2-GroVia One-Size All in One Diapers
Question of the week:
What type of diapering system do you use when someone else watches baby? Leave your comment before Thursday, January 6th at 7pm EST. (You can only answer the "Question of the Week" ONCE PER GIVEAWAY, NOT PER DAY.)
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How? We will draw one winner randomly with an "Online Number Generator" and will make a post with the winner on Friday, January 7th. It is the responsibility of the winner to contact us to claim their prize.
Who can participate? US Residents are welcome!
Important note about the winner: If we haven't heard from the winner by the closing time of next week's giveaway, we will choose another winner that will be published TOGETHER with next week's winner.
Good luck, and don't forget to tell all your family and friends about the giveaway! In case that you don't win, what a better person to win than a friend of yours!!
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Usually when we visit people I take my prefolds with my pretty diaper covers or disposables sometimes. Looking to buy some pocket diapers and see if daddy will start using cloth. The first thing he grabs is a disposable...grr..
It really depends on who is watching her. With Grandma we have to go with pre-stuffed Fuzzibunz or Kawaiis because she refuses any other "cloth" diapering method. We give her the Planet Wise wetbag to put all the dirties in. The Aunt & other Mommy friend are willing to learn all the different methods so it's whatever we have available... no extra preparation here! :)
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Unfortunaly I still use disposables when someone else is watching my little one I still only have enough to do it part time and have resistance within the fam.
I am a facebook fan(Megan Murphy)
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I used to use pre stuffed bumgenius pockets- but I lost them (long story)
so now I leave smartipants and my single bungenius AIO.
Our little one is not here yet, buyt surprisingly almost everyone we have told we were using CDs has had positive comments about it. Since CDs now are just as easy to use as sposies I hope whomever watches out little guy in the future will have no problem using cloth.
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If it's daycare, we use FLIP covers with disposable inserts (they don't allow cloth), but if it's at home, they use our go-to diapers, BG Elementals!!
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Kim Day
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I've only left her with my husband, and he knows how to use a cloth diaper. He can stuff them, too!
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I like to leave them AIO, AI2 presnaped in, or pre-stuffed pockets. DH or the sitter prefer the AIO but we only have 2
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Betina Kuegler Carroll
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Betina Kuegler Carroll
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I commented on Only a little wet.
We use GroVia's AI2's. It seems the easiest for our sitters.
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We haven't started cloth diapering yet since our baby is due 3/19. My mom and sister will babysit, so we plan to use the same diapers we select for our everyday use.
The only time I left her with someone else, I left disposables.
When left with Daddy, prestuffed pocket diapers or AIO. With grandma, sposies, cuz she is not interested in learning.(she used the old disposable and pins with her kids, doesn't realize how easy these are, I guess!)
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With Daddy, prestuffed pockets, but sposies with grandma (she is not willing to use the cloth, however, she did the old cloth and pins with her kids. Kinda surprises me.)
we use a hook and loop pocket diaper, pre-stuffed, ofcourse....
I'm not sure yet- my baby is due this month! but so far, we're trying g diapers on the recommendation of a friend, but I can already see myself buying a stash of different types for different uses!
I like TCDW on facebook (Loni Gofran)
I mostly leave a disposable for people other than myself or my husband who might be changing a diaper. But for my husband, I leave an all in one or a stuffing kind. Also, I am following you on FB Jane Treat. Thanks for the opportunity to try a new product. I am pregnant and will be doing cloth for the first time on a newborn. I did cloth with my daughter once she was bigger and it helped her to potty train quickly.
I mostly leave a disposable for people other than myself or my husband who might be changing a diaper. But for my husband, I leave an all in one or a stuffing kind. Also, I am following you on FB Jane Treat. Thanks for the opportunity to try a new product. I am pregnant and will be doing cloth for the first time on a newborn. I did cloth with my daughter once she was bigger and it helped her to potty train quickly.
Well no one else has watched my cloth baby yet (she is just over a week old) but I plan on having the AIOs ready for whoever watches her.
I'm a fan on facebook (Elizabeth Moniz Clare)
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For church nursery, we use disposables, but when my mom keeps my daughter, we use gdiapers or pre-stuffed pockets.
It depends on who is watching them. If it's my mom, then I use my regular prefolds & covers. If it's someone else, I might go with prestuffed pockets for their comfort.
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We never have baby sitters but I suppose I would use Grovia liners and a BG AIO.
FB FAN: Karen Bridges
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FB FAN of Kelly Wels: Karen Bridges
We send pre-stuffed pocket style diapers usually. Interestingly one grandparent prefers snaps, and one prefers velcro closures. The church nursery seems confounded by both. =0)
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We haven't left our baby with a sitter yet but I'm thinking we'll use an easy pocket diaper like the Fuzziebunz OS.
bakergurl02 @ yahoo.com
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bakergurl02 @ yahoo.com
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Right now I've been leaving my Best Bottom AI2s for babysitters...but the snaps really confuse people. I am now trying to find some cheap or used velcro pocket diapers.
barb02_84 at yahoo.com
I posted a fb status referencing this giveaway! jessicapaigemorris
Like The Cloth Diaper Wisperer on facebook. Barb Myers
barb02_84 at yahoo.com
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@diapershops has a #giveaway for TWO @groviadiaper #clothdiapers! Enter now http://tiny.cc/4aebe
barb02_84 at yahoo.com
Replied to a discussion post on DiaperShop's facebook page.
"One size Fuzzibunz VS Perfect size Fuzzibunz"
Barb Myers
barb02_84 at yahoo.com
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Barb Myers
barb02_84 at yahoo.com
I placed an order at Kelly's Closet last night!
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(Judi Beck)
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katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Check out this week's fluff friday giveaway from @diapershops 2 @groviadiaper #clothdiapers Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
@diapershops has a #giveaway for TWO @groviadiaper #clothdiapers! Ends Friday! Enter now http://tiny.cc/4aebe
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
when someone else watches the kiddos, depending on the person I'll leave them in cloth, just the same as when they are with me. Only Daddy has a problem changing cloth, so if it's going to be a while that he will have them alone, I'll pull out a few disposables (either that or they don't get changed AT ALL!!)
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So far we have just used disposables, now as we are getting into using gdiapers, we will use the flushable inserts.
I usually leave my BWX AIO's of some already stuffed pockets (with Aplix).
She's due in a few weeks, but we plan on using prefolds with covers, and the babysitter will be using the same system as us!
And I'm a fan on Facebook! :)
I'm a facebook follower! Aubrey Turley
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Aubrey Turley
We leave some Thirsties Duos for the grandparents when they watch her :)
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Placed an order yesterday :) (KC-67915)
kcrfoster at yahoo dot com
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kcrfoster at yahoo dot com
We leave stuffed pockets for DS, primarily FB OS.
I'm a Facsbook fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer. Claire Sanders
I am following GroVia Diapers on Twitter. Diamondcks
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Claire Sanders
I follow DiaperShops on Twitter. Diamondcks
We use either AIOs or pre-stuffed pockets. Not much different to put on or take off than sposies. We LOVE the GroVia AIOs!!!
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Krystyne Wilson
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Well, my son is 6 months old and no one has watched him yet. I'm blessed to be able to work from home. If I were to leave him with someone I think I'd leave him with pockets or AIOs with velcro to make it easy.
skklemm at gmail dot com
Fan of The Cloth Diaper Whisperer on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm (skklemm)
skklemm at gmail dot com
Follow @groviadiaper. @momtoemmett
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A fan of your Facebook group (DiaperShops). Stephanie Klemm (skklemm)
skklemm at gmail dot com
A follower of DiaperShops on Twitter. @momtoemmett
skklemm at gmail dot com
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skklemm at gmail dot com
Fan of KellyWels on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm (skklemm)
skklemm at gmail dot com
We rarely leave our kids while they are still in diapers. The few times I have left her with my MIL I have left her with already stuffed pockets. But if it is a friend I leave her in anything - almost all of my friends cloth diaper. :)
I'm a fan (Edna Cohen)
I follow GroVia (I love them) :)
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I follow you on twitter too - Upstatemamma
I haven't had our baby yet, but I will probably use AIO for other caregivers.
Already stuffed Fuzzi Bunz, ready to go.
I placed an order KC-68016
Thanks Sage
I have not had anyone watch him yet, but i will leave the velcro bumgenius since the snaps on my FBs seem to scare people like my doc :)
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Icommented on the DS FB discussion about one size vs sized diapers. Sheena Sneed Byerley
Planning on leaving baby with BumGenius AIOs.
I plan on leaving baby with BumGenius AIOs.
I follow Grovia on Twitter
Brand new to cloth diapering, JUST ORDERED some for the first time today and want to try a bunch and blogy blog about them so as of now, I've used disposables when we are lucky enough to score a babysitter and indulge in wine!
When nana watches our DD, she prefers the TotsBots Easy Fits - she loves that they are one size, nothing to stuff or unstuff, and that they have velcro for easy fitting
I love that the velcro laundry tabs actually work! (and it doesn't hurt that they are the cutest diapers we own - what great prints!)
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I ordered from KC on 12/31! # KC- 67452
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Only 2 people besides hubby and I watch my daughter, my mom and my 16yr old brother. They both use our cloth diapers with no issues (well my brother put on on backwords one time >.<)
cloth diaper wisperer facebook fan
follow grovia on twitter
follow your blog, shows as JMC
We use Grovia and BG 4.0's at home. It's not very often that anyone else watches our boys. I'm still trying to convert the grandmas and my sister to cloth :)
I am a fan on FB! (Tina Cunningham Pearson)
Anything with Velcro to make it easier, and my pockets are always pre-stuffed so that helps. :)
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Your button is on my blog.
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I use our regular stash made up of Grovia AI2 and Fuzzibunz pockets OS. Once I show the sitters they always comment how easy it is!
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I am a follower on twitter - mommaparrott
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Check out this week's fluff friday giveaway from @diapershops 2 @groviadiaper #clothdiapers Enter at http://www.theclothdiaperwhisperer.com/
Im a fan of Kelly's!
We use bumgenius pockets when someone else watches her. :)
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Pockets, usually fuzzibunz. they seem to be easiest for babysitters to get the hang of.
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com
I'm a tcdw facebook fan (Amanda Schwoch, id=aschwoch)
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Amanda Schwoch, id=aschwoch
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com
I haven't had my baby yet ad am really loving seeing everyone else's responses! Lots of food for thought!
I'm a FB fan: Kelli Tucker Campbell.
I'm also a subscriber to your blog.
We use our BGs or GroVia when someone else is watching her.
I like you on facebook. (Kari Williams)
I subscribe via e-mail. Thanks.
I commented on The Cloth Diaper Whisper thread on Facebook about that horrid smell of sposies (Drea Lamson)
I use AIO when someone else will be watching my daughter.
i use aio morgysanibel at yahoo dot com
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Nanacravatt at yahoo dot com
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