Try Cloth Diapers Risk Free

Thursday, October 2, 2014

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Parting Ways

I’m not a sentimental person. I throw away, recycle, or donate things with ease as necessary. I like to live only with things we need or that serve purpose in our lives. So when a diaper began to really show signs of wear several months ago, I was surprised to notice we still have it on hand.

Although the old diaper doesn’t usually leak, it sometimes will just a little. The elastic is stretched out but repairable. The PUL is delaminated but mostly working well enough for diaper purposes. I could even use it as a swim diaper but the cool air will soon arrive. Why can’t I let go?

This Rumpkinz dino diaper is one of the first I purchased. It is the only used diaper we have. Of fantastic quality, it lasted us almost three years in addition to the several years in the Rumpkinz family home. The velour is still soft inside but it really has seen better days. Why can’t I let go?

It’s a critical juncture in our lives these days. I’ve been home with our two boys for almost three years now. After earning two masters degrees I opted to set career aside to be most present with them at home. I’m returning to work next week for just a year so we can afford a newer vehicle and save to buy a home. The boys just started childcare this week. The first two days my oldest was so excited to go to “school.” The last two days he’s cried the whole ten minute driving saying “No school. I don’t wanna school.” Staying at home with the boys is hard work. Hard. Work. Going to work is not a relief though. There are many reasons I haven’t let go.

One of my husband’s favorite things to do with our boys is diaper time. It’s amazing partly because of the rare breed of husband he is: the type that actually wants to change diapers. As I nursed both of our boys their first year of life, my husband had to find opportunities where he could really bond with the babes. Enter the changing table.

Diaper time comes to life with tickles and giggles, songs and kisses. Daddy’s got jokes. I never realized dealing with poop could turn into such a joyful and memorable experience! Obviously not every change is like that. At the same time, one of the sweet rudimentary activities so etched into my memory of our children’s childhood involves hearing those giggles, those stories from the next room over. There are stories about little toes and big dreams, daddy’s Star Wars and Thomas the Train, silly monkeys and colors and shapes, and to the moon and back.

Cloth diapering began as a cost-saving maneuver. That was about equal to my interest in eco and green living. Then came the cute and fluffy factor. Quite unexpected were the friendships with a handful of people that have grown steadily over the past few years. Caring mamas are clutch at 2 AM when you can’t remember when you last slept more than two hours and you’ve changed your shirt three times and it’s not even breakfast yet. Like-minded mamas are resourceful and trustworthy and close in a way that turns strangers to friends in a few short conversations.

Our oldest is potty trained except for night. Our youngest is taking his first steps. So quickly it happens. Their maybe-next-year sibling is not yet in the works. And here it still sits. It’s the diaper that isn’t needed or particularly wanted. It’s just a diaper. Who knew so little could mean so much?

Bio: Lynette shares her life with her husband and two sons, ages 1 and 2 years. She has cloth diapered both since birth and enjoys all things eco-friendly. You can find her discussing living a mindful life at

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