Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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***CLOSED***30 Minutes of Fluff - Win a bumGenius 4.0 Artist Series Diaper!

Congratulations to staceythemagnificentmommy ! Stacey, please contact us here to claim your prize. In the subject line please write "30 Minutes of Fluff 10/21 Winner". You have until 10/23 at 10am est to claim your giveaway.

We are so excited to reach 10,000+ fans on our Facebook! To celebrate please join us for "30 minutes of Fluff" for the next few days.

Make sure you follow DiaperShops and The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.

We will keep the giveaway open for 30 minutes for people to get their entries in.

Today's giveaway: 1-bumGenius 4.0 Artist Series in your choice of print/closure

Their are 4 ways to enter (Entries are only taken on the blog as comments to this specific post):
1) "Like us" as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
2) "Like us" as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
3) Register for our Fluff n'Treat Twitter party for a chance to win a Nintendo Wii (with games) and lots of cloth diaper giveaway's. Register here. Then come back to this post and leave a comment stating you are registered and your twitter id.
4) Post a thread (or respond to an existing thread)on any parenting or cloth diapering forum telling others about our new "30 minutes of Fluff". Post a comment with the exact url and the name of the forum.

We do moderate comments so your comment will not post right away. You MUST have a blogger profile. Entries submitted by "anonymous" cannot be approved. Also, due to security reasons we cannot approve comments with full email addresses. We kindly ask you not to place double entries because you don't see your original entry showing up. This GREATLY slows down the approval process and delays the posting of the winner.

After 30 minutes we will randomly draw a winner from eligible entries- the winner will be posted after all comments are moderated and can take up to 24 hours to post. We will post the winner's name as an update to this post and then mark the giveaway as CLOSED. Once the winner's name is posted the winner has 48 hours to contact us to claim their prize. If the winner doesn't claim their prize we will re-post the giveaway.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 593   Newer›   Newest»
Britiany T said...

I like diaper shops on facebook

Britiany Triggs

Anonymous said...

Twitter- shelliferb

luvlieK - Kelly said...

left on a message board

Neomera said...

I am also a fan of TCDW on FB- and my ID is Katy Ullman Kim

zealandsmom said...

oh I've rsvp'd to the party alright! As zealandsmom

Unknown said...

I follow tcdw on facebook

Tricia said...

I like TCDW on facebook
tricia.young1 at gmail dot com

lsort said...

I'm a CDW Facebook fan as LaraSortman - Thanks!

Nicole JohnJson said...

I like TheClothDiaperWhisperer on FB
Nicole JohnJson

Anonymous said...

I Like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB (Cassey Johnson Henton)

Kate said...

"Like you" as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan. FB ID Kate Brown

Chipper Jules said...

Diapershops FB fan as Julie Cackler

Mama Swears said...

I am a fan of DiaperSHops on Facebook. Kristen HAckney-Redman

Kate said...

I like DS on FB
kate fiorini

lsort said...

I'm a Diaper Shops Facebook fan as LaraSortman - Thanks!

kathryn said...

I am a fan of cdw on facebook!

Rachel M. D. said...

FB of TCDW, too! Rachel M. D.

Meg said...

I am a fan of diapershops

Chipper Jules said...

CDW FB Fan Julie Cackler

lulusmama said...

I regestered fot the twitter party @mrsob1

Chill Will said...

I am a fan of cloth diaper whisperer

Melissa said...

I'm a fan of Diapershops on FB
Melissa Dilling

Anonymous said...

i like diapershops on fb

id dylzzbrown

gretel said...

I "like" diaper shops on facebook. I think my facebook ID is 10402115, but my username is anarqkiki.

Kate said...

I like TCDW on FB
kate fiorini

Jill said...

I like diapershops on facebook.
Jill Daniel

Chill Will said...

I am a fan of cloth diaper whisperer
Derrick williams

Unknown said...

I follow diapershops on fb

HereWeGoAJen said...

I'm a Facebook fan, jennifergabriel

Nicole JohnJson said...

I like DiaperShops on FB

Elisha said...

I "like" the Diaper Shops Facebook Fan page - Elisha Rothschild Frumkin (FB I.D.)

Mama Swears said...

I like TCDW on Facebook.
Kristen Hackney-Redman

kathryn said...

I am a fan of diaper shops on FB

Yara said...

I like the diapershops fb page (Yara Aguilar)

Melissa said...

I'm a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook
Melissa Dilling

Chill Will said...

I am a fan of diapershops
derrick williams

Andrea Kruse said...

DiaperShops Facebook Fan (andrea potter kruse)

Melanie said...

I like Diapershops on FB.


richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I "Like" The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB!
Brie Anderson (Brianne Hughes)

Jennifer L said...

I responded to a thread on babycenter's cloth diapering board as amstutz25

ShortyRobs said...

I like CDW on FB

DanelleD said...

I am a fb fan of

Danelle Dutoit

shancan6980 said...

like DiaperShops on FB

Shannon Canfield

Brandi Elam said...

I like Diaper Shops on FB

justsupermom said...

I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB! My ID is

Anonymous said...

I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB (Cassey Johnson Henton)

Jennie said...

I am a fan of on Facebook "Jennie Seyer O'Connell

Jules said...

Like it! Julie Wild Capper :)

Rachel said...

I'm a FB fan of TCDW: Rachel Byers Daniels

Britiany T said...

I like the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook

Britiany Triggs

Becca K said...

I registered for the Fluff n'Treat Twitter Party (twitter id: rumba818)

Elisha said...

I "like" the Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan page - Elisha Rothschild Frumkin

Melanie said...

I like TCDW on FB.


richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

i like cloth diaper whisperer on fb

id dylzzbrown

Amber said...

FB id Amber Hill

Yara said...

I like the cloth diaper whisperer on fb (Yara Aguilar)

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like on FB!!

FB Kara FIgueroa

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Mama Swears said...

I registered for the Twitter party

Laura said...

I'm a Diapershops FB fan! Laura Wilson

Anonymous said...

I like Diaper Shops on FB (Cassey Johnson Henton)

Rachel said...

I'm a FB fan of Diaper Shops: Rachel Byers Daniels

Katie S said...

I posted about the giveaway on the Cloth Diaper Blog under their Giveaways section:

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I, Aislinn Sparkman (weaksend at yahoo dot com), am a Facebook fan of

Andrea Kruse said...

I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook (andrea potter kruse)

DanelleD said...

I am a fb fan of ClothDiaper Whisperer

Danelle Dutoit

kimc said...

I like diaper shops on facebook

Laura said...

I'm a CDW FB fan! Laura Wilson

ShortyRobs said...

I'll be throwing the prizes out at the twitter party! @ShortyRobs @EcoChicSidekick

Brandi Elam said...

I'm registered for the Twitter party!

Heather said...

i like diapershops on facebook

Elisha said...

I have registered for the Fluff n' Tweet Twitter party - my Twitter id is @elishafrumkin

Meg said...

I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer! Meg Isard

carlaboo11 said...

i like cloth diaper wisperer on facebook

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I am a fan of TCDW on FB

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Heather said...

I like TCDW on facebook

Rachel said...

I'm registered for the twitter party: @RachD21

Meg said...

Replied to post on thebump- MegMo

shancan6980 said...

like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB

Shannon Canfield

Laura said...

Registered for the fluffntweet party! @LauraL444

Caryn Davis said...

I liked you on facebook and posted a link on my facebook page!!/profile.php?id=67500026

Rhonda said...

I'm a diapershops fan on facebook. Rhonda Canfield Sedgwick

Anonymous said...

Morgan Latiolais-1537260023

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I am registered for the twitter party!! Twitter ID smiledoula

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

carlaboo11 said...

i'm registered for the fluff n treat

Melanie said...

I'm registered for your twitter party.


richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Julie said...

I like Diaper Shops on Facebook! - Julie Gayler

Jennie said...

I like TCDW on Facebook "Jennie Seyer O'Connell"

C said...

i'm a facebook fan

Heather said...

I registered for the twitter party @hndzfl

Natalie Kropuenske said...

I'm DiaperShops Facebook Fan.

@ Jenny Stevens.

Alexis said...

I like the DiaperShops FB page!

Alexis Eisenhart

kimc said...

I like the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook

Julie said...

I like Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook!

Katie said...

I "Like" you as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan. (Katie Daniels Burnett)

kburnett82 at gmail dot com

justsupermom said...

I am a fan of DiaperShops on FB! And have been talking to Stacy about detergent today! my FB id is

Angela said...

Angie Kusek-Schubert is a facebook fan and Bg lover!

Rhonda said...

I'm a Cloth Diaper Whisperer fan on facebook. Rhonda Canfield Sedgwick

Heather said...

Like CDW on Facebook (Heather Trietsch Ratliff)

C said...

i'm a fb fan of the cd whisperer too

Bld424 said...

I like you as DiaperShops on FB.


kkyc816 said...

like diapershops on facebook
id: Kristine Ng or

Lisanne said...

Like DiaperShops on FB

Lisanne M Gibson

Katie L. said...

Katie Lamb, Diaper shops fan

Alexis said...

I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB!

Alexis Eisenhart

kathryn said...

I commented on this post!

Alicia W said...

I'm a fan of the CLW as Alicia Castillo Wach

Cheryl said...

rsvp's to fluffntreat!!!!


Erica said...

I am a fan of on facebook. My user ID is Erica Harper

Bld424 said...

I like you on as CDW on FB.


Alicia W said...

I'm also a diaper shops fan.

Brooke and Josh said...

I like Diapershops on FB. BrookeRodriguez519

maebystyle said...

i'm a fan of ds on fb.
jen bellinski

Anonymous said...

liked on diapershops
fbkrista heinitz

pulchrabliss at hotmail dot com

kkyc816 said...

like Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook
id: Kristine Ng or

Madeline said...

DiaperShops Facebook Fan (Madeline Doms Miller).

Katie L. said...

tcdw fb fan katie lamb

kimc said...

I am registered for the fluff n treat party

gretel said...

I "like" the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook. I think my facebook ID is anarqkiki. (see last post) (writegretel at gmail)

Unknown said...

I like diaper shops on facebook

Travis Triggs

Natalie Kropuenske said...

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan.

@ Jenny Stevens.

Lisanne said...

Like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB

Lisanne M Gibson

lulusmama said...

I posted this giveaway on Creigslist baby&kids!
Rebecca O'Brien

Melissa said...

I posted here on this forum

This is the bump.

Erin Quintanilla said...

I've "liked" you on Facebook! My name is Erin Quintanilla! I hope that's what you mean by "ID" cause I don't know what else it would be. :)

Brooke and Josh said...

I like TCDW on FB. BrookeRodriguez519

Laura said...

Posted on's community board "cloth diapering"

This is my life... said...

I am a Diapershops Facebook fan. ID 2angels2love.

Katie said...

I 'like' Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook
katie daniels burnett

kburnett82 at gmail dot com

Erica said...

I am a fan of TCDW on facebook. My user ID is Erica Harper

kkyc816 said...

registered for twitter party
id: kkyc816

jadestar said...

I'm a DiaperShops fan! :) Mahala Thogode on Facebook

Lisanne said...

registered for the twitter party


Unknown said...

I like cloth diaper whisperer on facebook

Travis Triggs

Mini MNM's said...

I like diapershops on fb. Sn is cellgirl17

Sky said...

Liked diapershops and clothdiaperwhisper on fb. My fb id is apgoddess83.

maebystyle said...

i've registered for the twitter party.

kimc said...

I like diaper shops on facebook

Elisha said...

I posted a thread about the 30 minutes of fluff on the Babies 0-3 month board on The Bump:

Melanie said...

I posted on The Bump:

richardsons2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

We are fan's on FB! Wooot! Iris & Kane Tomczyk

Heather said...

Like DS on Facebook (Heather Trietsch Ratliff)

jadestar said...

I'm a Cloth Diaper Whisperer fan! Mahala Thogode on Facebook

Madeline said...

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan (Madeline Doms Miller)

be free said...

brianna'nmike child, tcdw like

Anonymous said...

liked cloth diaper whisperer
fbkrista heinitz

pulchrabliss at hotmail dot com

maebystyle said...

i'm a fan of cdw on fb.
jen bellinski

This is my life... said...

I am a TCDW facebook fan. ID 2angels2love. I would love to win!!!

Brooke and Josh said...

I am registered for the fluff n treat party. @brookerod519

SallyW said...

i'm registered for the fluff n' treat twitter party- @cncygal

ShortyRobs said...

I responded to a thread on DS that was called "Fluff'N'Treat" but had a link to 30 min of fluff as well.

user name eirene1981

Kristin said...

I'm a fan on Diaper Shops on fb

fb ID= 1445760157

hope mcpherson said...

I liked you on facebook
facebook id hope annessa mcpherson

be free said...

brianna'nmike child, like diaper shops

Anonymous said...

fan of diapershops on fb
Michael Ng or 544750282

Heather said...

Registered for the FluffnTreat party (hmt90a)

Neomera said...

I've even registered for the Twitter party! It will be my very first one- I'm pretty excited! My twitter ID is Neomera

Anonymous said...

I, Aislinn Sparkman (weaksend at yahoo dot com), am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook.

jadestar said...

I registered for the Fluff 'N' Treat party!

Twittername JadeStarKitten :D

MommyTrenches said...

I'm a diaper shops facebook fan.
FB Name: April Price
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Ann said...

I am a fan of DiaperShops on FB, id is Ann Merrion Janis

Katie L. said...

twitter party registered! @countinglambs

justsupermom said...

I am registered for the #FluffNTreat twitter party! my username is @JustSupermom

Anonymous said...

Fun! i like Diaper Shops on Facebook (Deborah Landry)

Anonymous said...

fan of cloth diaper whisperer on fb
Michael Ng or 544750282

Chelsey said...

I'm a DiaperShops Facebook Fan.

Jessica E said...

Jessica Ellis - fan of diaper shops

Kristin said...

I'm a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on fb

fb ID= 1445760157

MommyTrenches said...

I'm a Cloth Diaper Whisperer FB fan!
FB Name: April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Melissa said...

I'm RSVP'd for the twitter event!

Madeline said...

RSVP'd for the Fluff n'Treat Twitter party

Chelsey said...

I'm a facebook fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer.

L said...

I am a fan of diaper shops on fb.
Lyndsey Gillespie

Marianna said...

I like!!/profile.php?id=42420768

Chelsey said...

I rsvp'd for the Fluff n' Treat twitter party.
Chelsey V.

Dayna said...

I like TCDW on fb
Dayna cronin sweders

Jenna Tracy said...

I "Like" you as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan!

~Nell~ said...

I am a fan of the CD Whisperer

Nell Kuitems Ruedin

Anonymous said...

I like Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook (Deborah Landry)

justsupermom said...

I posted a link to this on the TwoWeekWait forums here:

Unknown said...

Fan of Diaper Shops on Facebook!!
ID: Bethany Bowman

Marianna said...

I like the cloth diaper whisperer!/profile.php?id=42420768

Anonymous said...

rsvp'd for t or t twitter party

twitter id @dylzzbrown

Jessica E said...

Jessica Ellis - Likes the CDW on facebook

Katy said...

Cloth Diaper Whisperer facebook fan!

Unknown said...

i am a DS facebook fan

stacy lynn b h

Cheryl said...

on the bump

Anonymous said...


Would LOVE to try one of these diapers!!

L said...

Fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on fb. id: Lyndsey Gillespie

jennifer0421 said...

I am a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on Facebook! #2

~Nell~ said...

I am a fan of diapershops

Nell Kuitems Ruedin

Grace said...

fan of diapershops on FB. Grace Lee-Ingham

Sara said...

TCDW FB fan - Sara Griswold Walther

Our Family said...

Heidi said...

I LIKE DiaperShops on FB (Heidi Foster)

Meredith said...

I like Cloth Diaper Whispere on facebook!

Tiffany said...

I "like" diaper shops on FB as Tiffany Wynn

Jenna Tracy said...

I "Like" you as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan!

Katy said...

Diaper Shops fan on facebook!

Krista said...

kristacase ...facebook follower!

Yara said...

I registered for the twitter party (y_emilene)

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