Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, November 6, 2009

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Fluff Friday 54 -Two Giveaway's!

This week's giveaway: (given by the manufacturer)
2-Mother-Ease One Size Intro Kits (2 winners will win 1 kit each)

Kit includes:
  • 1 One Size Diaper (8-35 lbs)
  • 1 Snap In Liner (for additional absorbency)
  • 1 Air Flow™ Snap Cover of your indicated size
What to do? Simply leave a comment telling us: How many cloth diapers are in your stash? If you haven't cloth diapered let us know how many diapers you think you will have. You should leave your comment before Thursday, November 12th at 8pm EDT.

What else to know? You can make ONE comment PER DAY. If you want to get more comments there are several ways to do it: Being or becoming one of our followers gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.

  1. Being a subscriber of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
  2. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
  3. Fluff FridayAdvertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
  4. Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
  5. Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a Facebook fan.
  6. Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
  7. One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
  8. Tweet with a link to any page on our site AND put @diapershops in your tweet. Simply "cut and paste" your tweet as a comment on Fluff Friday. Every tweet you do gets an entry!!
  9. Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id/link in your comment.

Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, November 13th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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Anonymous said...

We currently have 2 dozen prefolds and 3 bum genius for our 15 mth old.

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber

The Baldree Family said...

We have 25 diapers so far!

The Baldree Family said...

We follow!

The Baldree Family said...

We subscribe!

Alicia W said...

I actually have 33 diapers. I have Fuzzi buns, Fashion baby, and Kushies.

Alicia W said...

I follow your blog.

Alicia W said...

Facebook friend.

Attila & Tamara said...

I have 5 pocket diapers, 1 BG AIO and a few prefolds and wool/fleece covers.

I'm trying to build my stash!

rebecca said...

I think I have about 11 pockets plus some prefolds and two covers.

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Shalee.Slaubaugh said...

My stash consists of 12 prefolds w/ 4 thirsties covers and 12 BG 3.0's.

Shalee.Slaubaugh said...

I'm a subscriber.

Shalee.Slaubaugh said...

I get the newsletter.

Kelly said...

I have about 30 diapers in my stash. Mostly a combo of BG 3.0 and Fuzzi Bunz, though I do have some others.

Lacy said...

I have 24 flats, 3 all-in-ones and 9 various fitteds. That gives me a total of 36.

tiaanvanv at yahoo dot com

Lacy said...

I am a follower.

tiaanvanv at yahoo dot com

Aaren said...

I believe I have 4 small fuzzi buns, 6 small Hugga buns, 2 small Bumkins, 3 medium Bumkins and 16 medium Fuzzi Buns.

Aaren said...

I am a fan on Facebook.

Lacy said...

I am a facebook fan.

tiaanvanv at yahoo dot com

Green Mommy said...

I have about 3 dozen prefolds. about 15 assorted all in ones and pocket diapers, 2 whisper covers, 1 wool cover and 1 motherease cover. We use snappis with the prefolds. I just adore everything about cloth diapering.

Jill said...

I'm a follower

Julie said...

I'm a FB fan!

Slee said...

My stash is about 80 , including all of my prefolds. 29 pockets, 6 fitteds, 2 AI2s, 1 experimental AIO, 30 prefolds, 12 flats, and 1 cover.

Jennifer said...

I have about 23 diapers total. These include 2 fitteds, 3 GroBaby, 6 FuzziBunz, 3 Bumgenious, 2 Soft Bums, 2 Thirsties AIO, 5 Rocky Mountain diapers. what can I say....I like variety :) I usually do laudry every second day, but can go to the third day if I need to.

Jennifer said...

I use your button on my blog.

Jennifer said...

I follow you on twitter. My twitter name is skyjen.

Crystal said...

I have 12 prefolds and 3 thirsties covers, 1 Flip, 2 BG OS, 1 Organic BG OS, 3 Smartipants, 2 FB OS, 1 Baby Greens fitted and 1 Mother Ease Sandy's Diapers Fitted. I guess that adds up to 23 diaper changes.


aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

Crystal said...

I follow the blog


aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

Crystal said...

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aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

Crystal said...

Newsletter subscriber


aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I have a dozen prefolds, one all-in-one and two fitted diapers.

Arizona Girl said...

I'm a follower.

Arizona Girl said...

I'm a fan on facebook.

Arizona Girl said...

I subscribe to the newsletter.

Arizona Girl said...

I have a button on my blog.

Arizona Girl said...

I have 2 doz prefold, a dozen or so goodmama's, 5 homemade fitteds, 5 fuzziebuns.

The Lady of the House said...

It's a nice stash. 10 BG 3.0, 3 BG Organic One Size 2 FuzziBunz, 4 Happy Heinys, 12 prefolds and 3 Blueberry Covers.

Danielle said...

We are just building our stash with ten diapers one size diapers so far, mostly bum genius and haute ones. We have been given a ton of prefolds too and covers too to use in between.

Bethany said...

I added your button.

Bethany said...

I blogged about this giveaway.

lil misses' mama said...

I have 21 cloth diapers but am in need of more since we are due with baby sister in three weeks and will have two in diapers for a while.

lil misses' mama said...

I subscribe in reader.

Becky said...

i'm a facebook fan

Becky said...

i have near 40 diapers...not all of them are in use, there are some that i like more than others and there are some that no longer fit!

Becky said...

i receive the newsletter

austinmomtr said...

I have 13 BG 3.0s, 1 Happy Heiny's and two Mommy's TOuch OS. I used to have two tiny tush elites with snaps, but I sold them, but I wish I didn't now that DD is getting interested in her touchtape....

austinmomtr said...

I subscribe to the blog

austinmomtr said...

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austinmomtr said...

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Christine said...

I own 15 Fuzzi Bunz.

Christine said...

I follow your blog.

MaineMomma said...

A lot! 12 small FB, 12-15 BG 3.0 OS, 12 prefolds and 3 covers, 2 drybees, 4 BG small AIOs... and those are just the current size for my 7mo!

MaineMomma said...

I subscribe!

MaineMomma said...

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MaineMomma said...

facebook fan!

MaineMomma said...

I receive the newsletter

MaineMomma said...

I have your button on my blog

MaineMomma said...

following on twitter

MaineMomma said...


KaraD said...

I have about 11 FB medium, about 4 assorted 1-size pockets, 5 OS pockets I made and I just got about 20 old-school fitted diapers I've added snap-in doublers to and made some covers for. These last about 2-3 days with a son who can pee through ANYTHING!!

KaraD said...

I follow on twitter @chemmamma

V said...

I have a couple of dozen prefolds, 3 thirsties duo covers, 5 BG 3.0, 24 BG 2.0 and 6 babyland diapers.

Attila & Tamara said...

We have 5 pockets, an AIO, and some prefolds and wool/fleece covers. We've also won a few more but they haven't arrived yet, so they're not officially part of the "stash" yet! Yea for giveaways!

Attila & Tamara said...

Commented on:

"Can Cloth Diaper Laundry Be Simple?"

Attila & Tamara said...


I love my @fuzzibunz #clothdiapers! @diapershops

Kelly said...

I have about 30 diapers in my stash.

Angela said...

I have many diapers... 18 BG3, 3 HH, 1 FB, 1 Mother-Ease, 1 thirst fitted, 6 Kissaluv fitted, 12 large flats, 24 small flats and many covers.

Lets just say I Cloth Diapered 3 kids for a weekend and did not run out.

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Can Cloth Diaper Laundry Be Simple?"

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Daddy’s Improvisation"

fancygrlnancy said...

I do have quite a few. I have about 12 different 1 size diapers, about 3 fitteds and 14 or so all in one WAHM. I have a good combo of different brands, including fuzzibunz, BG, softbums, etc.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said...

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bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said...

receive newsletter
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said...

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bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

fancygrlnancy said...

bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

Jenney said...

Left a comment on "Can Cloth Diaper Laundry Be Simple?"

Jonna said...

I just had a downsizing of my stash, not by my choice! :(

I am down to 13 prefolds, and 6 covers. 2 of which I have on loan from my sister.

Jonna said...

I subscribe!

Jonna said...

I follow!

Jonna said...

I also follow you on twitter. tjandjmkahrs

Jonna said...

I left a comment on Can Cloth Diaper Laundry Be Simple?

Mama Campbell said...

a bunch! in our current medium sized stash we have:
~1 doz old brown GMD prefolds
~3 thirsties fitteds
~2 motherease bamboo fitteds
~6 old BumGenius 3.0
~a few old style FuzziBunz
~2 knitted wool covers
~7 PUL covers
and a Baltimore Raven's pocket diaper! :o)

And we'd love to add more to it!

Mama Campbell said...

recieve the newsletter

Mama Campbell said...

follow you on twitter (mamacampbell)

Mama Campbell said...

button on my blog:

Julie said...

Including everything, I have about 4 dozen diapers for my soon to be two in cloth. I'm hoping that's about right, but with a newborn I'm not sure!

Melissa said...

I have about 18 in my stash.

mjones_82 AT

Lauren said...

We have about 15 with a couple more BG AIOs on the way(used)!

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

I have about 30 in use right now and about 20 more that my son recently outgrew.

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

twitter follower momof3munchkins

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...


Megan said...

I commented on "Can Cloth Diaper Laundry be Simple?"

Lexi said...

I have 12 pockets that I sewed myself using Ritas Rump Pattern, and about 10 prefolds. :)

Lexi said...

I follow you on twitter my ID is FruitLoopLexi

Lexi said...

I am follower on the blog

Lexi said...

signed up for kelly's newsletter

Lexi said...



Awesome give away from @diapershops!

Charlotte said...

I have probably 10 diapers that aren't prefolds. Mostly fitteds and a few AIO like sposo-easy

Charlotte said...

I follow your blog on google reader!

DiscoverHope7 said...

I am entering again.. b/c it says one a day! :D

Kristy said...

2 dozen prefolds, 12 bumgenius pockets, 12 other brand pockets and all in ones, 12 fitteds, 8 covers.

Kristy said...

I'm a follower!

jdeemarie said...

For the upcoming baby, I have:
13 fitteds (mostly KL0s)
8 covers (mostly Thirsties)
2 dozen prefolds

Pumpkin Bear said...

I posted a comment on "Can Cloth Diaper Laundry Be Simple?"

Pumpkin Bear said...

I follow you on twitter. My ID is /pumpkinbears

Pumpkin Bear said...

Okay: I had to do 2 tweets to fit everything, but here they are: Here is a link for the giveaway from TCDW @diapershopsless than a minute ago from web

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is having a giveaway for 2-Mother-Ease One Size Intro Kits (2 winners will win 1 kit each) @diapershops

Attila & Tamara said...

Commented on:

"Product Focus: Mother-ease"

Unknown said...

I blogged it in a list of CD giveawyas for the week

Attila & Tamara said...

I have 5 pockets, 1 AIO, a few gerber prefolds and wool and fleece covers. I also have won a few and those are on the way!

rebecca said...

I think I have about 11 good pockets and then prefolds and two covers!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

Our twins have 12 PFs, 10AIOs, 16 fitteds, 4 covers and are outgrowing everything far too quickly so we are about to size up. I am getting ready to attempt to sew some.

Jessica P. said...

I am a Facebook Fan!

alinatmom said...

I have 18 cloth diapers

alinatmom said...

I am a fan on facebook

alinatmom said...

I am an newsletter subscriber

Kelly said...

I left a comment on "Product Focus: Mother's-Ease."

Kelly said...

I have about 30 diapers in my stash.

Pix said...

In extra small I have 3 AIO, 6 KL0, 5 other fitteds, 3 wrap covers, 4 wool covers, 22 prefolds, and a handful of pockets both XS and OS that claim to fit smaller babies.

The Fam said...

I think we use 24 prefolds and about 10 pocket diapers. It's just enough!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

The Fam said...

I follow your blog (shannoncarman).
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Jill said...

I have 2 dozen indian preflolds with six covers, one gro baby and four pocket change diapers.

Jill said...

I follow on twitter @jillybn622

Jill said...

I'm a facebook fan

Jill said...

I subscribe to your newsletter.

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

I have 26 diapers that I used and are all OS!

hosiewosie said...


hosiewosie said...

commented on "Can Cloth Diaper Laundry Be Simple?"

Maggie said...

I think I have about 30. I'm not gonna dig around in the dirties to count :) But we're about to outgrow about 12 of those. So I'd love to win!

rocketgurl said...

I have not cloth diapered before and currently expecting twins. My guess is that 24 cloth diapers should be a sufficient stash. I also have a 2 year old that's in the potty training trenches. I'm hoping that once the twinkies come, my toddler will be completely out of diapers, but if not, it would be nice to have a couple diapers for her to use as well..

rocketgurl said...

I subscribe!

rocketgurl said...

I'm a follower! :-)

Julie said...

I follow you blog!

dyetara said...

following on twitter as Dyetara

dyetara said...

facebook fan.

Attila & Tamara said...


I love my PlanetWise Wetbag! Check it out @diapershops:

Amy Wilfong said...


Amy Wilfong said...

advertised at

Amy Wilfong said...

signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter

Amy Wilfong said...

using button on

Amy Wilfong said...

24 prefolds w/ 7 covers, 3 pockets, and 2 AIOs

Jennifer said...

I have 20 pocket diapers, 2 fitteds, and 1 diaper cover.

Jennifer said...

I receive your newsletter.

Jenney said...

Left a comment on "Mother Ease: Product Focus"

Erin said...

i have about 30 diapers in my stash. erinsl at gmail dot com

Erin said...

blog button at

Erin said...

twitter follower @erinlitt

Erin said...

i'm signed up for the newsletter

Amy Wilfong said...

facebook fan

idnar82 said...

I have 14 fitteds, 4 AIOS, and 3 pocket diapers...for a total of 21! I love the fitteds for around the house and nighttime and the pockets and AIOs for when we go out :-)

idnar82 said...

I subscribe to your blog :-)

idnar82 said...

I am a facebook fan!

idnar82 said...

I get the newsletter too!

idnar82 said...

I left a comment on "Product Focus: Mother-Ease"...Monday's entry.

KaraD said...

I must have more than 30 or so in my current size (medium) or OS and I have smalls and about 20 large fitted diapers waiting for new aplix or snaps and for LO to grow into them.

jdeemarie said...

I have 2 dozen prefolds and 1/2 dozen covers in each size. We also have about 1/2 dozen one-size fitteds and pockets.

Lexi said...

blogged about the giveaway

Lexi said...

use your button on my blog

Lexi said...

i have 20 prefolds, 15 pockets that i made myself, 4 AIOs and 4 fleece covers that i made

Lexi said...

commented on

Lexi said...

commented on

Lexi said...

commented on

Lexi said...

commented on

fancygrlnancy said...

bwneyes100 At hotmail DOT com

Jennifer K said...

I don't have any cloth diapers but I would love to have a whole stash!

Pumpkin Bear said...

I made a comment here:

pumpkinbears at gmail dot com

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

Well ... I have 6 small Fuzzi Bunz that I need to get rid of, about 20 medium FB for the boys, and about 24 Large FBs that we use at night for Rachel.

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

I'm a blog subscriber, via Google Reader

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

I'm a fan of your facebook group

Attila & Tamara said...

We have about 6 good diapers in our stash (laundry every day--yuck!) Pluse we have a few prefolds with wool and fleece covers that we use sometimes. We've also won a few that are in the mail!

Attila & Tamara said...

Commented on:

"Quick Wit and Wet Bags: Mama's Best Friends!"

rebecca said...

I Have 11 pockets and a dozen prefolds with two covers!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Pix said...

Planning for a new LO, my first. i've spent my budget and thought I was good, but as the time grows closer I ponder, wonder, and doubt. Including prefolds I have about 30 that should work for newborn but too many of that are prefolds - scary for first time parents. I have more in small that I hope we will move up to soon!

Kelly said...

I posted a comment on "Quick Wits and WetBags, Mommy's best Friends."

Kelly said...

I have about 30 diapers in my stash!

Jenney said...

Commented on: "Quick wit and wetbags, mama's best friend"

Star said...

9 BG 3.0, about 10-12 prefolds, and 4 fitted.

Christina's Cookies said...

My stash isn't nearly what I would like it to be but it is slowly growing. I have 1 dozen Unbleached Indian prefolds, 10 Premium Bleached Chinese Prefolds, 2 Thirsties Duo Wraps (in size two), 2 med. SSW's, 3 Etsy SAHM fleece soakers, 6 BG 3.0, 8 SweetDolly Baby OS pockets, and 4 Nature's Love OS pockets. I can't wait to get some Fuzzi Bunz and try the new Duo Diapers!

MaineMomma said...

We're currently using 15 BG 3.0 OS, and 12 FB size small, 12 prefolds, 2 contours, and 3 covers, 2 knickernappies OS, 1 FB OS, 2 drybees pockets size small, and 4 BG AIOs size small... we also have 7 newborn aios, 6 FB size mediums, 3 wahm fleece diapers, 2 thirsties aios... and I'm still looking to add to our stash!

indigoscot said...

we have 2 x bg os, 6 x large sposoeasy, 2 x softbums os, 1 x large fuzzibunz , 1 x large happy heiny, 1 x toddle-ease (love it!!), 1 x rumparooz os, 1 x large gad, 1 x large drybees fleece. on order - 4 x kissaluvs size 0, 1 x nb mutt, 1 x toddle-ease, 1 x rumparooz os, 1 x babybeehinds os

Kerri said...

I have about 45 diapers in our stash.

Kerri said...

FB follower

mommyfrog said...

I have about 30 diapers in my current stash that I use. I have many more in other sizes stored in the closet as well as about 3 dozen prefolds for back up, changing pads, nose wipers, that sort of thing.

mommyfrog said...

I'm a fan on Facebook.

jdeemarie said...

For the upcoming baby we have 3 dozen diapers, mostly prefolds, and 1/2 dozen covers.

Lynne Jackson said...

I'm a subscriber.

lynne said...

I'm a twitter follower.

lynne said...

I have 25 in our stash.

lynne said...

I'm a facebook friend.

cathy said...

We have exactly 17 diapers in our stash!

cathy said...

I follow on twitter @27cat

Joshua and Stephanie said...

I am a follower

Joshua and Stephanie said...

I only have two diapers so far but I hope to have twenty eventually...

Joshua and Stephanie said...

commented on laundry post

Joshua and Stephanie said...

commented on ingenious makeshift clothes when the little girl wet post.


I have, for my newborn: 12 willow sprouts hemp prefolds, 2 thirsties covers, 2 prowrap covers, 2 bum genius AIOs, 2 bum genius bamboo fitteds (my favs!) and 10 bum genius organic OS that don't fit quite yet....


I follow your blog and love it!

Jennifer K said...

I'm a follower on Twitter. @curlyq776

Jennifer K said...

I tweeted!

Attila & Tamara said...


Check out @diapershops 45 day guarantee on certain #clothdiapers!

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

I'm an affiliate #77.

Linda Klauck said...

I commented on "Daddy's Improvisation." :)

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