cute boy print, leg gussets and suedecloth inside. I prefer a one-size with snaps. Leg gussets would be great, too. With a SUPER absorbant insert.

A. Lanigan said...

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A. Lanigan said...

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first baby (hopefully, by next week!) I have a stash of CDs, but I'm not sure what I want in a perfect diaper as I haven't gotten to use them yet:)

Jaime said...

My perfect Diaper would be an AIO one size with a PUL outside but with a cute print, a Hemp inside for absorbancy, and a velcro closure to make it fast and easy. It would dry fast and not stain and since it is the "perfect" diaper it would also have a couple snaps so clever babies wouldn't be able to get it off.

Jaime said...

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Attila & Tamara said...


Can't wait to get mine in the mail! @diapershops

Attila & Tamara said...

Commented on "Wipe on, Wipe Off"

rebecca said...

I would create a pocket with a PUL coated minky outer and a hemp insert. Although I still like my idea about a wool pocket...

gitrecca at gmail dot com

rebecca said...

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gitrecca at gmail dot com

Rebecca said...

My diaper would have PUL on the outside, snaps for closure. It would be a pockets style, because of drying time. And bamboo insert for absorbency. Plus it would be really cute on a little behind :-)

Unknown said...

It would be a fitted diaper made of hemp or bamboo. It might have a pocket option, like a Happy Hempy. It would have snaps, and the leg openings wouldn't leave red marks on my baby's chunky thighs.

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Meredith said...

My perfect diaper would be a fitted, with a velor inner (because poop rinses of so easily and it is so soft on baby's skin), a hidden layer of fleece inside so that you could use it without a cover during days at home, and an adorable knit outer with side snaps so I can fasten it as she is crawling away from me!

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Anonymous said...

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Kelly said...

My perfect diaper would be a pocket diaper, waterproof PUL outer, fleece inner, hemp or bamboo insert. It would be snaps or super strong velcro. It would be a bright, bold color, like cobalt. And it would magically clean itself. I am sure I could find that...except maybe the last part! Oh yeah...and it would be one size!

Jut and Chris said...

I commented on Wipe on, Wipe Off

Hannah said...

Colorful PUL outer, velcro closures, replaceable insert (not a pocket). Very economical.

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

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