Friday, March 28, 2014
Fluff Friday 277
Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??
This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 Spray Pal
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I could really use one of these!
I don't have a sprayer yet, so unfortunately I have to rinse by hand!
None yet! We haven't started solids yet, but I can imagine it'll get crazy!
I haven't used a diaper sprayer yet since my son is still EBF however he is about to start solids in a month so ill have to start spraying soon. I would love to win one to prevent any embarrassing situations. :)
Would love to win a Spray Pal! Thank you!
don't have an embarissing moment yet but come the end of july I probably will!
Haven't needed a sprayer yet, but will in a few months!
- Ashley Meeks
I bought a sprayer, but it didn't hook up to my toilet. We just moved and it will work with my toilet! It would be great to own the spray pal!
We haven't used so I don't have a story, but dunking/swishing can get quite messy at times!
I luckily haven't had any embarrassing mishaps yet but water does spray everywhere!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com
i have accidentally sprayed myself right in the face! i was holding the sprayer the wrong direction and WHAM!
We are just starting solids so I don't have any "oops" spraying incidents... yet ;)
So need this! Only on day 2 of cloth diapering and using flushable wipes for poopy right now lol
New shirt, no diaper sprayer = ruined shirt.
Nothing too crazy but I don't like wiping down the toilet from overspray.
I've had poop sprayed all over the wall and me. No fun...I would love to win this!
After the fiasco yesterday I understand why I need one of these!!
I don't have a diaper sprayer is EBF for now, but I've heard stories! Would love to have a spraypal.
After the fiasco yesterday I understand why I need one of these! Would love to win!!
Haven't used a diaper aprayer yet, my son is ebf. But it would be great to won one to prevent embarassing situatons! ;)
My little one comes in June but I have heard so many wonderful things about these, I want one for myself!
I don't have a diaper sprayer but I have cleaned poop off a diaper and instead going into the toliet it wound up on the floor( yuck). spray pal would definatly have kept poop from hitting my floors for sure
Every time I have to spray a diaper I get my feet wet, it is so frustrating. I walked into my bathroom a few minutes ago and thought my son had used my toilet and peed on the floor, but then I remembered that I had sprayed a diaper about an hour before. Nothing like stepping in a little puddle to make you think.
Dried poothe side of the tub that had splashed from a spray!
I'd really love to win this! I've heard a lot about them!
I actually haven't had anything really embarrassing happen, but got a Spray Pal so I wouldn't have to wipe down the toilet as much. Trying to win this one for my sister!
I don't have a sprayer yet, my next purchase if I win!!
I'm expecting my first in June, so I don't have a story, but I know a spray pal would make my life so much easier
No embarrassing moments yet because we use liners with baby #1. Spraying will begin with baby #2.
We have a sprayer and were cleaning a particularly messy diaper and it went all over the sink cabinet. Spray Pal would have saved us the clean up (gross!).
Well, there was that time I used the new BG diaper sprayer for the first time. I somehow was holding it backwards and sprayed myself in the
Well, there was that time I used the new BG diaper sprayer for the first time. I somehow was holding it backwards and sprayed myself in the
i got myself in the face once when my husband startled me!
I haven't actually tried one!
When I first started spraying diapers, I accidentally sprayed poop all over the bathroom floor. Needless to say I had a lot of cleaning to do afterward.
I used my shower head and started to stretch it to rinse diaper in toilet.. Didnt go far enough but i tried to do it anyway, it flung poo upwards and the shower head flew out of my hand resulting in water everywhere!
We are just starting solids soon...he turned 6 months on 3/22! So hoping to win a spray pal!
Using a diaper sprayer is definitely fun and convenient, yet we have had a few messes. Would LOVE to have a spray pay to help reduce flying poo in the bathroom!
I won't even attempt using the sprayer until we have a spray pal
We don't have a sprayer, yet. So we rinse by hand. And unfortunately that leaves it open to all sorts of messes :/ lol
The obvious poop splash all over the toilet/floor/wall. Spraypal please!
I could really use one of these!
I would love a sprayer, we'll be starting solids soon.
I sprayed with what I thought was excellent technique, but I later discovered something had jumped to my hair. Fortunately for me I didn't go anywhere before I discovered it! So yeah, definitely need the spraypal.
Would love to stop swirling in the toilet!
I haven't had the chance to use a sprayer yet, but this would be amazing for when I do!
I would love a spray pal!
No solids yet, so we haven't had any messes (yet). I do use my sprayer to clean the toilet, though - that gets a little intense!
No embarrassing story to share (baby isn't quite here yet) and I'm hoping that getting a Spray Pal can help prevent having an embarrassing spray moment!
I don't have a diaper sprayer yet. I will start cloth diapering with baby #2 due in July. So I will need one then :)
Not due with baby numero uno until end of July...but my cloth diapering plans are in motion and I'd love to add one of these to my growing stash of accessories!
Would love to win one, my husband is interested in it
Baby #1 isn't due until the end of July but I would love to add one of these to my growing stash of accessories. :)
My little one isn't here yet, so I don't have any embarrassing moments yet. I'm sure I'll have some good ones to share soon.
My little one isn't here yet so I don't have any embarrassing moments yet. I'm sure I'll have some to share soon!
Nothing yet. :)
Baby's due the end of Spetember.
I'd love a spray pal!
Nothing yet. :)
Baby's due the end of September.
Would love to try out the Spray Pal.
I don't have a story yet, never used one as this is the first child I'll cloth diaper..and he's not here yet
I sprayed some poop onto my blue jeans instead of into the toilet when I was already late leaving the house.
I've never used a sprayer so I don't have any stories.
Would love to win one! Thanks for the chance.
Would love to win! Thanks for the chance ,
My daughter stamped her poo everywhere. We are starting solids now.
I think this is the coolest invention. I have to have one!
I think this is the coolest invention. I have to have one!
I think this is the coolest invention. I have to have one!
I would love one for my twins
New to cloth diapering , baby #3 due any time now, and would love one of these!
I've never had to experience it because I haven't started cloth diapering yet. Looking forward to it :) I hope I win!!
a new mom, so haven't even installed our sprayer yet, but i hear great things about spray pal and would love to try one!!
a new mom, so haven't even installed our sprayer yet, but i hear great things about spray pal and would love to try one!!
This could really come in handy when we start solids!
This could really come in handy when we move to solids :)
I don't have a sprayer and my baby hasn't started solids yet, so I don't have any good or bad stories yet!
I don't think I've ever had an embarrassing experience w/spraying diapers. And I don't think I'd want a Spray Pal will help a lot.
I don't own a sprayer, so thankfully I haven't had to worry... yet!
This would come in very handy!
I dont have a sprayer, so I rinse by hand, but I have flug #2 on the floor a few times... Ewww!!!!
I've gotten poop in my hair.. Need I say more? I need one of these!
I have never used a diaper sprayer. I did without with my son, but plan on buying one when the next baby is here!
Would love This!
Would love This!
i hope i win this! we don't have one :)
Let's just say a spray pal would have saved me many bathroom wipe downs!
Baby is due in August, so I don't have any stories yet. :)
Haven't had a chance to use our sprayer yet since our Little Sprout hasn't come yet. But I'm sure we'll have some stories to share! ;)
I don't have a diaper sprayer or spray pal yet. On my list of "to-do's" since my little man will be starting solids soon.
I was trying to demonstrate to a friend how easy it is to use a diaper sprayer, and of course I sprayed poop everywhere!
I don't think I have a specific incident, my LO just started eating solids. but I do feel like I'm constantly cleaning around the toilet for fear of sprinkles of poopy water everywhere. I have certainly touched way more poop than I care to admit since spraying diapers
I haven't had to use a diaper sprayer yet my son is still ebf. I am a little afraid of the the first time I use my sprayer.
I am brand new to cloth diapering so I don't have any stories yet. Thanks for this giveaway!
So awesome!
I don't have an embarrassing story but a SprayPal would sure make the job easier for others in the family.
I dont own a sprayer but the first time my daughter pooped in a cloth was a blowout and cleaning it was such a mess. Spraypal would have come in handy then.
I am going to be cloth diapering for the first time starting next month so I have no good stories. 4th baby - 1st cloth.
Our little one is still EBF and luckily we haven't had to use the diaper sprayer, yet. In a few months when he starts on solids, we will let you know. We are terrified.
I currently use a detachable shower head and I'll just leave it at that. Messy!
Most of its still need one :P
But once I was running around my moms house squirting my son with asquirt gun when my mom grabbed the sink sprayer and got both of us
I never used one before to have a embarrassing moment
Don't have a sprayer I have to do it by hand. spray would definatly help with keping poop from getting places for sure.
We'll be starting solids soon, and definitely need one of these!!
Been wanting one of these
Actually, I don't think we've had any embarassing such moments SO far.... that or I've blocked 'em out...
We don't have a diaper sprayer yet, but plan to after baby comes. Would love once of these :)
We don't have a sprayer yet, we dunk and swish.
I haven't started CDing yet but would love to win this!
No embarrassing incidents...I could use a spray pal and a diaper sprayer!
Well I have had an incident where the fabric on the diaper was bunched up and somehow it was angled just right for the sprayer to shoot water and poo right at me. My shirt ended up a mess and I was none too pleased at the time. Now looking back I can laugh, but at the time I think I was just having "one of those days" lol.
no embarassing stories, but a spray pal would be helpful!
I don't have children, and have never used cloth diapers. A friend of mine cloth diapers and she just found out she's pregnant! This would be an awesome baby gift!
I've actually never used a sprayer because we're still EBF but when solids start up in a few months, I would love to have an easier way to deal with the aftermath. ;)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
No embarrassing stories yet but I hope I win so I don't have one to tell!
I tried to spray my diaper clean and water went everywhere soaking my freshly washed bath mats! Gross, I wish I could have had this spray pal!!
i don't own a diaper sprayer yet but I have to rinse by hand im to scared to buy a sprayer and make it go everywhere so this would be great to have so i can get a sparyer
Poop all over walls and shower curtains.
My most embarrassing experience whilst spraying diapers would probably be the first time I tried it. It was a particularly bad poop and I had just gotten my sprayer, so I hadn't gotten the hang of it yet. Well I put it on full force and all the poop and spray - water began to ricochet off the diaper... all over the wall and on me. I had it on my clothes, in my face... I never knew the spray pal existed but, man, would that have made a difference! I dunked and swished for quite some time after that haha.
We started solids last month and are currently using a spatula! I could really use a sprayer!
I haven't used spray for diapers yet, as my baby is still too small and breastfed. But spray pal is still on my list to buy once we're a but bigger.
I still rinse. :(
I haven't used a diaper sprayer yet because my baby hasn't started solids, but I am getting very nervous about it. The sprayer has a LOT of pressure and I don't know how I'm not going to get poop all over the bathroom!
I had water spray back at me and go in my mouth! Ew!!
This would be amazing!
None yet. Little one is due in a couple months
I haven't had any embarrassing sprayer moments (little one isn't due until August,) but I'm sure they would happen if I don't have a Spray Pal!
I haven't used a sprayer yet, but I can imagine that the spray pal will be very useful!
Nothing especially embarrassing - just too much pressure and poo everywhere...
i havent used one - but would love to have some help with the poo!
We don't have a sprayer and have just started solids. Help!
I'm a soon to be mommy (any day now!) so I do not have a story. I do have a stash of diapers!
We are expecting our first in a couple weeks and I'm very new to cloth diapering, so I don't have a sprayer yet, but I'd love to win one! :)
I haven't used a sprayer yet but hear these are great!
I don't use a sprayer, but a shower head. Needless to say it can get messy and wet even if we dont get poop everywhere.
I don't have a sprayer yet... but I'd love to try one.
Ambyr A
need this for when we start solids, coming up fast!
I would love one of these!
Um...when I got poop in my mouth. Yeah, that was ugly...
I'm pregnant with our first so I haven't experienced any cloth diaper related incidents yet.
We don't have a diaper sprayer yet, but are ordering one off of our registry this week with a gift card.
I don't use a sprayer yet - but will soon and since my husband isn't totally on board, I would definitely like to minimize embarrassing situations (and the "I told you so")
I don't have one, so i'm trying to get both products
I don't have a sprayer so i don't have any funny stories but i definitely could use one!!
my husband and i call it the poop shower...because more often then not we get it somewhere...but worst was when i opened the poopy diaper and some how grabbed a handful! GROSS
i do not have one yet, but that would come in handy when my daughter starts real foods.
The classic tale of spraying with my mouth open. The spray pal could've saved me from that!
My daughter does not start solids for another two months so I have no stories of spraying poop yet!
I don't have a sprayer, but could really use one! I don't really like dunking and swishing...-Jessica Malik
would be pretty cool to have one of these! :)
This will most definitely come in handy! I just started my little one on solids this week and having this to keep my stash clean and tip top would really help! Maybe even hubby will us it!
I think it was one of the first times i used it on a poopy diaper and I had the sprayer on full blast. Needless to say, the bathroom was sprayed with poo and it was a painful cleanup!!
my son turned the sprayer on and sprayed the bathroom.... he said he was a fireman putting out a fire...
I still have no embarased moments, sorry :(
Let's just say "make sure you hold on tight to the diaper when it's not over the toilet..."
That was fun!
Would love to win!
I am researching cloth diapering for when my baby arrives and I want a sprayer...
yesterday i sprayed a diaper w the shower sprayer before going out, the poop sprayed every place. i had to change then bleach the shower
I've never used a sprayer, LO is due in May!
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