Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, February 19, 2010

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Fluff Friday 67

Fluff Friday:

1- Knickernappies One-Size Diaper with 2 Loopy-Do Inserts (provided by the manufacturer)
1- Knickernappies Hanging Door Pail Liner (provided by

What products(s) do you currently use to store your dirty cloth diapers? (If you never cloth diapered before what do you think you would use?)
You should leave your comment before Thursday, February 25th at 7pm EST. (You can only comment ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)

Other ways to enter:

  1. Visit the our Knickernappies One-Size Cloth Diaper page and post a comment letting us know your favorite color.
  2. Become a fan of Knickernappies. Come back and comment that you are now Knickernappies facebook fan.
  3. Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
  4. Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!!
  5. Fluff FridayAdvertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
  6. Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
  7. Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a Facebook fan.
  8. Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
  9. One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
  10. Tweet @diapershops fluff friday @knickernappies #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at . Then come back and comment that you tweeted.
  11. Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
  12. Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
  13. Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 2/19-2/25. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
  14. Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
  15. Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (,, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.

Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.

We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, February 26th. It is the responsibility of the winner tocontact us to claim their prize.

Who can participate?
US Residents are welcome!

Important note about the winner:
If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!


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PleaseRecycle said...

I love the celery color Knickernappies.

Unknown said...

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The Growing Goodsons said...

I'm not cloth diapering yet but I think I'd use either the Kinckernappies Haning Door Pail Liner, this is what I used during my 2 week trial and I liked it, or the FB In and Out Mess Free Diaper.


The Growing Goodsons said...

My favorite color is Chocolate!


Christy said...

We will be first timers next month and I just looked at garbage cans today. Didn't find any with a tight enough lid still looking. But I think garbage can is gonna be the way to go!

Christy said...

I love all the colors but I think turquoise would be the one I'd pick!

Christy said...

I follow on twitter @thegapeachblog

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Christy said...

I am a knickernappies facebook fan!

Jaydensgrandma said...

Well my daughter is the one that stores the diapers... She has a little flip top trash can with a liner.

Jaydensgrandma said...

I like Turquoise

Jaydensgrandma said...

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Anonymous said...

I currently use a trash can with a pop up lid.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Knickernappies color is Chocolate. So cute!

Anonymous said...

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I added your button to my blog

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I am a follower on twitter. user id greencheeks

One Hot Homestead said...

I currently use a small wet bag upstairs in the kids' room and I have a pail with a pail liner in the laundry room where they collect before washing.

One Hot Homestead said...

I love the chocolate color.

One Hot Homestead said...

I have your button on my blog at

One Hot Homestead said...

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Jessica Yoder said...

I like the chocolate color!!!

Jessica Yoder said...

Your button is on my blog.

GeorgiaChick said...

I use a Bummis wet bag that is draw string and I leave it hanging on my son's changing table. Works for us for now :)

GeorgiaChick said...

I love the Knickernappie in Rasberry. Utterly adorable.

GeorgiaChick said...

I am a fan of Knickernappies on Facebook :)

GeorgiaChick said...

I subscribe to your blog.

GeorgiaChick said...

I placed my first Kelly's Closet order. Woo hoo. Can't wait to get it.
Order number: KC-35767
Order Date: 2/19/2010

GeorgiaChick said...

I am a Facebook fan of Diaper Shops :)

Lyn said...

When at home I use a plastic lidded bin or tub for the dirty diapers. When we are on the go I have two Kushies large wetbags.

Lyn said...

my favorite color is chocolate! :)

Lyn said...

i am a fan of knickerknappies.

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Sorry. I am a twitter follower.

Lyn said...

i tweeted.

mekjsk2000 said...

I have a garbage can from Walmart and have a cheap pail liner or a whamies pail liner in it.

mekjsk2000 said...

Favorite color is Spring Green

mekjsk2000 said...

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mefish32 at hotmail dot com

barbie said...

I currently use a large planet wise wet bag at home and a medium planet wise wetbag on the go

barbie said...

im a knickernappies fan on FB

barbie said...

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Jen C. said...

Celery! What a wonderful spring color!

Jen C. said...

I am a follower. Oh Yes! You Betcha! :-)

Jen C. said...

Not only do I follow, but I subscribe as well... and love the posts!

townelin said...

I follow your blog with RSS.

townelin said...

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Becca said...

Right now we use a fuzzi bunz tote wet bag to store soiled diapers.
It works great except that I have to open it every time I throw a diaper into it. (not a big deal unless I'm trying to hold down a squirmy baby with one hand *grin*)

Becca said...

I like the blue knickernappies.

Becca said...

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Crystal said...

I use a Basic wet bag in a hamper that has a lid. I also have a small wet bag (drawstring) for the diaper bag. They work great and are so easy to use!
aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

Crystal said...

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aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

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aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

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aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

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aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

Crystal said...

Commented on "Knickernappies One Size Diaper iParenting Media Winner!"
aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

Crystal said...

Commented on "Seattle Mom Documents Her Switch to Cloth"
aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

JMulder said...

Celery is the favorite color.

JMulder said...

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Crystal said...

I like the Spring Green and the Chocolate, but I'd have to say Chocolate wins.
aboverubies15 at yahoo dot com

Mama Campbell said...

I use a fisher price diaper pail & a liner on the inside. I love not having to wash the pail each time.

Mama Campbell said...

i love the violet color!

Mama Campbell said...


Mama Campbell said...

twitter follower (mamacampbell)

Mama Campbell said...

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Arizona Girl said...

The blue is looking good.

Arizona Girl said...

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Commented on "Knickernappies One Size Diaper: iParenting Media Winner!"

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Seattle Mom Documents Her Switch to Cloth"

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Cute Baby of the Cloth Photo Contest"

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "Fluff Friday 66 Winner!"

Arizona Girl said...

Commented on "How to Change a Modern Cloth Diaper"

Unknown said...

Kayleen said...

currently use 2 2.5 gallon plastic pails (one for nursery and one for bathroom).

Kayleen said...

I would like the spring green or the turqouise colors best.

Kayleen said...

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I follow the CDW blog!

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Kayleen said...

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taxchyk said...

Back in the day I used a diaper pail furnished by a cloth diaper company that delivered to my apartment weekly. Yeah, I am that old! I want to start my neighbors better...

taxchyk (at) gmail (dot) com

Andrea Hamilton said...

I use a Planet Wise hanging wet/dry bag for my dirty diapers at home, and I take a smaller Planet Wise wet bag with me on the go.
benandrea102607 @ gamil . com

Andrea Hamilton said...

I would definitely choose the Violet color - I don't have any purple dipes yet!
benandrea102607 @ gamil . com

Andrea Hamilton said...

I follow via Google Friends (as Andrea)
benandrea102607 @ gmail . com

Andrea Hamilton said...

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benandrea102607 @ gmail . com

Andrea Hamilton said...

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Andrea Hamilton said...


Andrea Hamilton said...

I reviewed the Fuzzi Bunz perfect size dipes at Kelly's Closet (as Andrea)

Andrea Hamilton said...

Head over to @diapershops and for free #cloth diapers in this week's Fluff Friday Giveaway!

Stacey said...

Just use a laundry basket to store dirties!

Stacey said...

My favorite color of the Knickernappies is the chocolate.

Stacey said...

I follow through Google reader.

fancygrlnancy said...


fancygrlnancy said...

commented on "Knickernappies One Size Diaper: iParenting Media Winner!"

Children Teaching Mama said...

I tweeted a unique tweet about the giveaway:
@diapershops fluff friday giveaway @knickernappies #clothdiapers Try your luck! 15 ways to win!

Unknown said...

We use a garbage can with a laundry bag for a liner... it is a new development so I have yet to see how it works out :)

Jessie M said...

We use a Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag. It hangs off the changing table and works great for 1 days worth of diapers!

Jessie M said...

Twitter Follower @jessieisnice

Jessie M said...

I'm a Knickernappies Facebook fan!

Genelle said...

We use a garbage pail with a step opener with a wet bag inside. (We own a couple of different wet bag brands.) genny2118 at

Genelle said...

I follow your blog using Google Reader. genny2118 at gmail dot com

Genelle said...

My favorite Knickernappies color is the chocolate. I actually already own one in this color but would LOVE to have more!

Genelle said...

I'm a fan of Knickernappies on Facebook now.

Genelle said...

I'm a Diaper Shops Facebook fan.

Momma B. said...

We use a Bummis Fabulous wet bag for storage from daycare to home. At home we use a large Planet Wise wet bag for storage. Both work very well!

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on facebook

Anonymous said...

I use planet wise wet/dry bags. They work really well.

Anonymous said...

I am a knickernappies facebook fan

Anonymous said...

I really like the spring green color.

Unknown said...

Angel said...

another FB fan here.
we use a planet wise wet bag as well as a bag that my friends made from leftover sweater pieces (they sewed the arm & neck holes together and put a zipper on the bottom as well as a hanging loop) after they made me longies.

Lacy v V said...

I just throw them in the laundry basket with my other laundry.

Lacy v V said...

My favorite color is violet. Turquoise for a boy.

Lacy v V said...

Facebook fan.

Lacy v V said...

Blog follower.

Kelly said...

I use a Natural Baby Co pail liner! Works great!

Kelly said...

I became a facebook fan!

Kristi26 said...

Right now, I use a trash can from Target with a Natural Baby Comp. Kiwi-colored bag. It's drawstring.

Kristi26 said...

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Kristi26 said...

I'm a Knickernappies FB fan.

Kristi26 said...

I love the chocolate color! And if I had a girl in cloth, I would love to try their new violet color.

Rebecca Orr said...

We use a wet bag placed in a small garbage can. No lid.
bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...

I love the Spring green and the Chocolate colors the best.
bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...

Fan of Knickernappies on Facebook: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...

Follower! bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...

Facebook group fan: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...

signed up for the kelly's closet newsletter
bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...

Following on twitter: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said...


bekki1820cb at gmail

melfiers said...

We use a planet wise wet bag.

Allison said...

I LOVE spring green!!!

Allison said...

I signed up for the newsletter!

Bethany Faye England M. said...

I have two swaddlebees wet bags, and some WAHMies wetbags that I have in a cheap target trash can.

Bethany Faye England M. said...

I am a follower of this blog as well.

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

I love the chocolate brown color!

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

I use a plastic garbage can (kitchen size) with a lid, and a WAHMies liner.

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

I'm a knickernappies FB fan

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

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Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

I commented on the 'Top 3 reasons I would never cloth diaper" post

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

I'm a fan on FB

Alycia said...

I posted a comment on the "Top 3 reason why I would NEVER cloth diaper; and the truth I ultimately discovered!" post :-)

Unknown said...

I don't have anything right now to store my cloth diapers in other than the clothes hamper that holds all my DD's dirty clothes. I just ordered a FB zippered tote bag, so I'll see how that works. I have also been told that 13 gallon trash cans with a wetbag/liner inside works great.

fancygrlnancy said...


fancygrlnancy said...

commented on "Introducing the New Gro Baby Getaway Package"

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...
garyandalesha at cox dot net

Amanda said...

We don't use much cloth at the moment, just getting into it, but planning to take the plunge with baby coming in September. Right now, just using a bucket, but wanting to get a bag.

Amanda said...

I have your button at

Amanda said...

Blogged about your giveaway at

Sabrina said...

I use a rubber made tub. Its alright.

Sabrina said...

I'm a facebook fan.

Sabrina said...

I have your button on blog.

mamadail said...

I use two 5 gallon buckets from home depot. I just rotate them out when I do laundry.

mamadail said...

I love the chocolate brown.

mamadail said...

I use two 5 gallon buckets and change them out when I do laundry.

mamadail said...

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mamadail said...

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mamadail said...

I'm a facebook fan of knickernappies.

Jessica Lyn. said...

I love the chocolate or turquoise!


Jessica Lyn. said...

I currently use a wet bag that I made myself with some PUL to store my diapers in at home.

When out I have a Swaddlebees wetbag


Jessica Lyn. said...

I am a fan of Knickernappies on FB (Jessica Westbrook)


Jessica Lyn. said...

Following on Twitter (@lepetitowlet)


Jessica Lyn. said...

I already subscribe to the newsletter


Jennifer said...

We have 2 wetbags we use in an open trash bag. It works for us.

Sarah said...

I have quite the stash for my baby (due TODAY!): 5 raspberries, 5 chocoloates, 5 butters, 5 violets, and 4 turquoises. I would like another turquoise to even out the stash! :)

Joshua and Stephanie said...

I commented on Top 3 Reasons.

Joshua and Stephanie said...

I use a diaper pail but I sure could use a wetbag...

Joshua and Stephanie said...

I get the newsletter.

Rushie said...

I use a small trash can with a Whamies wet bag in it, I have 2 that I rotate out with each laundry day and its the best! I love the hemp square to put essential oil on to help the smell.

Rushie said...

I love the blue and spring green on the knickernappies diapers!

Rushie said...

I follow your blog!

Rushie said...

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Rushie said...

I follow on twitter @yerushalayim

Unknown said...

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Rushie said...

I tweeted!

@diapershops fluff friday @knickernappies #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at

Unknown said...

I plan on using the Planet Wise wet bags at home and in my diaper bag when my little one arrives. I am going to buy a cheap garbage can to put the pail liner in.

Unknown said...

The chocolate brown color and the dark blue color are my favorites with these diapers!

Unknown said...

I commented on the post, "Why I would never cloth diaper."

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