Fluff Friday:
2-Smartipants One-Size Cloth Diapers (with inserts) in Cocoa Bean color
Question of the week:
What kind of diapering system do you use at night-time to diaper your baby? (list brand and style of diaper) Leave your comment before Thursday, April 22nd at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the question ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, April 23rd. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don’t forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
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We use a fuzzibunz OS diaper with two inserts. Most of the time she is dry in the morning. I will say, I have accidentally put her down in a smartipants diaper and been okay!!
Right now, my nighttime fave is a Jamtots Berryplush with a Jamtots minky/hemp fleece liner (7 layers - YAY!)... The absorbency is just perfect for her for nighttime.
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I use a kawaii baby heavy duty AIO with 2 inserts, or a moomookow pocket with 2 inserts. =) never have leaks with either!
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Our night time diaper is a Bum Genius 3.0. I stuff it with either:
a) BG MF insert plus a GAD hemp insert OR
b) BG MF insert plus a Knickernappies Superdo 2g hemp/mf insert
No leaks!!
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I use bumGenius One-Size Diapers stuffed with the thinner extra insert. I just ordered the BabyKicks Hemparoo and I can't wait to try it in my BG.
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I typically use pocket diapers at nighttime -- usually grab the haute pockets or fuzzi bunz perfect size
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I have a couple different ways i go.. I have 1 goodmama, 2 kissaluvs, 1 es baby : all fitteds with a cover and I also have a bambino mio that I put in the rotation.
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We use either bumgenius AIO or Bumgenius pockets, each with an extra insert added. We never have night time leaks!
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I use what ever is clean. 99% of the time its pockets but we don't have any 1 certian night diaper. It may be our BumGenius, FuzziBunz, Whamies, Nubunz, our a WHAM pocket.
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Check out @diapershops Exclusive Cocoa Bean @thesmartipants #clothdiapers http://tinyurl.com/y63uzw5
We use Bumgenius 3.0 pocket diapers with an extra doubler for our triplets overnight.
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Stirocks @diapershops fluff friday @thesmartipants #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com.
I left a review for Bummis Organic Cotton Unbleached Pre-fold Diapers at Kelly's Closet
We use DiaperRite prefold, with bumGenius! stay dry doubler and Bummis Super Whisper Wrap at night
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Night time is pretty simple: BG 3.0w/ both inserts! Has always worked well.
Current nighttime diaper is:
bumGenius 3.0 one-size pocket, converted to snaps (kiddo likes to sleep sans pants, so snaps are a MUST), stuffed with an old-style FuzziBunz large microfiber insert + a large Hemp Babies doubler, folded in the back. 12+ hours, no leaking, inner of the diaper still feels dry when I take it off of her! (Even though the diaper weighs about 50 pounds from all the pee, haha)
We use a Fuzzibunz OS stuffed with two fuzzibunz inserts plus a hemp babies insert.
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nighttime diaper
BG AIO with extra newborn insert added.
Never leaks with my heavy wetters. Use the BG pockets during the day.
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For Nighttime, we use BG One-size 3.0 double-stuffed with both inserts. Last night, however, we didn't have any clean ones somehow so I used a Smartipants with a hemp doubler in there and it worked great! Now I have more nighttime options :)
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we use a BGOS stuffed with both inserts, and a hemp doubler folded in a variety of ways.. it is borderline not enough so im looking for more ways in the future.
At nights we use a pocket diaper (usually a bumGenius one-size) stuffed with an infant prefold and a hemp insert.
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It's time for @diapershops Fluff Friday! You could win @thesmartipants #clothdiapers - Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com
I reviewed the Planet Wise Wet/Dry bag at Kelly's Closet.
For my first night as a cloth diapering mommy I used a GoodMama Goodnight, with a thirsties cover and it worked like a dream (no pun intended).
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Unique Tweet: Cloth diaper giveaway!! @diapershops fluff friday @thesmartipants #clothdiapers http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com.
I just became a follower of the blog. I'm new to cloth diapering and I've already gleaned a lot of valuable info here. Thanks!
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We always use BG's with hemp prefolds stuffed inside. Never a leak!
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I am still searching for a nighttime solution that works.
BG 3.0 OS, double-stuffed
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Our nighttime routine is a double-stuffed Bum Genius 3.0!
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I use BG OS with extra inserts
At night, I use Goodmama ONEs in OBV. I have ONEs with CV, but the OBV seems to cause less irritation for my LO.
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I commented on "Diaper Rash - turn to sposies or not?"
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I use the Flip system, with a Stay Dry insert on top of a Flip organic insert. Works great for my super-heavy-wetter! No leaks, even when he poops overnight.
We are using BG 3.0 overnight and they work great. No Leaks!
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We double stuff a Bum Genius at night!
I usually use a BumGenius 3.0 pocket diaper with only the regular insert. I have some Hemp Baby doublers but have never had to use them. However, my baby hardly wets at all at night! She waits until she wakes up and then soaks!
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We use a BumGenius OS with two automotive microfiber towels stuffed in it! Never a leak!
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I use Smartipants!!! And I'm a Facebook fan.
Right now we are trying Drybee's Fleece pocket with a Cotton babies Hemp insert and a microfiber insert.
Night-time: for my 4 month old I've been using prefolds with Thirsties Duo Wrap until about two weeks ago. I got a Flip Stay Dry system and am using that now. It's really helped with the rash she was developing from being in a diaper so long. I may need to start using a pre-fold along with the insert because her pjs were wet this morning.
for my 2 year old I use the Flip stay dry with a prefold. But she'll be switching to the HH trainer with a prefold insert soon. She's potty trained during the day, and has stayed dry the last three nights.
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I use a Gerber premium prefold wrapped around a Babykicks hemp doubler with another of the same on top, all stuffed inside either a Wonder Wrap or Polar Bummi fleece cover. Works like a charm.
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For our 2yo we use a FuzziBunz OS with both inserts.
For our 2mo we use an osocozy flat, with a BG stay dry doubler inside, and a mom made fleece soaker.
kristiemcnealy at gmail.com
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At night time I use goodmama's with a one size cover... that is my prefence for night time. They seem to absorb lots of pee!
For night time I tend to use a pocket diaper or AIO.
1st choice-bumGenius OS with the OS insert plus the newborn insert
2nd choice-bumGenius AIO with an extra insert
3rd choice-Fuzzibuns perfect size with an extra insert
I only have had one leak ever and I think it was because the leg snap on the FB was not on the right setting
For overnight I use a grobaby with a booster. They didn't work while he still nursed at night, but now that he STTN they work great!
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Diaper rash - turn to sposies or not?
We use a Bumgenius stuffed with a hemp insert & the regular BG inserts for night.
At night time we use a BG 3.0 and add
the extra insert and it works perfect. I have a heavy wetter and we have not had a blow out at night! Awesome!!
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Reviewed Flip diaper cover and stay dry insert
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I am expecting my first and would love to have these Smartipants! I don't have a nighttime ritual yet.
Thread Post started ~ PSA~Cloth Diaper Giveaway
wrote review for Flip Staydry System
I use flip diapers at night and love them! if my husband puts her to bed, he usually puts on a disposable - i think he's afraid of cloth for some reason! :)
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Night dipes are currently 1 of 3 things (at 5 months of age): 1) BG Pocket with the BG MF insert and a hemp insert 2) BG AIO that's a little big (size M while we are still wearing S in daytime) with a hemp insert added to the pocket 3) A Goodmama one size fitted with a Blueberry Cover
Last night she fell asleep before I put the night dipe on and she made it through with no leaks - that was a BG Bamboo fitted with a Bummis super snap cover...although she did wake up babbling an hour earlier than normal.
I use BG 3.0s with 2 doublers or a Goodmama with a fleece cover.
I use bum genius 3.0 at night.
We use BG 3.0s with 2 doublers at night. Or a Goodmama with fleece cover.
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We use a bum genius 3.0 stuffed with the microfiber insert and two Hemp babies inserts.
i'm planning on using bumgenious 3.0.
i'd love to try smartipants! this giveaway would be perfect for the twin girls i'm expecting!
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hosiewosie win 2 free @thesmartipants #clothdiapers from @diapershops ends this Friday www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com
Bum Genius 3.0 with both the inserts.
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