Fluff Friday
2-Happy Heinys One-Size Cloth Diapers
Question of the week:
What brand and style of cloth diapers do you pack in the diaper bag? Leave your comment before Thursday, July 14th at 7pm EST.. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
2-Happy Heinys One-Size Cloth Diapers
Question of the week:
What brand and style of cloth diapers do you pack in the diaper bag? Leave your comment before Thursday, July 14th at 7pm EST.. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to Happy Heinys on Facebook. Leave a comment on our wall letting them know that The Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent you. Leave a comment in response to this post by letting us know you commented on their wall.
- Being a follower of our blog or subscribing to our blog, gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower.
- Commenting in other posts during the week will give you ONE EXTRA comment PER EACH comment that you make. Simply post a comment on this one saying the title of the post where you wrote your comment. So, what are you waiting for?? Participating in other posts pays off!!! You must have your Blogger profile accessible to be selected as a winner.
- Advertising the giveaway in a forum or other blog gives you ONE extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a advertising and where.
- Using our button on your blog (or starting to) gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are using it and where.
- Being a fan of our Facebook group gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Post a comment with your facebook id as a comment to this post.
- Being a follower on Twitter gives you one extra comment PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY. Simply post a comment saying that you are a follower and your Twitter ID.
- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
- Tweet @happyheinys fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/. Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
- Tweet any unique tweet with @diapershops #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
- Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 7/8-7/14. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 15th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, July 15th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 695 Newer› Newest»In the diaper bag for my two boys we usually have: 1 Blueberry cover-all 2 Imagine prefolds, 1 Bestbottoms, 2 Imagine flats, 4 Grovia disposable inserts and 4 homemade fleece liners.
I reviewed bumGenius Babylegs at Kelly's Closet as Wazka815
I commented on the post "Finally, a wash routine that works for me!"
I pack bumGenius 4.0s when we leave the house!
I commented on the Happy Heinys facebook page.
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I follow you on Twitter: mintjulep717
I didn't include my facebook name on my previous post: I like your facebook group, Elizabeth McDaniel Kemker.
I tweeted about this giveaway: http://twitter.com/#!/mintjulep717/status/89537772079161344
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Kawaii OS pockets - double stuffed when we're out or he wets through!
I subscribe to the blog!
I pack GroVia AI2's in my diaper bag because they take up very little space.
hun423 at hotmail.com
I commented on Happy Heiney's fb wall.
hun423 at hotmail.com
I follow via gfc as MamaHunfy
I'm a fan on fb as Vashti McMurray
I follow on twitter as @MamaHunfy
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I typically pack the diaper bag with FuzziBunz because they are the trimmest.
I like Happy Heinys and commented on their wall - I am alternativehousewife.
I follow TCDW blog via GFC.
Your button is in my sidebar @ AlternativeHousewife.com
I follow @diapershops on Twitter - I am @pdxstylemama
I am Kelly's Closet affiliate #390
Fuzzibunz one size!
I'm a fan on Facebook.
I subscribe to the blog.
I follow on twitter. Angelajiniel
I get the newsletter too. Have for a while!
My diaper bag has mostly Flips right now, they are great for my almost 2 year old!
I "like" happy heinys" on FB!
I follow the blog!
I use Flip diapers and inserts since they are so trim for the bag!
Im a follower of your blog.
I receive your newsletter.
Im a facebook fan - Janel Jones
in the diaperbag means we're out and about...so the easier dipe we have... bg3.0 with velcro! :)
commented on happy heiney's fb page that you sent me
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amanda.mitchell08 at yahoo.com
posted to discussion on tcdw page 'pockets repelling.'
commented on tcdw discussion board ' diaper stripping.'
I commented on the Happy Heiny's facebook page.
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I've signed up for your newsletters.
I haven't started packing my diaper bag yet b/c i'm new to CDing! Baby is due in August and I would love to try these! Thanks!
I'd fill it with my covers and prefolds, but since baby hasn't arrive yet, I still don't have a bag (gulp!)
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I commented on Happy Heinys FB Page.
I follow on Twitter: KatyMF
My baby is still in utero, but I think Grovias show promise for a good on-the-go option.
I wrote "The Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent me" on Happy Heinys' facebook wall.
I wrote "The Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent me!" on Happy Heinys' facebook wall.
I follow your blog!
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I'm a facebook fan! (Brooke Lieberman Collins)
I started a new discussion on the Cloth Diaper Whisperer facebook wall: "Any knitters out there: what's your favorite type/brand of wool for soakers?" (Brooke Lieberman Collins)
I don't pack anything yet because my baby is still in the womb. But, I'm looking forward to giving CD a whirl again! Thanks!
I usually grab our Bella Bottoms pockets - simple and trim for fitting in my bag!
I'm subscribed to the blog in google reader
I'm a facebook fan of TCDW (Jenny O)
I have to admit I cheat in the diaper bag and pack sposies. I have been too afraid to travel with my cloth too much, but if we do go somewhere in cloth it is with a double stuffed BG 4.0.
I subscribe to the newsletter.
I follow the blog.
I pack bumGenius in my diaper bag, usually!
We use prefolds and an extra cover. Or when grandma has dd, pocket diapers :)
I placed an order with Kelly's Closet on July 8th - KC-87096
I like to pack my econobum or flips covers and some insert. Love that I can reuse the covers a few times which means less dirty laundry to carry around.
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
aaf of Happy Heiny on FB, said thanks
Bridgett Yoches Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
blog follower
Bridgett Z
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
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princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
FB fan of CDW
Bridgett Yoches Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
I always pack one size pockets, love our go green pocket diapers!
smoo06 at yahoo dot com
Commented on Happy Heinys wall letting them know you sent me.
smoo06 at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog.
smoo06 at yahoo dot com
I'm a fan of your facebook group as Samantha Allen.
smoo06 at yahoo dot com
We use pockets for carrying around in the diaper bag. So easy for CDing on the go and easy for anybody to change. Usually it's a bumgenious or happy heinys one size pocket diaper. amykpalermo at gmail.com
I like Happy Heinys on fb and commented on their wall thanking them for your giveaway.
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on fb. amykpalermo at gmail.com
I signed up for the newsletter at Kelly's Closet. amykpalermo at gmail.com
I usually pack an OS pocket, either my own design or an FB.
I follow the blog.
I like TCDW on facebook. Melody Janssen
I follow TCDW on twitter. @_melodious_
I'm signed up for the newsletter.
@happyheinys fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
gDiapers with flushable liners
commented on Happy Heinys wall!
blog follwer
Facebook fan (id: Emily Russo Kuhn)
I subscribe to the newsletter
I pack my Flips! I use the Stay-Dry inserts or the organic inserts. They are my go-to diaper.
I commented on Happy Heinys facebook wall and let them know TCDW sent me! My facebook ID is Melanie Mullaney Maheu.
I am a follower of TCDW blog!
I am a follower of TCDW on facebook! Facebook ID: Melanie Mullaney Maheu.
I am a follower on Twitter! Twitter ID: behbblue
Twitter Tweet:
BehBblue Melanie Maheu
@happyheinys fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway
Liked HH on FB and let them know you sent me!
following with GFC (Felicia R)
FB fan!
following on twitter (@Loves_Fluff)
Already signed up for the kellyscloset newsletter!
"#Win 2 @happyheinys fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://t.co/op9ULYo.
Question of the week:
I usually pack GroVia shells and soakers or any of our pocket CDs when going out.
I pack pockets in the diaper bag.
tvpg at aol dot com
Posted on HH FB page. AAF on FB - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Follow your blog via GFC
tvpg at aol dot com
Fan on FB - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Follow on twitter - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com
Signed up for Kelly's Closet newsletter
tvpg at aol dot com
Tweeted:@happyheinys fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at theclothdiaperwhisperer.com
tvpg at aol dot com
Tweeted: Have you checked out @diapershops? They have the best selection of #clothdiapers and accessories for mommy and baby!
tvpg at aol dot com
I've taken my pockets so far, but I just bought some Grovia shells with Biosoakers to use on our vacation & as soon as I get some regular inserts for them I think that's going to be my ones for the diaper bag. They're very easy to use, even for my husband =)
Liked HH on fb & commented on their wall letting then know you sent me
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We take pockets
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Tina Ledbetter
I receive the Kelly's Closet newsletter!
None at the moment, we're in the process of making the switch! :)
Following your blog! :)
"Like" your facebook fanpage :)
I commented on "An Over the River and Through the Woods Diapering Disaster"!
Still expecting, but think pockets look good for travel, I can't wait to try FuzziBunz!
depends on the day but I especially love my GAD side snapping for on the go!
follow on Reader!
We always pack BG AIOs and our prewet homemade cloth wipes
We use prefolds and thirsties covers in the diaper bag.
fb fan!
I pack what I've got! At the moment, with laundry happening once a day just to have enough diapers to get by, I'm happy to have anything in the diaper bag at all. I find that currently my first choice, if I have a choice, is Happy Heinis w two inserts (keeping hydrated in this heat, my boy pees a.lot!!)
newsletter getter! :)
Visited hsppy heiny facebook! :)
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BumGenius are always packed!
I keep prefolds & Thirsties covers in my diaper bag.
follow HH on facebook
blog follower
button on my blog (babyratliff.blogspot.com)
DS facebook fan (Heather Trietsch Ratliff)
CDW facebook fan (Heather Trietsch Ratliff)
twitter follower (hmt90a)
newsletter subscriber
We pack bumGenius Elementals. :~)
I follow your blog.
I am a fan on FB.
I get your newsletter via email.
Commented on Happy Heiny's FB page.
Can't remember if I said I'm a FB fan.
Posted a rambling comment here: http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6372695054968205332&postID=1825191489845901145&page=1&token=1310342397017
Posted on Happy Heiny's fb page (Tracy Kalvig).
I'm a blog subscriber.
I pack any of my diapers in the bag. I usually try to stick to AIO's or pockets for hubby. So, either BG 4.0, Fuzzi Bunz, Applecheeks, Grovia, Happy Heiny's, etc.
I advertize on my blog using your button. tracysday.wordpress.com under the reviews section.
I posted the giveaway in a forum. Here's the link:
I'm a facebook fan (Tracy Lee Obourn-Kalvig)
I placed an order (#KC-87259)
I placed another order (KC-87265)
I responded the the diapershops.com fb posting about the itti bitti sale. (Tracy Lee Obourn Kalvig)
I responded the the diapershops.com fb posting about the icecream coupon (Tracy Lee Obourn Kalvig)
I pack multiple brands: sometimes FuzziBunz, Bum Genius, prefolds with cover, I don't have one go to diaper in the diaper bag.
Followed Happy Heinys on FB.
We pack pockets or AIOs in our diaper... any brand really!
Fan of Happy Heinys on FB & commented on their wall (Natalie Chilicki)
I'm a follower via Google
I have your button posted on my blog!
Fan of DiaperShops on FB
Natalie Chilicki
I follow on Twitter
Following your blog :)
Twitter follower (@mummytocharis).
Signed up to receive newsletter.
@happyheinys fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://t.co/WqRvDWP
I like Happy Heinys on fb and commented on their wall that you sent me
I am a follower of the blog
i am a facebook fan
I usually pack pocket diapers or AIO's in the diaper bag. Most of my stash is BG and fuzzibunz. on wash days I will use prefolds if I have to ;)
I usually pack best bottoms b/c the inserts take up less space than my pockets
Facebook fan! Maria Klein/ mtschakert(splat)gmail.com
Follow on twitter!
Generic tweet of "@happyheinys fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/" tweeted by @kamrusepas
I like diapershops on fb, http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=27218595
@happyheinys fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/.
hun423 at hotmail.com
nothing yet! but I plan to keep my bg aio and lil joeys for when my ds is born
I'm a follower of the cloth diaper whisperer blog!
I'm a fan on facebook!
I'm signed up for the newsletter!
I pack BG 4.0s
commented on HH wall
follower via gfc as CoriandBen
DS fan on FB
oops fb id is Cori Lenora Hill
follow on twitter as hillfam2324
get newsletter already
At this point, I only have pocket diapers (BG OS and FB OS) for my twenty month old. However, I'm still researching my options for #2 (due in less than nine weeks!), because the pockets were so bulky on my son when he was little.
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