Fluff Friday
2-Kissaluvs Marvels One-Size Diaper Covers
Question of the week:
Who does the cloth diaper laundry in your household? Please respond by Thursday, August 18th, at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
Other ways to enter:
- Head on over to Kissaluvs Facebook Page. Leave a comment on our wall letting them know that The Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent you. Leave a comment in response to this post by letting us know you commented on their wall.
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- One entry for signing up for our newsletter at Kelly's Closet. Post a comment when you sign up or if you are already signed up.
- Tweet @kissaluvs fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/. Then come back and comment that you tweeted AND the exact tweet (not tweet id status).
- Tweet any unique tweet with @kissaluvs #clothdiapers. Cut and paste your tweet (not tweet id status) and post as a comment. You can get 1 entry for EVERY unique tweet!
- Being an affiliate of Kelly's Closet. Please post your affiliate id in your comment.
- Place an order at any DiaperShops store between 8/12-8/19. Post your order # and order date in the comments.
- Leave a product review at Kelly's Closet and return to the blog and comment which product you reviewed.
- Start a thread about our giveaway or comment on a thread that is about or giveaway on any chat room (http://www.diaperpin.com/, http://www.diaperswappers.com/, etc) . Post the name of the thread AND the url of your comment.
- Start a new discussion (or respond to a current discussion) on either DiaperShops Facebook or The Cloth Diaper Whisperer Facebook. Come back and leave a comment with the title of discussion AND which Facebook page you posted on as a comment to this post.
Have questions?? Visit our FAQ's.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, August 19th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, August 19th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
1 – 200 of 423 Newer› Newest»Diaper laundry is an even split in our house, though it's often my husband that gets it started (doing the dirty work) and myself finishing it up (stuffing pockets and organizing).
I do all the diaper laundry in our house. :) And it's my favorite chore!
I do all the cloth diaper laundry, mostly because I am a SAHM, and partly because I don't trust my husband with our precious diapers ;)
I do the diaper laundry now that I stay home- we shared it when I was still working
diaper laundry is all me in this house! And occasionally my mom will stuff all our pocket diapers if everything is clean when she's watching my girlies :)
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I left a product review at Kelly's Closet for Thirsties Duo Wrap Diaper Covers.
We will share it, husband and I.
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follow on twitter kristin344
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"Liked" DiaperShops on FB. My FB ID is hollyannebraun.
I do the laundry in our house; both diaper and regular laundry.
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/Kristin344/status/102067580772155392
Mommy most of the time. Occasionally I ask my husband to rinse them but then I always stuff and put away.
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I do all the diaper laundry (and regular laundry) in our house! =) I really enjoy taking my time and washing my diapers and hanging them on the line in our back yard. I love to see them blowing in the breeze and soaking up the sunshine. =)
I receive your newsletter at Kelly's Closet :)
My husband and both do the diaper laundry in this house. :). Often, one of us starts the laundry, and the other person will do the snapping and folding. We use Best Bottoms and Fuzzibunz so far, but I'm hoping to add to the stash soon!
I do most of the diaper laundry. Sometimes my husband helps with the throwing it in the wash. Folding clean, fluffy diapers is my favorite chore -- he'd help if I let him, but it's my therapy!
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I suspect I'll be doing most of the CD laundry, but who knows? My hubby is very helpful around the house!
I posted "The Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent me" on Kissaluv's facebook page. (Brooke Lieberman Collins)
Left a comment on Kissaluvs Facebook page.
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I'm a facebook fan (Brooke Lieberman Collins)
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I do all diaper handling and laundry in our house!
Commented on Kissaluvs FB wall, as requested!
I posted a comment on the following discussion on the Cloth Diaper Whisperer facebook page: "Question for you CD mama's! Pail liner vs large wet bag... What do you use for your soiled diapers? I have a stash of about 20-25 diapers, not sure that I would need to dedicate an entire garbage pail to diapers, or whether it's worth it... Should I just get a large hanging wet bag instead??" (Brooke Lieberman Collins)
I have been so far. My husband ALMOST did it the last time, but then no! So I'm hoping he will begin to take part in it soon!
Usually my husband, as he seems to be able to ignore the crying boys in the background. He gets them started with the rinse, and wash, I usually Rinse again, dry and stuff :o)
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Oops, please ignore my last post!
I am a Facebook fan of yours as Becky Marie
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I have a tiny little complaint about Fluff Fridays. The questions that are posed are geared towards moms who are CDing already. What about those that plan on CDing but are still pregnant? Who knows who'll be doing CD laundry in our family, but I still would like to be able to be included in Fluff Fridays giveaways so I can possibly start my own stash! Please and thanks!
I just advertised this giveaway on my Blog: http://theeasternbay.com/2011/04/13/waste-not-want-not/#comment-263
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Just Tweeted! @kissaluvs fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
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I do all the diaper laundry in the house. Hubby may be willing but I don't want him to mess anything up! :)
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Commented on and liked the Kissaluvs facebook page.
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I always do all laundry... But I am 38 1/2 weeks pregnant, so I have tried to show my mom and husband, as well as hanging detailed instructions. Fingers crossed for me!
Facebook fan: Jennifer Peplowski Perritte
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Fb fan Catherine Harris Brown
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Fanned and posted on kissaluvs fb page. Catherine Harris Brown
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I do all the cloth diaper laundry in the house! Occasionally, my husband will assist with the loads but I take care of all the detergent, the settings, the rinses and washes, and then the hanging to dry or drying in the dryer, and then the assembly. If I'm desperate, he will help assemble them with me!
I tweeted at meganesota: @kissaluvs fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/.
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I do the cd laundry...along w/ all the other laundry! My husband would be willing to do it too, but I'm pretty particular the way I do the laundry so I don't mind. :)
I do all the laundry. Definitely my favorite chore. The hubby does dishes, I do laundry!
I follow the blog under livingintaradise
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wrote on Kissaluvs wall! I am a new fan! Tara Lynn Fraser
In our home, I do the cloth diaper laundry. My husband would probably help if I wanted him to, but I am a bit particular about how I do things and I enjoy doing the laundry most of the time anyway. :-)
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Responded to the discussion about "We have a lot of people traveling soon! When you travel and don't have access to a washer/dryer, which diapers do you bring?" on the diaper shop FB
Oh, it's definitely all me. In his defense I think my husband put the diapers in the dryer once, because I wasn't home and coached him over the phone what to do.
always me! I don't mind :)
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I do the diaper laundry.
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Thanks for the giveaway. I do all the diaper laundry at home. My 4 y.o. son likes to help me put the diapers together once they are dry.
morales_y at yahoo dot com
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I do all the laundry in our house and will probably continue that role with diapers, when our little one is born in November.
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I do! I don't mind it at all.
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I do all the diaper laundry!
sjacobson223 at gmail dot com
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sjacobson223 at gmail dot com
Once I start cloth diapering I can almost guarantee it will be me doing the laundry :P
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me! I don't let my husband near any of the laundry. Or the cooking for that matter. Lucky him! :)
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I am the one that does all the diaper laundry in our family...I'm a SAHM & my hubby works 3 jobs so I think it's a fair trade. And it's the ONLY chore I look forward to! =)
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commented on Kissaluvs facebook page that the Cloth Diaper Whisperer sent me!
I do! Though my husband helps out sometimes,he just is always afraid he'll do it wrong lol.
I mainly do the diaper laundry, but that's mainly because I'm a stay at home mom. DH definitely helps out though whenever needed. :)
smoo06 at yahoo dot com
I commented on Kissaluvs wall that you sent me.
smoo06 at yahoo dot com
The only thing my husband does is carry the pails down to the washer from the second floor. Otherwise, it's all me! I don't know that I would trust him (or that he'd trust himself) with my "wash routine" anyway...
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smoo06 at yahoo dot com
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I'm a facebook fan of the cloth diaper whisperer as Samantha Allen.
smoo06 at yahoo dot com
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I do all the laundry!
I am a FB fan of DiaperShops as Michal Sitko Kukreja.
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I do all the cloth diaper laundry in my house.. Except my 10yo DD does fold and stack PF's. :)
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I do all the cloth diaper laundry, but I love doing it, and would hate to have to try to explain the process to my husband. :)
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I read every single blog entry, though I don't know if that technically makes me a "follower."
I just placed an order at Kelly's Closet. Yay! (KC-90475)
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ramieboyd at hotmail dot com
My fiance did the laundry before, but our basement was just redone last week and our brand new washer and dryer was just delivered today so I think it may be an argument over who does the laundry now, especially that I am home more now with my new job!
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I ordered a swim diaper (today 8/12) for swim lessons and a few other things to qualify for my free diaper from Kelly's closet :) KC-90421
Commented on Do You Have a Diaper Houdini?
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I do the diaper laundry, but laundry is one of the things I'm in charge of.
i do the diaper laundry!!!
quietct at gmail dot com
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quietct at gmail dot com
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Our dryer is tempermental, so we take turns getting it started, but I take care of all the loading and unloading to make sure they get done right.
I do all the cloth diaper laundry in my house.
I left a message on Kissaluv's facebook page.
facebook fan Danielle Posch
I do all of the cloth diaper laundry in our house :) And that's ok by me.
orangedaisy85 at yahoo dot com
I do all the diaper laundry and diapering. I asked for a baby and the hubby said.. "as long as you change diapers" Now I have my handsome 9 month old son! He was my early Christmas present last year!!
I do it. I honestly don't trust my hubby to do a good job. He'd lose his head if it weren't attached.
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I do all the diaper laundry at our house but it's my favorite laundry to do!
I do the diaper laundry.
I commented on Kissaluvs facebook wall :)
That would be me doing the diaper laundry. For now I think the cloth diaper thing is seen as "my hobby" and hasn't quite taken hold as "what we do" (recent converts here). We'll see in a couple months...
I do the cloth diaper laundry in my household!
vsoul2213 at comcast dot net
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Posted on Kissaluvs FB wall via Virginia Lee
vsoul2213 at comcast dot net
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@kissaluvs fluff friday #clothdiapers giveaway Enter at theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/.
vsoul2213 at comcast dot net
I commented on the Kissaluvs Facebook Page. :-D
I live with a saint, the diaper laundry is shared 50/50 with my husband...he usually organizes and puts away though...
I usually do the diaper laundry. It's a rare day when my husband does it.
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I am a fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook, my id is Mary McCarty.
I do all of the cloth diaper laundry in our house. I'm pretty sure my DH would be completely lost if he had to do it!
lora at mortier dot org
This may sound weird, but cloth diapers actually helped me fall in love with doing the laundry! I love the fresh smell of clean cloth diapers! So yeah... I do the laundry since I'm really the only one home long enough to do them :)
Both myself and my husband do it.
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I do all of the diaper laundry. That was how I got my husband to agree to cloth diapers in the first place.
I do all laundry around here!
squishysarah69 at yahoo
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sarah squishy sakofske
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