Fluff Friday
1- Flip Stay-Dry Day Pak
(Includes 2-Flip one-size covers and 6-stay-dry inserts)
Question of the week:
What kind of diapering system do you use when you go on vacation? Leave your comment before Thursday, June 30th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
1- Flip Stay-Dry Day Pak
(Includes 2-Flip one-size covers and 6-stay-dry inserts)
Question of the week:
What kind of diapering system do you use when you go on vacation? Leave your comment before Thursday, June 30th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to Flip Diapers on Facebook. Leave a comment on our wall letting them know that The Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent you. Leave a comment in response to this post by letting us know you commented on their wall.
- Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
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- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
- Tweet @flipdiapers fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/. Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
- Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
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- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 6/24-6/29. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 1st. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 1st. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
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We use our the same diapers that we use at home when we go on vacation. If we will only be gone for a few days, I take ALL of them so I won't have to wash while we're gone.
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twitter follower @megan_hulsey
I get the newsletter megandenny841@yahoo.com
I just use my normal diapers if we aren't going far. I would use disposables if we were going for a long time, I suppose, although if we were visiting someone who didn't mind us using the washer I would bring cloth.
I am new to cloth diapering. I am so excited and can't wait to use them.
We used to use our fuzzibunz or disposables:./, while on vacation. We recently discovered grovia disposable inserts, so now we use those:.)
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During the drive I prefer our flip disposable inserts with flip cover. Just toss it because it makes for less bulk in our smaller sized wetbag. During our vacation I prefer our easy to use BG3.0.
commented on flip diapers fb page that tcdw sent me.
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I use my regular stash of pocket diapers (mostly BGs, FB & Thirsties). We even washed them by hand when we didn't have access to a washing machine in Jamaica.
etwilkins at gmail dot com
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etwilkins at gmail dot com
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etwilkins at gmail dot com
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etwilkins at gmail dot com
commented on 'a mother's love.'
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etwilkins at gmail dot com
We haven't been on vacation yet, but we are currently on our second 4 day business trip. We brought our whole stash, about half flips and half pockets & AIOs.
commented on 'the evolution of poop.'
I haven't gotten to use my cloth diapers yet, since our baby won't be here until October. We're new to CDing, so I'm sure we'll use disposables at first if we go on vacation.
I'll be taking along my whole stash of fuzzibunz when we go on vacation for a week in FL. It would be nice to win the Flip package!
We've decided that Flips or similar systems are best for us when traveling on vacation.
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-Molli Griffin
We haven't done a long trip since starting CDs. DS is only 5.5 wks. I think I'd probably have to do disposables, depending on where we go and for how long. If it was just 2 days, I'd take the CDs since I could stick to my wash schedule that way.
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We're thinking of using grovia dispoables for our first trip with the babies in October.
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Commented on Flips' fb wall!
right now on vacation I'm planning on using diposables or if it's a short trip disposable liners. I'm not sure how many people will let me use their washer though!
I follow this blog via GFC (brittany bakow)
We use Flips with the disposable inserts on road trips!
redhotrachel35 at hotmail dot com
I haven't traveled since starting CD'ing but I think I would go back to disposables for more than a day trip just so I wasn't lugging around dirty dipes w/ me.
Big fan on fb...left a comment...the cloth diaper whisperer sent me! We totally flip for flip, I hope we win!
I advertised Fluff Fridays on my blog I hope that counts!
Not sure if you got the first comment, but I am a fan of flip on fb...left a cool comment:)
I use your button on my blog http://britsthegoodstuff.blogspot.com/
on the left side.
I'm a fan on facebook (brittany higgs)
I have been a real fan of the flips diaper system since purchasing a set them 6 months ago. Now, I am a facebook fan too.
I follow on twitter (at)brithiggs
i am a blog follower:)
I signed up for your newsletter at Kelly's closet.
(britbakow at gmail dot com)
I purchased a set of flips about 6 months ago and LOVE them! Now I am a facebook fan too.
I posted on Flip's Facebook page.
Liked and commented on facebook wall. Also get Kelly's closet newsletter and follow your blog!
I tweeted on 6/28 here's what I said:
Win @flipdiapers on fluff friday a great #clothdiapers giveaway every week! Enter at theclothdiaperwhisperer.com
I haven't used cloth diapers yet as I'm pregnant with my first little one. I am new to the world of cloth and very excited to be beginning this journey. I would probably use an AIO diaper on vacation as they seem to be easy to wash. However, the diapers with flushable inserts sound appealing to me as well.
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@diapershops is an awesome #clothdiapers blog! They not only have giveaways every friday, but TONS of awesome info. http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
I am a cd whisperer fan on facebook:)
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Learn about poop at @diapershops www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com not just any poop #clothdiapers and poop!
Vacations question: we haven't gone on a vacay yet. Last summer our daughter was a dispossie baby because we were truly misinformed. Now we use the flip system...flip for flips! Lol. So we are thinking of doing the disposable inserts:)
Posted on flips facebook page: I like you... I was sent by The Cloth Diaper Whisperer, but have been a fan of my set of flips for about 6 months. We use them as our go to nighttime diapers. I would love to win some more!
Grovia biosoakers with both Grovia covers and Best Bottom covers, and RaR for overnights. They dry so quickly that I do a quick bucket wash and let them dry during the day.
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I commented on "A Mother's Love... The Story of My Son Pooing in My Hand"
That was hilarious.
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tinkerbellcowgurl@yahoo dot com
Grovia biosoakers in Grovia covers and Best Bottom covers. RaR overnight since I can bucket wash them and let them dry during the day.
I commented on "Meet June's Spotlight MOM: Jenny O."
This is perfect, I am going on vacation with my baby for the first time in a couple weeks & I am planning on using flips and trying out some other covers! I would LOVE to get some free fluff! :)
I used your button on my blog.
left comment on flip's FB
ssoper4108 at gmail dot com
I follow diaper whisperer's blog LOVE IT!
ssoper4108 at gmail dot com
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I commented on "The Evolution of Poop"
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ssoper4108 at gmail dot com
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ssoper4108 at gmail dot com
I posted a question for discussion on the CDW FB. I asked HE washer users to discuss their CD washing routine and to share what kind of washer they used.
I commented on "Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Virgin"
If it's short or close to a washer, we use our Bum Genius pockets. If it's far or we're leaving our little one with family, it's disposables.
I just started cloth diapering this week so we haven't been on vacation yet, but we leave for a week at the lake in about 10 days. I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. I have a very limited stash right now & it wouldn't last a week so I may use that time to finish using up my disposables.....
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we use either disposables or pockets.
I only traveled once with my newborn and we just caved and used disposable :( I really have no clue what would would work best yet since I am just starting out.
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i get the kellyscloset newsletter - kwade828@gmail.com
I commented on Flip Diapers on facebook
love our flips! would love another day pack
I don't know yet! Going to try GroVia this summer after buying the gro-to-go deal this week, but haven't done it before!
I also subscribe to the blog via email :)
Our entire stash is used on vacation :) but pockets and fitteds seem to work best.
Mtschakert(splat) gmail dot com
Fan of ds.com on facebook! Maria Klein/mtschakert(splat) gmail dot com
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posted review of flips at Kelly's Closet.
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On vacation I take all my pocket diapers. I have fuzzy bunz, blueberry, and thirsties. '
harrisk3 @ mymail . shawnee .edu
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I am a fan on your facebook -http://www.facebook.com/#!/ErinEHodge
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I only have pockets, so that's what we take, plus a few disposables for the plane ride. My kiddo CHUGS liquids on the plane and I'd have to haul a million pocket dipes with me to keep up with him. :S That's why I think flips would be a great solution!
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Commented on Flip's facebook wall (Tina Ledbetter)
I'm a new subscriber to your blog! I love it so far!
I like DiaperShops.com on facebook (Tina Ledbetter)
We have only traveled to where we are staying with family so we used our regular FB routine with an extra insert for the plane ride.
We have only traveled to family so we used our regular FB Routine with am extra insert for the plane ride.
I'm still building my cloth diaper stock so we use disposables when traveling. I use Flip and GroVia, but have a new Kissaluvs and FuzziBunz that I'm trying out to see about purchasing more.
Just signed up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter!
I signed up for the Kelly's closet newsletter! Excited about it. :o)
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I liked the Flip diaper page and posted a comment that you sent me. (Lea Flowers Timothee)
New to cd but would love to try out the Flip system when baby gets here!!! tfrahm220@yahoo.com
I am just going away for the first time this weekend, and MIL won't let me wash the diapers there! So it is my one flip and two gdiapers with disposable inserts. If I had more flip covers it would be easier;).
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I used flips for two weeks while on travel! Flips for the plane and 3 hour drive and then pockets as well when we were unpacked. Now flips are my diaper of choice for day trips and weekend trips to my in laws 6 hours away!!
We have not done a true vacation since we have started cloth diapering so I'm not sure what we would use. My LO is 14 months old but we have only been cloth diapering for about 2 months!
We have not gone on a real vacation since we started using cloth diapers so not sure what we would do yet. We are pretty new to cloth diaper even though our LO is 14 months old we just started about 2 months ago.
Posted on Flip face book page
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since my son is only 6 weeks, we haven't taken any real vacations yet, but we plan on spending the weekend at our cottage (which has a washer and dryer!!!) soon, and I'll take by BG 4.0 pockets and my FLIPS with stay dry inserts!
We take our BumGenium and Fuzzibunz pocket diapers with us when we travel.
I'm a follower of the Cloth Diaper Whisperer blog.
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I commented on the post "Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Virgin"
We are most likely going to be using disposables for our vacation this year since it is quite a long trip. I'd be afraid to ruin my cloth diapers in someone else's washer! If it was a short and somewhat local trip - I'd just stick with my flips.
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I like flips on facebook
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I gave a product review on "Plastic-Headed Diapers Pins -4 pack" at Kelly's Closet as Wazka815
We haven't had a vacation yet-but it will be a mix of disposable liners and probably a few disposable diapers :( We're hoping we can find a place where we can easily wash our diapers and take them with us!
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Placed an order: KC- 85715
I will be honest. I usually use disposables if the trip is a few days long. Otherwise, I just bring about half my diaper stash with me (about 20 cloth diapers) along with my Charlie's Soap and a Planetwise diaper pail liner and wash 'em in a washing machine like normal.
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I use my FLIP diapers everywhere - and while I haven't been on vacation since starting to cloth diaper, I would say I would use mostly my FLIP diapers.
Posted a comment on Flip Diaper FB page!
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A fan of your FB page
haven't gone on vacation while cloth diapering yet, and my husband and I wouldn't be too concerned about what type of diapers we use...so probably prefolds, thirsties duo wraps and some other pockets.
To be honest: disposables. The idea of dragging my cloth and then trying to wash the dirty cloth elsewhere, away from my washer and routine that I know and trust, just kinda scares me so I haven't attempted it. I am in awe of these blogging mamas who CD both at and away from home!
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I commented on "A Mother's Love".
We use Flip disposables or Flip Stay Dry/BG AIO 3.0 (nights) if we're only gone a few days. Occasionally if we're gone for more than a few days I use the rest of the disposables I bought almost 2 years ago.
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I did a review of kissaluvs marvels.
I started a discussion on diapershops fb today (Tracy Kalvig).
I use flip! We have the disposable inserts and they work great. Disposables just don't work as great on my son!
I am still a CD rookie so we havent been doing it long enough to go on vacation yet but I thought about using flips with disposable liners for times of the day when I know its gonna be icky and regular liners and maybe some grovias for the rest of the time.
gfc follower ticklemetiffyyyy
fan of you on fb as tiffany uchida
following you on twitter as o0tiffyo0
newsletter subscriber at ticklemetiffyyyyATyahooDOTcom
We're just taking our first trip in a few weeks - will probably bring the BG pockets we use at home!
We're just taking our first trip in a few weeks - will probably bring the BG pockets we use at home!
Following you on FB (Rachel Tompa)
I will be using sposies on my next trip. I used a combination of gdiapers with flushable inserts and bumgenius last time and it was a stinky mess in ourluggage. Not fun
following you on twitter @himamina.
commented on 'cloth diapering after adoption.'
We haven't traveled yet but I just ordered the Grovia pack thats on sale now. We will try it when we go on vacation in August.
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Ordered from kellys'closet this moring. KC-85780
I'm a fb fan. Allie Gruska
I commented on "Cloth Diapering After Adoption: It's Never Too Late to Start!"
I commented on "Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Virgin"
I have some Flips for vacation, but I have travelled with my whole stash (by car).
New order KC-85803
I like Flips on FB.
Elsa Siegel Edwards
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