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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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High Class Nursing

On Thanksgiving, my father-in-law came to town and took our family out for dinner.  We went to a fancy place - one of the Wolfgang Puck restaurants in Las Vegas.  It is a pretty nice place - and a place to which I wouldn't have normally brought an infant.  But it was Thanksgiving, after all.

So, we made reservations for the earliest possible seating of the evening, hoping that our five-month-old would not get too tired and fussy while we were out.  The first course was a breeze.  Then the soup came, and our little man started to fuss a bit.  About halfway into the main course, my husband took him for a little walk outside of the restaurant.  Then he came back and I walked him for a while.  While we tensely waited for dessert, our baby began his pre-bedtime meltdown . . . in a dimly lit, otherwise quiet restaurant.  I swiftly removed him from the main dining room in search of a quiet place to nurse.  It was early, and the bar was empty.  It was dark in there and calm.  I asked the barkeep if he would mind if I nursed in the corner booth.  He said he didn't mind at all, but that he could show me a place that was much more private.  Then he walked us to a beautiful private dining area that was covered with lovely artwork and enclosed by curtains.  "It's all yours" he said, "can I get anything else for you?"  I was absolutely impressed.  I had all that I needed and more.  My boy nursed like he hadn't eaten in days and I could relax, and feed him, enjoying such lovely surroundings and avoiding any sideways glances from the other patrons.

It was a really memorable evening, and we all enjoyed a lovely meal - even our son.  I didn't expect such warm accommodations for a nursing mother in a place that would probably rather not have to deal with babies.  I'm going to write a letter to the restaurant manager and cc: Wolfgang Puck as well.

By Amanda W.


Witty said...

wow! how kind of the waiter. what a breath of fresh air.

diane said...

That was really nice, but wouldn't it be even nicer if your child just ate at the table like everyone else? If we keep hiding nursing, it will never become normal.

Secret Mommy said...

What a wonderful, positive nursing story!!!!! So good to hear stories like this when we usually just hear all the "woman kicked out of..." ones! :) Glad you're writing to let the management know how great their employees were about it!

Catherine said...

Wow! I hope to have a similar experience with my next baby. People just don't realize that their support of mothers they do not even know helps them continue to breastfeed. I know I am preaching to the choir, but of course this is good for the health of our community. I want to be honest and say that prior to becoming a mother, I was quite a hypocrite on this one. I would love to see more education in the schools, and especially on TV normalizing breastfeeding.

Naturally A Mama said...

Amazing! Glad to hear your wonderful experience!

Naturally A Mama said...

How wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Diane.. while it's great they were so helpful and you were able to enjoy your dinner experience, I wish it was perfectly acceptable to nurse a baby right at the table and if we do keep hiding it, it never will be.

Jenny K said...

That's great! I nursed in a restaurant once and got lots of awkward looks from tables nearby. It's so good to hear a positive story. I wish for your luck next time!

summerific said...

I LOVE hearing great nursing stories! Thanks so much for sharing!

meason98 said...

that is such a great story!

Megan said...

I agree with diane. I think I would've just nursed my baby at the table. You shouldn't have to leave your table just to feed your baby.

DeVore Family said...

That is awesome! I am very impressed!

Yara said...

Well it's nice they gave you a place to nurse, but why on earth would you head to the bar to nurse a baby? Why not at the table where everyone else in eating?
I've nursed my children everywhere I go, including an ocean view table at the Ritz Carlton in Maui.
I've nursed my babies at weddings & at funerals. I never hide. They are nursed whe. They need it. If anyone is bothered, they are free to leave the room. They are also free to stay & learn that nursing is perfectly normal, and a part of everyday life.

Joyful said...

I think it's wonderful and your son probably needed the peace to nurse well at that time. But I agree with Diane - it would be nice if more moms didn't hide to nurse. I would've done it right at the table!

adamswifey said...

i think i would have been the person most uncomfortable if i had chosen to nurse right at the table. my son refuses to nurse under a blanket or a nursing cover - so i can't be discreet about it. we were in front of my father-in-law also. and - though i understand the feeling that others should accept it - not everyone finds nursing at the table appetizing.

Karen said...

Despite what others may think about NIP, my issue with nursing at a table in a restaurant, is there are too many distractions for Little Guy. A nice, quiet place without sudden noises would definitely suit him better!

Tiffany said...

I've had 4 kids, and the first three would have nursed happily and discreetly nder the edge of my fourth likes to pet and flaunt my ENtire booby, in a silent room...every baby is different in their likes and dislikes...

How nice that a successful, fancy resteraunt should be so thoughtful!!! And such a nice note to end a Thanksgiving on!!! As it ought to be!!!

Mommy "S" said...

that's wonderful! I'm so glad you had such a great experience!

Anna said...

That's AWESOME! What a great story. :)

Mulberry Mama said...

I've tried to nurse in a restaurant before, and it would have worked OK if my BABY had cooperated. He was just too interested and distracted by what was happening all around him to settle down and eat. So while I understand the comments asking why the author didn't just nurse at the table, I also understand why she sought out a more private area. How awesome that the waiter was so accomodating!

Hannah said...

There are options for ways to nurse without covering the baby yet keeping yourself very covered (layered clothing etc.). Some people like the author are more comfortable finding a different spot (and some babies focus better on eating in a quieter spot), but I just wanted to put that out there for new moms: it is usually possible to stay at your dinner table, feed your baby without covering him or her, and stay fairly covered. It does sometimes take practice though. If you can and want to, I think it is good to just nurse where you are, because it helps encourage other moms that they're not the only one nursing, and just makes breastfeeding more convenient.

It's not just about nursing though: I think it is awesome when places like restaurants make polite accommodations for babies and children in general. For example, I know a mom of a baby who was bottle-fed, but was too distractible to eat well in a busy public place; they might also have benefited from a quiet place for mom and baby to sit and eat for a bit.

Bridgett said...

I think that is a lovely story!
Not sure why people are leaving negative comments like, why did you leave the table? Why would you go to the bar? The author wanted to leave the table to nurse, what is the big deal? Breastfeeding is natural and shouldn't be hidden but some moms prefer to nurse in public. I never felt right nursing in public because I'm a very modest person and didn't want to sit tensely, in public, worrying if a booby was going to pop out just to prove that I breatfeed. I'm just happy to see more new moms breastfeeding! Whether its in public or not its best for the baby.