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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

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Tips for Shopping for Cloth Diapers, Baby Carriers & More on Black Friday

You don't have to wait for Black Friday to take advantage of some of our promotions and coupons.  You can always check our "Coupons" tab to see our current offer.  Read more about why you may want to shop BEFORE Black Friday here:

Black Friday is almost here!!  We know that many of you are waiting anxiously to see the specials, sales, and promotions for the weekend.  Since we can't share too much with you (yet) about the actual sales, we thought we'd answer some of your burning questions and give you some tips for shopping with us on Black Friday.

1. When will the sales start??  Some sales have actually already begun.  For our pre-Black Friday shoppers you can already take advantage of the bumGenius Buy 6, Get 1 Free offer.  Or if you prefer to shop for other brands, you can use our current coupon code (FLUFFURKEY) for a free one-size cloth diaper with your purchase.  Other sales and promotions will begin on Thanksgiving Day.  These sales may appeal to those shoppers who don't want to stay up until midnight with us and fight the online crowds.  The official Black Friday sales will begin at midnight ET (12:00AM ET) on Friday, Nov 28th.  Remember we are on the East Coast and all sales run on eastern time!!  There will also be different sales and promotions each day over the weekend and through Cyber Monday.  Regardless of what day you shop, you'll get a great deal!!

2. How will we know what's on sale? When will the sales be announced?  Most of the brands that we sell restrict us from sharing our deals with you until they are revealed.  Others will allow us to tease you; like GroVia with their Buy 2, Get 1 Free promotion on their print shells, AIOs, and soaker pads.  I can tell you that a LOT of items in our store will be on sale including select items from bumGenius, Rumparooz, Tots Bots, Sloomb/Sustainablebabyish, AppleCheeks, GroVia, Thirsties, BabyKicks, FuzziBunz, Planet Wise, Best Bottoms, Imagine, EcoSprout, Smart Bottoms, Geffen, itti bitti, lillebaby carriers, Blueberry, Spray Pal, Tidy Tots, Soft Bums and MORE!

Here are a few things we can share with you:

  • GroVia Buy 2, Get 1 FREE on print shells, AIOs, newborn AIOs, and soaker pads. These products will have a special listing. 

  • Rocking Green LIMITED EDITION Holiday Scent. 

  • Something brand new from Thirsties.

  • Something brand new from Sustainablebabyish/Sloomb.

To be sure you get our Black Friday sales announcement, be sure you're on our mailing list or follow us on social media (Facebook is where we'll announce it first).  We'll also post graphics on our site that will lead you to the full listing of sales going on each day.  The individual products will show "Sale" and have a reduced price listed if they are on sale.  Just remember the sales may be different each day.

3. I heard there will be free gifts!  How do I get one of those and what are they?  We will have free gifts for the first 150 orders placed (orders totally $24.99+) starting at midnight ET on Black Friday.  Those free gifts may include 1 of 50 free one-size diapers that are considered "hot," "limited edition," "rare," or "hard to find!"  Can I tell you a little secret?  We have a few Audrey, Chaplin, Maathaii, Irwin, Spence, and Marie's from bumGenius that will be shipping home with some of those orders.  There is only one free gift allowed per household, so there is no need to place multiple orders (unless you want to...but still just one free gift).  You won't know what free gift you are receiving until your package arrives.  Even if your order doesn't make the first 150 orders; you'll still be entered to win some amazing prizes in our annual Gobble Gobble HO HO HO Giveaway (with over $2500 worth of prizes).  Plus all orders placed on Black Friday will receive a free sample of bumGenius laundry detergent.  Oh, and we'll also have more free gifts later in the day (check back for exact times of our Flash Fluffy Freebie Doorbuster times).  Get on our mailing list and we'll be sure to send you a reminder and more information about what prizes we have for you!!

4. Should I add items to my shopping cart in advance?  Yes & No!  You are always welcome to create a wish list or add items to your shopping cart ahead of time.  Just remember that as we place items on sale, those sale prices may not automatically update if items are already in your cart.  Wish lists don't update prices automatically either.  Some products will have special listings that aren't visible to the public yet.  Before you check out, click over to our Black Friday page (published at midnight ET) and made sure you've refreshed your cart to adjust the prices.  We cannot make any changes or cancel any orders through Cyber Monday, so PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK YOUR ORDER before processing.

5. Can I use Diaper Dollar Rewards on Black Friday?  Yes, you may!  Just remember to redeem them in advance (1-2 days before in case you run into problems) so that if problems do arise, we'll be able to help you.  Once Black Friday arrives, we'll be SWAMPED with emails, phone calls, and social media messages asking for help.  Please know that we will do our best to reply to each of you as quickly as possible.  To redeem your Diaper Dollars for store credit reward certificates; click over and read more about our Diaper Dollar Program and click the "Redeem Now" button at the top.  You'll receive 2 emails from us that are sent automatically through our system.  The 2nd email will have a GCXXXXX code for you to enter at checkout.  Tip: You can also find this number by logging into your account and looking under the Account Tab at the bottom under Gift Certificates.  Your email client may hide our emails from you and put them in "others," "promotions," or even "spam."  You can always search your inbox for emails from  Just remember that you don't earn Diaper Dollars when you redeem or purchase gift certificates.

6. Do I need a coupon code?  Nope!!  There are NO coupon codes valid on Black Friday - Cyber Monday.  Even our coupon code for signing up to our newsletter is void on this weekend.  The sales and promotions are so good that you won't need a coupon code!  Trust us!!

7. Cancellations? Changes? Add on's? Rain checks? Price Matches? Remember this is our busiest weekend of the entire year. We are a small company and will have everyone in the office on Friday morning (8-4 as usual), but with only a handful of employees we can't possible make changes and cancel orders AND get your orders out the door efficiently. Due to this increased volume of orders we ask that you PLEASE double check your orders carefully; we will not be able to make any changes or cancellations through the weekend.  The best way to reach us if you do have a problem with your order, would be to send us an email to our "Contact Us" tab on the store.  If you do call the store, please know that you may get our voicemail if we are assisting other customers.  Again, email is quickest! We promise we'll reply to you before your order is shipped.  Thank you so much for understanding and helping us get all your orders out quickly!  Sorry, no rain checks and we do not match prices.

8. Processing times are 4+ days during Black Friday-Cyber Monday.  Due to the high volume of orders received over this time our super speedy processing times may be longer than usual.  It may take as long as 4-7 business days to process your orders.  Remember we are a small company, we will be working long hours, and we are closed on weekends and holidays.  We know your order is important to you and we will be working extra hard (with a few extra hands) to keep processing times down.  

9. Have fun!! Be kind! Be patient! We've worked very hard for the past 2-3 months to ensure that you're shopping experience will be perfect.  We know that during high volume times our site may be slower and technology mail fail us. We've taken all the preventative steps to prevent that from happening; but if they do happen know that we're working to fix them.  The manufactures and brands that we sell have provided us with some of the free gifts and have set some of the sale restrictions.  We know there is bound to be disappointment if you don't receive a free gift with your order (if you aren't one of the first 150 orders).  We know that you may be able to go someplace else and find a better or different offer.  There was a reason that you decided to shop with us on Black Friday and we wanted to remind you that we do appreciate you. Remember to have fun this Black Friday and please be kind to other shoppers and to our weary employees who will be away from their families on Friday (and probably very tired from our midnight doorbusters).

10. Contact us! Remember the best way to contact us about an urgent matter regarding your order is here: Contact Us!  Our social team will be online periodically throughout the weekend to help with any non-urgent questions.  Please feel free to ask questions on our Facebook pages, private message on our pages, or send us a Tweet! Just give us some time to reply since we're likely helping other customers also.

Have a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving with your friends and family.  We'll be taking a break this afternoon and offline on Thanksgiving Day. We'll see you online as we get closer to Black Friday!! 

Would you like to be a contributor on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer? We're always looking for creative writers who would like to share their cloth diapering tips. To find out more Contact Us

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