Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, July 18, 2014

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Fluff Friday 292

Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??

This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 2 Bags of Rockin' Green Detergent

Would you like to be a contributor on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer? We're always looking for creative writers who would like to share their cloth diapering tips. To find out more Contact Us


Katy said...

Mama does the diaper laundry! Dad can wash his work clothes and that is it!

Jessica { Nutshell Farms } said...

Would love to try rockin green...haven't tried it before.

Jessica { Nutshell Farms } said...

I do all the laundry in our home....mostly because I am home everyday, but I'm also ocd and need it done a certain way. :)

Chelsey Jolliff said...

I do the laundry in my house. I actually enjoy doing laundry and going out and hanging clothes on the line. It's a way for me to be outside and be doing something productive while enjoying the sun.

Keshia said...

I do the diaper laundry. Husband usually does the clothes.

Unknown said...

I do all the laundry, my husband can't fold things right.... Lol

Britney Spencer said...

I do the diaper laundry, husband does all the other laundry.

Christine said...

DH and I both do laundry, but I do diaper laundry

Lindsay said...

I do most of the laundry, and 100% of the diaper laundry. My husband knows I have a special routine-with rockin green!-and doesn't want to mess it up :)

AlexisB2007 said...

I do most of the laundry. My husband washes his own work clothes though. And I most definitely do all of the diaper landry lol.

Maeghyn koehler said...

I do the laundry

Brandi Waters said...

Me :(

Forgiven, Accepted, Loved said...

I do ALL the laundry! Would love to try this type of detergent!

April M said...

I do about 90% of the laundry in our house.

Stephanie Craig said...

I always do the laundry! I think my husband is too intimidated for diaper laundry...

Lizi said...

I do all the laundry

Sarah J. said...

I do!

Barbara said...

Used to be just my husband doing laundry but now that I'm home, we share the responsibility.

Sara nguyen said...

I do the laundry.

Unknown said...

I do most of the laundry, but Husband is starting to help out more.

Unknown said...

I'm the one who does laundry in our household.

Mary Schuh said...

Me! Though, my husband will help out if I ask!

Alexa Frederiks said...

I do the diaper laundry! I hand wash and hang dry every day!

Unknown said...

Mommy does the laundry at our house but Hubby is always up for helping when I need it :)

Unknown said...

I do!

Melissa said...

we all share laundry duty!

Wendy said...

I love Rockin Green. It's all I use now and no stink anymore.

Wendy said...

I love Rockin Green. It's all I use now and no stink anymore.

erin said...

I do

Unknown said...

I do the laundry. Mama :) Esp if I want it done right!

Lydia Hill said...

I do the laundry ALWAYS. :)

Unknown said...

Tried this brand for the first time the other day. It definitely gets our cloth diapers clean and I love that I can add a light sent without it irritating LO's skin.

Alex Liz R. said...

I do most of the laundry but my husband does a load every once in a while.

Mia W said...

My husband does his workout clothes, I take care of everything else.

Unknown said...

I do all the laundry in my house!! Strangley, doing cloth laundry is my favorite! I don't know why but it is!! hehe!!

Sandra Ambroise said...

I do most of the laundry for myself and the kids and my husbands civilian clothes. A lot of times I leave it up to him to wash his uniforms and sports clothes though ;-) Also, I fold and put away my stuff and the 3 kid's, but my husband gotta fold his own clothes since he has his own way...

Unknown said...

Me :)

Ashlee said...

I do the laundry ha

Sarah Marshall said...

Hubby does the biggest chunk of laundry lately...even the diaper laundry sometimes! I'm a lucky lady!

Stephanie said...

I do all the laundry.

Crystal robinson said...

I do mostly since I'm home more but my husband does some too.

Kim O said...

We both do laundry but once our little one gets here I'll probably be doing the cloth diaper laundry.

Unknown said...

I do. I love this stuff.

Crystal W said...

I wash the laundry, but my oldest folds his own clothes.

Unknown said...

Rockin green is the only detergent I will use on my cloth diapers.. love the smell

TheWinoThatIKnow said...

I do 95% of the laundry!

Unknown said...

i do it all. I'm kinda picky

Chantal said...

I do all of the diaper laundry. DH helps every once in awhile with the other laundry.

Sheridan Nicole said...

I do all the laundry in the house but not because I have to be because I want to! I especially enjoy washing my diapers, I just feel so blessed to have my cloth and washing them is exciting to me haha

aperry said...

Me and me alone.

JanaH said...

Would love to win some Rockin' Green!!

Shanna M said...

I do the laundry. No one else will do it!

Amy Hall said...

i do all the laundry.

Charlotte said...

I do the laundry 99% of the time at our house.

Not A Fake Nurse said...

I do almost all the laundry, but hubby helps out sometimes. =)

Unknown said...

I do the laundry.

Michelle Turner said...

Me and my husband share laundry, except the cloth diapers which only I do because I am a control freak with them. Lol

Morbid said...

I do the laundry for my family.

Megan M said...

I do the laundry, but left DETAILED instructions for my husband/family in case I was ever unable to take care of our diapers!

Unknown said...

I do! With the help of my four year old and one year old

Unknown said...

I do all baby laundry- clothes, diapers, etc. and my fiancé does all the adult laundry!

Anonymous said...

I do 90% of the laundry :P

Unknown said...

I do all of the laundry. :)

Unknown said...

I use this all the time...would love to win

Shannon said...

Husband does laundry now, but I expect to be contributing more once baby is born.

Erin G. said...

I do about 95% of the laundry. I'm also a recent convert to Rockin' Green!

Jennifer You said...

I do!

Elizabeth crabtree said...

Nobody but me... 😑 husband wants to study astrophysics if he ever gets time, but claims he doesn't know how to use the washer. I once asked him to turn on the dryer and he put it on air fluff for 70 min, when I got home 4 hours later they were still soaking wet!

Hannah Avery said...

I do it!

-Hannah Avery

Unknown said...

I do the laundry in my house!

Erin B. said...

I do it all!

Mary Beth beasley said...

Love Kelly's closet!!

Amy said...

I do! :)

Unknown said...

I do all the laundry. If someone else does it an emergency happened or I just had a baby. Simple as that.

Catherine said...

I do the laundry

Brooke said...

I do the laundry!!

J. Olson said...

I do all the laundry, my husband is not allowed to!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

Melynda said...

I do most of the laundry in the house, especially diaper laundry. My 9 yr old son is "helper" and my husband does his own if he needs something that I didn't wash cause it didn't make it to the hamper. ;-)

Samantha Bode said...

I'm usually the one who does the laundry but my 4 year old son likes to help me move the wet clothes to the dryer. He's my little helper!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I mostly do the laundry, but my husband does help me.

Laura K said...

I do most of the laundry!

Katherine said...

my mother and I do it

Unknown said...

I usually do the laundry. My husband will occasionally...but he rarely does a full load (why? I always ask!)

Anonymous said...

I do, always.

penn said...

We both do laundry! Our machines are in the kitchen, which makes laundry fairly simple.

Unknown said...

We both do laundry, but I do it mostly in the summer because I like to line dry outside and I could never trust my husband to get that right, and he doesn't really want to learn. he'll take it off the line for me though!

KAtie Li said...

I do most of the laundry

Stephanie Palaad said...

I do all of the laundry. Hubby washes the dishes.

Unknown said...

I do the diaper laundry and my oldest help fold and put away

Jay Dee said...

I do most of the laundry, but my husband does it sometimes.

Sharon said...

I do all of the laundry in my house. My husband will put away his clothes though.

Unknown said...

I do the diaper laundry- it was the deal I made with the hubby to get him onboard for cloth diapering. We split the rest of the laundry duty.

Caitlin said...

We all take turns doing the laundry

Unknown said...

I do all the laundry in my house. I am the only female in a house full of boys so it gets kind gross sometimes. My husband does stuff the diapers though, so I am very thankful for that!

Taralucida said...

I do. But the husband helps fold sometimes

Anonymous said...

New to cloth diapering and I have been using rockin' green. Love it.

Tess Hanner said...

I do the laundry most of the time. I prefer hubs not do it because he never puts it away!! It just sits in a pile, lol

John said...

My wife has been doing the lion share of laundry for about the past year, very shameful.
I am committed to being a part of the cloth diapering effort, including stripping and washing.

John said...

My wife has been doing the lion share of laundry for about the past year, very shameful.
I am committed to being a part of the cloth diapering effort, including stripping and washing.

Amanda said...

I do the laundry! :-)

Jennifer Doering said...

I do the laundry!

Danni said...

In our home, my husband, my oldest son (12), and I all share the laundry responsibilities. It's easiest when the burden doesn't fall on just one person. We're a family of 7 so there is A LOT of laundry. ;)

Ashley Rae said...

Expecting my first baby in September!! And we are doing cloth diapers and really excited. This would be a great help!

stayrobs said...

I pretty much do all of the laundry at my house. But if I'm lucky my husband will stuff some diapers or put some things away !! HAHAHA

Sew What said...

Me and only me. M<y husband ruins the clothes when he tries.

Becky Marie said...

I do the laundry since I'm at a SAHM now, but we used to split it when we were both working.

J said...

I do the laundry in our house, and I'm excited to cloth diaper our first baby due this September! :)

Miss Marah said...

I do all the laundry in my house-diaper laundry included. My husband is disabled.

Tara S. said...

My husband and I both do the laundry in our house.

morganehman said...

I do the laundry, especially diaper laundry!

Unknown said...

I mostly do the laundry in our house.

Unknown said...

I do all the laundry in my house

Boise Wiebers said...

I do the laundry. On occasion some of my bigger kids will help hang clothes on the line.

matope said...

i do all the laundry! diapers and otherwise

freshsamanthaaa said...

I do all the freakin laundry in my house. Still better than doing dishes :)

Sara B said...

My husband & I share the loads! (Pun intended)

jennifer NL said...

i do the laundry!

Anonymous said...

I would love to try this detergent!

Beki Lozano said...

I do it all!!

kelly said...

I am the laundry doer

Farin said...

i do the laundry

Unknown said...

I do all of the laundry which isn't much since it's just me and my husband. That will change in a few weeks when baby boy gets here but I don't mind because my husband works so hard to allow me to stay home. Plus he can't even tell the difference between them!

Raina said...

I do the laundry.