Who doesn’t love Free Fluffy Mail??
This week The Cloth Diaper Whisperer is giving away 1 Great Start Set from Tidy Tots
Would you like to be a contributor on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer? We're always looking for creative writers who would like to share their cloth diapering tips. To find out more Contact Us
I know a local single mother, and another family that want to try cloth diapers. Cloth is getting popular around my little town :) Thank you!
I am new to cloth diapering and would love to win this! Thank you!
Love to win
My sister in law wants to use cloth diapers when she has a baby, she's the one who got me interested in the first place!
I have a sister-in-law who has never clothed diapered and I think is very uneducated about them.
My niece could use a boost to her stash of cloth and I know a few local children's donation organizations that are always in need of diapers!
My friend Sarah is about to have a baby and could use some cloth diapers!
I've never used these diapers before, but would love to try them and grow my (admittedly small) stash!
I've never tried this brand before but I'd love to. I could use a few more diapers in my (admittedly small) stash!
I've never tried this brand before but I'd love to. I could use a few more diapers in my (admittedly small) stash!
I know a family who cloth diapers, but only has a few because they don't have the money to buy more right now.
One of my friends is also pregnant with baby #2 and would love some new diapers!
There are some newly pregnant coworkers who I'm always promoting cloth to. It's so easy, cute, and affordable why not do it?!
My sister and sister-in-law would both like to use cloth diapers.
I love cloth diapers, fluff Friday and blogs <3
one of my good friends is currently pregnant with her 2nd and with her being a single mother I know how much less of a financial demand cloth would be compared to disposables.
To be honest, I don't have many friends with babies, but they could all really use some cloth diapering in their lives! Every person who converts makes a difference! To name one person specifically, I would have to say my cousin Erika who has 2 kids in diapers at the moment.
Love this!
A good friend on mine used cloth on at least 1 of her kids that I know of and she is my go to person when I have questions. She even used to live in my neighborhood, so she knows my water issues. :)
My friend Heather could use more cloth diapers. She will soon have two in diapers full time. She also has an older daughter with special needs who wears diapers at night. She would have to do diaper laundry a little less often if she had more.
My little one could use these. I would really love to try this brand.
These would be awesome to win for my little one.
My SIL is expecting and could use this for the new baby.
My sister could use some cloth diapers! We would love to win!
A local friend who is interested but intimidated. I wish I had extras to share, but just welcomed #2 to the family so my small stash is already shared between two kids.
My sister-in-law tried cloth diapering briefly with her second child, but she was only using Chinese cheapie diapers and eventually gave up. She's due again with her 3rd this summer and is debating about trying CDing again. I know if she has some good quality diapers, she would probably have better success.
I have a friend expecting her first on a super tight budget and I know she would be very grateful for this package.
I think I have some friends who use cloth diapers, they could probably use some.
-Hannah Avery
I have a few friends who are expected little ones in the next couple of months, and all of them could use cloth diapers! I live in a poor area, but I don't know anyone (besides myself, of course!), that uses them.
This would be a great boost to my stash.
Oops guess I should have read directions . My SIL is going to start cloth diapers with her fourth to help save $ so she'd love some of these.
My neighbor gave birth to her third baby on the 2nd, she is def going to need more!!
My sister could really use some more cloth diapers!
I have a couple friends who are pregnant with their first and could use cloth
Nobody else I know uses cloth, but they should all give it a try!
my friend just had her second child and could really use more cloth!
Many people in my community have 5+ children. Introducing them all to cloth would make a huge difference financially. In particular I have friends who have 2 under 3 and cloth could make a massive difference in their lives.
I have a good friend who is going to be giving cloth diapers a try with her second baby due this June (and borrowing my newborn stash & possibly some of my OS diapers to get a feel for what she likes).
I have a friend due in a few weeks who wants to use cloth!
My sweet friend Em has 2 littles in cloth and she could use a few more!
All my friends need to cloth diaper so they can save money!
I have a friend expecting later this year who could use CDs!
My sister could use diapers. She had twin boys a couple months ago.
A friend who is expecting her first has been looking into cloth
I am expecting my first in May and looking forward to cloth diapering and finding out what styles will work best for us!
I just met a mommy to be who was asking me about cloth diapers! I would love to be able to show her the ropes!
My friend, who just had a baby, could use some fluff!
My sister is expecting her first and could definitely use this.
Would love to win!
A friend at church who is having her second baby while staying frugal would love a cloth diapering kit.
Love cloth, need to grow my stash!
I would like EVERYONE i know with babies to try cloth! Such a money saver!
I have a 2 mo old and am still looking fir the prefect diaper system. I started to use cd to save money and for now have hit my spending limit. This would be a great way to try something i have not tried before.
My sister uses cloth already, which kind of spurred me to try it.
Oh man, my sister in law could really use to get on the cloth diaper bandwagon. She is struggling so much financially. Having a starter set would show her just how easy and useful it is!
I could definitely use a few more diapers!!
I have a dear friend by the name of Liza Mortimer who gave birth last week to a little girl. She does not have a very large stash she could use some new ones!!!
My friend Jenny. She just had baby #2 and I thibk she needs them in her life.
My friend Pamela Koontz could use some cloth diapers. she has a boy about mine's age and uses them but always could use more.
The first person I ever knew who used cloth, Tiffany, now has 2 in cloth!
I have a friend who's on the fence about it and has a resistant husband. I'd love to get her started!
I really don't need them for myself. I have a special mommy who is having her first baby and wants cloth diapers.I would like to have some on hand for when they are visiting. That way, she doesn't have to worry about taking dirty diapers back home with her.
I have a pregnant friend who has never cloth diapered that could also use these!
I have a cousin that is wanting to cloth diaper their third child who could really use a start up set!
My friend, Kelly , who is starting to build up her fluff in oder to cloth diaper her son!
A friend of mine is wanting to use cloth with baby #2 (due soon) & this would be perfect!
My daughter for my first grandbaby.
I would love to try these!
I just found out my sister in law is expecting her first baby. I can't wait to plant the bug of cloth diapers in her!
My sister
My cousin in having a little girl in May. Money is tight and a cloth stash would be great for her...of course I need my own stash, too!
There are several pregnant ladies in my church, including me :), and I also have two sisters who are pregnant, and only a few use cloth diapers. They could ALL use them!
I think my newly pregnant friend would love to try cloth!
My friend has a sister back in kenya that wants to use cloth diapers
My husband's cousin just announced she is expecting and planning on using cloth I think that is awesome
I know a girl, Millie, that just had a baby and I think she could use cloth diapers on her baby.
My sister in law.
My sister has a friend who just had a baby who could use cloth diapers because everyone should give them a try at least once!
Amanda, who I used to work with, plans to cloth diaper her second child, and would probably love these.
My sister in law has been more curious about cloth diapers and is due this spring. I would love to give her these. Thank you
My brother could use cloth diapers they have a new baby and are using disposables. .. though to be honest I'm not sure id be able to convince him to use them. ..we love cloth here
I am almost sure that after my experience, my sister in law would also want to use cloth diapers, and I would be more than happy to help her get familiarized with them after gaining some experience myself.
My sister in law could use some cloth diapers she is wanting to use cloth on her new little one due in april
Would love to win thanks!
I've never used these diapers before, I'm a first time mom expecting in May and starting to get my stash together. I want to get a few of everything!
A friend of mine who adopted a baby is becoming more interested since I showed her my stash!! I love spreading the fun in fluff!
My sister in law is newly pregnant and this would make a great baby shower gift.
My husband he is determined to use disposables!
My SIL and maybe I could convince my sister to try them
My sister who is due with baby #1 in August!
Perfect gift for a friend who is expecting a girl in a swirl of boys.
I have a friend who is due soon that could use these cloth diapers.
My ex-sister in law who keeps popping out kids with her new husband but doesn't have many resources financially
My sis-in-law!
I have a cousin who really wants to give cloth a try when they have their first. There was another mom at my church who also wanted to give it a try after seeing and talking to me about it in the nursing room. Otherwise, I don't think I know anyone else who cloth diapers!
I know a family with a child with special needs and a baby on the way. I know they'd benefit from cloth diapers but I'm not sure that they'd be willing to try it :/
The leader of my moms group just had a baby boy! She is such a kind, generous, loving woman who is now the mother of two babes in diapers. I know cloth could really help take a load off financially while they make this adjustment. :)
Two of my sisters could use cloth diapers. They both have a baby and a toddler in diapers. I always change my daughter in front of them to show them how easy it is, but they still think it is strange :/
My best friend is TTC and she will need some cloth diapers when she gets pregnant!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com
I don't personally know anyone that needs any just now - most of my friends' kids are older... But I donate a lot of things to my local pregnancy support group and I'm sure they could find someone that would want some cloth!
My sister could use this, she welcomed a new baby boy at the end of January.
My mom watches my niece full time, and money is always tight. Something like this would be great for her.
We just started using these diapers for our daughter who has really bad rashes. They are amazing! This package would complete our set and would help immensely! Thank you for giving away these wonderful diapers!
My cousin could use cloth diapers. She has a little baby girl! :)
A good friend of mine has talked about starting and maybe this would be the push.
sister-in-law just had a baby girl last month and she is cloth diapering
My SIL! She's pregnant with their first baby and they're seriously considering cloth. I think getting a gift of some cloth diapers might seal the deal :)
My sister cd & I'm a first time cloth diaper mama!! So it's still new to me... I have a friend who's daughter is having a baby, and they are just getting into.. Bf, baby wearing, and would probably love to cloth diaper :) and my sister wants another baby!! And would love to add to her stash!!
My sister cd & I'm a first time cloth diaper mama!! So it's still new to me... I have a friend who's daughter is having a baby, and they are just getting into.. Bf, baby wearing, and would probably love to cloth diaper :) and my sister wants another baby!! And would love to add to her stash!!
My sister. I've been telling her about cloth diapering. I'm new to it and she's considering it. Everyone else I know just brushes me off. Lol
My sister-in-law has used disposables for her first two kids and now I'm trying to convert her to CD for her third. I think this website could help convince her to switch over. I know she would try them and hopefully be a converter!
I have a friend who wants to cloth diaper her long awaited 1st baby this would be great for her.
My cousin Mary could definitely use a new cloth diaper! She is due any day now and is trying to cloth diaper from the beginning this go around!
My co-worker could use cloth diapers. She's always asking questions about the benefits of cloth, but has yet to take the plunge!
A friend of mine gave up cloth because she was getting overwhelmed with two in diapers, and sold all of her diapers to fund disposables, only to find out a couple of months later that her son was allergic to disposables and that rash that was getting worse and worse went away once he got back in cloth. Now she is trying to slowly build her stash up again as cheaply as possible.
If my sister was willing, she could use cloth diapers.
My sister is expecting soon and interested in cloth diapers!
My wife could use these. I'm All for natural And eco friendly. Shed love to use them I'd she had them.
My friend is due next month and decided to cloth diaper. In fact, I'm missing her baby shower right now to stay home with a sick kiddo.
One of my close friends runs a cloth diaper donation program called Share the Love, through Cottonbabies. It is the only one in Iowa and I'd love to help her get more babies in cloth diapers!
Really want to win these for a first time mama friend!
One sister in law is due with her first baby and my other sister in law is due with her second. One of my cousins is also due with her first baby as well!! We have a lot of new babies coming in the next few months and all of the mamas are interested in cloth diapering!! I wish I could buy them all cloth diapers... I know they would be hooked like I am! :)
I have a friend due with her first in a couple weeks. She is considering using cloth part time.
I have a friend who's struggling to afford diapers this would make a great gift for her.
Have 2 in cloth.
my cousin probably could. they are expecting in april, their first.
A lady I know who's welcoming a 4th baby into her family could use some cloth.
My good friend who had a baby two weeks after me could really use them but she doesn't want the extra laundry.
My sister could use these as much as I could! :) thank you for this oprotunity
I have several friends who are all new mothers (like me) who would do cloth diapers if they knew how cost efficient and easy it was. One in particular comes to mind. A dear friend who got married three weeks after me and had her baby seven weeks before me! (So we're marriage and baby buddies)
I have a friend who is due soon and they could definitely use more diapers!
A friend of mines whose son is one and they are very low income and struggle to buy diapers for him. she wanted to use cloth but not sure her husband would go for it and did not want to spend money on cloth diapers just for him to say no
rc name is aimee place
I have to friends that will be having their second babies soon and they so need to try out cloth! Primarily its a great way to save money secondly bc they look so cute in them!
A wonderful, dear friend of mine is TTC right now, and she wants to cloth diaper. I would love to win this and share it with her.
I have a neighbor who cloth diapers
sunniewoodyplus2 atmsn.com
I would love to encourage my younger sister (expecting her first baby) to try cloth, even if only part time! :)
I have s friend who is due at the end of March and was just laid off from her job. Cloth would be great money saver for her!
I have two friends due in June and I'm hoping they will give cloth a try.
I recently started talking with a friend of a friend who is expecting soon, and she's considering cloth. I'd love to help her start her stash!
My sister with 3 kids under 3 could sure use some cloth!
We will be new to cloth with our first and this would be a great way to start out!
I am wanting to cloth diaper so this would be great!
I have a friend who wants to start using cloth diapers, but is intimidated by the up front cost. She's also overwhelmed by all the different types.
I know a family who is struggling to have a place to live. They could use clothdiapers to help them out financially.
One of my close friends is currently pregnant with her first child and wants to use cloth diapers- she could use a few!
My brother! I really wish they'd at least try.
Sorry, just to say that I couldn;t find the announcement on your FB age and so couldn't like it. Thought I would so I'd already clicked that I'd done it on the rafflecopter
I researched like crazy to see which cloth diapers might save dealing with poo...and found Tidy Tots! They look very do-able. :) Yay! I am recommending these to my friends in town who are also expecting, especially my friend with her first child on the way. Thanks!
I researched like crazy to see which cloth diapers might save dealing with poo...and found Tidy Tots! They look very do-able. :) Yay! I am recommending these to my friends in town who are also expecting, especially my friend with her first child on the way. Thanks!
Our brother and sister in law could use cloth diapers, they just had a baby last week.
My sister-in-law would love this too as she is going to start cloth diapering with her first.
My sister-in-law would love this too as she is going to start cloth diapering with her first.
I have a friend who is pregnant with her second baby and considering using cloth. She recently quit her job to become a SAHM so she could use this starter set to save money!
I would love to win. The person I know who could use them is one of my best friends... her and her husband just found out that they are excepting a few weeks ago and want to cloth diaper!!
I will have 2 in diapers shortly, and could use all the extra supplies I can get. Barely have enough for 48 hours, with 2 of them.
One of my friends is also pregnant with baby #1 and would love some new diapers!
I have a friend who was toying with the idea of cloth diapering her youngest.
My best friend just started using some cloth diapers I gave her awhile back on her toddler today. My sister in kaw plans to use cloth part time with her baby that's due in April. I'd like to help both of them out some more!
My mom cloth diapered 5 kids. I've always wanted to cloth diaper, and im planning on doing so with my next baby!!
My sister is expecting her first and would be a great cloth diaper candidate. She loves to use products that are "green" or better for the environment.
The first people that come to my mind are a couple from my church! The mom-to-be is 40, has never held a baby or changed a baby but has decided she wants to cloth diaper. So proud of her!
-valerie sobus
My sister in law is in the adoption process and is stocking up on cloth diapers
My sister Julia who is expecting her second and is finally living in a house with a washer and dryer.
My friend is due any day now with her first baby. I think she would love to try cloth diapering.
So cute. I hope I win. I am new to cloth diapering and I'm hoping to build my diapers.
I have several friends who recently had babies, and they all use disposables (because of the outright cost!), and there's one person in particular, her paycheck is the only one in the house, and she has to pay for 4 adults as well as a baby!
My friend could use cloth diapers. She's interested after seeing me getting into it.
I only can pick one? !! :) My babysitter, she recently had a beautiful baby boy and is in a tight budget. I really think cloth diapers would be beneficial financially for her!
Excited to start with 2 under 2
I would give them to my local food bank!
The refugees at our church might be in need of some.
I would love to let my parents experience the joys of cloth diapering their grandbabies, in a way they have never experienced.
My sister in law! She wants to use them when she has a baby soon!
I have a close friend who could really use cloth to save some hard earned cold $$$. I think some of the unknowns & stereotypical ideas of cloth diapering scare her. And laundry!! Haha, but if she had a kit like this to start her off without that initial investment, it might just convince her.
I think most people with young kids could use cloth diapers. they save money and we all could use some extra cash, I believe the only reason people do not use them is because they are not widely available at retail stores and not very trim most times. I think tidy tots might be the answer to those issues
A friend who has adopted 2 little girls in under a year.
My friend Brittney who's having a boy this June - her first baby & she's planning to cloth her son :)
I would donate them to The Rebecca Foundation's Cloth Diaper Closet so they'd all go to a family who really needs them. Starting with a full package of brand new diapers would be such a gift to someone with a little one.
We have a local cloth group that collects for moms who cant afford a stash. It's a great way to make diapering affordable to other moms.
My sister-in-law actually cloth diapers right now, but she's pregnant with number two, and he's ready to come out possibly by this weekend. At the moment, there are only enough diapers for the 19 month old daughter, and many are China cheapies. So it would be nice to get her some for baby boy!
My sister is going to cloth diaper after she has her triplets!
I have a few friends that are just starting out in cloth that could use to build their stashes.
I have some friends that could use some new diapers!
Would love this for my new babe due in June!
I have two friends named Amy that could both use cloth diapers.
Just found we are having baby #2 and I plan on having a fluff butt this time. Let the diaper stash begin :)
I have a friend who has two boys (same age as my kids) and shes now pregnant with her third. I almost convinced her to give cloth a go! I think she could use some to take the plunge into cloth :D
My sister-in-law
I could always use some but would like forsomeone else with a baby on the way
My best friend could really use this. She is pregnant with a baby due in June and wants to save as much money as possible so she can be a stay at home mom!
I would love to try tidy tots. I love the fact that they employ adults with special needs.
Love that they employ adults with special needs. Would like to try them on my sweet boy.
Would love to try
I would really like to introduce a friend of mine to cloth diapers. I think she'd appreciate them.
My best friend of course! :)
I think my cousin could really benefit from cloth diapers!
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