I have three kiddos and two of them are in dipes, am I ready for my 2 year old to potty train? Well she is trying and I'm not going to push, she will get it before I know it. My son is 3 months now and since I ventured into cloth diapering because of him I figured why not with my daughter also (especially because her sposies are so much pricier).
Since I was buying to save money I decided to buy prefolds (PFs) and one size covers and some one size dipers. I have bleached chinese PFs (12) and unbleached chinese PFs (12) 4 snappis and 4 WonderWraps which I love, no leaks ever! I also have 1 med Thirsties cover and 1 small. My BumGenius OS 3.0 I reserve for overnight (my daughter is a heavy wetter), I have 6 in gender neutral and just added a blossom AIO for my daughter, just figured I could splurge on one girly dipe and I am hoping to add a few GroBabys into our mix.
Our stash works really well for 2 in diapers that are different ages because with
- By Tani
I keep telling Hubby if I had it to do over again I would definitely buy all OS diapers.
Your kids are so cute!
I always thought it was easier with 2 in cloth than 2 in disposables. Not to mention a lot less money. :o)
Your kids are adorable! My SIL just started CDing her 2yo and 3mo:)
Do you always use a snappi w/ your pre-folds or do you sometimes just lay them in the diaper like I have heard some other moms mention?
Has anyone tried the Blueberry One Size Coverall w/ prefolds? If so, do they work really well?
Amanda G.
I'm a mom of 3 with 2 in diapers too. Great post! We use prefolds and Thirsties covers mostly, adding some Bumgenius 3.0 pockets to our stash too, I love them for naps and nighttime. =)
Sounds like an easy economical way to CD two children. I bet now that your daughter is in cloth that will help her with potty training. I didn't start CDing my son until he was 26 months old, and he started potty training three months later. I know cloth had a lot to do with that. Best of luck to you little girl with her potty training. :) Oh, and I have one Wonder Wrap and I love it too. Lately it's tied with my Thirsties cover as my favorite cover.
Good to know because I am getting ready to have 2 in dipes and I was trying to figure out how many/what kind I need to order
Amanda: I personally prefer to use pins. You can use a Snappi, pins, or go fastener-less by simply trifolding a prefold and laying it inside a cover. Of course you'll get far better coverage/containment when the prefold is fastened - but the trifold method works, especially for a quick and easy diaper change (similar to an all-in-two style).
For more info on prefolds refer back to previous posts:
And one post on flat diapers using the lay-in method:
Hope this helps!
Ps. The Blueberry covers work great for us - however, I think they wouldn't work as well with the lay-in method so much.
The Blueberry covers are amply cut - so they work great over prefolds as well as fitted diapers!
I have 1 full time in dipes and 2 night wetters and it is nice to have the one size dipes to be able to use for all of them!
Thanks mamas for all of you're comments, I usually use a snappi or pins (only on my son, my daughter scares me with anything sharp) because it contains everything better. I do lay the pfs in if I want to change my son quickly but I find that for my daughter I have to snappi or her dipe starts to sag no matter what cover I use, she is pretty skinny.
I definitely love our OS stash.
Your kids are beautiful! Prefolds are definitely nice to have on hand.
I have researched for HOURS on the best one-size pocket diaper and I am convinced that it is the Rump-A-Rooz G2. Make sure you check it out if you are looking for a one-size.
I'm feeling more and more comfortable with the thought of having 2 in cloth.
I will have two in diapers too. A just turned 2 yr old and a baby due in July. I too use prefolds and covers during the day and bum genius pockets at night. I love this system and it has cost me about 1/3 of what it would in disposables. Plus, my stash is getting ready for it's second round so the savings will be huge!
Amanda, I know you didn't ask me, but I have used prefolds and covers for 19 months now. I always use a snappi with my prefolds. Whenever I tried to trifold, and there is a pooey dipe, it gets on the cover. Since I can't predict when that will be, I always snappi. No poo gets to cover this way - at least for me. It stays on baby better too, I have found. :) BTW, your kiddos are darling!
Love reading what works for other moms out there. :)
Glad to hear it works for you with 2 in diapers. I am getting close (a week away) from having two in diapers. A newborn and 19 mo old. I was always a prefold mamma until #2 got really squirmy on the changing table. I ventured to pockets, both BG & FBs and loved them both. I have just started using my prefolds again when I know we will be around the house for a while and let him run around with no cover on. Prefolds to me are just so darn cute in an old fashion way.
I too love the BG 3.0 for 2 in dipes. We have a 2 3/4 yo and a 5 mo old. It is so nice to be able to grab a few diapers knowing that I'll have extra if either of them need more without wondering which one it will be. They also take up so much less room than the MEOS that we'd been using for my oldest. Oh how I look forward to having a whole stash of these!
This could NOT come at a better time! I just purchased some prefolds from a friend of mine. I've never used them before, but they were the most economical choice for us right now. I opened the box and said "Great! Now what do we do?!" I have some covers, but no Snappis or pins. I love your blog and KNEW it would have some answers. I am SO excited to see this post, right when I needed it most! We can exclusively CD now! :)
How funny. This is me EXACTLY! I have 3 kids and with our third I decided to go cloth, along with our 2 year old... YAY! I love it and I swear it is why our 2 year old is wanting to potty train already.
I use prefolds and mostly thirsties covers. I'd be lost without my snappies too!
Thanks for sharing your story!
Awesome advice! Thanks
Yeah!!! Do you have the new Wonderwraps or the old version?
With baby #3 on the way in a few weeks and DD#2 still in diapers I'm glad to hear others have success with both in OS diapers. I had both DDs in disposables for a few months (ugg) so I'm looking forward to having two in cloth now!
Always good to hear from a mom with two in diapers. Way to make it work with cloth :)
Your kids are ADORABLE!!! I've never tried prefolds, but all these posts raving about them makes me want to!
Hi mamas, aw thank you for all the sweet comments on my babies. I think they are all adorable but its so nice when others agree with you ;)
In answer to Sara's question, I have the new wonder wrap version. I don't know what the difference is from the old ones but I do love them.
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