So as a heavy packer, I tend to buy big bags. This is an ORE day tripper by Sugarbooger. As the name suggests this is my day trip bag. In the center part that zips I have 3 loaded FLIP covers (loaded with disposable inserts for this particular trip) and 3 extra inserts. If you have a frequent pooper, I suggest bringing more covers. My "rule" is 1 diaper per hour we'll be gone plus one extra.
I use disposable wipes when out and about. I bring a small wetbag in case one of the covers gets soiled. These and my "personal" bag go in the center.

In my personal bag, I have my wallet, ipod, chapstick, lotion...anything I'd need if I was going somewhere sans kids. The ladybug is a small flashlight that doubles as a toy if someone gets cranky. I also keep a small camera w/ me all the time in case the kids do something funny I want to capture.

In this particular bag, there are 2 side pockets. In 1 pocket, my HUGE Nalgene water bottle lives. As a nursing mother, I drink a LOT of water. My nursing cover rolls up and fits next to it. Bonus is if the water is cold it makes the cover cool, which is wonderful on a hot day.

And the other side has all my random stuff...a reusable shopping bag, a package of bandaids, neosporin, tweezers and safety pins, handwipes, sunscreen and something sugary to feed my 4 year old when she gets cranky. I often bring a small baggie of nuts or a granola bar for me since I tend to get really hungry while nursing.

All packed up:

For a short trip to the store, I'd pack a smaller bag with 1 or 2 diapers, a small wetbag, wipes and then throw my wallet and phone in there somewhere.
This is a Land's End Little tripper with 2 bumgenius organics, a small pack of wipes and a wetbag

One other option is to pack a bag and leave it in the car. I bought this little cheap bag off Amazon for less than $10. It could easily fit several prefolds and a package of inexpensive Dappi covers, a change of clothing for baby, wipes etc. The only drawback to this idea is that those diapers aren't in rotation and can be outgrown before they are worn much.

By Shandelle
I get picked on all the time because I over pack. It's not uncommon for me to hear "so you're ready for end of the world, hurricane, mud slide, beach, or poop right?" I'm glad someone else is OCD about their bag and diapers.
I'm an over-packer too. Must be a Shandell(e) thing! :)
Great post...I tend to be a heavy packer but almost always forget the ONE thing I need most.
what if you put some OS dipes in the prepacked bag?
I am a light packer but i still pack extra outfits for my little one and an extra shirt for myself... since i nurse i always have a snack and water bottle but i dont use a cover just a big receiving blanket. I do pack extra diapers, maybe not one for every hour but pretty close. I never used to carry a purse, just a wallet, and i am not a makeup person so packing light is easier for me anyway :)
thanks for posting... i love the pics and details
1 diaper per hour plus 1 extra is a lot. Haha!
I pack about 1 diaper per 2 hours plus a whole load of other stuff, and hubby told me to pack lighter.
Please! Where is that beautiful Pysanky print wet bag from? The one with the doves and stuff on it. I have a cover from GEN-Y with that print and I love it, it's just so beautiful. Who makes a wetbag in it ? :-)
I am such an overpacker! I am always afraid I will need something while out. My tips: I keep a canvas bag in the trunk with an extra onesie, light coat, warmer outfit, a sling, extra diaper (prefold and cover that I don't miss in rotation). Usually I pack our JJ Cole Mode tote bag with an outfit, bib, at least 1 diaper for every 2 hours(pocket or AIO), cloth wipes and spray bottle, wet bag, my personal stuff, etc. If shopping I never bring my bag in, just put a burp cloth and a couple toys in my purse.
The only thing you're missing is medicine and a thermometer! I have to keep those in my bag because I invariably forget them (and need them) while traveling.
That is such a good idea to keep a bag in the car!!!
i pack for the disaster and for two kids that's alot of stuff. i favor the bag in car approach, but also pack a large wetbag full also. if we are taking a long trip...forget it! we never need it all unless i've forgotten to bring it.
I, too, am an over packer, but always forget one vital thing. Recently, I went out for several hours with my bag packed with everything I could possibly need ... except a single diaper cover. My daughter was wearing an AIO and I had only prefolds in the bag. Yikes!
I'm a visual person so I LOVED your post! Thanks for all of your tips - I think they're great! -Joy
I am so not that organized - even though I want to be. I guess it is because I am normally running around gathering everything right before we leave...
My husband always thinks I over-pack. I have 2 diaper bags like this, one for quick trips and one for longer outings. I just grab the one I need and make sure I have fresh diapers in it.
This is a wonderful post. I am a light packer, always have been. You'd think that after three children I'd know better. Oops! I may take your ideas into consideration and work at being a better packer.
I was instantly intrigued by the pictures and wanted to read this post. I like to be prepared but like to pack light at the same time. So I have a diaper bag in the car and then just grab the CD on the way out. That makes me feel like I am not packing so much.
LOVED the pics! and am in LOVE with that first big bag you have there! must have that bag! It is like the perfect size for a cloth diapering mom on the go and yet looks lightweight too. I am so an overpacker and also keep a bag in the car- especially since hubby and I share drop-off/pick-up duties at DC- never know when one of us will need that diaper bag- so we both have one in our car with the essentials, plus I have my "running a quick errand" bag and then my day-trip one :) I am crazy I know!
Thanks everyone! It was a fun post to do :)
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