Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Monday, January 31, 2011

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**CLOSED**30 Minutes of Fluff- Win a Rumparooz G2 One-Size Cloth Diaper

Congratulations to slang76 (Susan Lang)! Susan, please contact us here to claim your prize. You have until Feb.2nd at 4pm est to claim your giveaway. In the subject line please write: "30 Minutes of Fluff 1/31 Winner".

Welcome to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer's 30 Minutes of Fluff. This is a random giveaway and you only have 30 minutes to enter. Have fun!

Make sure you follow DiaperShops and The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.

Today's giveaway: 1-Rumparooz One-Size Cloth Diaper in solid color

Their are 4 ways to enter (Entries are only taken on the blog as comments to this specific post):
1) "Like us" as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
2) "Like us" as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
3) Leave a review on any product at Kelly's Closet. Once you leave the review come back to this post and leave a comment and tell us what product you reviewed.
4) Post a thread (or respond to an existing thread)on any parenting or cloth diapering forum telling others about our new "30 minutes of Fluff". Post a comment with the exact url and the name of the forum.

We do moderate comments so your comment will not post right away. You MUST have a blogger profile. Entries submitted by "anonymous" cannot be approved. Also, due to security reasons we cannot approve comments with full email addresses. We kindly ask you not to place double entries because you don't see your original entry showing up. This GREATLY slows down the approval process and delays the posting of the winner.

After 30 minutes we will randomly draw a winner from eligible entries- the winner will be posted after all comments are moderated and can take up to 24 hours to post. We will post the winner's name as an update to this post and then mark the giveaway as CLOSED. Once the winner's name is posted the winner has 48 hours to contact us to claim their prize. If the winner doesn't claim their prize we will re-post the giveaway.


1 – 200 of 452   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

i like you on facebook
emily cotton
es1237 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

i like the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook
emily cotton
es1237 at gmail dot com

Stephanie U said...

I like on Facebook
Stephanie Umpleby

Emily said...

DiaperShops FB fan - emily freeman

SWFL Doula said...

I like on FB as Maybelline Valenti

Stephanie U said...

I like TCDW on FB
Stephanie Umpleby

Emily said...

Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan - emily freeman

Hillary said...

I am a fan of diaper shops on facebook-Hillary Handy is the name on there.

Jena said...

I'm a fan of on facebook.

Facebook id = Jena S

Showlove 40 at hotmail dot com

mommyof3tx said...

I'm a fan of Diaper Shops on FB-Beth Scoggin


Anonymous said...

I "Like" you as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan. FB id: April Kennedy
aprilkek at verizon dot not

Kimberly said...

I like DS on FB - JoeandKimberly Vaughn

SWFL Doula said...

I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB as Maybelline Valenti

Amypooh said...

FB: acwakip

Jena said...

I'm a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook.

ID = Jena S

showlove40 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I "Like" you as a DiaperShops Facebook Fan. FB id: April Kennedy
aprilkek at verizon dot not

mommyof3tx said...

I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB- Beth Scoggin


Tiffany said...

I like Diaper Shops on FB.

Elina said...

I follow diapershops on fb.
(Elina Chrystal)

Kimberly said...

I like TCDW on FB - JoeandKimberly Vaughn

Catherine said...

FB fan of DS!
Catherine Harris Brown

Lindsey said...

I like DiaperShops on Facebook.
Lindsey Galvez

Tiffany said...

I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB.

Lori said...

I like diapershops on facebook!

Unknown said...

fan of Diaper Shops on Facebook!
ID: Bethany Bowman

Elina said...

I follow Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB.
(Elina Chrystal)

beccajoy said...

I like diapershops on facebook.

Rebecca Lord Mann

Jessi said...

I like diapershops on fb - jessi j.

kittlesnbits said...

"Like" Diapershops on Facebook

Hannah said...

I am a fan of Diapershops on FB (Hannah VW)

Lindsey said...

I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook.
Lindsey Galvez

L said...

Facebook fan of diaper shops! Lyndsey Gillespie

crispymama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I am a fan of DiaperShops on FB, user I'D Jess Thompson.

Anonymous said...

"Like us" as a The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook Fan

April Kennedy

Hannah said...

I like the CLoth Diaper Whisperer on FB
Hannah VW

Nay-lo said...

I "like" DiaperSHops on FB.

kittlesnbits said...

"Like" the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook :)

Jessalynn DeRusha said...

Facebook fan!/jessalynnjade

Nay-lo said...

I "like" DiaperSHops on FB.

Amy Messick ( said...

I like you as DiaperShops, too!

Jessi said...

I like the cloth diaper whisperer on fb - jessi j.

Unknown said...

I am a fan of TCDW on FB, user I'D Jess Thompson.

Unknown said...

Fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook
ID: Bethany Bowman

Cindy said...

I like DiaperShops on FB. ID: Cindy Weibley

txgirlcindylou AT yahoo

Catherine said...

FB fan of TCDW!
Catherine Harris Brown

Alex said...

I like diaper shops on fb
fb id = 100001125769342

beccajoy said...

I like TCDW on facebook.

Rebecca Lord Mann

L said...

Facebook fan of the cloth diaper whisperer. Lyndsey Gillespie

Christina said...

I'm a diapershops fb fan Christina Clem Fairley

Nay-lo said...

I "like" TCDW on FB.

Anonymous said...

I like diapershops on FB!/profile.php?id=1084170079

chrissy said...

I follow diapershops

Donna Jean said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on Facebook

Donna Westcott

Jessica said...

I like diaper shops.

Jessica Adler

Cindy said...

I like TCDW on FB, too. ID: Cindy Weibley

txgirlcindylou AT yahoo

Amanda said...

I am a DS FB fan! Amanda Sayles

Jessica said...

I like cloth diaper whisperer.

Jessica Adler

Krista, Bill, Eliya & Logan Kurtzweil said...

I like DS on facebook - krista kurtzweil

crispymama said...

fan of Diapershops (Brenda Barnhart)

TheTreeHugginMomma said...

Like Diaper Shops
Tree Huggin-Momma

kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com

Lindsey, Benjamin, Bailey, and Chad said...

Facebook! Lindsey Bigon yost

Amanda said...

I am a DW FB fan! Amanda Sayles :)

Sal said...

Like DS on FB with Sally Pyles Duren.

chrissy said...

I follow the cloth diaper wisperer on FB

Alex said...

I like CDW on fb
Alex Fisher
fb Id = 100001125769342

Anonymous said...

I like TCDW on FB.

Nicole Anderson

mamapolarbear said...

I like Diaper Shops on facebook.
Kayleigh Stabler

Donna Jean said...

i like the diaper shops on facebook

Donna Westcott

TheTreeHugginMomma said...

Like Cloth Diaper Whisperer

Tree Huggin-Momma

kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com

Sal said...

Like CDW on FB with Sally Pyles Duren.

Unknown said...

I'm a fan of CDW on FB
Alison Lipsett Simpson

Madi&Mom said...

I like on FB
Jenny Engelbrecht Meineka

Autumn said...

I liked TCDW on Facebook
ID Autumn Raubuck

babyboybinko said...

Diaper Shops fb fan - Danyelle Golder Binko

mamapolarbear said...

I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook
Kayleigh Stabler

Jessalynn DeRusha said...

Cloth diaper whisperer facebook fan!/jessalynnjade

Krista, Bill, Eliya & Logan Kurtzweil said...

I like cloth diaper whisperer on FB - krista kurtzweil

Lindsey, Benjamin, Bailey, and Chad said...

Liked on fb. Lindsey Bigon yost

Lindsey said...

I left a review for the Thirsties Duo Diaper as Lindz from Tennessee.

mommyof3tx said...

I left a review on the Fuzzi Bunz perfect size diapers-mommyof3tx


Madi&Mom said...

I like the cloth diaper whisperer on FB
Jenny Engelbrecht Meineka

Mommy said...

I like on Facebook. Loree 'Kronblad' Hisken.

Anonymous said...

Like on Facebook, follow blog :-)

Tiffany said...

I left a review for CJs Butter. I love it btw!

RH said...

I'm A diapershops facebook fan!
Jan Rz

Unknown said...

I'm a fan of on FB
Alison Lipsett Simpson

Becky said...

I LIKE on facebook!

Hannah said...

I posted a comment at

Mommy said...

I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook. Loree 'Kronblad' Hisken.

Him, Me, Wee 3 said...

I follow DS on FB
Amanda Tierney
artierney @ ymail . com

Ljeanh27 said...

I like DS on FB.

Laura Humphrey


Lisa v said...

I like TCDW on fb. Lisa Erhardt vanDonk

RH said...

I'm a CDW facebook fan! Jan Rz

Anonymous said...

I like diaper on Facebook

Sarah Wagner

Becky said...

I LIKE TCDW on facebook!

Cass said...

I "like" CDW on facebook.
Cassandra Snider
vendetta dot fiend at gmail dot com

Him, Me, Wee 3 said...

I follow TCDW on FB
Amanda Tierney
artierney @ ymail . com

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

I like Diaper shops on Facebook
Angela Ross Heffner
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like The cloth diaper whisperer on FB Sarah Wagner

Unknown said...

I like DiaperShops on Facebook.
Alisha Duncan

MMoriarty said...

I am a facebook fan of

Jena said...

I reviewed the Flip cover on kelly's closet!

showlove40 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I live diaper shops and am a FB fan!

Cass said...

I like on facebook
Cassandra Snider
vendetta dot fiend at gmail dot com

laurettabear said...

I like DS on facebook

Ljeanh27 said...

I like CCWFF on FB.

Laura Humphrey


Cami Grant said...

I like on Facebook!
Cami Grant Weir

jdeemarie said...

I'm a Facebook fan of DiaperShops (Jodi Jordan)

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

I like the cloth diaper whisperer on Facebook
Angela Ross Heffner
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com

mommyof3tx said...

Posted a thread on Modern Mommies


babyboybinko said...

Cloth Diaper Whisper fb fan - Danyelle Golder Binko

TheTreeHugginMomma said...

Left a review for Rumparooz OS


kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com

meason98 said...

I'm a fan of diapershops on FB!

jdeemarie said...

I'm a Facebook fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer (Jodi Jordan)

Alison said...

I like Diaper Shops on facebook: Ali Kulenkamp

Catherine said...

I have reviewed OS knickernappies- cbrownrockhound on 12/15 (I am hoping that still counts- sorry if it doesn't)

crispymama said...!/pages/DFW-Cloth-Diaper-Group/163924706970212

Left a post about it on the DFW CD Group on fb! I'm the admin (Brenda Barnhart) so it doesn't show up as me, but I hope this counts:)

Krista, Bill, Eliya & Logan Kurtzweil said...

I reviewed the RaR diaper at Kelly's Closet

laurettabear said...

I like DS on facebook

Cara said...

I like TCDW on Facebook.
Cara Staten

Mamahen said...

I like Diapershops on FB as Mamahen Jenica rjsandall at msn dot com

Shannie Shan said...

I like you on facebook
Shannon Case-Alvarez

ALissa said...

I like DS on Facebook
ALissa Platek

Alison said...

I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook: Ali Kulenkamp

Unknown said...

I am a fan of diapershops on Facebook!

Mamahen said...

I like the CDW on facebook as Mamahen Jenica rjsandall at msn dot com

Unknown said...

I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook!

Alisha Duncan

Jamie said...

I like diapershops on FB. Jamie higby Zaiser

Unknown said...

I'm a fan of the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook!

pixy_stix said...

DiaperShops Facebook Fan

Pixy Stix

MMoriarty said...

I am a facebook fan of (I forgot to include my name--Meredith Moriarty)

Amy said...

I like TCDW on facebook!
Amy Holland HArley

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Diaper Shops on FB.

Allison Hill Kizer

Shannie Shan said...

I like DisperShop on FB
Shannon Case-Alvarez

Shannie Shan said...

I like DisperShop on FB
Shannon Case-Alvarez

Sarah Winson said...

like on Diaper shops as Sarah Callahan Winson

Sarahsewta at yahoo dot com

Melissa said...

I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook!
Melissa Gillund-Clow

Kari said...

I like Diaper Shops on facebook.
(Kari Williams)

luke and pamela said...

i like DS on fb! pamela smith

Cara said...

I like on Facebook
Cara Staten

Anonymous said...

I'm a facebook fan of Diaper Shops on facebook. Deidre Sevigny

Laura D. said...

I like Diaper Shops on FB!

Laura Lightcap Dunne

luke and pamela said...

i like CDW on fb! pamela smith

Camille said...

I am a facebook fan of Diaper Shops
username: camillebethany

~Lydia~ said...

Liked you on facebook Lydia Conrad

AlexisB2007 said...

I like diapershops on fb
Alexis Fawn Bertch

Sarah said...

I'm a fan of DiaperShops on Facebook!

Sarah Winson said...

like cloth diaper whisperer on fb as Sarah Callahan Winson

Sarahsewta at yahoo dot com

jessw said...

I like on Facebook.

Jessica Wiant


laurettabear said...

I like DS on facebook my Facebook name is Laura Byrd

Laura D. said...

I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on FB!

Laura Lightcap Dunne

~Lydia~ said...

Liked you on facebook as diaper wisperer Lydia Conrad

Linda Nutter Snay said...

I "like" the cloth diaper whisperer on facebook

AlexisB2007 said...

I like TCDW on fb

Lori said...

I reviewed the Bummis Tot Bot Easy fit on Kelly's Closet.

Lori Page
loriannapage at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

I'm a CDW fan on FB!

Michelle F. said...

I like Diaper Shops on FB!

mommyferg02 at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

I like Diapershops on FB
Stephanie Davis Marks

Jen Yost said...

I like on facebook

Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

I like both of your pages on fb.

Laura Meigs Dearman

Kari said...

I like TCDW on facebook
(Kari Williams)

jessw said...

I like Cloth Whisperer on Facebook.

Jessica Wiant


meason98 said...

I'm a fan of TCDW on facebook.

Kimberly said...

I wrote a review for the BG 4.0 one size diaper.

Unknown said...

I like DiaperShops on Facebook
facebook id: Daniela Pucher

Michelle F. said...

I like TCDW on FB! (Michelle Ferguson)

mommyferg02 at gmail dot com

Camille said...

I am a FB fan of the CDWhisperer!

Lori said...

I like TCDW on FB.

(Lori Page)
loriannapage at gmail dot com

Christina said...

I 'liked' you on facebook!
sydneyv at yahoo dot com

Stephanie said...

I like the coth diaper whisperer on FB
Stephanie Davis Marks

Mommy said...

I posted a thread about the 30 minutes of fluff on the Cloth Diapering Forum of Baby Center.

Rachel D. said...

I like cloth diaper whisperer on facebook.

Facebook id: Rachel Deutsch
annie8cu at yahoo dot com

TheTreeHugginMomma said...

Posted on Swap Mamas Discussion

kaleidoscopejane at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

Diaper shops fan on FB

Anonymous said...

I liked on FB. Theresa Sigler-Milobowski

Unknown said...

I like the Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook

Daniela Pucher

Megan said...

I like TCDW on FB

Rachel D. said...

I like diaper shops on facebook.

Facebook id: Rachel Deutsch

annie8cu at yahoo dot com

jessw said...

I have reviewed Bamboo Baby AIO diapers at Kelly's Closet.

Jessica Wiant


Erin Pellot said...

i like diaper shops on facebook

Milk Cocoa said...

I like you on both fb pages!

Freckleberry Mom said...

I like you on Facebook!

Ashley Capps

ashley at freckleberryfinds dot com

Rita said...

I am a Diaper Shops Fan on facebook (Rita Polk).

vwlilybug said...

I like you on FB
Tami Lee

Donna Jean said...

i reviewed the Kawaii Heavy-Duty One-size diaper on Kelly's Closet

Donna Westcott

Jen Yost said...

I like The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on facebook.

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

I left a product review on Kelly’s closet for a fuzzi bunz one size diaper
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com

Karen Wendt said...

I like CDW on fb.

Karen Wendt

Rita said...

I am a CDW fan on facebook (Rita Polk).

vwlilybug said...

I like CDW on Fb.
Tami Lee

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

I left a product review on Kelly’s closet for a fuzzi bunz perfect size diaper
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com

Karen Wendt said...

I like Diapershops on fb.

Karen Wendt

Erin Pellot said...

I like tcdw on facebook.

Keri Ann said...

I like diaper shops on facebook

laurettabear said...

I like the CDW as Laura Byrd on Facebook

Anonymous said...

fb fan jodie callihan

Sal said...

Reviewed Rumparooz with the nickname Sally D.

Kate said...

I like you on FB (Kate V.)

slang76 said...

I like DiaperShops on Facebook as Susan Lang Messing

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