Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Friday, August 22, 2014

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Fluff Friday 297

Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??

This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away Bamboobies: Multi-pack of Pads, Boob-ease Organic Nipple Balm, and our Chic Nursing Shawl (color Blackberry). Retail Value: $70.97

Would you like to be a contributor on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer? We're always looking for creative writers who would like to share their cloth diapering tips. To find out more Contact Us


Anonymous said...

It says the contest is closed. I thought it was open all week?

Unknown said...

Would love to win!

Lindsey Baker said...

such an awesome give away!!!

Unknown said...

Be patient! It takes time, but don't give up!

EDC Johnson said...

Yeah, thank you Admin for quickly fixing the problem. You rock Cloth Diaper Whisperer. I always love your giveaways.

Lindsey Baker said...

Best advice: try not to overwhelm yourself with all the info out there. learn ahead of time from a reputable source, like KellyMom, the ins and outs of breastfeeding.

Becky Post said...

My best breastfeeding advice is to not give up. It is hard in the beginning, but get some help and work around the issues and it will get better. Don't quit!

Unknown said...

Make sure to request a visit from the lactation consult before you leave the hospital after delivery. Schedule a follow up appt with the lactation consult a week after baby is born. Also, make sure the nurses give you a small tube of lanolin before you leave hospital, it works fast and is very effective for that first week or two as you and you baby figure things out.

Stephanie said...

It'll get better.

liz said...

If it's difficult and stressful at first stick with it. It becomes the easiest thing in the world and there is nothing better than snuggling with your baby while breastfeeding. Reusable breast pads are great, i would love to try bamboobies.

aperry said...

nurse on demand, co-sleep and babywear.

Stephanie Craig said...

My advice is to not give up! And when they start teething at 3 months, don't give up! And when they get molars at 10 months, don't give up! :) :) Getting help early, from a supportive LC can really help.

Unknown said...

Yay!! I love the Bamboobies!

Melissa said...

Seek out community support. Online or La leche League meetings. That would be my advice.

Anonymous said...

My little man will be here in the next week or two. This would be an awesome mommy gift for me.

Anna C. said...

Have support and a cream that has healing properties.

Rachel said...

I'm not sure that I really have any advice since I'm not breastfeeding yet! Maybe find some people who you can call anytime for support?

Anonymous said...

It's working! Thanks! (:

I'd say, it's going to hurt at first, but it does get better, I promise! Also, don't be alarmed if your LO cluster feeds, it's ok. S/he knows when s/he wants to eat. My LO slept for long stretches and would cluster feed. It's totally normal. Just hang in there, easy days are coming.

Unknown said...

if you aren't sure ask questions & find a lactation consultant. they usually have meetings & it's free info & they are so helpful w. latching or other issues you might have.

Lauren said...

use a lactation consultant if you need it!!

Unknown said...

I always say, "Feel free to ask for help!" Knowing you have support is so important!

Forgiven, Accepted, Loved said...

Tell yourself you are going to keep it up for 6 weeks before giving up. By 6 weeks, you will be a pro! Oh and seek HELP if you are struggling, help is available!

Sew What said...

My best advice is just keep nursing the first 6 weeks or so is not easy and it feels like all you do is nurse. It gets so much easier. I don't have to wash bottles or pump. Its saved me so much time. My second best peice of advice is if your having issues go to the Kellymom website. That site helped me so much.

matope said...

just breathe. it doesnt always come naturally. !

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! I use bamboobies often, and because I've got an overactive letdown, I go through my stash pretty quickly, so I can definitely benefit from adding more to it!

Unknown said...

Would love this!

Unknown said...

Don't Give Up!!!

Jana H said...

Love reusable nursing pads!! For my first two babies, I only ever found disposable ones. Would love to try these, this time around.

Cora schlosser said...

Be careful of boobie traps.

Kate Record said...

I'm excited about this!

Kate Record said...

I'm excited!

AlexisB2007 said...

Try to stay calm to get the hang of things as it will take time to get in a groove.

morganehman said...

Don't get discouraged! IT does get better! It might feel like forever, but it does get better. Get a good support system for those times you feel discouraged.

Autumn Malmquist-Hubert said...

Best advice for a new breastfeeding mom: soothe sore nipples between nursing! Also, trust your baby to nurse when he/she needs to. It helps your body regulate how much baby needs and it helps your milk come in faster :)

Jessie G. said...

Have a LARGE glass of water nearby every time you sit down to nurse, even if you just had some to drink. I became parched every time I let down at the beginning, and drinking enough water has always been key to maintaining my supply.

Unknown said...

If possible, get baby skin to skin right after birth and breastfeed whenever baby asks. Make sure first feed is within first hour of life during that energy burst! And it's not unusual for baby to nurse every 30 min at times in beginning to stimulate milk production.

Unknown said...

I am new to breastfeeding so I have no advice yet, but the best I've gotten is to give it a few weeks and not worry that he isn't getting enough if he's wetting enough diapers (Miriam Matheny)

Anonymous said...

Advice for new nd mom : drink lots of water! Being dehydrated will affect your supply, it takes lots of water to make milk.

Unknown said...

Make a goal of sticking it out at least a month before you throw in the towel, it's hard and sometimes painful at first but it does get better.

Erica M said...

Pump and breastfeed often to establish a good supply.

Suzanne said...

Be patient with yourself

Tugboat said...

Me please

Tugboat said...

My advice is one I've heard many times: don't quit on your worst day. It saved our nursing relationship many times!

Unknown said...

Hang in there! Set short breast feeding goals...I set up goals in 3 month increments and now we're at 16 months going strong! #nobottles

Unknown said...

If you are struggling, meet with a lactation consultant! I would have thrown in the towel on day 2 with my first, but the LC helped a ton... and now I have nursed my three children for a total of 40 months and still going strong!

Unknown said...

Best advise for a new mom who is breast feeding... Don't give up!!

NaturallyThriftyMom said...

My advice- keep in mind how small a new baby's stomach is when you question if they are getting enough milk! There are many charts online and it is really reassuring to see that you ARE producing enough!

Unknown said...

Don't give up!!

Colleen Maurina said...

If you can get through the sore stage, it will get easier and more comfortable.

Vicki Hall said...

I would say be prepared to spend a lot of time feeding at first.

Kim O said...

My first little one should be here in the next month so I don't have any advice at the moment.

Caitlin said...

I don't have any advice as my baby isn't here yet, but I think good advice for anything is to not expect perfection when you first start - there is always a learning period

Unknown said...

I love mine and would love more add I can never seem to find a pair when I need them

ChandraD said...

My advice is to do what you can and allow yourself some grace if things don't go as planned.

Unknown said...

I so need a great cover. This shawl looks great.

Unknown said...

I so need this cover. Its perfect.

Unknown said...

I so want this cover.

Abbey R. said...

The first 3 weeks are the hardest! Get support! Contact and locate Le Leache and Facebook has some great support groups as well!

Britni Bradford said...

don't be afraid to ask for help

Tara S, said...

Best Advice: Don't give up. It can be painful and awkward the first few days but then it becomes second nature and such a great bonding experience. So push through the first few days.

Kacy said...

This looks awesome! Love this blog :)

Shandell said...

Nurse on demand from the start!

MVB said...

Give it time! It gets much easier.

Unknown said...

Keep your head up momma, and find that 1 friend you can call for any of your breastfeeding questions!

Misty said...

I'm going to be a new mom and have had my eye on bamboobies.

Jennifer Gracie Gaws said...

Do not give up. Don't even make it a choice to give up. This is my 4th child, and the only one I have exclusively breastfed. It's worth it to keep trying. I gave up too early with the first three.

J. Olson said...

My advice is that the first few days/weeks are really hard, but it gets easier so don't give up!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

Ashley Rae said...

First baby coming next month, this would be perfect timing!

Stephanie Hemard said...

Working in building my stash!

Bree P said...

If something doesn't seem right, fight for your right to see a lactation consultant. If you live in the US it might take work but insurance is legally obligated to provide consultations with a LC

Bree P said...

If something doesn't seem right, fight for your right to see a lactation consultant. If you live in the US it might take work but insurance is legally obligated to provide consultations with a LC

Gretchen said...

Find a local La Leche League! For support and lactation help.

CJ said...

Just try to stay relaxed - breastfeeding can be hard for the first few weeks! It took about 3 weeks for the "pins and needles" feeling to finally stop happening during letdown.

Kristin said...

My biggest piece of advice for a new breastfeeding mom is just to try your hardest and don't be afraid to ask for help! Having the support and encouragement of your significant other, family, and friends can be huge!

Unknown said...

This is awesome

K said...

Don't give up!