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Monday, January 13, 2014

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Take the Worry Out of Wool

I hear all the time how people are scared to use wool as a night time or even daytime solution for their little ones because they are worried about how much work it is and how time consuming it can be. That was my biggest reason it took my so long to try it while we struggled to find a good night solution. I finally decided I was tired of waking up with wet sheets & dove in head first to wool. I’ll never look back now. We haven’t woken up to wet sheets since(well except a little baby drool.) I ordered a pair of Sloomb longies and a Sloomb cover from Kelly’s Closet because I figured it may take a day or two to dry so I’d want something to use in the meantime. I also ordered some Eucalan wool wash and Sloomb solid lanolin. I wanted to make it as simple as possible for myself and this seemed like the best way to go. After all you take a teaspoon of the solid lanolin and I use about a ½ teaspoon or so of the wool wash dissolve the lanolin in hot water and soak your wool. Ring them out with a towel to get as much water out as possible and then lay them to dry. We either lay ours in front of the air conditioner or heater vent so they dry faster since they take two or three days to dry in our house. The best part is unlike all the other diapers in the world you only have to wash wool every 2 or so weeks. We usually wash once they start to smell like urine even after they are dry but I try really hard to make that at least every 2 weeks.

At first I was only soaking my longies and my cover for the half hour that is on the instructions for the lanolin until I was still waking up with wet sheets and couldn’t figure out why he was peeing through something that was supposed to be bulletproof for nighttime. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks that maybe I needed to soak them longer to get the lanolin into soaked up in them better. I thought I’d let them sit for a couple hours then take them out well life happens and they ended up soaking overnight. I panicked I really thought I ruined them so I took to Kelly’s Closet and the Diapershops blog to see if I could find anything. Somewhere in my search I came across that for nighttime use they needed to be soaked overnight or at least soaked twice before they would be bulletproof. Then I got confused because you wash them everytime before you lanolize them (well I do at least) so wouldn’t all the lanolin from last time come off anyway? Completely not my point though in all of this, as long as you don’t over think it like I have wool can be a great and super easy nighttime solution for your little ones.

Bio: Kristen is a mostly stay at home mom to two boys and a advocate for special needs children. She blogs at

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